blob: 38d00e75027330ac06a0be2fb96c2482c7220cdf [file] [log] [blame]
//===---- llvm-debug.h - Interface for generating debug info ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Jim Laskey, Duncan Sands et al.
// This file is part of DragonEgg.
// DragonEgg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
// DragonEgg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// DragonEgg; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
// This file declares the debug interfaces shared among the dragonegg files.
#ifndef LLVM_DEBUG_H
#define LLVM_DEBUG_H
// Plugin headers
#include "llvm-internal.h"
// LLVM headers
#include "llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
// System headers
#include <map>
namespace llvm {
// Forward declarations
class AllocaInst;
class BasicBlock;
class CallInst;
class Function;
class Module;
/// DIFactory - This object assists with the construction of the various
/// descriptors.
class DIFactory {
Module &M;
LLVMContext& VMContext;
Function *DeclareFn; // llvm.dbg.declare
Function *ValueFn; // llvm.dbg.value
DIFactory(const DIFactory &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const DIFactory&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
enum ComplexAddrKind { OpPlus=1, OpDeref };
explicit DIFactory(Module &m);
/// GetOrCreateArray - Create an descriptor for an array of descriptors.
/// This implicitly uniques the arrays created.
DIArray GetOrCreateArray(DIDescriptor *Tys, unsigned NumTys);
/// GetOrCreateSubrange - Create a descriptor for a value range. This
/// implicitly uniques the values returned.
DISubrange GetOrCreateSubrange(int64_t Lo, int64_t Hi);
/// CreateUnspecifiedParameter - Create unspeicified type descriptor
/// for a subroutine type.
DIDescriptor CreateUnspecifiedParameter();
/// CreateCompileUnit - Create a new descriptor for the specified compile
/// unit.
DICompileUnit CreateCompileUnit(unsigned LangID,
StringRef Filename,
StringRef Directory,
StringRef Producer,
bool isMain = false,
bool isOptimized = false,
StringRef Flags = "",
unsigned RunTimeVer = 0);
/// CreateFile - Create a new descriptor for the specified file.
DIFile CreateFile(StringRef Filename, StringRef Directory,
DICompileUnit CU);
/// CreateEnumerator - Create a single enumerator value.
DIEnumerator CreateEnumerator(StringRef Name, uint64_t Val);
/// CreateBasicType - Create a basic type like int, float, etc.
DIBasicType CreateBasicType(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
DIFile F, unsigned LineNumber,
uint64_t SizeInBits, uint64_t AlignInBits,
uint64_t OffsetInBits, unsigned Flags,
unsigned Encoding);
/// CreateBasicType - Create a basic type like int, float, etc.
DIBasicType CreateBasicTypeEx(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
DIFile F, unsigned LineNumber,
Constant *SizeInBits, Constant *AlignInBits,
Constant *OffsetInBits, unsigned Flags,
unsigned Encoding);
/// CreateDerivedType - Create a derived type like const qualified type,
/// pointer, typedef, etc.
DIDerivedType CreateDerivedType(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNumber,
uint64_t SizeInBits, uint64_t AlignInBits,
uint64_t OffsetInBits, unsigned Flags,
DIType DerivedFrom);
/// CreateDerivedType - Create a derived type like const qualified type,
/// pointer, typedef, etc.
DIDerivedType CreateDerivedTypeEx(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNumber,
Constant *SizeInBits,
Constant *AlignInBits,
Constant *OffsetInBits, unsigned Flags,
DIType DerivedFrom);
/// CreateCompositeType - Create a composite type like array, struct, etc.
DICompositeType CreateCompositeType(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNumber,
uint64_t SizeInBits,
uint64_t AlignInBits,
uint64_t OffsetInBits, unsigned Flags,
DIType DerivedFrom,
DIArray Elements,
unsigned RunTimeLang = 0,
MDNode *ContainingType = 0);
/// CreateTemporaryType - Create a temporary forward-declared type.
DIType CreateTemporaryType();
DIType CreateTemporaryType(DIFile F);
/// CreateArtificialType - Create a new DIType with "artificial" flag set.
