blob: b6b3a8337b87fd9a99add5106c863444aa88dbd4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test for C99 forms of array declarator: rejected in C90. */
/* Origin: Joseph Myers <> */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1990 -pedantic-errors" } */
/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2006-05-18 4336222 */
/* Use of [*] (possibly with type qualifiers) in an array declarator with
function prototype scope is a C99 feature. GCC does not yet implement
it correctly, so gives a warning about this. so we can't yet test here
that we get just one error and no warnings. */
void foo0 (int a, int b[*]); /* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[*\] not in C90" } */
void foo1 (int, int [*]); /* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[*\] not in C90" } */
/* { dg-error "allowed" "\'\[*\]\' not allowed in other than a declaration" { target *-*-* } 12 } */
/* Use of static and type qualifiers (not allowed with abstract declarators)
is a C99 feature. */
void bar0 (int a[const]); /* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
/* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[quals\] not in C90" { target *-*-* } 18 } */
void bar1 (int a[const 2]); /* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
/* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[quals expr\] not in C90" { target *-*-* } 20 } */
void bar2 (int a[static 2]); /* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
/* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[static expr\] not in C90" { target *-*-* } 22 } */
void bar3 (int a[static const 2]); /* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
/* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[static quals expr\] not in C90" { target *-*-* } 24 } */
void bar4 (int a[const static 2]); /* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
/* { dg-error "ISO C90" "\[quals static expr\] not in C90" { target *-*-* } 26 } */
/* Because [*] isn't properly implemented and so warns, we don't test here
for [const *] yet. */