blob: e00766b1884851f5ae086d51ce1e6c64eccec3cf [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- llvm-type.cpp - Converting GCC types to LLVM types ---------===//
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Chris Lattner, Duncan Sands
// et al.
// This file is part of DragonEgg.
// DragonEgg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
// DragonEgg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// DragonEgg; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
// This is the code that converts GCC tree types into LLVM types.
// Plugin headers
#include "llvm-abi.h"
#include "llvm-tree.h"
extern "C" {
#include "llvm-cache.h"
// LLVM headers
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
// System headers
#include <gmp.h>
#include <map>
// GCC headers
extern "C" {
#include "config.h"
// Stop GCC declaring 'getopt' as it can clash with the system's declaration.
#include "system.h"
#include "coretypes.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "tree.h"
// NoLength - Special value used to indicate that an array has variable or
// unknown length.
static const uint64_t NoLength = ~(uint64_t)0;
static LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
// Matching LLVM types with GCC trees
// GET_TYPE_LLVM/SET_TYPE_LLVM - Associate an LLVM type with each TREE type.
// These are lazily computed by ConvertType.
const Type *llvm_set_type(tree Tr, const Type *Ty) {
assert(TYPE_P(Tr) && "Expected a gcc type!");
// Check that the LLVM and GCC types have the same size, or, if the type has
// variable size, that the LLVM type is not bigger than any possible value of
// the GCC type.
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (TYPE_SIZE(Tr) && Ty->isSized() && isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(Tr), true)) {
uint64_t LLVMSize = getTargetData().getTypeAllocSizeInBits(Ty);
if (getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(Tr), true) != LLVMSize) {
errs() << "GCC: ";
errs() << "LLVM: ";
errs() << " (" << LLVMSize << " bits)\n";
llvm_unreachable("LLVM type size doesn't match GCC type size!");
return (const Type *)llvm_set_cached(Tr, Ty);
#define SET_TYPE_LLVM(NODE, TYPE) llvm_set_type(NODE, TYPE)
const Type *llvm_get_type(tree Tr) {
assert(TYPE_P(Tr) && "Expected a gcc type!");
return (const Type *)llvm_get_cached(Tr);
#define GET_TYPE_LLVM(NODE) llvm_get_type(NODE)
//TODO// Read LLVM Types string table
//TODOvoid readLLVMTypesStringTable() {
//TODO GlobalValue *V = TheModule->getNamedGlobal("llvm.pch.types");
//TODO if (!V)
//TODO return;
//TODO // Value *GV = TheModule->getValueSymbolTable().lookup("llvm.pch.types");
//TODO GlobalVariable *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(V);
//TODO ConstantStruct *LTypesNames = cast<ConstantStruct>(GV->getOperand(0));
//TODO for (unsigned i = 0; i < LTypesNames->getNumOperands(); ++i) {
//TODO const Type *Ty = NULL;
//TODO if (ConstantArray *CA =
//TODO dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(LTypesNames->getOperand(i))) {
//TODO std::string Str = CA->getAsString();
//TODO Ty = TheModule->getTypeByName(Str);
//TODO assert (Ty != NULL && "Invalid Type in LTypes string table");
//TODO }
//TODO // If V is not a string then it is empty. Insert NULL to represent
//TODO // empty entries.
//TODO LTypes.push_back(Ty);
//TODO }
//TODO // Now, llvm.pch.types value is not required so remove it from the symbol
//TODO // table.
//TODO GV->eraseFromParent();
//TODO// GCC tree's uses LTypes vector's index to reach LLVM types.
//TODO// Create a string table to hold these LLVM types' names. This string
//TODO// table will be used to recreate LTypes vector after loading PCH.
//TODOvoid writeLLVMTypesStringTable() {
//TODO if (LTypes.empty())
//TODO return;
//TODO std::vector<Constant *> LTypesNames;
//TODO std::map < const Type *, std::string > TypeNameMap;
//TODO // Collect Type Names in advance.
//TODO const TypeSymbolTable &ST = TheModule->getTypeSymbolTable();
//TODO TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin();
//TODO for (; TI != ST.end(); ++TI) {
//TODO TypeNameMap[TI->second] = TI->first;
//TODO }
//TODO // Populate LTypesNames vector.
//TODO for (std::vector<const Type *>::iterator I = LTypes.begin(),
//TODO E = LTypes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
//TODO const Type *Ty = *I;
//TODO // Give names to nameless types.
//TODO if (Ty && TypeNameMap[Ty].empty()) {
//TODO std::string NewName =
//TODO TheModule->getTypeSymbolTable().getUniqueName("llvm.fe.ty");
//TODO TheModule->addTypeName(NewName, Ty);
//TODO TypeNameMap[*I] = NewName;
//TODO }
//TODO const std::string &TypeName = TypeNameMap[*I];
//TODO LTypesNames.push_back(ConstantArray::get(Context, TypeName, false));
//TODO }
//TODO // Create string table.
//TODO Constant *LTypesNameTable = ConstantStruct::get(Context, LTypesNames, false);
//TODO // Create variable to hold this string table.
//TODO GlobalVariable *GV = new GlobalVariable(*TheModule,
//TODO LTypesNameTable->getType(), true,
//TODO GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
//TODO LTypesNameTable,
//TODO "llvm.pch.types");
// Recursive Type Handling Code and Data
// Recursive types are a major pain to handle for a couple of reasons. Because
// of this, when we start parsing a struct or a union, we globally change how
// POINTER_TYPE and REFERENCE_TYPE are handled. In particular, instead of
// actually recursing and computing the type they point to, they will return an
// opaque*, and remember that they did this in PointersToReresolve.
/// GetFunctionType - This is just a helper like FunctionType::get but that
/// takes PATypeHolders.
static FunctionType *GetFunctionType(const PATypeHolder &Res,
std::vector<PATypeHolder> &ArgTys,
bool isVarArg) {
std::vector<const Type*> ArgTysP;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgTys.size(); i != e; ++i)
return FunctionType::get(Res, ArgTysP, isVarArg);
// Type Conversion Utilities
/// ArrayLengthOf - Returns the length of the given gcc array type, or NoLength
// if the array has variable or unknown length.
uint64_t ArrayLengthOf(tree type) {
assert(TREE_CODE(type) == ARRAY_TYPE && "Only for array types!");
// If the element type has variable size and the array type has variable
// length, but by some miracle the product gives a constant size, then we
// also return NoLength here. I can live with this, and I bet you can too!
if (!isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true) ||
!isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(TREE_TYPE(type)), true))
return NoLength;
// May return zero for arrays that gcc considers to have non-zero length, but
// only if the array type has zero size (this can happen if the element type
// has zero size), in which case the discrepancy doesn't matter.
// If the user increased the alignment of the element type, then the size of
// the array type is rounded up by that alignment, but the size of the element
// is not. Since gcc requires the user alignment to be strictly smaller than
// the element size, this does not impact the length computation.
return integer_zerop(TYPE_SIZE(type)) ? 0 : getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true) /
getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(TREE_TYPE(type)), true);
/// getFieldOffsetInBits - Return the bit offset of a FIELD_DECL in a structure.
uint64_t getFieldOffsetInBits(tree field) {
assert(OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(field) && "Offset is not constant!");
uint64_t Result = getInt64(DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET(field), true);
Result += getInt64(DECL_FIELD_OFFSET(field), true) * BITS_PER_UNIT;
return Result;
/// GetUnitPointerType - Returns an LLVM pointer type which points to memory one
/// address unit wide. For example, on a machine which has 16 bit bytes returns
/// an i16*.
const Type *GetUnitPointerType(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AddrSpace) {
assert(!(BITS_PER_UNIT & 7) && "Unit size not a multiple of 8 bits!");
return IntegerType::get(C, BITS_PER_UNIT)->getPointerTo(AddrSpace);
// isPassedByInvisibleReference - Return true if an argument of the specified
// type should be passed in by invisible reference.
bool isPassedByInvisibleReference(tree Type) {
// Don't crash in this case.
if (Type == error_mark_node)
return false;
// FIXME: Search for TREE_ADDRESSABLE in calls.c, and see if there are other
// cases that make arguments automatically passed in by reference.
return TREE_ADDRESSABLE(Type) || TYPE_SIZE(Type) == 0 ||
/// isSequentialCompatible - Return true if the specified gcc array or pointer
/// type and the corresponding LLVM SequentialType lay out their components
/// identically in memory, so doing a GEP accesses the right memory location.