DIType CreateArtificialType(DIType Ty);
/// CreateCompositeType - Create a composite type like array, struct, etc.
DICompositeType CreateCompositeTypeEx(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNumber,
Constant *SizeInBits,
Constant *AlignInBits,
Constant *OffsetInBits,
unsigned Flags,
DIType DerivedFrom,
DIArray Elements,
unsigned RunTimeLang = 0,
MDNode *ContainingType = 0);
/// CreateSubprogram - Create a new descriptor for the specified subprogram.
/// See comments in DISubprogram for descriptions of these fields.
DISubprogram CreateSubprogram(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
StringRef DisplayName,
StringRef LinkageName,
DIFile F, unsigned LineNo,
DIType Ty, bool isLocalToUnit,
bool isDefinition,
unsigned VK = 0,
unsigned VIndex = 0,
DIType ContainingType = DIType(),
unsigned Flags = 0,
bool isOptimized = false,
Function *Fn = 0);
/// CreateSubprogramDefinition - Create new subprogram descriptor for the
/// given declaration.
DISubprogram CreateSubprogramDefinition(DISubprogram &SPDeclaration);
/// CreateGlobalVariable - Create a new descriptor for the specified global.
CreateGlobalVariable(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
StringRef DisplayName,
StringRef LinkageName,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNo, DIType Ty, bool isLocalToUnit,
bool isDefinition, llvm::GlobalVariable *GV);
/// CreateGlobalVariable - Create a new descriptor for the specified constant.
CreateGlobalVariable(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
StringRef DisplayName,
StringRef LinkageName,
DIFile F,
unsigned LineNo, DIType Ty, bool isLocalToUnit,
bool isDefinition, llvm::Constant *C);
/// CreateVariable - Create a new descriptor for the specified variable.
DIVariable CreateVariable(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name,
DIFile F, unsigned LineNo,
DIType Ty, bool AlwaysPreserve = false,
unsigned Flags = 0);
/// CreateComplexVariable - Create a new descriptor for the specified
/// variable which has a complex address expression for its address.
DIVariable CreateComplexVariable(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
StringRef Name, DIFile F, unsigned LineNo,
DIType Ty, Value *const *Addr,
unsigned NumAddr);
/// CreateLexicalBlock - This creates a descriptor for a lexical block
/// with the specified parent context.
DILexicalBlock CreateLexicalBlock(DIDescriptor Context, DIFile F,
unsigned Line = 0, unsigned Col = 0);
/// CreateNameSpace - This creates new descriptor for a namespace
/// with the specified parent context.
DINameSpace CreateNameSpace(DIDescriptor Context, StringRef Name,
DIFile F, unsigned LineNo);
/// CreateLocation - Creates a debug info location.
DILocation CreateLocation(unsigned LineNo, unsigned ColumnNo,
DIScope S, DILocation OrigLoc);
/// CreateLocation - Creates a debug info location.
DILocation CreateLocation(unsigned LineNo, unsigned ColumnNo,
DIScope S, MDNode *OrigLoc = 0);
/// InsertDeclare - Insert a new llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call.
Instruction *InsertDeclare(llvm::Value *Storage, DIVariable D,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd);
/// InsertDeclare - Insert a new llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call.
Instruction *InsertDeclare(llvm::Value *Storage, DIVariable D,
Instruction *InsertBefore);
/// InsertDbgValueIntrinsic - Insert a new llvm.dbg.value intrinsic call.
Instruction *InsertDbgValueIntrinsic(llvm::Value *V, uint64_t Offset,
DIVariable D, BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd);
/// InsertDbgValueIntrinsic - Insert a new llvm.dbg.value intrinsic call.
Instruction *InsertDbgValueIntrinsic(llvm::Value *V, uint64_t Offset,
DIVariable D, Instruction *InsertBefore);
// RecordType - Record DIType in a module such that it is not lost even if
// it is not referenced through debug info anchors.
void RecordType(DIType T);
Constant *GetTagConstant(unsigned TAG);
/// DebugInfo - This class gathers all debug information during compilation and
/// is responsible for emitting to llvm globals or pass directly to the backend.
class DebugInfo {
Module *M; // The current module.
