blob: 311567dceb0c2f4b5d1f57c4d4d8568a4d6a9cf8 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR 27715 - the front end and the library used to have different ideas
! about ordering for characters whose encoding is above 127.
program main
character*1 c1, c2
logical a1, a2
c1 = 'ç';
c2 = 'c';
a1 = c1 > c2;
call setval(c1, c2)
a2 = c1 > c2
if (a1 .neqv. a2) call abort
subroutine setval(c1, c2)
character*1 c1, c2
c1 = 'ç';
c2 = 'c';