blob: 83a40175c6469df4a995ba79621eed97d1a65755 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DSTest.cpp - Queries DSA results for testing -----------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This defines various commandline options to DSA to help in regression tests.
// These options are:
// -print-node-for-value=<list> Print the DSNodes for the given values
// -print-only-flags Only print Flags for the given values
// -print-only-values Only print the values pointed to by the given values
// -print-only-types Only print the types for the given values
// -check-same-node=<list> Verify the given values' nodes were merged.
// -check-not-same-node=<list> Verify the given values' nodes weren't merged.
// -check-type=<list>,type Verify the given nodes have the given type
// -check-callees=caller,<list> Verify the given caller has the following callees
// -verify-flags=<list> Verify the given values match the flag specifications.
// In general a 'value' query on the DSA results looks like this:
// graph:value[:offset]*
// Examples:
// "value" specifies 'value' in the globals graph
// "func:value" specifies 'value' in graph for function 'func'
// "func:value:0" the node pointed to at offset 0 from the above
// "func:value:0:1" the node pointed to at offset 1 from the above
// ..etc
// We are also robust to "@value" and "@func" notation for convenience
// The -verify-flags option takes values in this format, but also followed
// by any number of 'flag specifiers' of the form '+flags' and '-flags',
// which indicate flags that the node should and shouldn't have.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "dsgraph-test"
#include "dsa/DataStructure.h"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "dsa/DSNode.h"
#include "dsa/DSCallGraph.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
cl::list<std::string> PrintNodesForValues("print-node-for-value",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
cl::opt<bool> OnlyPrintFlags("print-only-flags", cl::ReallyHidden);
cl::opt<bool> OnlyPrintValues("print-only-values", cl::ReallyHidden);
cl::opt<bool> OnlyPrintTypes("print-only-types", cl::ReallyHidden);
// Test if all mentioned values are in the same node (merged)
cl::list<std::string> CheckNodesSame("check-same-node",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
// Test if all mentioned values are in distinct nodes
cl::list<std::string> CheckNodesNotSame("check-not-same-node",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
// For each value, verify they have (or don't have) the specified flags
cl::list<std::string> VerifyFlags("verify-flags",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
// For each value, verify that type is as given
cl::list<std::string> CheckType("check-type",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
// For first function, verify that it calls the other functions
cl::list<std::string> CheckCallees("check-callees",
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::ReallyHidden);
/// NodeValue -- represents a particular node in a DSGraph
/// constructed from a serialized string representation of a value
/// FIXME: Make this integrated into cl parsing, as mentioned:
/// FIXME: Support querying special nodes like return nodes, VANodes, etc
class NodeValue {
// Containing Function, if applicable.
Function *F;
// Value in that graph's scalarmap that we base off of
// (note that the NH we have below could be indexed a few times
// from this value, only corresponds directly if no offsets)
Value *V;
// DSNodehandle
DSNodeHandle NH;
// String version (that we were given)
std::string serialized;
// Parsed list of offsets
typedef SmallVector<unsigned,3> OffsetVectorTy;
OffsetVectorTy offsets;
NodeValue() {};
void operator=(const NodeValue&);
NodeValue(const NodeValue&);
void initialize(const Module *M, const DataStructures *DS) {
assert(V && "Failed to parse value?");
if (isa<GlobalValue>(V)) {
DSGraph *G = DS->getGlobalsGraph();
assert(G->hasNodeForValue(V) && "Node not in specified graph!");
NH = G->getNodeForValue(V);
} else {
assert(F && "No function?");
DSGraph *G = DS->getDSGraph(*F);
assert(G->hasNodeForValue(V) && "Node not in specified graph!");
NH = G->getNodeForValue(V);
// Handle offsets, if any
// For each offset in the offsets vector, follow the link at that offset
for (OffsetVectorTy::const_iterator I = offsets.begin(), E = offsets.end();
I != E; ++I ) {
assert(!NH.isNull() && "Null NodeHandle?");
assert(NH.hasLink(*I) && "Handle doesn't have link?");
// Follow the offset
NH = NH.getLink(*I);
/// stripOffsets -- strips the offsets
/// Walks backwards, stripping offsets.
/// Returns serialized without the offsets
std::string stripOffsets() {
std::vector<unsigned> offsets_reversed;
SmallVector<StringRef,5> colonSeparated;
StringRef serializedRef = serialized;
SmallVector<StringRef,5>::reverse_iterator I = colonSeparated.rbegin(),
E = colonSeparated.rend();
for(; I != E; ++I ) {
unsigned offset;
// If this isn't an integer (offset), then bail
if (I->getAsInteger(0,offset))
// Okay so we built reversed list of offsets, now put things back together
// If we have more than 2 values left, then we have something like:
// name1:name2:name3[:offset]*, which is no good.
