blob: 394cec3ae98e9486f5879e7b1a133856873855c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This Program Is Free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# Test that the mi output for "@" or "use-selected-frame" variables. In
# particular these tests make sure that if the frame changes to another
# frame with the same named & typed variable, we still update properly.
# Written by Jim Ingham <>
load_lib mi-support.exp
set MIFLAGS "-i=mi1"
if [mi_gdb_start] {
set testfile "varobj-sel-frame"
set srcfile ${testfile}.c
set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}
if { [gdb_compile "$srcdir/$subdir/$srcfile" "${binfile}" executable {debug}] != "" } {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."
mi_gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
mi_gdb_load ${binfile}
# Run to pass_ref, and expand the reference variable input, and then step and make sure the
# value gets updated.
if {[mi_runto main] != 0} {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Could not run to main, so all tests in this file will fail."
mi_next {Next to set my_var in main}
mi_gdb_test {-var-create my_var @ my_var} {.*name="my_var",numchild="0",type="int",typecode="INT",dynamic_type="",resolved_type="int",in_scope="true".*} {Create use-selected-frame varobj for my_var in main}
mi_gdb_test {-var-evaluate-expression my_var} {value="5"} {Check value of my_var in main}
set bkptno [mi_break_function foo]
mi_continue_to $bkptno {foo.*} {.*} {.*} {.*} {.*}
mi_gdb_test {-var-update my_var} {changelist=\[varobj=\{name="my_var",in_scope="true",type_changed="true".*\}\]} {Update my_var in foo, it should have changed.}
mi_gdb_test {-var-evaluate-expression my_var} {value="25"} {Check that the value of my_var is correct in foo}
mi_next {Next over temp assignment}
mi_next {Next into new block}
mi_next {Next over new my_var setting}
mi_gdb_test {-var-update my_var} {changelist=\[varobj=\{name="my_var",in_scope="true",type_changed="true".*\}\]} {Update my_var in foo, it should have changed.}
mi_gdb_test {-var-evaluate-expression my_var} {value="75"} {Check that the value of my_var is correct in foo}
mi_finish_to main {.*} {.*} {.*} {.*} {.*} {.*}
mi_next {Next to finish setting my_var in main}
mi_gdb_test {-var-update my_var} {changelist=\[varobj=\{name="my_var",in_scope="true",type_changed="true".*\}\]} {Update my_var when we get back to main.}
mi_gdb_test {-var-evaluate-expression my_var} {value="250"} {Check the value of my_var when we get back to main.}
return 0