blob: 21345b4a7e31fc5fbacea5043159c5693746eca8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ClassFile.cpp - ClassFile class -----------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains the implementation of the ClassFile library. It
// is used by the LLVM Java frontend to parse Java Class files.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "classfile"
#include <llvm/Java/ClassFile.h>
#include <Support/CommandLine.h>
#include <Support/Debug.h>
#include <Support/FileUtilities.h>
#include <Support/STLExtras.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
using namespace llvm::Java;
namespace {
using namespace llvm;
static cl::opt<std::string>
cl::desc("A : separated list of directories"),
cl::value_desc("class search path"),
static cl::alias
cl::desc("Alias for -cp"),
// Internal utility functions
namespace {
uint8_t readU1(std::istream& is) {
char val;
if (!is.get(val))
throw ClassFileParseError("unexpected end of input");
return val;
uint16_t readU2(std::istream& is) {
uint16_t val = readU1(is);
return (val << 8) | readU1(is);
uint32_t readU4(std::istream& is) {
uint32_t val = readU2(is);
return (val << 16) | readU2(is);
uint64_t readU8(std::istream& is) {
uint64_t hi = readU4(is), lo = readU4(is);
return hi << 32 | lo;
float int2float(uint32_t v) {
union { uint32_t in; float out; } tmp; = v;
return tmp.out;
double long2double(uint64_t v) {
union { uint64_t in; double out; } tmp; = v;
return tmp.out;
void readConstantPool(ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
assert(cp.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty constant pool");
uint16_t count = readU2(is);
while (cp.size() < count) {
cp.push_back(Constant::readConstant(cp, is));
if (cp.back()->isDoubleSlot())
void readClasses(Classes& i, const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
assert(i.empty() &&
"Should not call with a non-empty classes vector");
uint16_t count = readU2(is);
while (count--) {
ConstantClass* c = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!c)
throw ClassFileSemanticError("ConstantClass expected");
void readFields(Fields& f, const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
assert(f.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty fields vector");
uint16_t count = readU2(is);
f.push_back(Field::readField(cp, is));
void readMethods(Methods& m, const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
assert(m.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty methods vector");
uint16_t count = readU2(is);
m.push_back(Method::readMethod(cp, is));
void readAttributes(Attributes& a,
const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
assert(a.empty() &&
"Should not call with a non-empty attributes vector");
uint16_t count = readU2(is);
a.push_back(Attribute::readAttribute(cp, is));
template <typename Container>
std::ostream& dumpCollection(Container& c,
const char* const name,
std::ostream& os) {
os << '\n' << name << "s:\n";
for (typename Container::const_iterator
i = c.begin(), e = c.end(); i != e; ++i)
if (*i)
(*i)->dump(os << name << ' ') << '\n';
os << name << " NULL\n";
return os;
// ClassFile implementation
ClassFile* ClassFile::readClassFile(std::istream& is)
if (readU1(is) != 0xCA) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
if (readU1(is) != 0xFE) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
if (readU1(is) != 0xBA) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
if (readU1(is) != 0xBE) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
return new ClassFile(is);
std::vector<std::string> ClassFile::getClassPath()
DEBUG(std::cerr << "CLASSPATH=" << ClassPath << '\n');
std::vector<std::string> result;
unsigned b = 0, e = 0;
do {
e = ClassPath.find(':', b);
result.push_back(ClassPath.substr(b, e - b));
b = e + 1;
} while (e != std::string::npos);
return result;
std::string ClassFile::getFileForClass(const std::string& classname)
static const std::vector<std::string> classpath = getClassPath();
DEBUG(std::cerr << "Looking up class: " << classname << '\n');
std::string clazz = classname;
// replace '.' with '/'
for (unsigned i = 0, e = clazz.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (clazz[i] == '.')
