blob: 5b894c80e7197f7e2a5eeac7d29b695a92ca6a53 [file] [log] [blame]
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
/* The following stolen from gdb.obj/myclass.m, written by Adam Fedor */
@interface MyClass: NSObject
id object;
id _object2;
+ newWithArg: arg;
- takeArg: arg;
- randomFunc;
@implementation MyClass
+ newWithArg: arg
if (self) {
id obj = [self new];
[obj takeArg: arg];
return obj;
return self;
- takeArg: arg
object = arg;
[object retain];
_object2 = arg;
[_object2 retain];
return self;
- randomFunc
puts ("hi"); /* Whatever, just a place to break and examine SELF in gdb */
/* End of stolen code from gdb.obj/myclass.m, written by Adam Fedor */
@interface MyChild: MyClass
int some_val;
+ newWithArg: arg andInt: (int) val;
- setValue: (int) val;
@implementation MyChild
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
printf ("Doing my initialization\n");
return self;
+ newWithArg: arg andInt: (int) val
MyChild *me = [self new];
[me takeArg: arg];
[me setValue: val];
return (id) me;
- setValue: (int) val
some_val = val;
void stringmaker (void);
int blocky (void);
int return_5 (void);
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_5 (void);
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_from_int (int);
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_from_char (char);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // First line in main ()
id object = [MyClass newWithArg:@"hi there"];
NSString *a = @"hi there";
[object randomFunc];
[object release];
object = [MyChild newWithArg:@"Hi again" andInt: 5];
[object randomFunc];
stringmaker ();
blocky ();
[pool release];
return 0;
void stringmaker (void) {
NSString *mystr = @"Hello, World!"; /* this should be the first line in stringmaker */
NSLog (@"%@", mystr);
int return_5 (void ) { return 5; }
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_5 (void ) { return [NSNumber numberWithInt:5]; }
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_from_int (int num)
{ return [NSNumber numberWithInt:num]; }
NSNumber *return_nsnumber_from_char (char num)
{ return [NSNumber numberWithChar:num]; }
int outer = 15; /* for testing -var-create scoping regarding globals */
int blocky (void) {
int outer;
outer = 5;
char inner1;
inner1 = 'a';
inner1 = 'b';
inner1 = 'c';
int inner2;
inner2 = 99;
int outer; /* psych! */
outer = 10;
float flooooo = 10.3;
char chhhhh = 'Z';
return 0;
/* This is here just to make sure that in -gused mode we
still have the def'n of NSArray, since we use it in the po tests. */
unsigned int
define_NS_Types ()
NSProcessInfo *pInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
NSArray *fakeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [pInfo processName]];
NSMutableDictionary *fakeDict =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"55" forKey:@"CANREADTHIS"];
return [fakeArray count] * [fakeDict count];