blob: 325853860b6e3eaf5a1e840946e3b52520210133 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test floating point division on ia64. There was a bug in the
max-throughput version of the inline division code. Expecting an
exact value from a floating point expression is unwise but GCC
depends on it in allocno_compare. */
/* { dg-do run { target ia64-*-* } } */
/* { dg-options "-minline-float-divide-max-throughput" { target ia64-*-* } } */
extern void abort (void);
volatile int i = 24;
volatile int j = 30;
volatile int k = 1;
int main()
int pri2 = (((double) i / j) * (10000 / 1000) * k);
if (pri2 != 8) abort();
return 0;