clazz[i] = '/';
clazz += ".class";
for (unsigned i = 0, e = classpath.size(); i != e; ++i) {
std::string filename = classpath[i] + '/' + clazz;
DEBUG(std::cerr << "Trying file: " << filename << '\n');
if (FileOpenable(filename))
return filename;
throw ClassNotFoundException("Class " + classname + " not found");
ClassFile* ClassFile::getClassFile(const std::string& classname)
typedef std::map<std::string, ClassFile*> Name2ClassMap;
static Name2ClassMap n2cMap_;
Name2ClassMap::iterator it = n2cMap_.upper_bound(classname);
if (it == n2cMap_.end() || it->first != classname) {
std::ifstream in(getFileForClass(classname).c_str());
it = n2cMap_.insert(it, std::make_pair(classname, readClassFile(in)));
return it->second;
ClassFile::ClassFile(std::istream& is)
minorV_ = readU2(is);
majorV_ = readU2(is);
readConstantPool(cPool_, is);
accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
thisClass_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cPool_[readU2(is)]);
if (!thisClass_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of this class is not of type ConstantClass");
superClass_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cPool_[readU2(is)]);
if (!superClass_ && thisClass_->getName()->str() != "java/lang/Object")
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of super class is not of type ConstantClass");
readClasses(interfaces_, cPool_, is);
readFields(fields_, cPool_, is);
readMethods(methods_, cPool_, is);
readAttributes(attributes_, cPool_, is);
for (Methods::const_iterator
i = methods_.begin(), e = methods_.end(); i != e; ++i)
(*i)->getName()->str() + (*i)->getDescriptor()->str(), *i));
Method* ClassFile::getMethod(const std::string& nameAndDescr) const
Name2MethodMap::const_iterator it = n2mMap_.find(nameAndDescr);
return it == n2mMap_.end() ? NULL : it->second;
for_each(cPool_.begin(), cPool_.end(), deleter<Constant>);
for_each(fields_.begin(), fields_.end(), deleter<Field>);
for_each(methods_.begin(), methods_.end(), deleter<Method>);
for_each(attributes_.begin(), attributes_.end(), deleter<Attribute>);
std::ostream& ClassFile::dump(std::ostream& os) const
os << "Minor version: " << getMinorVersion() << '\n'
<< "Major version: " << getMajorVersion() << "\n\n"
<< "class " << *getThisClass();
if (getSuperClass())
os << " (" << *getSuperClass() << ")\n";
os << "Flags:";
if (isPublic()) os << " public";
if (isFinal()) os << " final";
if (isSuper()) os << " super";
if (isInterface()) os << " interface";
if (isAbstract()) os << " abstract";
dumpCollection(interfaces_, "Interface", os);
dumpCollection(fields_, "Field", os);
dumpCollection(methods_, "Method", os);
dumpCollection(attributes_, "Attribute", os);
return os;
// Utility functions
Attribute* llvm::Java::getAttribute(const Attributes& attrs,
const std::string& name)
for (unsigned i = 0, e = attrs.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (attrs[i]->getName()->str() == name)
return attrs[i];
return NULL;
// ClassFileParseError implementation
ClassFileParseError::~ClassFileParseError() throw()
// ClassFileSemanticError implementation
ClassFileSemanticError::~ClassFileSemanticError() throw()
// ClassNotFoundException implementation
ClassNotFoundException::~ClassNotFoundException() throw()
// InvocationTargetException implementation
InvocationTargetException::~InvocationTargetException() throw()
// Constant implementation
Constant* Constant::readConstant(const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
Constant::Tag tag = static_cast<Constant::Tag>(readU1(is));
switch (tag) {
case Constant::CLASS:
return new ConstantClass(cp, is);
case Constant::FIELD_REF:
return new ConstantFieldRef(cp, is);
case Constant::METHOD_REF:
return new ConstantMethodRef(cp, is);
return new ConstantInterfaceMethodRef(cp, is);
case Constant::STRING:
return new ConstantString(cp, is);
case Constant::INTEGER:
return new ConstantInteger(cp, is);
case Constant::FLOAT:
return new ConstantFloat(cp, is);
case Constant::LONG:
return new ConstantLong(cp, is);
case Constant::DOUBLE:
return new ConstantDouble(cp, is);
case Constant::NAME_AND_TYPE:
return new ConstantNameAndType(cp, is);
