blob: 53a5ffe93b9865fba44b0bebfb60cbba9539f0a4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Report.h - Debugging reports for bugs found by SAFECode ------------===//
// The SAFECode Compiler Project
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements functions for creating reports for the SAFECode
// run-time.
#include "DebugReport.h"
#include "safecode/Config/config.h"
DebugViolationInfo::print(std::ostream & OS) const {
// Print out the regular error information.
// Print the source filename and line number.
OS << "= Fault PC Source :\t"
<< (this->SourceFile ? this->SourceFile : "<unknown>")
<< ":" << std::dec << this->lineNo << "\n";
// Print the pool handle.
#if 1
OS << "= Pool Handle :\t" << this->PoolHandle << "\n";
// Print the debug metata.
if (dbgMetaData) {
OutOfBoundsViolation::print(std::ostream & OS) const {
// Print out the regular error information.
// Print information on the start and end locations of the object.
OS << "= Object start :\t"
<< std::showbase << std::hex << this->objStart << "\n"
<< "= Object length :\t"
<< this->objLen << "\n";
AlignmentViolation::print(std::ostream & OS) const {
// Print out the regular error information.
// Print information on the alignment requirements for the object.
OS << "= Alignment :\t"
<< std::showbase << std::hex << this->alignment << "\n";
WriteOOBViolation::print(std::ostream & OS) const {
// Print out the regular error information.
// Print information on the writing (or copying) out of bounds.
if (-1 != this->srcSize) {
OS << std::dec
<< "= Source size (in bytes) :\t"
<< this->srcSize << "\n";
OS << std::dec
<< "= Destination size (in bytes) :\t"
<< this->dstSize << "\n";
if (-1 != this->copied) {
OS << std::dec
<< "= Number of bytes copied :\t"
<< this->copied << "\n";
DebugMetaData::print(std::ostream & OS) const {
// Only print the cononical address when debugging SAFECode itself.
// The MMU remapping magic should not be exposed to the programmer during
// regular operation.
#if 0
OS << "= Canonical object address :\t" << std::hex
<< this->canonAddr << "\n";
// Print object allocation information if available.
OS << "=\n"
<< "= Object allocated at PC :\t" << std::hex
<< this->allocPC << "\n"
<< "= Allocated in Source File :\t"
<< (this->SourceFile ? (char *) this->SourceFile : "<unknown>")
<< ":" << std::dec << this->lineno << "\n";
if (this->allocID) {
OS << "= Object allocation sequence number :\t" << std::dec
<< this->allocID << "\n";
// Print deallocation information if it is available.
if (this->freeID) {
OS << "=\n"
<< "= Object freed at PC :\t" << std::hex
<< this->freePC << "\n";
OS << "= Freed in Source File :\t"
<< (this->FreeSourceFile ? (char *) this->FreeSourceFile : "<unknown>")
<< ":" << std::dec << this->Freelineno << "\n";
OS << "= Object free sequence number :\t" << std::dec
<< this->freeID << "\n";
OS << std::flush;