blob: f0bea43c6c0ac50f685d94bde5a452317396b416 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- stdarg.cpp - Runtime for functions handling va_lists ---------===//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the SAFECode intrinsics that manage va_lists, and it
// also implements runtime wrapper versions of functions that take va_lists.
#include "CStdLib.h"
#include "FormatStrings.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <vector>
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::set;
// Declare SAFECode intrinsics as C functions.
extern "C" uint32_t __sc_targetcheck(void *func);
extern "C" void __sc_varegister(va_list ap, uint32_t id);
extern "C" void __sc_vacopyregister(va_list dest, va_list src);
extern "C" void __sc_vacallregister(void *func, uint32_t argc, ...);
extern "C" void __sc_vacallunregister();
typedef map<void *, unsigned> VaListToArgIndexMap;
typedef set<void *> VaListSet;
typedef struct {
VaListSet referrers;
vector<void *> pointerList;
} ArgListEntry;
// Used for determining if the expected target of a vararg function call is the
// actual target.
static void *expectedTarget = 0;
// This vector contains information about all registered va_lists in the
// program.
static vector<ArgListEntry> & argLists (void) {
static vector<ArgListEntry> realargLists;
return realargLists;
// A map from a va_list to the index of its registered contents in the argLists
// vector above.
static VaListToArgIndexMap & vaListRegistrations (void) {
static VaListToArgIndexMap realvaListRegistrations;
return realvaListRegistrations;
// Remove all references of a va_list from the internal data structures.
static inline void clearVaList(va_list ap) {
if (!vaListRegistrations().count(ap))
unsigned idx = vaListRegistrations()[ap];
// Check if the expected callee is the actual callee.
// Returns a number under 0xffffffff if this is the case, and otherwise returns
// 0xffffffff.
uint32_t __sc_targetcheck(void *func) {
uint32_t id = (expectedTarget == func) ? argLists().size() - 1 : 0xffffffffu;
// Always reset the expected target to NULL.
// This is needed for correctness, eg. in the case of recursive calls of the
// same function from external code.
expectedTarget = 0;
return id;
// Associate a va_list with an index returned from __sc_targetcheck.
void __sc_varegister(va_list ap, uint32_t id) {
// Invalid index
if (id == 0xffffffffu)
// Remove all prior references of this list.
// Insert the list into the appropriate place.
vaListRegistrations()[ap] = id;
// Associate one va_list with the information from another va_list.
void __sc_vacopyregister(va_list dest, va_list src) {
// If the source list is not registered, don't do anything.
if (!vaListRegistrations().count(src))
// Remove all references of the destination list.
// Register the destination list with the same information as the source list.
unsigned idx = vaListRegistrations()[dest] = vaListRegistrations()[src];
// Add a new entry to the lists of pointer arguments.
void __sc_vacallregister(void *func, uint32_t argc, ...) {
ArgListEntry &end = argLists().back();
// Find all the pointer arguments that were passed to this function and put
// them in the list.
va_list ap;
void *arg;
va_start(ap, argc);
for (arg = va_arg(ap, void *); arg != 0; arg = va_arg(ap, void *))
// Set the value of the passed function pointer as the expected target.
expectedTarget = func;
// Unregister the last pointer argument list.
void __sc_vacallunregister() {
ArgListEntry &last = argLists().back();
VaListSet::iterator idx = last.referrers.begin();
VaListSet::iterator end = last.referrers.end();
// Remove each va_list associated with this list from the hash table.
for (; idx != end; ++idx)
// Now remove the last entry altogether.
// Allocate a call_info structure that describes a call to a format string
// function. call_info is defined as:
// typedef struct {
// uint32_t vargc;
// uint32_t tag;
// uint32_t line_no;
// const char *source_info
// void *whitelist[1];
// } call_info;
// Inputs
// result - a reference to a pointer that holds the location of the
// allocation
// ap - the va_list associated with the function call
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// On return, result points to allocated memory.
// This function returns true if the pointer list associated with the
// va_list argument was found, and false if the va_list was not
// recognized.
static inline bool
build_call_info(call_info *&result, va_list ap, TAG, SRC_INFO) {
// Check if the list is registered.