/// We assume that objects without a known size do not.
bool isSequentialCompatible(tree type) {
assert((TREE_CODE(type) == ARRAY_TYPE ||
TREE_CODE(type) == REFERENCE_TYPE) && "not a sequential type!");
// This relies on gcc types with constant size mapping to LLVM types with the
// same size. It is possible for the component type not to have a size:
// struct foo; extern foo bar[];
return isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(TREE_TYPE(type)), true);
/// OffsetIsLLVMCompatible - Return true if the given field is offset from the
/// start of the record by a constant amount which is not humongously big.
bool OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(tree field_decl) {
return isInt64(DECL_FIELD_OFFSET(field_decl), true);
/// isBitfield - Returns whether to treat the specified field as a bitfield.
bool isBitfield(tree_node *field_decl) {
if (!DECL_BIT_FIELD(field_decl))
return false;
// A bitfield. But do we need to treat it as one?
assert(DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET(field_decl) && "Bitfield with no bit offset!");
// Does not start on a byte boundary - must treat as a bitfield.
return true;
if (!isInt64(TYPE_SIZE (TREE_TYPE(field_decl)), true))
// No size or variable sized - play safe, treat as a bitfield.
return true;
uint64_t TypeSizeInBits = getInt64(TYPE_SIZE (TREE_TYPE(field_decl)), true);
assert(!(TypeSizeInBits & 7) && "A type with a non-byte size!");
assert(DECL_SIZE(field_decl) && "Bitfield with no bit size!");
uint64_t FieldSizeInBits = getInt64(DECL_SIZE(field_decl), true);
if (FieldSizeInBits < TypeSizeInBits)
// Not wide enough to hold the entire type - treat as a bitfield.
return true;
return false;
/// refine_type_to - Cause all users of the opaque type old_type to switch
/// to the more concrete type new_type.
void refine_type_to(tree old_type, tree new_type)
const OpaqueType *OldTy = cast_or_null<OpaqueType>(GET_TYPE_LLVM(old_type));
if (OldTy) {
const Type *NewTy = ConvertType (new_type);
// Abstract Type Refinement Helpers
// This code is built to make sure that the TYPE_LLVM field on tree types are
// updated when LLVM types are refined. This prevents dangling pointers from
// occuring due to type coallescing.
namespace {
class TypeRefinementDatabase : public AbstractTypeUser {
virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy,
const Type *NewTy);
virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// TypeUsers - For each abstract LLVM type, we keep track of all of the GCC
// types that point to it.
std::map<const Type*, std::vector<tree> > TypeUsers;
/// setType - call SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Ty), associating the type with the
/// specified tree type. In addition, if the LLVM type is an abstract type,
/// we add it to our data structure to track it.
inline const Type *setType(tree type, const Type *Ty) {
if (GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))
if (Ty->isAbstract()) {
std::vector<tree> &Users = TypeUsers[Ty];
if (Users.empty()) Ty->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
return SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Ty);
void RemoveTypeFromTable(tree type);
void dump() const;
/// TypeDB - The main global type database.
TypeRefinementDatabase TypeDB;
/// RemoveTypeFromTable - We're about to change the LLVM type of 'type'
void TypeRefinementDatabase::RemoveTypeFromTable(tree type) {
const Type *Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type);
if (!Ty->isAbstract()) return;
std::map<const Type*, std::vector<tree> >::iterator I = TypeUsers.find(Ty);
assert(I != TypeUsers.end() && "Using an abstract type but not in table?");
bool FoundIt = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->second.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (I->second[i] == type) {
FoundIt = true;
std::swap(I->second[i], I->second.back());
assert(FoundIt && "Using an abstract type but not in table?");
// If the type plane is now empty, nuke it.
if (I->second.empty()) {
/// refineAbstractType - The callback method invoked when an abstract type is
/// resolved to another type. An object must override this method to update
/// its internal state to reference NewType instead of OldType.
void TypeRefinementDatabase::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy,
const Type *NewTy) {
if (OldTy == NewTy && OldTy->isAbstract()) return; // Nothing to do.
std::map<const Type*, std::vector<tree> >::iterator I = TypeUsers.find(OldTy);
assert(I != TypeUsers.end() && "Using an abstract type but not in table?");
if (!NewTy->isAbstract()) {
// If the type became concrete, update everything pointing to it, and remove
// all of our entries from the map.
if (OldTy != NewTy)
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->second.size(); i != e; ++i)
SET_TYPE_LLVM(I->second[i], NewTy);
} else {
// Otherwise, it was refined to another instance of an abstract type. Move
// everything over and stop monitoring OldTy.
std::vector<tree> &NewSlot = TypeUsers[NewTy];
if (NewSlot.empty()) NewTy->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->second.size(); i != e; ++i) {
SET_TYPE_LLVM(I->second[i], NewTy);
// Next, remove OldTy's entry in the TargetData object if it has one.
if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(OldTy))
/// The other case which AbstractTypeUsers must be aware of is when a type
/// makes the transition from being abstract (where it has clients on it's
/// AbstractTypeUsers list) to concrete (where it does not). This method
/// notifies ATU's when this occurs for a type.
void TypeRefinementDatabase::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
assert(TypeUsers.count(AbsTy) && "Not using this type!");
// Remove the type from our collection of tracked types.
void TypeRefinementDatabase::dump() const {
outs() << "TypeRefinementDatabase\n";
// Helper Routines
/// GetFieldIndex - Return the index of the field in the given LLVM type that
/// corresponds to the GCC field declaration 'decl'. This means that the LLVM
/// and GCC fields start in the same byte (if 'decl' is a bitfield, this means
/// that its first bit is within the byte the LLVM field starts at). Returns
/// INT_MAX if there is no such LLVM field.
int GetFieldIndex(tree decl, const Type *Ty) {
assert(TREE_CODE(decl) == FIELD_DECL && "Expected a FIELD_DECL!");
assert(Ty == ConvertType(DECL_CONTEXT(decl)) && "Field not for this type!");
// If we previously cached the field index, return the cached value.
unsigned Index = (unsigned)get_decl_index(decl);
if (Index <= INT_MAX)
return Index;
// TODO: At this point we could process all fields of DECL_CONTEXT(decl), and
// incrementally advance over the StructLayout. This would make indexing be
// O(N) rather than O(N log N) if all N fields are used. It's not clear if it
// would really be a win though.
const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
// If this is not a struct type, then for sure there is no corresponding LLVM
// field (we do not require GCC record types to be converted to LLVM structs).
if (!STy)
return set_decl_index(decl, INT_MAX);
// If the field declaration is at a variable or humongous offset then there
// can be no corresponding LLVM field.
if (!OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(decl))
return set_decl_index(decl, INT_MAX);
// Find the LLVM field that contains the first bit of the GCC field.
uint64_t OffsetInBytes = getFieldOffsetInBits(decl) / 8; // Ignore bit in byte
const StructLayout *SL = getTargetData().getStructLayout(STy);
Index = SL->getElementContainingOffset(OffsetInBytes);
// The GCC field must start in the first byte of the LLVM field.
if (OffsetInBytes != SL->getElementOffset(Index))
return set_decl_index(decl, INT_MAX);
// We are not able to cache values bigger than INT_MAX, so bail out if the
// LLVM field index is that huge.
if (Index >= INT_MAX)
return set_decl_index(decl, INT_MAX);
// Found an appropriate LLVM field - return it.
return set_decl_index(decl, Index);
/// FindLLVMTypePadding - If the specified struct has any inter-element padding,
/// add it to the Padding array.
static void FindLLVMTypePadding(const Type *Ty, tree type, uint64_t BitOffset,
SmallVector<std::pair<uint64_t,uint64_t>, 16> &Padding) {
if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
const TargetData &TD = getTargetData();
const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(STy);
uint64_t PrevFieldEnd = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
// If this field is marked as being padding, then pretend it is not there.
// This results in it (or something bigger) being added to Padding. This
// matches the logic in CopyAggregate.
if (type && isPaddingElement(type, i))
uint64_t FieldBitOffset = SL->getElementOffset(i)*8;
// Get padding of sub-elements.
FindLLVMTypePadding(STy->getElementType(i), 0,
BitOffset+FieldBitOffset, Padding);
// Check to see if there is any padding between this element and the
// previous one.
if (PrevFieldEnd < FieldBitOffset)
PrevFieldEnd =
FieldBitOffset + TD.getTypeSizeInBits(STy->getElementType(i));
// Check for tail padding.
if (PrevFieldEnd < SL->getSizeInBits())
} else if (const ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
uint64_t EltSize = getTargetData().getTypeSizeInBits(ATy->getElementType());
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ATy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
FindLLVMTypePadding(ATy->getElementType(), 0, BitOffset+i*EltSize,
// primitive and vector types have no padding.
/// GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding - Return true if the specified gcc type overlaps
/// with the specified region of padding. This only needs to handle types with
/// a constant size.
static bool GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(tree type, int PadStartBits,
int PadSizeBits) {
assert(type != error_mark_node);
// LLVM doesn't care about variants such as const, volatile, or restrict.
type = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT(type);
// If the type does not overlap, don't bother checking below.
if (!isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true))
// No size, negative size (!) or huge - be conservative.
return true;
if (!getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true) ||
PadStartBits >= (int64_t)getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), false) ||
PadStartBits+PadSizeBits <= 0)
return false;
switch (TREE_CODE(type)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type to compare:\n");
// These types have no holes.
return true;
case ARRAY_TYPE: {
uint64_t NumElts = ArrayLengthOf(type);
if (NumElts == NoLength)
return true;
unsigned EltSizeBits = getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(TREE_TYPE(type)), true);
// Check each element for overlap. This is inelegant, but effective.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumElts; ++i)
if (GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(TREE_TYPE(type),
PadStartBits- i*EltSizeBits, PadSizeBits))
return true;
return false;
case UNION_TYPE: {
// If this is a union with the transparent_union attribute set, it is
// treated as if it were just the same as its first type.
tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type);
assert(Field && "Transparent union must have some elements!");
while (TREE_CODE(Field) != FIELD_DECL) {
Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field);
assert(Field && "Transparent union must have some elements!");
return GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(TREE_TYPE(Field),
PadStartBits, PadSizeBits);
// See if any elements overlap.
for (tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type); Field; Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field)) {
if (TREE_CODE(Field) != FIELD_DECL) continue;
assert(getFieldOffsetInBits(Field) == 0 && "Union with non-zero offset?");
// Skip fields that are known not to be present.
if (GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(TREE_TYPE(Field),
PadStartBits, PadSizeBits))
return true;
// Skip remaining fields if this one is known to be present.
return false;
for (tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type); Field; Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field)) {
if (TREE_CODE(Field) != FIELD_DECL) continue;
if (!OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(Field))
// Variable or humongous offset.
return true;
uint64_t FieldBitOffset = getFieldOffsetInBits(Field);
if (GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(TREE_TYPE(Field),
PadStartBits-FieldBitOffset, PadSizeBits))
return true;
return false;
bool TypeConverter::GCCTypeOverlapsWithLLVMTypePadding(tree type,
const Type *Ty) {
// Start by finding all of the padding in the LLVM Type.
SmallVector<std::pair<uint64_t,uint64_t>, 16> StructPadding;
FindLLVMTypePadding(Ty, type, 0, StructPadding);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = StructPadding.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (GCCTypeOverlapsWithPadding(type, StructPadding[i].first,
return true;
return false;
// Main Type Conversion Routines
const Type *TypeConverter::ConvertType(tree type) {
if (type == error_mark_node) return Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
// LLVM doesn't care about variants such as const, volatile, or restrict.
type = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT(type);
const Type *Ty;
switch (TREE_CODE(type)) {
llvm_unreachable("Unknown type to convert!");
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getVoidTy(Context));
Ty = ConvertRECORD(type);
// Use of an enum that is implicitly declared?
if (TYPE_SIZE(type) == 0) {
// If we already compiled this type, use the old type.
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type)))
return Ty;
Ty = OpaqueType::get(Context);
Ty = TypeDB.setType(type, Ty);
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))) return Ty;
uint64_t Size = getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true);
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, IntegerType::get(Context, Size));
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))) return Ty;
switch (TYPE_PRECISION(type)) {
llvm_unreachable("Unknown FP type!");
case 32: Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getFloatTy(Context)); break;
case 64: Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getDoubleTy(Context)); break;
case 80: Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getX86_FP80Ty(Context)); break;
case 128:
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getPPC_FP128Ty(Context));
// IEEE quad precision.
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Type::getFP128Ty(Context));
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))) return Ty;
Ty = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(type));
assert(!Ty->isAbstract() && "should use TypeDB.setType()");
Ty = StructType::get(Context, Ty, Ty, NULL);
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Ty);
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))) return Ty;
Ty = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(type));
assert(!Ty->isAbstract() && "should use TypeDB.setType()");
Ty = VectorType::get(Ty, TYPE_VECTOR_SUBPARTS(type));
Ty = SET_TYPE_LLVM(type, Ty);
if (const PointerType *PTy = cast_or_null<PointerType>(GET_TYPE_LLVM(type))){
// We already converted this type. If this isn't a case where we have to
// reparse it, just return it.
if (PointersToReresolve.empty() || PointersToReresolve.back() != type ||
return PTy;
// Okay, we know that we're !ConvertingStruct and that type is on the end
// of the vector. Remove this entry from the PointersToReresolve list and
// get the pointee type. Note that this order is important in case the
// pointee type uses this pointer.
assert(PTy->getElementType()->isOpaqueTy() && "Not a deferred ref!");
// We are actively resolving this pointer. We want to pop this value from
// the stack, as we are no longer resolving it. However, we don't want to
// make it look like we are now resolving the previous pointer on the
// stack, so pop this value and push a null.
PointersToReresolve.back() = 0;
// Do not do any nested resolution. We know that there is a higher-level
// loop processing deferred pointers, let it handle anything new.
ConvertingStruct = true;
// Note that we know that PTy cannot be resolved or invalidated here.
const Type *Actual = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(type));
assert(GET_TYPE_LLVM(type) == PTy && "Pointer invalidated!");
// Restore ConvertingStruct for the caller.
ConvertingStruct = false;
if (Actual->isVoidTy())
Actual = Type::getInt8Ty(Context); // void* -> sbyte*
// Update the type, potentially updating TYPE_LLVM(type).
const OpaqueType *OT = cast<OpaqueType>(PTy->getElementType());
Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type);
} else {
// If we are converting a struct, and if we haven't converted the pointee
// type, add this pointer to PointersToReresolve and return an opaque*.
if (ConvertingStruct) {
// If the pointee type has not already been converted to LLVM, create
// a new opaque type and remember it in the database.
if (Ty == 0) {
Ty = TypeDB.setType(type,
// A type has already been computed. However, this may be some sort of
// recursive struct. We don't want to call ConvertType on it, because
// this will try to resolve it, and not adding the type to the
// PointerToReresolve collection is just an optimization. Instead,
// we'll use the type returned by GET_TYPE_LLVM directly, even if this
// may be resolved further in the future.
} else {
// If we're not in a struct, just call ConvertType. If it has already
// been converted, this will return the precomputed value, otherwise
// this will compute and return the new type.
Ty = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(type));
if (Ty->isVoidTy())
Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(Context); // void* -> sbyte*
Ty = TypeDB.setType(type, Ty->getPointerTo());
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type)))
return Ty;
// No declaration to pass through, passing NULL.
CallingConv::ID CallingConv;
AttrListPtr PAL;
Ty = TypeDB.setType(type, ConvertFunctionType(type, NULL, NULL,
CallingConv, PAL));
case ARRAY_TYPE: {
if ((Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type)))
return Ty;
const Type *ElementTy = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(type));
uint64_t NumElements = ArrayLengthOf(type);
if (NumElements == NoLength) // Variable length array?
NumElements = 0;
// Create the array type.
Ty = ArrayType::get(ElementTy, NumElements);
// If the user increased the alignment of the array element type, then the
// size of the array is rounded up by that alignment even though the size
// of the array element type is not (!). Correct for this if necessary by
// adding padding. May also need padding if the element type has variable
// size and the array type has variable length, but by a miracle the product
// gives a constant size.
if (isInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true)) {
uint64_t PadBits = getInt64(TYPE_SIZE(type), true) -
if (PadBits) {
const Type *Padding = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Context), PadBits / 8);
Ty = StructType::get(Context, Ty, Padding, NULL);
Ty = TypeDB.setType(type, Ty);
// Handle OFFSET_TYPE specially. This is used for pointers to members,
// which are really just integer offsets. As such, return the appropriate
// integer directly.
switch (getTargetData().getPointerSize()) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown pointer size!");
case 4: Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context); break;
case 8: Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(Context); break;
// Try to give the type a helpful name. There is no point in doing this for
// array and pointer types since LLVM automatically gives them a useful name
// based on the element type.
if (!Ty->isVoidTy() && !isa<SequentialType>(Ty)) {
const std::string &TypeName = getDescriptiveName(type);
if (!TypeName.empty())
TheModule->addTypeName(TypeName, Ty);
return Ty;
// FUNCTION/METHOD_TYPE Conversion Routines
namespace {
class FunctionTypeConversion : public DefaultABIClient {
PATypeHolder &RetTy;
std::vector<PATypeHolder> &ArgTypes;
CallingConv::ID &CallingConv;
bool isShadowRet;
bool KNRPromotion;
unsigned Offset;
FunctionTypeConversion(PATypeHolder &retty, std::vector<PATypeHolder> &AT,
CallingConv::ID &CC, bool KNR)
: RetTy(retty), ArgTypes(AT), CallingConv(CC), KNRPromotion(KNR), Offset(0) {
CallingConv = CallingConv::C;
isShadowRet = false;
/// getCallingConv - This provides the desired CallingConv for the function.
