blob: 55bcf932fee43cd39b8ccbac77bdadb8e0d66ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: mkdir -p %t
# RUN: python %s > %t/sprintftest.c
# RUN: -p -t %t %t/sprintftest.c
# Generate a C program to test sprintf().
basictesttab = \
# format arguments expected output
[ '%i', '1', '1' ],
[ '%d', '1', '1' ],
[ '%u', '1', '1' ],
[ '%o', '1', '1' ],
[ '%x', '1', '1' ],
[ '%X', '1', '1' ],
[ '%#o', '1', '01' ],
[ '%#2o', '1', '01' ],
[ '%.3o', '1', '001' ],
[ '%*.*hho', '8, 4, (unsigned char) 64', ' 0100' ],
[ '%-*.*hi', '8, 4, (short) 555', '0555 ' ],
[ '%#hx', '(short) 0xffff', '0xffff' ],
[ '%10hhx', '(unsigned char) 0xff', ' ff' ],
[ '%#x', '1', '0x1' ],
[ '%#.2o', '5', '05', ],
[ '%-#3.2o', '9', '011' ],
[ '%+ 3d', '-6', ' -6', ],
[ '%+*.*i%*x', '4, 2, 1, 0, 15', ' +01f' ],
[ '%#X', '1', '0X1' ],
[ '%+i%#X%0*d', '6, 17, 2, 3', '+60X1103' ],
[ '%%i%%.*s', '0', '%i%.*s' ],
[ '%.*s', '5, "01234567"', '01234' ],
[ '%10.*s', '5, "012345678"', ' 01234' ],
[ '%2i', '1', ' 1' ],
[ '|%10c|', '\'a\'', '| a|' ],
[ '%8.1e', '1e-99', ' 1.0e-99' ],
[ '%8.0g', '1e-99', ' 1e-99' ],
[ '%8.1g', '1e-99', ' 1e-99' ],
[ '%1i', '20', '20' ],
[ '%2.3u', '14', '014' ],
[ '%*.*g', '8, 1, 1e-99', ' 1e-99' ],
[ '%3$*2$.*1$i', '3, 4, 5', ' 005' ],
[ '%3$*1$.*2$s', '10, 2, "String"', ' St' ],
[ '%+i', '6', '+6' ],
# Note that these %a formats are all 4-bit aligned.
[ '%.5a', '12.345', '0x1.8b0a4p+3' ],
[ '%10.1a', '2.5', ' 0x1.4p+1' ],
[ '%.*a', '5, 12.345', '0x1.8b0a4p+3' ],
[ '%*.*a', '10, 1, 2.5', ' 0x1.4p+1', ],
[ '%3$-*2$.*1$a', '12, 2, 5.0', '0x1.400000000000p+2' ],
[ '%2$0*1$a', '10, 10.0', '0x001.4p+3' ],
[ '% i', '6', ' 6' ],
[ '%#lx', '0xfffffffffl', '0xfffffffff' ],
[ '%1$ +i', '99', '+99' ],
[ '%2$s %2$s %2$.*1$s', '4, "string"', 'string string stri' ],
[ 'pi: %.5f', '3.14159', 'pi: 3.14159' ],
[ '%-3i', '6', '6 ' ],
[ '%2$-*1$i', '3, 6', '6 ' ],
[ '%%i%i', '5', '%i5' ],
[ '%%%-5.4s', '"string"', '%stri ' ],
[ '%#o', '64', '0100' ],
[ '%-2i', '100', '100' ],
[ '%2$#*1$.*3$x', '10, 10, 8', '0x0000000a' ],
[ '%2$#*1$.*3$x', '10, 10, 6', ' 0x00000a' ],
[ '%2$#*1$.*3$x', '11, 10, 6', ' 0x00000a' ],
[ '%2$#*1$.*3$x', '10, 11, 6', ' 0x00000b' ],
[ '%2$-#*1$.*3$x', '10, 11, 6', '0x00000b ' ],
[ '%1.7x', '15', '000000f' ],
[ '%10.7x', '15', ' 000000f' ],
[ '%-10.7x', '15', '000000f ' ],
[ '%10s', '"abc"', ' abc' ],
[ '%-10s', '"abc"', 'abc ' ],
[ '%llo', '0xffffffffffffffffull', '1777777777777777777777' ],
[ '%-10.4s', '" abc"', ' ab ' ],
[ '%10.4s', '" \\0abc"', ' ' ],
[ '%.7X', '0xffffff', '0FFFFFF' ],
[ '%1s', '"\\0"', ' ' ],
[ '%1$.*2$e', '3.14, 5', '3.14000e+00' ],
[ '%0*.*E', '14, 2, 9.99E+99', '0000009.99E+99' ],
[ '%*.*E', '14, 2, 9.99E+99', ' 9.99E+99' ],
[ '%0*.*F', '14, 2, 9.9978e+02', '00000000999.78' ],
[ '%6c.*F', '\'\\xfe\'', ' \\xfe.*F' ],
[ '%lli', '1ll', '1' ],
[ '%10.6llx', '0xfffffull', ' 0fffff' ],
[ '%10.6lli', '0xfffffll', ' 1048575' ],
[ '%.0e', '1.0', '1e+00' ],
[ '%.0f', '1.0', '1' ],
[ '%024.12g', '123450.006789', '00000000000123450.006789' ],
[ '%0#13E', '100.0', '01.000000E+02' ],
[ '%0#13.0E', '100.0', '00000001.E+02' ],
[ '%013.0E', '100.0', '000000001E+02' ],
[ '%%%i%%%i%%', '6, 7', '%6%7%' ],
[ ' %5s', '"1234"', ' 1234' ],
[ '%.10Lg', '3.24e9l', '3240000000' ],
[ '%#.0Lf', '0.0l', '0.' ],
[ '%2$#.*1$Le', '0, 0.0l', '0.e+00' ],
# These conversions may also print "infinity"
[ '%Lf', '(long double) infinity()', 'inf' ],