case Constant::UTF8:
return new ConstantUtf8(cp, is);
assert(0 && "Unknown constant tag");
return NULL;
ConstantMemberRef::ConstantMemberRef(const ConstantPool&cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantMemberRef::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << *getNameAndType() << '(' << *getClass() << ')';
ConstantClass::ConstantClass(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantClass::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << *getName();
ConstantString::ConstantString(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantString::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << "string " << *getValue();
ConstantInteger::ConstantInteger(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantInteger::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << value_;
ConstantFloat::ConstantFloat(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantFloat::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << value_;
ConstantLong::ConstantLong(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantLong::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << value_;
ConstantDouble::ConstantDouble(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantDouble::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << value_;
ConstantNameAndType::ConstantNameAndType(const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp),
std::ostream& ConstantNameAndType::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << *getDescriptor() << ' ' << *getName();
ConstantUtf8::ConstantUtf8(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
: Constant(cp)
uint16_t length = readU2(is);
char buf[length];
std::streamsize s = is.rdbuf()->sgetn(buf, length);
if (s != length)
throw ClassFileParseError(
"Could not read string constant from input stream");
utf8_.assign(buf, length);
std::ostream& ConstantUtf8::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << utf8_;
// Field implementation
Field::Field(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
name_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!name_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of field name is not of type ConstantUtf8");
descriptor_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!descriptor_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of field descriptor is not of type ConstantUtf8");
readAttributes(attributes_, cp, is);
for_each(attributes_.begin(), attributes_.end(), deleter<Attribute>);
std::ostream& Field::dump(std::ostream& os) const
os << *getName() << ' ' << *getDescriptor() << '\n'
<< "Flags:";
if (isPublic()) os << " public";
if (isPrivate()) os << " private";
if (isProtected()) os << " protected";
if (isStatic()) os << " static";
if (isFinal()) os << " final";
if (isVolatile()) os << " volatile";
if (isTransient()) os << " transient";
dumpCollection(attributes_, "Attribute", os);
return os;
ConstantValueAttribute* Field::getConstantValueAttribute() const
if (!isStatic())
return NULL;
return (ConstantValueAttribute*) getAttribute(attributes_,
// Method implementation
Method::Method(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
name_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!name_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of method name is not of type ConstantUtf8");
descriptor_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!descriptor_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of method descriptor is not of type ConstantUtf8");
readAttributes(attributes_, cp, is);
for_each(attributes_.begin(), attributes_.end(), deleter<Attribute>);
std::ostream& Method::dump(std::ostream& os) const
os << *getName() << ' ' << *getDescriptor() << '\n'
<< "Flags:";
if (isPublic()) os << " public";
if (isPrivate()) os << " private";
if (isProtected()) os << " protected";
if (isStatic()) os << " static";
if (isFinal()) os << " final";
if (isSynchronized()) os << " synchronized";
if (isNative()) os << " native";
if (isStrict()) os << " strict";
dumpCollection(attributes_, "Attribute", os);
return os;
CodeAttribute* Method::getCodeAttribute() const
