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//===-- AST Container Class -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// High Level Virtual Machine (HLVM)
// Copyright (C) 2006 Reid Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this library in the file named LICENSE.txt; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
// MA 02110-1301 USA
/// @file hlvm/AST/AST.h
/// @author Reid Spencer <> (original author)
/// @date 2006/05/04
/// @since 0.1.0
/// @brief Declares the class hlvm::AST::AST
#ifndef HLVM_AST_AST_H
#define HLVM_AST_AST_H
#include <hlvm/AST/Node.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/Type.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/ContainerType.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/RuntimeType.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/Constants.h>
#include <hlvm/AST/Bundle.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/// This namespace is for all HLVM software. It ensures that HLVM software does
/// not collide with any other software. Hopefully "hlvm" is not a namespace
/// used elsewhere.
namespace hlvm
class Documentation;
class Block;
class Argument;
class Function;
class Program;
class Locator;
class Variable;
class Pool;
class Operator;
class AutoVarOp;
class GetOp;
class GetFieldOp;
class GetIndexOp;
class ConvertOp;
class URI;
/// This class is used to hold or contain an Abstract Syntax Tree. It forms the
/// root node of a multi-way tree of other nodes. As such, its parent node is
/// null and this is only true of the AST node. AST provides a number of
/// facilities for management of the tree as a whole. It also provides all the
/// factory functions for creating AST nodes.
/// @brief AST Tree Root Class
class AST : public Node
/// @name Types
/// @{
typedef std::vector<Bundle*> BundleList;
typedef BundleList::iterator iterator;
typedef BundleList::const_iterator const_iterator;
/// @}
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
static AST* create();
static void destroy(AST* ast);
/// @}
/// @name Accessors
/// @{
const std::string& getSystemID() const { return sysid; }
const std::string& getPublicID() const { return pubid; }
Pool* getPool() const { return pool; }
/// Provide support for isa<X> and friends
static inline bool classof(const AST*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Node* N)
{ return N->is(TreeTopID); }
/// @}
/// @name Mutators
/// @{
void setSystemID(const std::string& id) { sysid = id; }
void setPublicID(const std::string& id) { pubid = id; }
void addBundle(Bundle* b) { bundles.push_back(b); }
virtual void setParent(Node* parent);
virtual void insertChild(Node* child);
virtual void removeChild(Node* child);
/// @}
/// @name Iterators
/// @{
/// Bundle Iteration
iterator begin() { return bundles.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return bundles.begin(); }
iterator end () { return bundles.end(); }
const_iterator end () const { return bundles.end(); }
size_t size () const { return bundles.size(); }
bool empty() const { return bundles.empty(); }
Bundle* front() { return bundles.front(); }
const Bundle* front() const { return bundles.front(); }
Bundle* back() { return bundles.back(); }
const Bundle* back() const { return bundles.back(); }
/// @}
/// @name Factories
/// @{
/// Create a new URI object. URIs indicate the source file from which the
/// AST is being constructued. They are used by locators and bundles to
/// identify source locations.
URI* new_URI(const std::string& uri);
/// Create a new Locator object. Locators indicate where in the source
/// a particular AST node is located. Locators can be very general (just
/// the URI) or very specific (the exact range of bytes in the file). The
/// Locator returned can be used with any of the other factory methods
/// in this class.
Locator* new_Locator(
const URI* uri, ///< The URI of the source
uint32_t line = 0, ///< The line number of the location
uint32_t col = 0, ///< The column number of the location
uint32_t line2 =0, ///< The ending line number of the location range
uint32_t col2 = 0 ///< The ending column number of the location range
/// Create a new Documentation node. A documentation node contains the
/// documentation that accompanies the program.
Documentation* new_Documentation(
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new Bundle node. A bundle is the general container of other AST
/// nodes. Bundles are also the unit of loading and linking.
Bundle* new_Bundle(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the bundle
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new Import node. An import node may be attached to a bundle to
/// indicate that the declarations of some external bundle are needed in
/// order to satisfy the definitions of the current bundle.
Import* new_Import(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the import
const Locator* loc = 0 ///<
/// Create a new
Argument* new_Argument(
const std::string& name, /// The argument name
const Type* Ty, /// The type of the argument
const Locator* loc = 0 /// The source locator
/// Create a new Function node.
Function* new_Function(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the function
Bundle* B, ///< The bundle this function goes in
const SignatureType* type, ///< The type of the function
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new Program node. Programs are like functions except that their
/// signature is fixed and they represent the entry point to a complete
/// program. Unlike other languages, you can have multiple Program nodes
/// (entry points) in the same compilation unit.
Program* new_Program(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the program
Bundle* B, ///< The bundle this program goes in
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
Type* new_IntrinsicType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name for the new type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to put the new type into
IntrinsicTypes it, ///< The node ID for the primitive to create
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new IntegerType node. This is a general interface for creating
/// integer types. By default it creates a signed 32-bit integer.
