blob: 284d181a64b1710f1b285e8834268b66ea09ae0e [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
//This tests mod/ref behavior of extern var-arg functions
//We *should* special-case those we know about...
//..but for now we don't:
//XFAIL: *
//--build the code into a .bc
//RUN: llvm-gcc -c -O0 %s -S --emit-llvm -o - | llvm-as > %t.bc
//--check if ds-aa breaks, or breaks opts
//RUN: dsaopt %t.bc -ds-aa -O3 -o /dev/null
//--check properties of this particular test
//RUN: dsaopt %t.bc -ds-aa -aa-eval -o /dev/null \
// RUN: -print-all-alias-modref-info >& %t.aa
//Unknown external function
//Everything going into this should be assumed to be mod/ref'd
extern void unknown_extern(int, ...);
int main()
int stack_val1 = 5;
int stack_val2 = 10;
int stack_val3 = 15;
int stack_val4 = 20;
int stack_val5 = 25;
int stack_val6 = 30;
//We should special case this--offhand, modref might be best
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val1.*scanf} | grep {^\[ \]*ModRef}
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val2.*scanf} | grep {^\[ \]*ModRef}
scanf("%d, %d\n", &stack_val1, stack_val2);
//We should special case this--ref's vars, not mod
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val3.*printf} | grep {^\[ \]*Ref}
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val4.*printf} | grep {^\[ \]*Ref}
printf("%d, %d\n", &stack_val3, &stack_val4);
//unknown--this these should be marked modref
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val5.*unknown_extern} | grep {^\[ \]*ModRef}
//RUN: cat %t.aa | grep {Ptr:.*stack_val6.*unknown_extern} | grep {^\[ \]*ModRef}
unknown_extern( 0, &stack_val5, &stack_val6);
return 0;