DIFactory DebugFactory;
const char *CurFullPath; // Previous location file encountered.
int CurLineNo; // Previous location line# encountered.
const char *PrevFullPath; // Previous location file encountered.
int PrevLineNo; // Previous location line# encountered.
BasicBlock *PrevBB; // Last basic block encountered.
DICompileUnit TheCU; // The compile unit.
std::map<tree_node *, WeakVH > TypeCache;
// Cache of previously constructed
// Types.
std::map<tree_node *, WeakVH > SPCache;
// Cache of previously constructed
// Subprograms.
std::map<tree_node *, WeakVH> NameSpaceCache;
// Cache of previously constructed name
// spaces.
SmallVector<WeakVH, 4> RegionStack;
// Stack to track declarative scopes.
std::map<tree_node *, WeakVH> RegionMap;
/// FunctionNames - This is a storage for function names that are
/// constructed on demand. For example, C++ destructors, C++ operators etc..
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator FunctionNames;
DebugInfo(Module *m);
/// Initialize - Initialize debug info by creating compile unit for
/// main_input_filename. This must be invoked after language dependent
/// initialization is done.
void Initialize();
// Accessors.
void setLocationFile(const char *FullPath) { CurFullPath = FullPath; }
void setLocationLine(int LineNo) { CurLineNo = LineNo; }
/// EmitFunctionStart - Constructs the debug code for entering a function -
/// "llvm.dbg.func.start."
void EmitFunctionStart(tree_node *FnDecl, Function *Fn);
/// EmitFunctionEnd - Constructs the debug code for exiting a declarative
/// region - "llvm.dbg.region.end."
void EmitFunctionEnd(bool EndFunction);
/// EmitDeclare - Constructs the debug code for allocation of a new variable.
/// region - "llvm.dbg.declare."
void EmitDeclare(tree_node *decl, unsigned Tag, const char *Name,
tree_node *type, Value *AI, LLVMBuilder &Builder);
/// EmitStopPoint - Emit a call to llvm.dbg.stoppoint to indicate a change of
/// source line.
void EmitStopPoint(BasicBlock *CurBB, LLVMBuilder &Builder);
/// EmitGlobalVariable - Emit information about a global variable.
void EmitGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable *GV, tree_node *decl);
/// getOrCreateType - Get the type from the cache or create a new type if
/// necessary.
DIType getOrCreateType(tree_node *type);
/// createBasicType - Create BasicType.
DIType createBasicType(tree_node *type);
/// createMethodType - Create MethodType.
DIType createMethodType(tree_node *type);
/// createPointerType - Create PointerType.
DIType createPointerType(tree_node *type);
/// createArrayType - Create ArrayType.
DIType createArrayType(tree_node *type);
/// createEnumType - Create EnumType.
DIType createEnumType(tree_node *type);
/// createStructType - Create StructType for struct or union or class.
DIType createStructType(tree_node *type);
/// createVarinatType - Create variant type or return MainTy.
DIType createVariantType(tree_node *type, DIType MainTy);
/// getOrCreateCompileUnit - Create a new compile unit.
DICompileUnit getOrCreateCompileUnit(const char *FullPath,
bool isMain = false);
/// getOrCreateFile - Get DIFile descriptor.
DIFile getOrCreateFile(const char *FullPath);
/// findRegion - Find tree_node N's region.
DIDescriptor findRegion(tree_node *n);
/// getOrCreateNameSpace - Get name space descriptor for the tree node.
DINameSpace getOrCreateNameSpace(tree_node *Node, DIDescriptor Context);
/// getFunctionName - Get function name for the given FnDecl. If the
/// name is constructred on demand (e.g. C++ destructor) then the name
/// is stored on the side.
StringRef getFunctionName(tree_node *FnDecl);
} // end namespace llvm
#endif /* LLVM_DEBUG_H */