CallingConv::ID& getCallingConv(void) { return CallingConv; }
bool isShadowReturn() const { return isShadowRet; }
/// HandleScalarResult - This callback is invoked if the function returns a
/// simple scalar result value.
void HandleScalarResult(const Type *RetTy) {
this->RetTy = RetTy;
/// HandleAggregateResultAsScalar - This callback is invoked if the function
/// returns an aggregate value by bit converting it to the specified scalar
/// type and returning that.
void HandleAggregateResultAsScalar(const Type *ScalarTy, unsigned Offset=0) {
RetTy = ScalarTy;
this->Offset = Offset;
/// HandleAggregateResultAsAggregate - This callback is invoked if the function
/// returns an aggregate value using multiple return values.
void HandleAggregateResultAsAggregate(const Type *AggrTy) {
RetTy = AggrTy;
/// HandleShadowResult - Handle an aggregate or scalar shadow argument.
void HandleShadowResult(const PointerType *PtrArgTy, bool RetPtr) {
// This function either returns void or the shadow argument,
// depending on the target.
RetTy = RetPtr ? PtrArgTy : Type::getVoidTy(Context);
// In any case, there is a dummy shadow argument though!
// Also, note the use of a shadow argument.
isShadowRet = true;
/// HandleAggregateShadowResult - This callback is invoked if the function
/// returns an aggregate value by using a "shadow" first parameter, which is
/// a pointer to the aggregate, of type PtrArgTy. If RetPtr is set to true,
/// the pointer argument itself is returned from the function.
void HandleAggregateShadowResult(const PointerType *PtrArgTy,
bool RetPtr) {
HandleShadowResult(PtrArgTy, RetPtr);
/// HandleScalarShadowResult - This callback is invoked if the function
/// returns a scalar value by using a "shadow" first parameter, which is a
/// pointer to the scalar, of type PtrArgTy. If RetPtr is set to true,
/// the pointer argument itself is returned from the function.
void HandleScalarShadowResult(const PointerType *PtrArgTy, bool RetPtr) {
HandleShadowResult(PtrArgTy, RetPtr);
void HandlePad(const llvm::Type *LLVMTy) {
HandleScalarArgument(LLVMTy, 0, 0);
void HandleScalarArgument(const llvm::Type *LLVMTy, tree type,
unsigned /*RealSize*/ = 0) {
if (KNRPromotion) {
if (type == float_type_node)
LLVMTy = ConvertType(double_type_node);
else if (LLVMTy->isIntegerTy(16) || LLVMTy->isIntegerTy(8) ||
LLVMTy = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
/// HandleByInvisibleReferenceArgument - This callback is invoked if a pointer
/// (of type PtrTy) to the argument is passed rather than the argument itself.
void HandleByInvisibleReferenceArgument(const llvm::Type *PtrTy,
tree /*type*/) {
/// HandleByValArgument - This callback is invoked if the aggregate function
/// argument is passed by value. It is lowered to a parameter passed by
/// reference with an additional parameter attribute "ByVal".
void HandleByValArgument(const llvm::Type *LLVMTy, tree type) {
HandleScalarArgument(LLVMTy->getPointerTo(), type);
/// HandleFCAArgument - This callback is invoked if the aggregate function
/// argument is a first class aggregate passed by value.
void HandleFCAArgument(const llvm::Type *LLVMTy, tree /*type*/) {
static Attributes HandleArgumentExtension(tree ArgTy) {
return Attribute::ZExt;
} else if (TREE_CODE(ArgTy) == INTEGER_TYPE &&
return Attribute::ZExt;
return Attribute::SExt;
return Attribute::None;
/// ConvertParamListToLLVMSignature - This method is used to build the argument
/// type list for K&R prototyped functions. In this case, we have to figure out
/// the type list (to build a FunctionType) from the actual DECL_ARGUMENTS list
/// for the function. This method takes the DECL_ARGUMENTS list (Args), and
/// fills in Result with the argument types for the function. It returns the
/// specified result type for the function.
const FunctionType *TypeConverter::
ConvertArgListToFnType(tree type, tree Args, tree static_chain,
CallingConv::ID &CallingConv, AttrListPtr &PAL) {
tree ReturnType = TREE_TYPE(type);
std::vector<PATypeHolder> ArgTys;
PATypeHolder RetTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
FunctionTypeConversion Client(RetTy, ArgTys, CallingConv, true /*K&R*/);
DefaultABI ABIConverter(Client);
TARGET_ADJUST_LLVM_CC(CallingConv, type);
// Builtins are always prototyped, so this isn't one.
ABIConverter.HandleReturnType(ReturnType, current_function_decl, false);
SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> Attrs;
// Compute whether the result needs to be zext or sext'd.
Attributes RAttributes = HandleArgumentExtension(ReturnType);
// Allow the target to change the attributes.
if (RAttributes != Attribute::None)
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, RAttributes));
// If this function returns via a shadow argument, the dest loc is passed
// in as a pointer. Mark that pointer as struct-ret and noalias.
if (ABIConverter.isShadowReturn())
Attribute::StructRet | Attribute::NoAlias));
std::vector<const Type*> ScalarArgs;
if (static_chain) {
// Pass the static chain as the first parameter.
ABIConverter.HandleArgument(TREE_TYPE(static_chain), ScalarArgs);
// Mark it as the chain argument.
for (; Args && TREE_TYPE(Args) != void_type_node; Args = TREE_CHAIN(Args)) {
tree ArgTy = TREE_TYPE(Args);
// Determine if there are any attributes for this param.
Attributes PAttributes = Attribute::None;
ABIConverter.HandleArgument(ArgTy, ScalarArgs, &PAttributes);
// Compute zext/sext attributes.
PAttributes |= HandleArgumentExtension(ArgTy);
if (PAttributes != Attribute::None)
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(ArgTys.size(), PAttributes));
PAL = AttrListPtr::get(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end());
return GetFunctionType(RetTy, ArgTys, false);
const FunctionType *TypeConverter::
ConvertFunctionType(tree type, tree decl, tree static_chain,
CallingConv::ID &CallingConv, AttrListPtr &PAL) {
PATypeHolder RetTy = Type::getVoidTy(Context);
std::vector<PATypeHolder> ArgTypes;
bool isVarArg = false;
FunctionTypeConversion Client(RetTy, ArgTypes, CallingConv, false/*not K&R*/);
DefaultABI ABIConverter(Client);
// Allow the target to set the CC for things like fastcall etc.
TARGET_ADJUST_LLVM_CC(CallingConv, type);
ABIConverter.HandleReturnType(TREE_TYPE(type), current_function_decl,
decl ? DECL_BUILT_IN(decl) : false);
// Compute attributes for return type (and function attributes).
SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> Attrs;
Attributes FnAttributes = Attribute::None;
int flags = flags_from_decl_or_type(decl ? decl : type);
// Check for 'noreturn' function attribute.
if (flags & ECF_NORETURN)
FnAttributes |= Attribute::NoReturn;
// Check for 'nounwind' function attribute.
if (flags & ECF_NOTHROW)
FnAttributes |= Attribute::NoUnwind;
// Check for 'readnone' function attribute.
