blob: 3a11487950699cf1725c21af2a158d0145638c28 [file] [log] [blame]
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import "class.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
char *fn = "class-bundlized.o2";
NSObjectFileImage objfile_ref;
NSObjectFileImageReturnCode retval1;
NSModule retval2;
/* Create a MyClass object given the original program */
id first_var = [MyClass newWithArg:@"first string"];
printf ("first_var says: ");
[first_var sayHello];
/* fix the program - load a changed MyClass */
printf ("Fix in class-bundlized.o version #2 here.\n");
#if 0
retval1 = NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile (fn, &objfile_ref);
retval2 = NSLinkModule (objfile_ref, fn, NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE);
/* See how the old object behaves */
printf ("first_var says: ");
[first_var sayHello];
/* Can we create a new object? When we call sayHello will we get the
old "hi v1" behavior, or the new "hi v2" behavior? */
id second_var = [MyClass newWithArg:@"second string"];
printf ("second_var says: ");
[second_var sayHello];
/* Code from kledzik - clear class cache and create new object */
Class myCls = objc_getClass("MyClass");
id third_var = [myCls newWithArg:@"third string"];
printf ("third_var says: ");
[third_var sayHello];
printf ("Fix in class-bundlized.o version #3 here.\n");
/* And one last new variable, a full pass over them all. */
Class myCls2 = objc_getClass("MyClass");
id fourth_var = [myCls2 newWithArg:@"fourth string"];
printf ("first_var says: ");
[first_var sayHello];
printf ("second_var says: ");
[second_var sayHello];
printf ("third_var says: ");
[third_var sayHello];
printf ("fourth_var says: ");
[fourth_var sayHello];
/* Put a breakpoint on sayHello, see if we can stop there. */
[third_var sayHello];
printf ("first_var isa is %p\n", first_var->isa);
printf ("second_var isa is %p\n", second_var->isa);
printf ("third_var isa is %p\n", third_var->isa);
printf ("fourth_var isa is %p\n", fourth_var->isa);
[pool release];
return 0;