IntegerType* new_IntegerType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
uint16_t bits = 32, ///< The number of bits
bool isSigned = true, ///< The signedness
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new RangeType node. RangeType nodes are integer nodes that
/// perform range checking to ensure the assigned values are kept in range
RangeType* new_RangeType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
int64_t min, ///< The minimum value accepted in range
int64_t max, ///< The maximum value accepted in range
const Locator*loc = 0 ///< The locator of the declaration
/// Create a new EnumerationType node. EnumerationType nodes are RangeType
/// nodes that associate specific enumerated names for the values of the
/// enumeration.
EnumerationType* new_EnumerationType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator*loc = 0 ///< The locator of the declaration
/// Create a new RealType node. This is the generalized interface for
/// construction real number types. By default it creates a 64-bit double
/// precision floating point type.
RealType* new_RealType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
uint32_t mantissa = 52, ///< The bits in the mantissa (fraction)
uint32_t exponent = 11, ///< The bits in the exponent
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The locator
/// Create a new AnyType node. An AnyType node is a type that can hold a
/// value of any other HLVM type.
AnyType* new_AnyType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new BooleanType node. A BooleanType has a simple binary value,
/// true or false.
BooleanType* new_BooleanType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new BufferType node. A BufferType is a runtime type that is
/// used to buffer input and output.
BufferType* new_BufferType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new TextType node. A TextType is a runtime type that is
/// used to represent unicode strings of text.
TextType* new_TextType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new StreamType node. A StreamType is a runtime type that is
/// used as a handle for input/output streams.
StreamType* new_StreamType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new CharacterType node. A CharacterType represents a single
/// textual character in UTF-16 encoding.
CharacterType* new_CharacterType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const std::string& enc, ///< The name of the encoding for the character
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new StringType node. A StringType node is a type that holds a
/// sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters.
StringType* new_StringType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const std::string& enc, ///< The name of the encoding for the string
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new PointerType node. A PointerType just refers to a location
/// of some other type.
PointerType* new_PointerType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the pointer type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* target, ///< The referent type
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ArrayType node. An ArrayType is a sequential arrangement of
/// memory locations of uniform type. Arrays can be dynamically expanded
/// or shrunk, but not beyond the maxSize parameter.
ArrayType* new_ArrayType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the array type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
Type* elemType, ///< The element type
uint64_t maxSize, ///< The maximum number of elements in the array
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new VectorType node. A VectorType is a sequential arrangement
/// of memory locations of uniform type and constant size. Unlike Arrays,
/// a vector's size is always constant.
VectorType* new_VectorType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the vector type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
Type* elemType, ///< The element type
uint64_t size, ///< The number of elements in the vector
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new NamedType node. A NamedType is used as the field of a
/// structure or the parameter of a signature. It associates a type with
/// a name.
NamedType* new_NamedType(
const std::string& name, /// The field/parameter name
const Type* type, /// The type of the field/parameter
const Locator* loc = 0 /// The source locator
inline Parameter* new_Parameter(
const std::string& name, /// The parameter name
const Type* type, /// The type of the parameter
const Locator* loc = 0 /// The source locator
) {
return new_NamedType(name,type,loc);
inline Field* new_Field(
const std::string& name, /// The field name
const Type* type, /// The type of the field
const Locator* loc = 0 /// The source locator
) {
return new_NamedType(name,type,loc);
/// Create a new StructureType node. A StructureType is a type that is an
/// ordered sequential arrangement of memory locations of various but
/// definite types.
StructureType* new_StructureType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the structure type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ContinuationType node. A ContinuationType is a type that
/// is an ordered sequential arrangement of memory locations of various but
/// definite types combined with the data necessary to make a continuation.
ContinuationType* new_ContinuationType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the structure type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new SignatureType node. A SignatureType specifies the type of
/// a Function. It identifies the names and types of the arguments of a
/// function and the type of its result value.
SignatureType* new_SignatureType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the function signature type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type *resultType, ///< The result type of the function
bool isVarArgs = false, ///< Indicates variable number of arguments
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new OpaqueType node. An OpaqueType is used as a place holder
/// for situations where the full type is either not known or should not
/// be exposed. You cannot create an object of OpaqueType but you can
/// obtain its location.
OpaqueType* new_OpaqueType(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the opaque type
bool is_unresolved, ///< Indicates whether this is an unresolved type
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new Variable node. A Variable node represents a storage
/// location. Variables can be declared in Bundles, Functions and Blocks.
/// Their life span is the lifespan of the container in which they are
/// declared.
Variable* new_Variable(
const std::string& id, ///< The name of the variable
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* ty, ///< The type of the variable
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Createa new ConstantAny node
ConstantAny* new_ConstantAny(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
ConstantValue* val, ///< The value for the constant
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Createa new ConstantBoolean node
ConstantBoolean* new_ConstantBoolean(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
bool t_or_f, ///< The value for the constant
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Createa new ConstantCharacter node
ConstantCharacter* new_ConstantCharacter(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
const std::string& val, ///< The value for the constant
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Createa new ConstantEnumerator node
ConstantEnumerator* new_ConstantEnumerator(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
const std::string& val, ///< The value for the constant
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantInteger node.