// Both PURE and CONST will be set if the user applied
// __attribute__((const)) to a function the compiler
// knows to be pure, such as log. A user or (more
// likely) libm implementor might know their local log
// is in fact const, so this should be valid (and gcc
// accepts it). But llvm IR does not allow both, so
// set only ReadNone.
if (flags & ECF_CONST)
FnAttributes |= Attribute::ReadNone;
// Check for 'readonly' function attribute.
if (flags & ECF_PURE && !(flags & ECF_CONST))
FnAttributes |= Attribute::ReadOnly;
// Since they write the return value through a pointer,
// 'sret' functions cannot be 'readnone' or 'readonly'.
if (ABIConverter.isShadowReturn())
FnAttributes &= ~(Attribute::ReadNone|Attribute::ReadOnly);
// Demote 'readnone' nested functions to 'readonly' since
// they may need to read through the static chain.
if (static_chain && (FnAttributes & Attribute::ReadNone)) {
FnAttributes &= ~Attribute::ReadNone;
FnAttributes |= Attribute::ReadOnly;
// Compute whether the result needs to be zext or sext'd.
Attributes RAttributes = Attribute::None;
RAttributes |= HandleArgumentExtension(TREE_TYPE(type));
// Allow the target to change the attributes.
// The value returned by a 'malloc' function does not alias anything.
if (flags & ECF_MALLOC)
RAttributes |= Attribute::NoAlias;
if (RAttributes != Attribute::None)
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, RAttributes));
// If this function returns via a shadow argument, the dest loc is passed
// in as a pointer. Mark that pointer as struct-ret and noalias.
if (ABIConverter.isShadowReturn())
Attribute::StructRet | Attribute::NoAlias));
std::vector<const Type*> ScalarArgs;
if (static_chain) {
// Pass the static chain as the first parameter.
ABIConverter.HandleArgument(TREE_TYPE(static_chain), ScalarArgs);
// Mark it as the chain argument.
// If the target has regparam parameters, allow it to inspect the function
// type.
int local_regparam = 0;
int local_fp_regparam = 0;
LLVM_TARGET_INIT_REGPARM(local_regparam, local_fp_regparam, type);
// Keep track of whether we see a byval argument.
bool HasByVal = false;
// Check if we have a corresponding decl to inspect.
tree DeclArgs = (decl) ? DECL_ARGUMENTS(decl) : NULL;
// Loop over all of the arguments, adding them as we go.
tree Args = TYPE_ARG_TYPES(type);
for (; Args && TREE_VALUE(Args) != void_type_node; Args = TREE_CHAIN(Args)){
tree ArgTy = TREE_VALUE(Args);
if (!isPassedByInvisibleReference(ArgTy) &&
ConvertType(ArgTy)->isOpaqueTy()) {
// If we are passing an opaque struct by value, we don't know how many
// arguments it will turn into. Because we can't handle this yet,
// codegen the prototype as (...).
if (CallingConv == CallingConv::C)
// Don't nuke last argument.
ArgTypes.erase(ArgTypes.begin()+1, ArgTypes.end());
Args = 0;
// Determine if there are any attributes for this param.
Attributes PAttributes = Attribute::None;
unsigned OldSize = ArgTypes.size();
ABIConverter.HandleArgument(ArgTy, ScalarArgs, &PAttributes);
// Compute zext/sext attributes.
PAttributes |= HandleArgumentExtension(ArgTy);
// Compute noalias attributes. If we have a decl for the function
// inspect it for restrict qualifiers, otherwise try the argument
// types.
tree RestrictArgTy = (DeclArgs) ? TREE_TYPE(DeclArgs) : ArgTy;
if (TREE_CODE(RestrictArgTy) == POINTER_TYPE ||
if (TYPE_RESTRICT(RestrictArgTy))
PAttributes |= Attribute::NoAlias;
// Allow the target to mark this as inreg.
local_regparam, local_fp_regparam);
if (PAttributes != Attribute::None) {
HasByVal |= PAttributes & Attribute::ByVal;
// If the argument is split into multiple scalars, assign the
// attributes to all scalars of the aggregate.
for (unsigned i = OldSize + 1; i <= ArgTypes.size(); ++i) {
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(i, PAttributes));
if (DeclArgs)
DeclArgs = TREE_CHAIN(DeclArgs);
// If there is a byval argument then it is not safe to mark the function
// 'readnone' or 'readonly': gcc permits a 'const' or 'pure' function to
// write to struct arguments passed by value, but in LLVM this becomes a
// write through the byval pointer argument, which LLVM does not allow for
// readonly/readnone functions.
if (HasByVal)
FnAttributes &= ~(Attribute::ReadNone | Attribute::ReadOnly);
if (flag_force_vararg_prototypes)
// If forcing prototypes to be varargs, make all function types varargs
// except those for builtin functions.
isVarArg = decl ? !DECL_BUILT_IN(decl) : true;
// If the argument list ends with a void type node, it isn't vararg.
isVarArg = (Args == 0);
assert(RetTy && "Return type not specified!");
if (FnAttributes != Attribute::None)
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(~0, FnAttributes));
// Finally, make the function type and result attributes.
PAL = AttrListPtr::get(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end());
return GetFunctionType(RetTy, ArgTypes, isVarArg);
// RECORD/Struct Conversion Routines
/// StructTypeConversionInfo - A temporary structure that is used when
/// translating a RECORD_TYPE to an LLVM type.
struct StructTypeConversionInfo {
std::vector<const Type*> Elements;
std::vector<uint64_t> ElementOffsetInBytes;
std::vector<uint64_t> ElementSizeInBytes;
std::vector<bool> PaddingElement; // True if field is used for padding
const TargetData &TD;
unsigned GCCStructAlignmentInBytes;
bool Packed; // True if struct is packed
bool AllBitFields; // True if all struct fields are bit fields
bool LastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry;
unsigned ExtraBitsAvailable; // Non-zero if last field is bit field and it
// does not use all allocated bits
StructTypeConversionInfo(TargetMachine &TM, unsigned GCCAlign, bool P)
: TD(*TM.getTargetData()), GCCStructAlignmentInBytes(GCCAlign),
Packed(P), AllBitFields(true), LastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry(false),
ExtraBitsAvailable(0) {}
void lastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry(bool value) {
LastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry = value;
void extraBitsAvailable (unsigned E) {
ExtraBitsAvailable = E;
bool isPacked() { return Packed; }
void markAsPacked() {
Packed = true;
void allFieldsAreNotBitFields() {
AllBitFields = false;
// Next field is not a bitfield.
LastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry = false;
unsigned getGCCStructAlignmentInBytes() const {
return GCCStructAlignmentInBytes;
/// getTypeAlignment - Return the alignment of the specified type in bytes.
unsigned getTypeAlignment(const Type *Ty) const {
return Packed ? 1 : TD.getABITypeAlignment(Ty);
/// getTypeSize - Return the size of the specified type in bytes.
uint64_t getTypeSize(const Type *Ty) const {
return TD.getTypeAllocSize(Ty);
/// getLLVMType - Return the LLVM type for the specified object.
const Type *getLLVMType() const {
// Use Packed type if Packed is set or all struct fields are bitfields.
// Empty struct is not packed unless packed is set.
return StructType::get(Context, Elements,
Packed || (!Elements.empty() && AllBitFields));
/// getAlignmentAsLLVMStruct - Return the alignment of this struct if it were
/// converted to an LLVM type.
uint64_t getAlignmentAsLLVMStruct() const {
if (Packed || AllBitFields) return 1;
unsigned MaxAlign = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Elements.size(); i != e; ++i)
MaxAlign = std::max(MaxAlign, getTypeAlignment(Elements[i]));
return MaxAlign;
/// getSizeAsLLVMStruct - Return the size of this struct if it were converted
/// to an LLVM type. This is the end of last element push an alignment pad at
/// the end.
uint64_t getSizeAsLLVMStruct() const {
if (Elements.empty()) return 0;
unsigned MaxAlign = getAlignmentAsLLVMStruct();
uint64_t Size = ElementOffsetInBytes.back()+ElementSizeInBytes.back();
return (Size+MaxAlign-1) & ~(MaxAlign-1);
// If this is a Packed struct and ExtraBitsAvailable is not zero then
// remove Extra bytes if ExtraBitsAvailable > 8.
void RemoveExtraBytes () {
unsigned NoOfBytesToRemove = ExtraBitsAvailable/8;
if (!Packed && !AllBitFields)
if (NoOfBytesToRemove == 0)
const Type *LastType = Elements.back();
unsigned PadBytes = 0;
if (LastType->isIntegerTy(8))
PadBytes = 1 - NoOfBytesToRemove;
else if (LastType->isIntegerTy(16))
PadBytes = 2 - NoOfBytesToRemove;
else if (LastType->isIntegerTy(32))
PadBytes = 4 - NoOfBytesToRemove;
else if (LastType->isIntegerTy(64))
PadBytes = 8 - NoOfBytesToRemove;
assert (PadBytes > 0 && "Unable to remove extra bytes");
// Update last element type and size, element offset is unchanged.
const Type *Pad = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Context), PadBytes);
unsigned OriginalSize = ElementSizeInBytes.back();
ElementSizeInBytes.push_back(OriginalSize - NoOfBytesToRemove);
/// ResizeLastElementIfOverlapsWith - If the last element in the struct
/// includes the specified byte, remove it. Return true struct
/// layout is sized properly. Return false if unable to handle ByteOffset.
