blob: 619e9410c9baf87137a1e8e6e142c3cab4d53bd0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SafeLoadStoreOpts.cpp - Optimize safe load/store checks ------------ --//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This pass removes load/store checks that are known to be safe statically.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "opt-safecode"
#include "safecode/SafeLoadStoreOpts.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
char OptimizeSafeLoadStore::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<OptimizeSafeLoadStore>
X ("opt-safels", "Remove safe load/store runtime checks");
// Pass Statistics
namespace {
STATISTIC (TypeSafeChecksRemoved , "Type-safe Load/Store Checks Removed");
STATISTIC (TrivialChecksRemoved , "Trivial Load/Store Checks Removed");
// Method: getDSNodeHandle()
// Description:
// This method looks up the DSNodeHandle for a given LLVM value. The context
// of the value is the specified function, although if it is a global value,
// the DSNodeHandle may exist within the global DSGraph.
// Return value:
// A DSNodeHandle for the value is returned. This DSNodeHandle could either
// be in the function's DSGraph or from the GlobalsGraph. Note that the
// DSNodeHandle may represent a NULL DSNode.
OptimizeSafeLoadStore::getDSNodeHandle (const Value * V, const Function * F) {
// Get access to the points-to results.
EQTDDataStructures & dsaPass = getAnalysis<EQTDDataStructures>();
// Ensure that the function has a DSGraph
assert (dsaPass.hasDSGraph(*F) && "No DSGraph for function!\n");
// Lookup the DSNode for the value in the function's DSGraph.
DSGraph * TDG = dsaPass.getDSGraph(*F);
DSNodeHandle DSH = TDG->getNodeForValue(V);
// If the value wasn't found in the function's DSGraph, then maybe we can
// find the value in the globals graph.
if ((DSH.isNull()) && (isa<GlobalValue>(V))) {
// Try looking up this DSNode value in the globals graph. Note that
// globals are put into equivalence classes; we may need to first find the
// equivalence class to which our global belongs, find the global that
// represents all globals in that equivalence class, and then look up the
// DSNode Handle for *that* global.
DSGraph * GlobalsGraph = TDG->getGlobalsGraph ();
DSH = GlobalsGraph->getNodeForValue(V);
if (DSH.isNull()) {
// DSA does not currently handle global aliases.
if (!isa<GlobalAlias>(V)) {
// We have to dig into the globalEC of the DSGraph to find the DSNode.
const GlobalValue * GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(V);
const GlobalValue * Leader;
Leader = GlobalsGraph->getGlobalECs().getLeaderValue(GV);
DSH = GlobalsGraph->getNodeForValue(Leader);
return DSH;
OptimizeSafeLoadStore::runOnModule(Module & M) {
// Get access to prerequisite passes.
InsertSCIntrinsic & intrinsic = getAnalysis<InsertSCIntrinsic>();
dsa::TypeSafety<EQTDDataStructures> & TS = getAnalysis<dsa::TypeSafety<EQTDDataStructures> >();
// Scan through all uses of the complete run-time check and record any checks
// on type-known pointers. These can be removed.
std::vector <CallInst *> toRemoveTypeSafe;
std::vector <CallInst *> toRemoveObvious;
Function * LSCheck = M.getFunction ("sc.lscheck");
Value::use_iterator UI = LSCheck->use_begin();
Value::use_iterator E = LSCheck->use_end();
for (; UI != E; ++UI) {
if (CallInst * CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*UI)) {
if (CI->getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts() == LSCheck) {
// Get the pointer that is checked by this run-time check.
Value * CheckPtr = intrinsic.getValuePointer (CI)->stripPointerCasts();
// If it is obvious that the pointer is within a valid object, then
// remove the check.
if ((isa<AllocaInst>(CheckPtr)) || isa<GlobalVariable>(CheckPtr)) {
toRemoveObvious.push_back (CI);
// If the pointer is complete, then remove the check if it points to
// a type-consistent object.
Function * F = CI->getParent()->getParent();
if (TS.isTypeSafe (CheckPtr, F)) {
toRemoveTypeSafe.push_back (CI);
// Update statistics. Note that we only assign if the value is non-zero;
// this prevents the statistics from being reported if the value is zero.
bool modified = false;
if (toRemoveTypeSafe.size()) {
TypeSafeChecksRemoved += toRemoveTypeSafe.size();
modified = true;
if (toRemoveObvious.size()) {
TrivialChecksRemoved += toRemoveObvious.size();
modified = true;
// Now iterate through all of the call sites and transform them to be
// complete.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < toRemoveObvious.size(); ++index) {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < toRemoveTypeSafe.size(); ++index) {
return modified;