// Also, if we have *nothing* left, something is similarly wrong.
int stringsLeft = E - I;
assert((stringsLeft > 0) && "Node was entirely made of offsets?");
assert((stringsLeft <= 2) && "Too many colons! (Invalid node/offset given)");
// Now rebuild the string, without the offsets.
std::string rebuilt = I++->str();
for(; I != E; ++I) {
rebuilt = I->str() + ":" + rebuilt;
// Reverse the offsets (since we parsed backwards) and put the result
// into the 'offsets' vector for use elsewhere.
return rebuilt;
/// parseValue -- sets value for the string we were constructed on,
/// using the provided module as the context to find the value
void parseValue(const Module *M) {
// Parse the offsets, and remove from the string
StringRef stripped = stripOffsets();
unsigned count = stripped.count(':');
if (count == 0) {
// Global case
// format: "[@]value"
StringRef globalName = stripAtIfRequired(stripped);
V = M->getNamedValue(globalName);
assert(V && "Unable to find specified global!");
} else if (count == 1) {
// Function-specific case
// format: "[@]func:value"
std::pair<StringRef,StringRef> split = stripped.split(':');
StringRef func = stripAtIfRequired(split.first);
StringRef value = split.second;
// First, find the function
F = M->getFunction(func);
assert(F && "Unable to find function specified!");
// Now we try to find the value...
// FIXME: This only works for named values, things like "%1" don't work.
// That might not be a deal breaker, but should be clear.
V = F->getValueSymbolTable().lookup(value);
assert(V && "Unable to find value in specified function!");
} else {
assert(0 && "Too many colons, offsets not stripped?");
assert(V && "Parsing value failed!");
/// stripAtIfRequired -- removes the leading '@' character if one exists
StringRef stripAtIfRequired(StringRef v) {
if (!v.startswith("@"))
return v;
assert(v.size() > 1 && "String too short");
return v.substr(1);
/// Constructor (from string)
NodeValue(std::string & raw, const Module * M, const DataStructures *DS)
: F(NULL), V(NULL), serialized(raw) {
assert(V && NH.getNode() && "Parse failed!");
/// Accessors
DSNodeHandle & getNodeH() { return NH; }
DSGraph * getGraph() { return getNode()->getParentGraph(); }
// FIXME: These two (value/function) aren't used presently, and furthermore
// are a bit confusing in the context of offsets. Make this not lame.
Value * getValue() { return V; }
Function * getFunction() { return F; }
/// Helper to fetch the node from the nodehandle
DSNode * getNode() {
assert(NH.getNode() && "NULL node?");
return NH.getNode();
/// printAllValuesForNode -- prints all values for a given node, without a newline
/// (meant to be a helper)
static void printAllValuesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
// We only consider other values that are in the graph
// containing the specified node (by design)
// Look for values that have an equivalent NH
DSNodeHandle &NH = NV.getNodeH();
const DSGraph::ScalarMapTy &SM = NV.getGraph()->getScalarMap();
bool first = true;
for (DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = SM.begin(), E = SM.end();
I != E; ++I )
if (NH == I->second) {
//Found one!
const Value *V = I->first;
//Print them out, separated by commas
if (!first) O << ",";
first = false;
// Print out name, if it has one.
// FIXME: Get "%0, "%1", naming like the .ll has?
if (V->hasName())
O << V->getName();
O << "<tmp>";
//FIXME: Search globals in this graph too (not just scalarMap)?
// printTypesForNode --prints all the types for the given NodeValue, without a newline
// (meant to be called as a helper)
static void printTypesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
DSNode *N = NV.getNode();
Module *M = NV.getFunction()->getParent();
if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
O << "Folded";
// Go through all the types, and just dump them.
// FIXME: Lifted from Printer.cpp, probably should be shared
bool firstType = true;
if (N->type_begin() != N->type_end())
for (DSNode::TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = N->type_begin(),
ee = N->type_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
if (!firstType) O << "::";
firstType = false;
O << ii->first << ":";
if (ii->second) {
bool first = true;
for (svset<const Type*>::const_iterator ni = ii->second->begin(),
ne = ii->second->end(); ni != ne; ++ni) {
if (!first) O << "|";
WriteTypeSymbolic(O, *ni, M);
first = false;
O << "VOID";
O << "VOID";
if (N->isArrayNode())
O << "Array";
static std::string getFlags(DSNode *N) {
std::string flags("");
// FIXME: This code is lifted directly from Printer.cpp
// Probably would be good to make this code shared...