/// In this case caller should redo this struct as a packed structure.
bool ResizeLastElementIfOverlapsWith(uint64_t ByteOffset, tree /*Field*/,
const Type *Ty) {
const Type *SavedTy = NULL;
if (!Elements.empty()) {
assert(ElementOffsetInBytes.back() <= ByteOffset &&
"Cannot go backwards in struct");
SavedTy = Elements.back();
if (ElementOffsetInBytes.back()+ElementSizeInBytes.back() > ByteOffset) {
// The last element overlapped with this one, remove it.
uint64_t PoppedOffset = ElementOffsetInBytes.back();
uint64_t EndOffset = getNewElementByteOffset(1);
if (EndOffset < PoppedOffset) {
// Make sure that some field starts at the position of the
// field we just popped. Otherwise we might end up with a
// gcc non-bitfield being mapped to an LLVM field with a
// different offset.
const Type *Pad = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
if (PoppedOffset != EndOffset + 1)
Pad = ArrayType::get(Pad, PoppedOffset - EndOffset);
addElement(Pad, EndOffset, PoppedOffset - EndOffset);
// Get the LLVM type for the field. If this field is a bitfield, use the
// declared type, not the shrunk-to-fit type that GCC gives us in TREE_TYPE.
unsigned ByteAlignment = getTypeAlignment(Ty);
uint64_t NextByteOffset = getNewElementByteOffset(ByteAlignment);
if (NextByteOffset > ByteOffset ||
ByteAlignment > getGCCStructAlignmentInBytes()) {
// LLVM disagrees as to where this field should go in the natural field
// ordering. Therefore convert to a packed struct and try again.
return false;
// If alignment won't round us up to the right boundary, insert explicit
// padding.
if (NextByteOffset < ByteOffset) {
uint64_t CurOffset = getNewElementByteOffset(1);
const Type *Pad = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
if (SavedTy && LastFieldStartsAtNonByteBoundry)
// We want to reuse SavedType to access this bit field.
// e.g. struct __attribute__((packed)) {
// unsigned int A,
// unsigned short B : 6,
// C : 15;
// char D; };
// In this example, previous field is C and D is current field.
addElement(SavedTy, CurOffset, ByteOffset - CurOffset);
else if (ByteOffset - CurOffset != 1)
Pad = ArrayType::get(Pad, ByteOffset - CurOffset);
addElement(Pad, CurOffset, ByteOffset - CurOffset);
return true;
/// FieldNo - Remove the specified field and all of the fields that come after
/// it.
void RemoveFieldsAfter(unsigned FieldNo) {
Elements.erase(Elements.begin()+FieldNo, Elements.end());
/// getNewElementByteOffset - If we add a new element with the specified
/// alignment, what byte offset will it land at?
uint64_t getNewElementByteOffset(unsigned ByteAlignment) {
if (Elements.empty()) return 0;
uint64_t LastElementEnd =
ElementOffsetInBytes.back() + ElementSizeInBytes.back();
return (LastElementEnd+ByteAlignment-1) & ~(ByteAlignment-1);
/// addElement - Add an element to the structure with the specified type,
/// offset and size.
void addElement(const Type *Ty, uint64_t Offset, uint64_t Size,
bool ExtraPadding = false) {
ExtraBitsAvailable = 0;
/// getFieldEndOffsetInBytes - Return the byte offset of the byte immediately
/// after the specified field. For example, if FieldNo is 0 and the field
/// is 4 bytes in size, this will return 4.
uint64_t getFieldEndOffsetInBytes(unsigned FieldNo) const {
assert(FieldNo < ElementOffsetInBytes.size() && "Invalid field #!");
return ElementOffsetInBytes[FieldNo]+ElementSizeInBytes[FieldNo];
/// getEndUnallocatedByte - Return the first byte that isn't allocated at the
/// end of a structure. For example, for {}, it's 0, for {int} it is 4, for
/// {int,short}, it is 6.
uint64_t getEndUnallocatedByte() const {
if (ElementOffsetInBytes.empty()) return 0;
return getFieldEndOffsetInBytes(ElementOffsetInBytes.size()-1);
void addNewBitField(uint64_t Size, uint64_t Extra,
uint64_t FirstUnallocatedByte);
void dump() const;
// Add new element which is a bit field. Size is not the size of bit field,
// but size of bits required to determine type of new Field which will be
// used to access this bit field.
// If possible, allocate a field with room for Size+Extra bits.
void StructTypeConversionInfo::addNewBitField(uint64_t Size, uint64_t Extra,
uint64_t FirstUnallocatedByte) {
// Figure out the LLVM type that we will use for the new field.
// Note, Size is not necessarily size of the new field. It indicates
// additional bits required after FirstunallocatedByte to cover new field.
const Type *NewFieldTy = 0;
// First try an ABI-aligned field including (some of) the Extra bits.
// This field must satisfy Size <= w && w <= XSize.
uint64_t XSize = Size + Extra;
for (unsigned w = NextPowerOf2(std::min(UINT64_C(64), XSize))/2;
w >= Size && w >= 8; w /= 2) {
if (TD.isIllegalInteger(w))
// Would a w-sized integer field be aligned here?
const unsigned a = TD.getABIIntegerTypeAlignment(w);
if (FirstUnallocatedByte & (a-1) || a > getGCCStructAlignmentInBytes())
// OK, use w-sized integer.
NewFieldTy = IntegerType::get(Context, w);
// Try an integer field that holds Size bits.
if (!NewFieldTy) {
if (Size <= 8)
NewFieldTy = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
else if (Size <= 16)
NewFieldTy = Type::getInt16Ty(Context);
else if (Size <= 32)
NewFieldTy = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
else {
assert(Size <= 64 && "Bitfield too large!");
NewFieldTy = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
// Check that the alignment of NewFieldTy won't cause a gap in the structure!
unsigned ByteAlignment = getTypeAlignment(NewFieldTy);
if (FirstUnallocatedByte & (ByteAlignment-1) ||
ByteAlignment > getGCCStructAlignmentInBytes()) {
// Instead of inserting a nice whole field, insert a small array of ubytes.
NewFieldTy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Context), (Size+7)/8);
// Finally, add the new field.
addElement(NewFieldTy, FirstUnallocatedByte, getTypeSize(NewFieldTy));
ExtraBitsAvailable = NewFieldTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() - Size;
void StructTypeConversionInfo::dump() const {
raw_ostream &OS = outs();
OS << "Info has " << Elements.size() << " fields:\n";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Elements.size(); i != e; ++i) {
OS << " Offset = " << ElementOffsetInBytes[i]
<< " Size = " << ElementSizeInBytes[i]
<< " Type = ";
WriteTypeSymbolic(OS, Elements[i], TheModule);
OS << "\n";
std::map<tree, StructTypeConversionInfo *> StructTypeInfoMap;
/// Return true if and only if field no. N from struct type T is a padding
/// element added to match llvm struct type size and gcc struct type size.
bool isPaddingElement(tree type, unsigned index) {
StructTypeConversionInfo *Info = StructTypeInfoMap[type];
// If info is not available then be conservative and return false.
if (!Info)
return false;
assert ( Info->Elements.size() == Info->PaddingElement.size()
&& "Invalid StructTypeConversionInfo");
assert ( index < Info->PaddingElement.size()
&& "Invalid PaddingElement index");
return Info->PaddingElement[index];
/// OldTy and NewTy are union members. If they are representing
/// structs then adjust their PaddingElement bits. Padding
/// field in one struct may not be a padding field in another
/// struct.
void adjustPaddingElement(tree oldtree, tree newtree) {
StructTypeConversionInfo *OldInfo = StructTypeInfoMap[oldtree];
StructTypeConversionInfo *NewInfo = StructTypeInfoMap[newtree];
if (!OldInfo || !NewInfo)
/// FIXME : Find overlapping padding fields and preserve their
/// isPaddingElement bit. For now, clear all isPaddingElement bits.
