blob: 3086093fdd8c0540250b3aaa4ba3beb5e90b66b8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdarg.h>
//This tests having multiple parameters
//What to check:
//'val' should alias stack_val and stack_val2
//'p1' and 'p2' should alias
//'p1' and 'p2' should be modref'd by assign
//(accordingly stack_val/stack_val2 are modref'd)
//--build the code into a .bc
//RUN: llvm-gcc -O0 %s -S --emit-llvm -o - | llvm-as > %t.bc
//--check if ds-aa breaks, breaks opts, or results in miscompiled code
//RUN: lli %t.bc > %t.refout
//RUN: dsaopt %t.bc -ds-aa -gvn -o - | lli > %t.out
//RUN: diff %t.refout %t.out
//--check properties of this particular test
//RUN: dsaopt %t.bc -ds-aa -aa-eval -o /dev/null \
// RUN: -print-all-alias-modref-info >& %t.aa
//ds-aa should tell us that assign modifies p1
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*p1.*@assign} | grep {^\[ \]*ModRef}
//ds-aa should tell us that assign does something to p2
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*p2.*@assign} | grep -v NoModRef
static int assign( int count, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, count );
int sum = 0;
int i = 1;
int ** old = va_arg( ap, int** );
for ( ; i < count; ++i )
int **val = va_arg( ap, int** );
*old = *val;
old = val;
va_end( ap );
return sum;
int main()
int stack_val = 5;
int stack_val2 = 10;
int * p1 = &stack_val;
int * p2 = &stack_val2;
//This will change p1 to point to *p2
assign( 2, &p1, &p2 );
//This check should succeed, p1 points to stack_val now
if ( p1 != &stack_val )
return 0;
return -1;