blob: 89a84db3c88712ce93d8d4fc4e831127c48efe0a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- VirtualMachine.h - Registering a VM ------------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Pierre et Marie Curie
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "vmkit/config.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "vmkit/Allocator.h"
#include "vmkit/CollectionRV.h"
#include "vmkit/Locks.h"
#include "vmkit/GC.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
namespace vmkit {
class CompiledFrames;
class FrameInfo;
class Frames;
class FunctionMap {
/// Functions - Map of applicative methods to function pointers. This map is
/// used when walking the stack so that VMKit knows which applicative method
/// is executing on the stack.
llvm::DenseMap<word_t, FrameInfo*> Functions;
/// FunctionMapLock - Spin lock to protect the Functions map.
vmkit::SpinLock FunctionMapLock;
/// IPToFrameInfo - Map a code start instruction instruction to the FrameInfo.
FrameInfo* IPToFrameInfo(word_t ip);
/// addFrameInfo - A new instruction pointer in the function map.
void addFrameInfo(word_t ip, FrameInfo* meth);
void addFrameInfoNoLock(word_t ip, FrameInfo* meth) {
Functions[ip] = meth;
/// removeFrameInfos - Remove all FrameInfo owned by the given owner.
void removeFrameInfos(void* owner) {} /* TODO */
FunctionMap(BumpPtrAllocator& allocator, CompiledFrames** frames);
/// VirtualMachine - This class is the root of virtual machine classes. It
/// defines what a VM should be.
class VirtualMachine : public vmkit::PermanentObject {
VirtualMachine(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, CompiledFrames** frames) :
allocator(Alloc), FunctionsCache(Alloc, frames) {
mainThread = NULL;
numberOfThreads = 0;
doExit = false;
exitingThread = NULL;
virtual ~VirtualMachine() {
/// allocator - Bump pointer allocator to allocate permanent memory
/// related to this VM.
vmkit::BumpPtrAllocator& allocator;
// (1) Thread-related methods.
/// mainThread - The main thread of this VM.
vmkit::Thread* mainThread;
/// NumberOfThreads - The number of threads that currently run under this VM.
uint32_t numberOfThreads;
/// ThreadLock - Lock to create or destroy a new thread.
vmkit::LockNormal threadLock;
/// ThreadVar - Condition variable to wake up the thread manager.
vmkit::Cond threadVar;
/// exitingThread - Thread that is currently exiting. Used by the thread
/// manager to free the resources (stack) used by a thread.
vmkit::Thread* exitingThread;
/// doExit - Should the VM exit now?
bool doExit;
/// setMainThread - Set the main thread of this VM.
void setMainThread(vmkit::Thread* th) { mainThread = th; }
/// getMainThread - Get the main thread of this VM.
vmkit::Thread* getMainThread() const { return mainThread; }
/// addThread - Add a new thread to the list of threads.
void addThread(vmkit::Thread* th) {
if (th != mainThread) {
if (mainThread) th->append(mainThread);
else mainThread = th;
/// removeThread - Remove the thread from the list of threads.
void removeThread(vmkit::Thread* th) {
while (exitingThread != NULL) {
// Make sure the thread manager had a chance to consume the previous
// dead thread.
if (mainThread == th) mainThread = (Thread*)th->next();
if (numberOfThreads == 0) mainThread = NULL;
exitingThread = th;
/// exit - Exit this virtual machine.
void exit();
/// waitForExit - Wait until the virtual machine stops its execution.
void waitForExit();
// (2) GC-related methods.
/// startCollection - Preliminary code before starting a GC.
virtual void startCollection() {}
/// endCollection - Code after running a GC.
virtual void endCollection() {}
/// scanWeakReferencesQueue - Scan all weak references. Called by the GC
/// before scanning the finalization queue.
virtual void scanWeakReferencesQueue(word_t closure) {}
/// scanSoftReferencesQueue - Scan all soft references. Called by the GC
/// before scanning the finalization queue.
virtual void scanSoftReferencesQueue(word_t closure) {}
/// scanPhantomReferencesQueue - Scan all phantom references. Called by the GC
/// after the finalization queue.
virtual void scanPhantomReferencesQueue(word_t closure) {}
/// scanFinalizationQueue - Scan objets with a finalized method and schedule
/// them for finalization if they are not live.
virtual void scanFinalizationQueue(word_t closure) {}
/// addFinalizationCandidate - Add an object to the queue of objects with
/// a finalization method.
virtual void addFinalizationCandidate(gc* object) {}
/// finalizeObject - Called by the finalizer thread for objects finalization.
virtual void finalizeObject(gc* res) {}
/// tracer - Trace this virtual machine's GC-objects.
virtual void tracer(word_t closure) {}
/// traceObject - Method called during GC to trace live objects graph.
virtual void traceObject(gc* object, word_t closure) = 0;
/// setType - Method called when allocating an object. The VirtualMachine has to
/// set the identity of the object (identity is determined by user).
virtual void setType(gc* header, void* type) = 0;
// virtual void setType(void* header, void* type) = 0;
/// getType - Gets the type of given object.
virtual void* getType(gc* header) = 0;
/// getObjectSize - Get the size of this object. Used by copying collectors.
virtual size_t getObjectSize(gc* object) = 0;
/// getObjectTypeName - Get the type of this object. Used by the GC for
/// debugging purposes.
virtual const char* getObjectTypeName(gc* object) { return "An object"; }
/// rendezvous - The rendezvous implementation for garbage collection.
CooperativeCollectionRV rendezvous;
// (2.5) GC-DEBUG-related methods.
/// isCorruptedType - Return true if object is corrupted.
virtual bool isCorruptedType(gc* header) { return false; }
// (3) Backtrace-related methods.
FunctionMap FunctionsCache;
FrameInfo* IPToFrameInfo(word_t ip) {
return FunctionsCache.IPToFrameInfo(ip);
void removeFrameInfos(void* owner) {
virtual void printMethod(FrameInfo* FI, word_t ip, word_t addr) = 0;
// (4) Launch-related methods.
/// runApplication - Run an application. The application name is in
/// the arguments, hence it is the virtual machine's job to parse them.
virtual void runApplication(int argc, char** argv) = 0;
// (5) Exception-related methods.
virtual void nullPointerException() = 0;
virtual void stackOverflowError() = 0;
// (6) ReferenceQueue-related methods (if used).
// You have to create a class which inherits from specialized ReferenceThread class.
// e.g: class MyReferenceThread : public ReferenceThread<YourThread> (see ReferenceQueue.h)
// Then once thread has been started you can enqueue references and the reference thread
// delegates enqueuing process to the virtual machine threw the following methods.
/// invokeEnqueueReference - This method is called whenever an object is enqueued in
/// Soft, Weak or Phantom reference queues.
virtual void invokeEnqueueReference(gc* ref) {}
/// clearObjectReferent - Clears object's referent
virtual void clearObjectReferent(gc* ref) {}
/// getObjectReferentPtr - returns object referent's pointer
virtual gc** getObjectReferentPtr(gc* _obj) { abort(); return NULL; }
/// setObjectReferent - set the referent of an object
virtual void setObjectReferent(gc* _obj, gc* val) {}
} // end namespace vmkit