for (unsigned i = 0, size = NewInfo->PaddingElement.size(); i != size; ++i)
NewInfo->PaddingElement[i] = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, size = OldInfo->PaddingElement.size(); i != size; ++i)
OldInfo->PaddingElement[i] = false;
/// DecodeStructFields - This method decodes the specified field, if it is a
/// FIELD_DECL, adding or updating the specified StructTypeConversionInfo to
/// reflect it. Return true if field is decoded correctly. Otherwise return
/// false.
bool TypeConverter::DecodeStructFields(tree Field,
StructTypeConversionInfo &Info) {
// Handle bit-fields specially.
if (isBitfield(Field)) {
// If this field is forcing packed llvm struct then retry entire struct
// layout.
if (!Info.isPacked()) {
// Unnamed bitfield type does not contribute in struct alignment
// computations. Use packed llvm structure in such cases.
if (!DECL_NAME(Field))
return false;
// If this field is packed then the struct may need padding fields
// before this field.
if (DECL_PACKED(Field))
return false;
// If Field has user defined alignment and it does not match Ty alignment
// then convert to a packed struct and try again.
const Type *Ty = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(Field));
8 * Info.getTypeAlignment(Ty))
return false;
DecodeStructBitField(Field, Info);
return true;
// Get the starting offset in the record.
uint64_t StartOffsetInBits = getFieldOffsetInBits(Field);
assert((StartOffsetInBits & 7) == 0 && "Non-bit-field has non-byte offset!");
uint64_t StartOffsetInBytes = StartOffsetInBits/8;
const Type *Ty = ConvertType(TREE_TYPE(Field));
// If this field is packed then the struct may need padding fields
// before this field.
if (DECL_PACKED(Field) && !Info.isPacked())
return false;
// Pop any previous elements out of the struct if they overlap with this one.
// This can happen when the C++ front-end overlaps fields with tail padding in
// C++ classes.
else if (!Info.ResizeLastElementIfOverlapsWith(StartOffsetInBytes, Field, Ty)) {
// LLVM disagrees as to where this field should go in the natural field
// ordering. Therefore convert to a packed struct and try again.
return false;
&& (unsigned)DECL_ALIGN(Field) != 8 * Info.getTypeAlignment(Ty)
&& !Info.isPacked()) {
// If Field has user defined alignment and it does not match Ty alignment
// then convert to a packed struct and try again.
return false;
} else
// At this point, we know that adding the element will happen at the right
// offset. Add it.
Info.addElement(Ty, StartOffsetInBytes, Info.getTypeSize(Ty));
return true;
/// DecodeStructBitField - This method decodes the specified bit-field, adding
/// or updating the specified StructTypeConversionInfo to reflect it.
/// Note that in general, we cannot produce a good covering of struct fields for
/// bitfields. As such, we only make sure that all bits in a struct that
/// correspond to a bitfield are represented in the LLVM struct with
/// (potentially multiple) integer fields of integer type. This ensures that
/// initialized globals with bitfields can have the initializers for the
/// bitfields specified.
void TypeConverter::DecodeStructBitField(tree_node *Field,
StructTypeConversionInfo &Info) {
unsigned FieldSizeInBits = TREE_INT_CST_LOW(DECL_SIZE(Field));
if (FieldSizeInBits == 0) // Ignore 'int:0', which just affects layout.
// Get the starting offset in the record.
uint64_t StartOffsetInBits = getFieldOffsetInBits(Field);
uint64_t EndBitOffset = FieldSizeInBits+StartOffsetInBits;
// If the last inserted LLVM field completely contains this bitfield, just
// ignore this field.
if (!Info.Elements.empty()) {
uint64_t LastFieldBitOffset = Info.ElementOffsetInBytes.back()*8;
unsigned LastFieldBitSize = Info.ElementSizeInBytes.back()*8;
assert(LastFieldBitOffset <= StartOffsetInBits &&
"This bitfield isn't part of the last field!");
if (EndBitOffset <= LastFieldBitOffset+LastFieldBitSize &&
LastFieldBitOffset+LastFieldBitSize >= StartOffsetInBits) {
// Already contained in previous field. Update remaining extra bits that
// are available.
Info.extraBitsAvailable(Info.getEndUnallocatedByte()*8 - EndBitOffset);
// Otherwise, this bitfield lives (potentially) partially in the preceeding
// field and in fields that exist after it. Add integer-typed fields to the
// LLVM struct such that there are no holes in the struct where the bitfield
// is: these holes would make it impossible to statically initialize a global
// of this type that has an initializer for the bitfield.
// We want the integer-typed fields as large as possible up to the machine
// word size. If there are more bitfields following this one, try to include
// them in the same field.
// Calculate the total number of bits in the continuous group of bitfields
// following this one. This is the number of bits that addNewBitField should
// try to include.
unsigned ExtraSizeInBits = 0;
tree LastBitField = 0;
for (tree f = TREE_CHAIN(Field); f; f = TREE_CHAIN(f)) {
if (isBitfield(f))
LastBitField = f;
else {
// We can use all this bits up to the next non-bitfield.
LastBitField = 0;
ExtraSizeInBits = getFieldOffsetInBits(f) - EndBitOffset;
// Record ended in a bitfield? Use all of the last byte.
if (LastBitField)
ExtraSizeInBits = RoundUpToAlignment(getFieldOffsetInBits(LastBitField) +
TREE_INT_CST_LOW(DECL_SIZE(LastBitField)), 8) - EndBitOffset;
// Compute the number of bits that we need to add to this struct to cover
// this field.
uint64_t FirstUnallocatedByte = Info.getEndUnallocatedByte();
uint64_t StartOffsetFromByteBoundry = StartOffsetInBits & 7;
if (StartOffsetInBits < FirstUnallocatedByte*8) {
uint64_t AvailableBits = FirstUnallocatedByte * 8 - StartOffsetInBits;
// This field's starting point is already allocated.
if (StartOffsetFromByteBoundry == 0) {
// This field starts at byte boundry. Need to allocate space
// for additional bytes not yet allocated.
unsigned NumBitsToAdd = FieldSizeInBits - AvailableBits;
Info.addNewBitField(NumBitsToAdd, ExtraSizeInBits, FirstUnallocatedByte);
// Otherwise, this field's starting point is inside previously used byte.
// This happens with Packed bit fields. In this case one LLVM Field is
// used to access previous field and current field.
unsigned prevFieldTypeSizeInBits =
Info.ElementSizeInBytes[Info.Elements.size() - 1] * 8;
unsigned NumBitsRequired = prevFieldTypeSizeInBits
+ (FieldSizeInBits - AvailableBits);
if (NumBitsRequired > 64) {
// Use bits from previous field.
NumBitsRequired = FieldSizeInBits - AvailableBits;
} else {
// If type used to access previous field is not large enough then
// remove previous field and insert new field that is large enough to
// hold both fields.
Info.RemoveFieldsAfter(Info.Elements.size() - 1);
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < (prevFieldTypeSizeInBits/8); ++idx)
Info.addNewBitField(NumBitsRequired, ExtraSizeInBits, FirstUnallocatedByte);
// Do this after adding Field.
if (StartOffsetInBits > FirstUnallocatedByte*8) {
// If there is padding between the last field and the struct, insert
// explicit bytes into the field to represent it.
unsigned PadBytes = 0;
unsigned PadBits = 0;
if (StartOffsetFromByteBoundry != 0) {
// New field does not start at byte boundry.
PadBits = StartOffsetInBits - (FirstUnallocatedByte*8);
PadBytes = PadBits/8;
PadBits = PadBits - PadBytes*8;
} else
PadBytes = StartOffsetInBits/8-FirstUnallocatedByte;
if (PadBytes) {
const Type *Pad = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
if (PadBytes != 1)
Pad = ArrayType::get(Pad, PadBytes);
Info.addElement(Pad, FirstUnallocatedByte, PadBytes);
FirstUnallocatedByte = StartOffsetInBits/8;
// This field will use some of the bits from this PadBytes, if
// starting offset is not at byte boundry.
if (StartOffsetFromByteBoundry != 0)
FieldSizeInBits += PadBits;
// Now, Field starts at FirstUnallocatedByte and everything is aligned.