return (CodeAttribute*) getAttribute(attributes_, Attribute::CODE);
ExceptionsAttribute* Method::getExceptionsAttribute() const
return (ExceptionsAttribute*) getAttribute(attributes_,
// Attribute implementation
const std::string Attribute::CONSTANT_VALUE = "ConstantValue";
const std::string Attribute::CODE = "Code";
const std::string Attribute::EXCEPTIONS = "Exceptions";
const std::string Attribute::INNER_CLASSES = "InnerClasses";
const std::string Attribute::SYNTHETIC = "Synthetic";
const std::string Attribute::SOURCE_FILE = "SourceFile";
const std::string Attribute::LINE_NUMBER_TABLE = "LineNumberTable";
const std::string Attribute::LOCAL_VARIABLE_TABLE = "LocalVariableTable";
const std::string Attribute::DEPRECATED = "Deprecated";
Attribute* Attribute::readAttribute(const ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
ConstantUtf8* name = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
if (!name)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Representation of attribute name is not of type ConstantUtf8");
if (CONSTANT_VALUE == name->str())
return new ConstantValueAttribute(name, cp, is);
else if (CODE == name->str())
return new CodeAttribute(name, cp, is);
else {
uint32_t length = readU4(is);
return new Attribute(name, cp, is);
Attribute::Attribute(ConstantUtf8* name,
const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: name_(name)
std::ostream& Attribute::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return os << *getName();
// AttributeConstantValue implementation
ConstantValueAttribute::ConstantValueAttribute(ConstantUtf8* name,
const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: Attribute(name, cp, is)
uint32_t length = readU4(is);
if (length != 2)
throw ClassFileSemanticError(
"Length of ConstantValueAttribute is not 2");
value_ = cp[readU2(is)];
std::ostream& ConstantValueAttribute::dump(std::ostream& os) const
return Attribute::dump(os) << ": " << *value_;
// AttributeCode implementation
CodeAttribute::CodeAttribute(ConstantUtf8* name,
const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: Attribute(name, cp, is)
uint32_t length = readU4(is);
maxStack_ = readU2(is);
maxLocals_ = readU2(is);
codeSize_ = readU4(is);
code_ = new uint8_t[codeSize_];
std::streamsize s = is.rdbuf()->sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(code_), codeSize_);
if (s != (std::streamsize) codeSize_)
throw ClassFileParseError(
"Could not read code from input stream");
uint16_t exceptCount = readU2(is);
while (exceptCount--)
exceptions_.push_back(new Exception(cp, is));
readAttributes(attributes_, cp, is);
delete[] code_;
for_each(exceptions_.begin(), exceptions_.end(), deleter<Exception>);
for_each(attributes_.begin(), attributes_.end(), deleter<Attribute>);
std::ostream& CodeAttribute::dump(std::ostream& os) const
<< '\n'
<< "Max stack: " << maxStack_ << '\n'
<< "Max locals: " << maxLocals_ << '\n'
<< "Code size: " << codeSize_ << '\n';
dumpCollection(exceptions_, "Exception", os);
dumpCollection(attributes_, "Attribute", os);
return os;
CodeAttribute::Exception::Exception(const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: catchType_(NULL)
startPc_ = readU2(is);
endPc_ = readU2(is);
handlerPc_ = readU2(is);
uint16_t idx = readU2(is);
if (idx) {
catchType_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cp[idx]);
if (!catchType_)
throw ClassFileSemanticError
("Representation of catch type is not of type ConstantClass");
std::ostream& CodeAttribute::Exception::dump(std::ostream& os) const
if (getCatchType())
os << *getCatchType() << '\n';
os << "catch-all\n";
return os << "Start PC: " << startPc_ << '\n'
<< "End PC: " << endPc_ << '\n'
<< "Handler PC: " << handlerPc_;
// AttributeExceptions implementation
ExceptionsAttribute::ExceptionsAttribute(ConstantUtf8* name,
const ConstantPool& cp,
std::istream& is)
: Attribute(name, cp, is)
uint32_t length = readU4(is);
readClasses(exceptions_, cp, is);
std::ostream& ExceptionsAttribute::dump(std::ostream& os) const
os << Attribute::dump(os) << ": ";
for (Classes::const_iterator
i = exceptions_.begin(), e = exceptions_.end(); i != e; ++i)
os << *i << ' ';
return os;