ConstantInteger* new_ConstantInteger(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
const std::string& val, ///< The value of the ConstantInteger
uint16_t base, ///< The numeric base the value is encoded in
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantReal node.
ConstantReal* new_ConstantReal(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
const std::string& val, ///< The value of the ConstantReal
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantString node.
ConstantString* new_ConstantString(
const std::string& name,///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* Ty, ///< The type for this constant
const std::string& value, ///< The value of the ConstantText
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantPointer node.
ConstantPointer* new_ConstantPointer(
const std::string& name, ///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const Type* type, ///< The type of the constant pointer
Constant* referent, ///< The value pointed to
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantArray node.
ConstantArray* new_ConstantArray(
const std::string& name, ///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const ArrayType* Ty, ///< The type of the array
const std::vector<ConstantValue*>& elems, ///< The elements of the array
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantVector node.
ConstantVector* new_ConstantVector(
const std::string& name, ///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const VectorType* Ty, ///< The type of the array
const std::vector<ConstantValue*>& elems, ///< The elements of the array
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantStructure node.
ConstantStructure* new_ConstantStructure(
const std::string& name, ///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const StructureType* Ty, ///< The type of the array
const std::vector<ConstantValue*>& elems, ///< The elements of the array
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConstantContinuation node.
ConstantContinuation* new_ConstantContinuation(
const std::string& name, ///< The name of the constant
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle to insert the type into
const ContinuationType* Ty, ///< The type of the array
const std::vector<ConstantValue*>& elems, ///< The elements of the array
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a unary ConstantExpression Node.
Constant* new_UnaryCE(
NodeIDs id, ///< The operator for the constant expression
Constant* C, ///< The constant operand of the unary operator
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a binary ConstantExpression Node.
Constant* new_BinaryCE(
NodeIDs id, ///< The operator for the constant expression
Constant* C1, ///< The first operand of the binary operator
Constant* C2, ///< The second operand of the binary operator
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new Block. You can also create Blocks with new_MulitOp<Block>
/// interface. This one allows you to create the block before creating its
/// content, for situations where that matters (like XML parsing).
Block* new_Block(
const Locator* loc ///< The source locator
/// Create a new AutoVarOp. This one is a little unusual because it
/// requires the user to know the type. Other operators can deduce the
/// type from the operands.
AutoVarOp* new_AutoVarOp(
const std::string& name, ///< Name of the autovar in its scope
const Type* Ty, ///< Type of the autovar
const Locator* loc ///< The source locator
/// Create a new GetOp.
GetOp* new_GetOp(
const Value* V, ///< The value being referenced
const Locator*loc = 0 ///< The source locator
GetFieldOp* new_GetFieldOp(
Operator* op, ///< The thing to be indexed
const std::string& nm, ///< The name of the field to index
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
GetIndexOp* new_GetIndexOp(
Operator* op1, ///< The thing to be indexed
Operator* op2, ///< The index
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Create a new ConvertOp.
ConvertOp* new_ConvertOp(
Operator* oprnd, ///< The operand to be converted
const Type* Ty, ///< The Type to convert \p V to
const Locator* loc ///< THe source locator
/// Provide a template function for creating standard nilary operators
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_NilaryOp(
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle, for type lookup
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Provide a template function for creating standard unary operators
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_UnaryOp(
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle, for type lookup
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Provide a template function for creating standard binary operators
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_BinaryOp(
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
Operator* oprnd2, ///< The second operand
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle, for type lookup
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Provide a template function for creating standard ternary operators
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_TernaryOp(
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
Operator* oprnd2, ///< The second operand
Operator* oprnd3, ///< The third operand
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle, for type lookup
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// Provide a template function for creating standard multi-operand
/// operators
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_MultiOp(
const std::vector<Operator*>& o, ///< The list of operands
Bundle* bundle, ///< The bundle, for type lookup
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
/// A function to remove an old node. The to_be_deleted node will no longer
/// be available after this call.
void old(Node* to_be_deleted);
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_NilaryOp(
const Type* Ty, ///< Result type of the operator
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_UnaryOp(
const Type* Ty, ///< Result type of the operator
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_BinaryOp(
const Type* Ty, ///< Result type of the operator
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
Operator* oprnd2, ///< The second operand
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_TernaryOp(
const Type* Ty, ///< Result type of the operator
Operator* oprnd1, ///< The first operand
Operator* oprnd2, ///< The second operand
Operator* oprnd3, ///< The third operand
const Locator* loc = 0 ///< The source locator
template<class OpClass>
OpClass* new_MultiOp(
const Type* Ty, ///< Result type of the operator
const std::vector<Operator*>& o, ///< The list of operands
const Locator* loc = 0
/// @}
/// @name Data
/// @{
std::string sysid;
std::string pubid;
BundleList bundles;
Pool* pool;
/// @}
} // env hlvm namespace