Info.addNewBitField(FieldSizeInBits, ExtraSizeInBits, FirstUnallocatedByte);
/// UnionHasOnlyZeroOffsets - Check if a union type has only members with
/// offsets that are zero, e.g., no Fortran equivalences.
static bool UnionHasOnlyZeroOffsets(tree type) {
for (tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type); Field; Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field)) {
if (TREE_CODE(Field) != FIELD_DECL) continue;
if (!OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(Field))
return false;
if (getFieldOffsetInBits(Field) != 0)
return false;
return true;
/// SelectUnionMember - Find the union member with the largest aligment. If
/// there are multiple types with the same alignment, select the one with
/// the largest size. If the type with max. align is smaller than other types,
/// then we will add padding later on anyway to match union size.
void TypeConverter::SelectUnionMember(tree type,
StructTypeConversionInfo &Info) {
bool FindBiggest = TREE_CODE(type) != QUAL_UNION_TYPE;
const Type *UnionTy = 0;
tree GccUnionTy = 0;
tree UnionField = 0;
unsigned MinAlign = ~0U;
uint64_t BestSize = FindBiggest ? 0 : ~(uint64_t)0;
for (tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type); Field; Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field)) {
if (TREE_CODE(Field) != FIELD_DECL) continue;
assert(DECL_FIELD_OFFSET(Field) && integer_zerop(DECL_FIELD_OFFSET(Field))
&& "Union with non-zero offset?");
// Skip fields that are known not to be present.
tree TheGccTy = TREE_TYPE(Field);
// Skip zero-length bitfields. These are only used for setting the
// alignment.
if (DECL_BIT_FIELD(Field) && DECL_SIZE(Field) &&
const Type *TheTy = ConvertType(TheGccTy);
unsigned Align = Info.getTypeAlignment(TheTy);
uint64_t Size = Info.getTypeSize(TheTy);
adjustPaddingElement(GccUnionTy, TheGccTy);
// Select TheTy as union type if it is the biggest/smallest field (depending
// on the value of FindBiggest). If more than one field achieves this size
// then choose the least aligned.
if ((Size == BestSize && Align < MinAlign) ||
(FindBiggest && Size > BestSize) ||
(!FindBiggest && Size < BestSize)) {
UnionTy = TheTy;
UnionField = Field;
GccUnionTy = TheGccTy;
BestSize = Size;
MinAlign = Align;
// Skip remaining fields if this one is known to be present.
if (UnionTy) { // Not an empty union.
if (8 * Info.getTypeAlignment(UnionTy) > TYPE_ALIGN(type))
if (isBitfield(UnionField)) {
unsigned FieldSizeInBits = TREE_INT_CST_LOW(DECL_SIZE(UnionField));
Info.addNewBitField(FieldSizeInBits, 0, 0);
} else {
Info.addElement(UnionTy, 0, Info.getTypeSize(UnionTy));
/// an LLVM type.
// A note on C++ virtual base class layout. Consider the following example:
// class A { public: int i0; };
// class B : public virtual A { public: int i1; };
// class C : public virtual A { public: int i2; };
// class D : public virtual B, public virtual C { public: int i3; };
// The TYPE nodes gcc builds for classes represent that class as it looks
// standing alone. Thus B is size 12 and looks like { vptr; i2; baseclass A; }
// However, this is not the layout used when that class is a base class for
// some other class, yet the same TYPE node is still used. D in the above has
// both a BINFO list entry and a FIELD that reference type B, but the virtual
// base class A within B is not allocated in that case; B-within-D is only
// size 8. The correct size is in the FIELD node (does not match the size
// in its child TYPE node.) The fields to be omitted from the child TYPE,
// as far as I can tell, are always the last ones; but also, there is a
// TYPE_DECL node sitting in the middle of the FIELD list separating virtual
// base classes from everything else.
// Similarly, a nonvirtual base class which has virtual base classes might
// not contain those virtual base classes when used as a nonvirtual base class.
// There is seemingly no way to detect this except for the size differential.
// For LLVM purposes, we build a new type for B-within-D that
// has the correct size and layout for that usage.
const Type *TypeConverter::ConvertRECORD(tree type) {
if (const Type *Ty = GET_TYPE_LLVM(type)) {
// If we already compiled this type, and if it was not a forward
// definition that is now defined, use the old type.
if (!Ty->isOpaqueTy() || TYPE_SIZE(type) == 0)
return Ty;
if (TYPE_SIZE(type) == 0) { // Forward declaration?
const Type *Ty = OpaqueType::get(Context);
return TypeDB.setType(type, Ty);
// Note that we are compiling a struct now.
bool OldConvertingStruct = ConvertingStruct;
ConvertingStruct = true;
// Record those fields which will be converted to LLVM fields.
SmallVector<std::pair<tree, uint64_t>, 32> Fields;
for (tree Field = TYPE_FIELDS(type); Field; Field = TREE_CHAIN(Field))
if (TREE_CODE(Field) == FIELD_DECL && OffsetIsLLVMCompatible(Field))
Fields.push_back(std::make_pair(Field, getFieldOffsetInBits(Field)));
// The fields are almost always sorted, but occasionally not. Sort them by
// field offset.
for (unsigned i = 1, e = Fields.size(); i < e; i++)
for (unsigned j = i; j && Fields[j].second < Fields[j-1].second; j--)
std::swap(Fields[j], Fields[j-1]);
StructTypeConversionInfo *Info =
new StructTypeConversionInfo(*TheTarget, TYPE_ALIGN(type) / 8,
// Convert over all of the elements of the struct.
// Workaround to get Fortran EQUIVALENCE working.
// TODO: Unify record and union logic and handle this optimally.
bool HasOnlyZeroOffsets = TREE_CODE(type) != RECORD_TYPE &&
if (HasOnlyZeroOffsets) {
SelectUnionMember(type, *Info);
} else {
// Convert over all of the elements of the struct.
bool retryAsPackedStruct = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Fields.size(); i < e; i++)
if (DecodeStructFields(Fields[i].first, *Info) == false) {
retryAsPackedStruct = true;
if (retryAsPackedStruct) {
delete Info;
Info = new StructTypeConversionInfo(*TheTarget, TYPE_ALIGN(type) / 8,
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Fields.size(); i < e; i++)
if (DecodeStructFields(Fields[i].first, *Info) == false) {
assert(0 && "Unable to decode struct fields.");
// Insert tail padding if the LLVM struct requires explicit tail padding to
// be the same size as the GCC struct or union. This handles, e.g., "{}" in
// C++, and cases where a union has larger alignment than the largest member
// does.
uint64_t GCCTypeSize = getInt64(TYPE_SIZE_UNIT(type), true);
uint64_t LLVMStructSize = Info->getSizeAsLLVMStruct();
if (LLVMStructSize > GCCTypeSize) {
LLVMStructSize = Info->getSizeAsLLVMStruct();
if (LLVMStructSize != GCCTypeSize) {
assert(LLVMStructSize < GCCTypeSize &&
"LLVM type size doesn't match GCC type size!");
uint64_t LLVMLastElementEnd = Info->getNewElementByteOffset(1);
// If only one byte is needed then insert i8.
if (GCCTypeSize-LLVMLastElementEnd == 1)
Info->addElement(Type::getInt8Ty(Context), 1, 1);
else {
if (((GCCTypeSize-LLVMStructSize) % 4) == 0 &&
(Info->getAlignmentAsLLVMStruct() %
Info->getTypeAlignment(Type::getInt32Ty(Context))) == 0) {
// Insert array of i32.
unsigned Int32ArraySize = (GCCTypeSize-LLVMStructSize) / 4;
const Type *PadTy =
ArrayType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Int32ArraySize);
Info->addElement(PadTy, GCCTypeSize - LLVMLastElementEnd,
Int32ArraySize, true /* Padding Element */);
} else {
const Type *PadTy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Context),
Info->addElement(PadTy, GCCTypeSize - LLVMLastElementEnd,
GCCTypeSize - LLVMLastElementEnd,
true /* Padding Element */);
} else
const Type *ResultTy = Info->getLLVMType();
StructTypeInfoMap[type] = Info;
const OpaqueType *OldTy = cast_or_null<OpaqueType>(GET_TYPE_LLVM(type));
TypeDB.setType(type, ResultTy);
// If there was a forward declaration for this type that is now resolved,
// refine anything that used it to the new type.
if (OldTy)
// We have finished converting this struct. See if the is the outer-most
// struct or union being converted by ConvertType.
ConvertingStruct = OldConvertingStruct;
if (!ConvertingStruct) {
// If this is the outer-most level of structness, resolve any pointers
// that were deferred.
while (!PointersToReresolve.empty()) {
if (tree PtrTy = PointersToReresolve.back()) {
ConvertType(PtrTy); // Reresolve this pointer type.
assert((PointersToReresolve.empty() ||
PointersToReresolve.back() != PtrTy) &&
"Something went wrong with pointer resolution!");
} else {
// Null marker element.
return GET_TYPE_LLVM(type);