// Leaving it separate for now to minimize invasiveness
if (unsigned NodeType = N->getNodeFlags()) {
if (NodeType & DSNode::AllocaNode ) flags += "S";
if (NodeType & DSNode::HeapNode ) flags += "H";
if (NodeType & DSNode::GlobalNode ) flags += "G";
if (NodeType & DSNode::UnknownNode ) flags += "U";
if (NodeType & DSNode::IncompleteNode ) flags += "I";
if (NodeType & DSNode::ModifiedNode ) flags += "M";
if (NodeType & DSNode::ReadNode ) flags += "R";
if (NodeType & DSNode::ExternalNode ) flags += "E";
if (NodeType & DSNode::ExternFuncNode ) flags += "X";
if (NodeType & DSNode::IntToPtrNode ) flags += "P";
if (NodeType & DSNode::PtrToIntNode ) flags += "2";
if (NodeType & DSNode::VAStartNode ) flags += "V";
return flags;
static void printFlags(llvm::raw_ostream &O, DSNode *N) {
O << getFlags(N);
/// printNodes -- print the node specified by NV
/// Format:
/// "flags:{value(s)}:{type(s)}"
/// Additionally, the user can specify to print just one piece
static void printNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
((!OnlyPrintFlags && !OnlyPrintValues)||
(!OnlyPrintFlags && !OnlyPrintTypes) ||
(!OnlyPrintValues && !OnlyPrintTypes)) &&
"Only one \"Only\" option allowed!");
if (OnlyPrintFlags) {
} else if (OnlyPrintValues) {
printAllValuesForNode(O, NV);
} else if (OnlyPrintTypes) {
printTypesForNode(O, NV);
} else {
//Print all of them
O << ":{";
printAllValuesForNode(O, NV);
O << "}:{";
printTypesForNode(O, NV);
O << "}";
O << "\n";
/// printNodes -- For each node the user indicated, print the node.
/// See 'printNode' for more details.
/// Returns true iff the user specified nodes to print.
static bool printNodes(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = PrintNodesForValues.begin(),
E = PrintNodesForValues.end();
if (I != E) {
for ( ; I != E; ++I ) {
// Make sense of what the user gave us
NodeValue NV(*I, M, DS);
// Print corresponding node
printNode(O, NV);
return true;
return false;
/// checkIfNodesAreSame -- Verify each node that the user indicated
/// should be merged, is in fact merged.
/// Returns true iff the user specified any nodes for this option.
static bool checkIfNodesAreSame(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
// Verify all nodes listed in "CheckNodesSame" belong to the same node.
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = CheckNodesSame.begin(),
E = CheckNodesSame.end();
// If the user specified that a set of values should be in the same node...
if (I != E) {
// Take the first such value as the reference to compare to the others
NodeValue NVReference(*I++, M, DS);
// Iterate through the remaining to verify they're the same node.
for(; I != E; ++I) {
NodeValue NV(*I, M, DS);
assert(NVReference.getNodeH()==NV.getNodeH() && "Nodes don't match!");
return true;
return false;
/// checkIfNodesAreNotSame -- Verify each node that the user indicated
/// shouldn't be merged, wasn't merged
/// Returns true iff the user specified any nodes for this option.
static bool checkIfNodesAreNotSame(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
// Verify all nodes listed in "CheckNodesNotSame" belong to distinct nodes.
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = CheckNodesNotSame.begin(),
E = CheckNodesNotSame.end();
// If the user specified that a set of values should be in separate nodes...
if (I != E) {
// Lookup all the values
unsigned count = E - I;
NodeValue ** NV = new NodeValue*[count];
for(unsigned i = 0; I != E; ++I, ++i)
NV[i] = new NodeValue(*I, M, DS);
//Compare all pairs to make sure they're distinct
for(unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
for(unsigned j = i+1; j < count; ++j) {
assert(NV[i]->getNodeH() != NV[j]->getNodeH() && "Nodes not distinct!");
for(unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
delete NV[i];
delete [] NV;
return true;
return false;
/// checkTypes -- Verify type for the given nodes.