VaListToArgIndexMap::iterator idx = vaListRegistrations().find(ap);
if (idx == vaListRegistrations().end()) {
// If not registered, return a call_info structure without the whitelist.
result = (call_info *) malloc(sizeof(call_info));
if (result != 0) {
// Don't limit the number of arguments to access.
result->vargc = 0xffffffffu;
result->tag = tag;
result->line_no = lineNo;
result->source_info = SourceFile;
result->whitelist[0] = 0;
return false;
// Otherwise, allocate and populate a call_info structure with the pointer
// whitelist as specified in the corresponding index.
else {
const unsigned index = idx->second;
const vector<void *> &pointerList = argLists()[index].pointerList;
const size_t wl_size = pointerList.size();
// Allocate enough space so that the structure can hold the whitelist.
result =
(call_info *) malloc(sizeof(call_info) + wl_size * sizeof(void *));
if (result != 0) {
// Don't limit the number of arguments to access.
result->vargc = 0xffffffffu;
result->tag = tag;
result->line_no = lineNo;
result->source_info = SourceFile;
// Copy over the pointer list for this registration into the whitelist.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < wl_size; ++i)
result->whitelist[i] = pointerList[i];
// End the whitelist with NULL.
result->whitelist[wl_size] = 0;
return true;
// Initialize a pointer_info structure around a pointer.
static inline void
create_wrapper(pointer_info &dest, void *p, DebugPoolTy *pool, bool complete) {
dest.ptr = p;
dest.pool = (void *) pool;
dest.flags = complete ? ISCOMPLETE : 0;
typedef const uint8_t bv_t;
// pool_vprintf()
// See pool_vprintf_debug().
int pool_vprintf(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vprintf_debug(fmtPool, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper to replace vprintf()
// Inputs
// fmtPool - pool for format string
// fmt - format string
// ap - list of arguments to vprintf()
// complete - completeness bit vector
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// This function returns the number of bytes written to stdout, or a negative
// number on error.
int pool_vprintf_debug(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Create the call_info structure associated with this call.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// On error creating the structure, just print without runtime checks.
if (cinfo == 0)
return vprintf(fmt, ap);
// Tell the gprintf() function that a) pointers are unwrapped and b) we
// don't track the size of the vararg list.
// Also, tell gprintf() not to do whitelist checks if the va_list isn't
// registered.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Set up the output to stdout.
output_parameter p;
p.output_kind = output_parameter::OUTPUT_TO_FILE;
p.output.file = stdout;
// Wrap the format string in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete));
// Call the printing function with stdout locked.
int result = gprintf(options, p, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
return result;
// pool_vfprintf()
// See pool_vfprintf_debug().
int pool_vfprintf(DebugPoolTy *fPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
void *fil,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vfprintf_debug(fPool, fmtPool, fil, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vfprintf()
// Inputs
// fPool - pool for file
// fmtPool - pool for format string
// fil - pointer to FILE object that specified output location
// fmt - format string
// ap - list of arguments to vfprintf()
// complete - completeness bit vector
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// This function returns the number of bytes written to fil, or a negative
// number on error.
int pool_vfprintf_debug(DebugPoolTy *fPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
void *fil,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Create the call_info structure associated with this call.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// On error creating the structure, just print without runtime checks.
if (cinfo == 0)
return vfprintf((FILE *) fil, fmt, ap);
// Tell the gprintf() function that a) pointers are unwrapped and b) we
// don't track the size of the vararg list.
// Also, tell gprintf() not to do whitelist checks if the va_list isn't
// registered.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Set up the output to the passed FILE object.
output_parameter p;
p.output_kind = output_parameter::OUTPUT_TO_FILE;
p.output.file = (FILE *) fil;
// Wrap the format string in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG2_COMPLETE(complete));
// Call the printing function with the output file locked.
flockfile((FILE *) fil);
int result = gprintf(options, p, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
funlockfile((FILE *) fil);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
return result;
// pool_vsprintf()
// See pool_vsprintf_debug().
int pool_vsprintf(DebugPoolTy *sPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *str,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vsprintf_debug(sPool, fmtPool, str, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vsprintf()
// Inputs
// strPool - pool for output character buffer
// fmtPool - pool for format string
// str - pointer to output character buffer
// fmt - format string
// ap - list of arguments to vsprintf()
// complete - completeness bit vector
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// This function returns the number of bytes written to str, or a negative
// number on error.
int pool_vsprintf_debug(DebugPoolTy *strPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *str,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Create the call_info structure associated with this call.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// On error creating the structure, just print with no runtime checks.
if (cinfo == 0)
return vsprintf(str, fmt, ap);
// Tell the gprintf() function that a) pointers are unwrapped and b) we
// don't track the size of the vararg list.
