blob: a5629fef28e3b3ee9946223364c8b20458615e93 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.mmtk.plan.stickyms;
import org.mmtk.plan.TransitiveClosure;
import org.mmtk.plan.marksweep.MS;
import org.mmtk.policy.Space;
import org.mmtk.utility.Log;
import org.mmtk.utility.deque.SharedDeque;
import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options;
import org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker.SanityChecker;
import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.ObjectReference;
* This class implements the global state of a simple sticky mark bits collector,
* based a simple on mark-sweep collector. The sticky mark bits algorithm is
* due to Demmers et al. (, and allows
* generational collection to be performed in a non-moving heap by overloading
* the role of mark bits to also indicate whether an object is new (nursery) or
* not. Thus nursery objects are identified by a bit in their header, not by
* where they lie within the address space. While Demmers et al. did their work
* in a conservative collector, here we have an exact collector, so we can use
* a regular write barrier, and don't need to use page protection etc.
* All plans make a clear distinction between <i>global</i> and
* <i>thread-local</i> activities, and divides global and local state
* into separate class hierarchies. Global activities must be
* synchronized, whereas no synchronization is required for
* thread-local activities. There is a single instance of Plan (or the
* appropriate sub-class), and a 1:1 mapping of PlanLocal to "kernel
* threads" (aka CPUs or in Jikes RVM, Processors). Thus instance
* methods of PlanLocal allow fast, unsychronized access to functions such as
* allocation and collection.
* The global instance defines and manages static resources
* (such as memory and virtual memory resources). This mapping of threads to
* instances is crucial to understanding the correctness and
* performance properties of MMTk plans.
public class StickyMS extends MS {
* Constants
/** If true, then new PLOS objects are collected at each nursery GC */
static final boolean NURSERY_COLLECT_PLOS = true;
/** If true then we only do full heap GCs---so we're like MarkSweep (+ write barrier) */
static final boolean MAJOR_GC_ONLY = false;
* Class variables
public static int SCAN_NURSERY = 1;
* Instance variables
/* status fields */
/** will the next collection collect the whole heap? */
public boolean nextGCWholeHeap = false;
/** will this collection collect the whole heap */
public boolean collectWholeHeap = nextGCWholeHeap;
/* Remset pool */
public final SharedDeque modPool = new SharedDeque("msgen mod objects", metaDataSpace, 1);
* Static initialization
msSpace.makeAgeSegregatedSpace(); /* this space is to be collected generationally */
* Collection
* A user-triggered GC has been initiated.
public void userTriggeredGC() {
nextGCWholeHeap |= Options.fullHeapSystemGC.getValue();
* Force the next collection to be full heap.
public void forceFullHeapCollection() {
nextGCWholeHeap = true;
* Perform a (global) collection phase.
* @param phaseId Collection phase to execute.
public final void collectionPhase(short phaseId) {
if (phaseId == INITIATE) {
collectWholeHeap = MAJOR_GC_ONLY || emergencyCollection || nextGCWholeHeap;
nextGCWholeHeap = false;
if (!collectWholeHeap) {
if (phaseId == PREPARE) {
if (phaseId == RELEASE) {
nextGCWholeHeap = (getPagesAvail() < Options.nurserySize.getMinNursery());
* Accounting
* Print pre-collection statistics. In this class we prefix the output
* indicating whether the collection was full heap or not.
public void printPreStats() {
if ((Options.verbose.getValue() >= 1) && (collectWholeHeap))
Log.write("[Full heap]");
* @return Is current GC only collecting objects allocated since last GC.
public final boolean isCurrentGCNursery() {
return !collectWholeHeap;
* @return Is last GC a full collection?
public final boolean isLastGCFull() {
return collectWholeHeap;
* Return the expected reference count. For non-reference counting
* collectors this becomes a true/false relationship.
* @param object The object to check.
* @param sanityRootRC The number of root references to the object.
* @return The expected (root excluded) reference count.
public int sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC) {
Space space = Space.getSpaceForObject(object);
// Immortal spaces
if (space == StickyMS.immortalSpace || space == StickyMS.vmSpace) {
return space.isReachable(object) ? SanityChecker.ALIVE : SanityChecker.DEAD;
// Mature space (nursery collection)
if ( && space != StickyMS.msSpace) {
return SanityChecker.UNSURE;
return super.sanityExpectedRC(object, sanityRootRC);
* Register specialized methods.
protected void registerSpecializedMethods() {
TransitiveClosure.registerSpecializedScan(SCAN_NURSERY, StickyMSNurseryTraceLocal.class);