/// Returns true iff the user specified anything for this option
static bool checkTypes(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
// Verify all nodes listed in "CheckType" have the same Type
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = CheckType.begin(),
E = CheckType.end();
// If the user specified that a set of values should be in the same node...
if (I != E) {
// last value is type string
std::string typeRef = *(--E);
//typeRef = typeRef.substr(1, typeRef.length()-2);
// Iterate through the remaining to verify they're the same node.
for(; I != E; ++I) {
NodeValue NV(*I, M, DS);
std::string *type = new std::string();
llvm::raw_string_ostream *test= new llvm::raw_string_ostream(*type);
printTypesForNode(*test, NV);
if(test->str()!=typeRef) {
errs() << "ERROR: Testing for type : \t" <<
typeRef << "\n";
errs() << " But found this type :\t" <<
test->str() << "\n";
assert(0 && "Type verification failed!");
return true;
return false;
/// VerifyFlags -- Verify flag properties for the given nodes.
/// This is a common enough testing process that this was added to make it simpler.
/// Returns true iff the user specified anything for this option.
/// This builds upon the node notation used elsewhere, and tacks on
/// node+flags, node-flags, node+flags-flags
/// Where +flags means 'this node should have these flags'
/// And -flags means 'this node should NOT have these flags'
static bool verifyFlags(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = VerifyFlags.begin(),
E = VerifyFlags.end();
if (I != E) {
for(; I != E; ++I) {
std::string NodeFlagOption = *I;
std::string::size_type FlagPos = NodeFlagOption.find_first_of("+-");
if (FlagPos == std::string::npos) {
errs() << "No flags given for option \"" << NodeFlagOption << "\"!\n";
assert(0 && "Invalid input!");
// Grab the part before the flag specifiers and parse that as a node
std::string NodeString = std::string(I->begin(),I->begin()+FlagPos);
NodeValue NV(NodeString, M, DS);
// Process each of the flag specifiers (+flag, or -flag)
do {
bool shouldHaveFlag = (NodeFlagOption[FlagPos] == '+');
// Find the next specifier...
std::string::size_type NextPos = NodeFlagOption.find_first_of("+-",FlagPos+1);
// Parse out the flags for this option
std::string FlagsListed;
if (NextPos != std::string::npos)
FlagsListed = std::string(I->begin()+FlagPos+1,I->begin()+NextPos);
FlagsListed = std::string(I->begin()+FlagPos+1,I->end());
// Do the checking!
std::string ActualFlags = getFlags(NV.getNode());
for (std::string::iterator I = FlagsListed.begin(), E = FlagsListed.end();
I != E; ++I ) {
if (shouldHaveFlag == (ActualFlags.find(*I) == std::string::npos))
errs() << "ERROR: Verify flags for: \t" <<
NodeFlagOption << "\n";
errs() << " But found these flags: \t" <<
ActualFlags << "\n";
assert(0 && "Flag verification failed!");
// Update FlagPos
FlagPos = NextPos;
} while(FlagPos != std::string::npos);
return true;
return false;
/// checkCallees -- Verify callees for the given functions
/// Returns true iff the user specified anything for this option
/// checks that the first function calls the rest of the
/// functions in the list
static bool checkCallees(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M,
const DataStructures *DS) {
//Mangled names must be provided for C++
cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = CheckCallees.begin(),
E = CheckCallees.end();
// If the user specified that a set of values should be in the same node...
if (I != E) {
std::string &func = *(I);
Function *caller = M->getFunction(func);
assert(caller && "Function not found in module");
const DSCallGraph callgraph = DS->getCallGraph();
while(I != E ){
std::string &func = *(I);
const Function *callee = M->getFunction(func);
bool found = false;
Function const*leader = callgraph.sccLeader(&*caller);
// either the callee is in the same SCC as the caller, and hence does not show up
for(DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callgraph.scc_begin(leader),
sccee = callgraph.scc_end(leader); sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
if(callee == *sccii)
found = true;
// or the callee is found in the DSCallGraph
for(DSCallGraph::flat_iterator CI = callgraph.flat_callee_begin(caller);
CI != callgraph.flat_callee_end(caller); CI ++) {
if (callee == *CI)
found = true;
for(DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callgraph.scc_begin(*CI),
sccee = callgraph.scc_end(*CI); sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
if(callee == *sccii)
found = true;
assert(found && "callee not in call graph");
return true;
return false;
/// handleTest -- handles any user-specified testing options.
/// returns true iff the user specified something to test.
bool DataStructures::handleTest(llvm::raw_ostream &O, const Module *M) const {
bool tested = false;
tested |= printNodes(O,M,this);
tested |= checkIfNodesAreSame(O,M,this);
tested |= checkIfNodesAreNotSame(O,M,this);
tested |= verifyFlags(O,M,this);
tested |= checkTypes(O,M,this);
tested |= checkCallees(O,M,this);
return tested;