// Also, tell gprintf() not to do whitelist checks if the va_list isn't
// registered.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Set up the output to the passed buffer.
output_parameter p;
p.output_kind = output_parameter::OUTPUT_TO_STRING;
// Wrap the passed buffer in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info str_info;
create_wrapper(str_info, str, strPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete)); = &str_info;
p.output.string.string = str;
p.output.string.pos = 0;
// Get the bounds of the buffer.
find_object(cinfo, &str_info);
// If the bounds have been found, use this value to set the limit for the
// "safe" number of bytes to write.
if (str_info.flags & HAVEBOUNDS) {
p.output.string.maxsz = byte_range((void *) str, str_info.bounds[1]) - 1;
else // Otherwise assume maximum buffer length.
p.output.string.maxsz = SIZE_MAX;
// User didn't impose a limit on the number of bytes to write.
p.output.string.n = SIZE_MAX;
// Wrap the format string in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG2_COMPLETE(complete));
// Call the printing function.
int result = gprintf(options, p, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
// Add the terminator byte (internal_printf() doesn't do this automatically).
p.output.string.string[p.output.string.pos] = '\0';
return result;
// pool_vsnprintf()
// See pool_vsnprintf_debug().
int pool_vsnprintf(DebugPoolTy *sPool,
DebugPoolTy *fPool,
char *s,
char *f,
size_t n,
va_list ap,
bv_t c) {
return pool_vsnprintf_debug(sPool, fPool, s, f, n, ap, c, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vsnprintf()
// Inputs
// strPool - pool for output character buffer
// fmtPool - pool for format string
// str - pointer to output character buffer
// fmt - format string
// n - maximum number of bytes to write into buffer
// ap - list of arguments to vnsprintf()
// complete - completeness bit vector
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// This function returns the number of bytes written to str, or a negative
// number on error.
int pool_vsnprintf_debug(DebugPoolTy *strPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *str,
char *fmt,
size_t n,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Create the call_info structure associated with this call.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// On error creating the structure, just print with no runtime checks.
if (cinfo == 0)
return vsnprintf(str, n, fmt, ap);
// Tell the gprintf() function that a) pointers are unwrapped and b) we
// don't track the size of the vararg list.
// Also, tell gprintf() not to do whitelist checks if the va_list isn't
// registered.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Wrap the passed buffer in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info str_info;
create_wrapper(str_info, str, strPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete));
// Set up the output to the passed buffer.
output_parameter p;
p.output_kind = output_parameter::OUTPUT_TO_STRING; = &str_info;
p.output.string.string = str;
p.output.string.pos = 0;
// Get the bounds of the buffer.
find_object(cinfo, &str_info);
// Use any found bounds to set the "safe" length for writing.
if (str_info.flags & HAVEBOUNDS)
p.output.string.maxsz = byte_range((void *) str, str_info.bounds[1]) - 1;
else // Otherwise assume maximum buffer length.
p.output.string.maxsz = SIZE_MAX;
// Add the user-imposed size limitation.
if (n > 0)
p.output.string.n = n - 1;
p.output.string.n = 0; // Don't write anything when n = 0.
// Wrap the format string in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG2_COMPLETE(complete));
// Call the printing function.
int result = gprintf(options, p, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
// Add the terminator byte (internal_printf() doesn't do this automatically).
// Only add it if n > 0. When n = 0, nothing is written.
if (n > 0)
p.output.string.string[p.output.string.pos] = '\0';
return result;
// pool_vscanf()
// See pool_vscanf_debug().
int pool_vscanf(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vscanf_debug(fmtPool, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vscanf()
int pool_vscanf_debug(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Initialize the call_info structure.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
if (cinfo == 0) // Error creating the structure.
return vscanf(fmt, ap);
// Create the options. Tell gscanf a) pointers will be unwrapped and
// b) not to check for reading off the end of the va_list.