[ '%f', 'infinity()', 'inf' ],
[ '%6e', '-infinity()', ' -inf' ],
[ '%-6e', '-infinity()', '-inf ' ],
[ '%+a', 'infinity()', '+inf' ],
# Theses conversion may also print "INFINITY"
[ '%#F', 'infinity()', 'INF' ],
[ '%+LG', '(long double) infinity()', '+INF' ],
[ '%+LG', '(long double) -infinity()', '-INF' ],
# These conversions may also append a character sequence in parentheses
[ '%Lg', '(long double) nan()', 'nan' ],
[ '%f', 'nan()', 'nan' ],
[ '%6e', 'nan()', ' nan' ],
[ '%.1Lg', '(long double) nan()', 'nan' ],
[ '%-6e', 'nan()', 'nan ' ],
[ '%F', 'nan()', 'NAN' ],
[ '%LG', '(long double) nan()', 'NAN' ],
# Wide character support
[ '%ls', 'L"123456"', '123456' ],
[ '%lc', 'L\'u\'', 'u' ],
[ '%1$*2$ls', 'L"123", 4', ' 123' ],
[ '%.3ls', 'L"string"', 'str' ],
[ '%3lc', 'L\'n\'', ' n' ],
[ '%-4ls', 'L" "', ' ' ],
percentntesttab = \
# format arguments output expected length(s)
['%n %n', '&n1, &n2', ' ', [0, 1] ],
['%s%n', '"abc", &n1', 'abc', [3] ],
['%ls %n', 'L"xy", &n1', 'xy ', [3] ],
['12345%n', '&n1', '12345', [5] ],
['%-10i%nj', '10, &n1', '10 j', [10] ],
# Assume infinity prints 'inf'
['%+f-%nx', 'infinity(), &n1', '+inf-x', [5] ],
['%s%n%s', '"a", &n1, "b"', 'ab', [1] ],
['%.2s%n%n', '"str", &n1, &n2', 'st', [2, 2] ],
['12%n%s%n3', '&n1, "", &n2', '123', [2, 2] ]
prefix = \
'''#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
/* These functions return floating point NaN and infinity. */
double infinity()
return strtod("infinity", NULL);
double nan()
return strtod("nan", NULL);
/* Check for support of the %ls directive. */
int russian_test()
const char *cat = "\\xd0\\x9a\\xd0\\x9e\\xd0\\xa8\\xd0\\x9a\\xd0\\x90";
char buf[100];
wchar_t wcat[100];
int fail, sz;
size_t result;
fail = 0;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
result = mbstowcs(&wcat[0], &cat[0], 100);
if (result == (size_t) -1)
puts("error in multibyte conversion!");
return 1;
sz = sprintf(&buf[0], "%ls", &wcat[0]);
fail = strcmp(&buf[0], &cat[0]) != 0 || sz != strlen(&buf[0]);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
if (fail)
puts("failed test 0!");
return fail;
int main()
int n1, n2;
int fail;
int result;
char buf[100];
fail = 0;
n1 = n2 = 0;
/* Begin tests. */
fail = russian_test();
test = \
result = sprintf(&buf[0], %s, %s);
if (strcmp(buf, %s) != 0 || result != strlen(buf))
puts("failed test %i!");
/* printf("%%s\\n", buf); */
fail = 1;
percent_n_test = \
result = sprintf(&buf[0], %s, %s);
if (strcmp(buf, %s) != 0 || result != strlen(buf) || n1 != %s || n2 != %s)
puts("failed test %i!");
fail = 1;
suffix = \
/* End tests. */
return fail;
import sys
import cStringIO
quote = lambda s : '"' + s + '"'
def make_regular_test(count, param):
fmt = quote(param[0])
arg = param[1]
out = quote(param[2])
return test % (fmt, arg, out, count)
def make_percent_n_test(count, param):
fmt = quote(param[0])
arg = param[1]
out = quote(param[2])
ns = len(param[3])
if ns == 0:
n1, n2 = ('n1', 'n2')
elif ns == 1:
n1, n2 = (param[3][0], 'n2')
elif ns == 2:
n1, n2 = (param[3][0], param[3][1])
return percent_n_test % (fmt, arg, out, n1, n2, count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
count = 1
for unit in basictesttab:
built_test = make_regular_test(count, unit)
count += 1
for unit in percentntesttab:
built_test = make_percent_n_test(count, unit)
count += 1