// If the va_list was not found to be registered, also tell gscanf() not to
// check the whitelist.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Create the structure describing the input source.
input_parameter input;
input.input_kind = input_parameter::INPUT_FROM_STREAM; = stdin;
// Wrap the format string into a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete));
// Lock stdin and call gscanf().
int result = gscanf(options, input, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
return result;
// pool_vsscanf()
// See pool_vsscanf_debug().
int pool_vsscanf(DebugPoolTy *strPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *str,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vsscanf_debug(strPool, fmtPool, str, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vsscanf()
int pool_vsscanf_debug(DebugPoolTy *strPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *str,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Check if the input string is terminated within object boundaries.
const bool strComplete = ARG1_COMPLETE(complete);
validStringCheck(str, strPool, strComplete, "vsscanf", SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// Initialize the call_info structure.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
if (cinfo == 0) // Error creating the structure.
return vsscanf(str, fmt, ap);
// Create the options. Tell gscanf() a) pointers will be unwrapped and
// b) not to check for reading off the end of the va_list.
// If the va_list was not found to be registered, also tell gscanf() not to
// check the whitelist.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Create the structure describing the input source.
input_parameter input;
input.input_kind = input_parameter::INPUT_FROM_STRING;
input.input.string.string = str;
input.input.string.pos = 0;
// Wrap the format string into a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG2_COMPLETE(complete));
int result = gscanf(options, input, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
return result;
// pool_vfscanf()
// See pool_vfscanf_debug().
int pool_vfscanf(DebugPoolTy *fPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
void *f,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
return pool_vfscanf_debug(fPool, fmtPool, f, fmt, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vfscanf()
int pool_vfscanf_debug(DebugPoolTy *filPool,
DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
void *fil,
char *fmt,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Initialize the call_info structure.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
if (cinfo == 0) // Error creating the structure.
return vfscanf((FILE *) fil, fmt, ap);
// Create the options. Tell gscanf a) pointers will be unwrapped and
// b) not to check for reading off the end of the va_list.
// If the va_list was not found to be registered, also tell gscanf() not to
// check the whitelist.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Create the structure describing the input source.
input_parameter input;
input.input_kind = input_parameter::INPUT_FROM_STREAM; = (FILE *) fil;
// Wrap the format string into a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete));
// Lock input file and call gscanf().
flockfile((FILE *) fil);
int result = gscanf(options, input, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
funlockfile((FILE *) fil);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
return result;
// pool_vsyslog()
// See pool_vsyslog_debug().
void pool_vsyslog(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
int pri,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete) {
pool_vsyslog_debug(fmtPool, fmt, pri, ap, complete, DEFAULTS);
// Secure runtime wrapper function to replace vsyslog()
// Inputs
// fmtPool - pool for format string
// fmt - format string
// priority - syslog priority
// ap - list of arguments to vsyslog()
// complete - completeness bit vector
// TAG - tag information for debugging purposes
// SRC_INFO - source and line number information for debugging purposes
// Returns
// This function returns the number of bytes written to fil, or a negative
// number on error.
void pool_vsyslog_debug(DebugPoolTy *fmtPool,
char *fmt,
int priority,
va_list ap,
bv_t complete,
// Create the call_info structure associated with this call.
call_info *cinfo;
bool vaListFound = build_call_info(cinfo, ap, tag, SRC_INFO_ARGS);
// On error creating the structure, just print without runtime checks.
if (cinfo == 0) {
vsyslog(priority, fmt, ap);
// Tell the gprintf() function that a) pointers are unwrapped, b) we don't
// track the size of the vararg list, and c) use the %m directive.
// Also, tell gprintf() not to do whitelist checks if the va_list isn't
// registered.
if (!vaListFound)
options |= NO_WLIST_CHECKS;
// Set up the output information to output to an allocated string.
const size_t INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE = 64;
output_parameter p;
p.output_kind = output_parameter::OUTPUT_TO_ALLOCATED_STRING;
p.output.alloced_string.bufsz = INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE;
p.output.alloced_string.pos = 0;
p.output.alloced_string.string = (char *) malloc(INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE);
// On malloc() error, attempt to print without runtime checks.
if (p.output.alloced_string.string == 0) {
vsyslog(priority, fmt, ap);
// Wrap the format string in a pointer_info structure.
pointer_info fmt_info;
create_wrapper(fmt_info, fmt, fmtPool, ARG1_COMPLETE(complete));
// Call the printing function.
int sz = gprintf(options, p, *cinfo, fmt_info, ap);
// Free the allocated call_info structure.
// Print the resulting string using syslog(), if there was no error in making
// it.
if (sz < 0)
syslog(priority, "SAFECode: error building message!");
syslog(priority, "%.*s", sz, p.output.alloced_string.string);