blob: 883b592ac83ab05c1a50d8229b03c214e5945a3f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- JnjvmClassLoader.cpp - Jnjvm representation of a class loader ------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
// for strrchr
#include <cstring>
// for dlopen and dlsym
#include <dlfcn.h>
// for stat, S_IFMT and S_IFDIR
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#if defined(__MACH__)
#define DYLD_EXTENSION ".dylib"
#define SELF_HANDLE 0
#define DYLD_EXTENSION ".so"
#include "debug.h"
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "Classpath.h"
#include "ClasspathReflect.h"
#include "JavaClass.h"
#include "JavaCompiler.h"
#include "JavaConstantPool.h"
#include "JavaString.h"
#include "JavaThread.h"
#include "JavaTypes.h"
#include "JavaUpcalls.h"
#include "Jnjvm.h"
#include "JnjvmClassLoader.h"
#include "LockedMap.h"
#include "Reader.h"
#include "Zip.h"
using namespace j3;
typedef void (*static_init_t)(JnjvmClassLoader*);
const UTF8* JavaCompiler::InlinePragma = 0;
const UTF8* JavaCompiler::NoInlinePragma = 0;
JnjvmBootstrapLoader::JnjvmBootstrapLoader(mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& Alloc,
JavaCompiler* Comp,
bool dlLoad) :
JnjvmClassLoader(Alloc) {
TheCompiler = Comp;
hashUTF8 = new(allocator, "UTF8Map") UTF8Map(allocator);
classes = new(allocator, "ClassMap") ClassMap();
javaTypes = new(allocator, "TypeMap") TypeMap();
javaSignatures = new(allocator, "SignMap") SignMap();
strings = new(allocator, "StringList") StringList();
bootClasspathEnv = getenv("JNJVM_BOOTCLASSPATH");
if (!bootClasspathEnv) {
bootClasspathEnv = GNUClasspathGlibj;
libClasspathEnv = getenv("JNJVM_LIBCLASSPATH");
if (!libClasspathEnv) {
libClasspathEnv = GNUClasspathLibs;
upcalls = new(allocator, "Classpath") Classpath();
bootstrapLoader = this;
// Try to find if we have a pre-compiled rt.jar
if (dlLoad) {
SuperArray = (Class*)dlsym(SELF_HANDLE, "java_lang_Object");
if (!SuperArray) {
nativeHandle = dlopen("libvmjc"DYLD_EXTENSION, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (nativeHandle) {
// Found it!
SuperArray = (Class*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "java_lang_Object");
if (SuperArray) {
assert(TheCompiler &&
"Loading libvmjc"DYLD_EXTENSION" requires a compiler");
ClassArray::SuperArray = (Class*)SuperArray->getInternal();
// Get the native classes.
upcalls->OfVoid = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "void");
upcalls->OfBool = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "boolean");
upcalls->OfByte = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "byte");
upcalls->OfChar = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "char");
upcalls->OfShort = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "short");
upcalls->OfInt = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "int");
upcalls->OfFloat = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "float");
upcalls->OfLong = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "long");
upcalls->OfDouble = (ClassPrimitive*)dlsym(nativeHandle, "double");
// We have the java/lang/Object class, execute the static initializer.
static_init_t init = (static_init_t)(uintptr_t)SuperArray->classLoader;
assert(init && "Loaded the wrong boot library");
// Get the base object arrays after the init, because init puts arrays
// in the class loader map.
upcalls->ArrayOfString =
upcalls->ArrayOfObject =
InterfacesArray = upcalls->ArrayOfObject->interfaces;
ClassArray::InterfacesArray = InterfacesArray;
if (!upcalls->OfChar) {
// Allocate interfaces.
InterfacesArray = (Class**)allocator.Allocate(2 * sizeof(UserClass*),
"Interface array");
ClassArray::InterfacesArray = InterfacesArray;
// Create the primitive classes.
upcalls->OfChar = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "char", 1);
upcalls->OfBool = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "boolean", 0);
upcalls->OfShort = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "short", 1);
upcalls->OfInt = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "int", 2);
upcalls->OfLong = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "long", 3);
upcalls->OfFloat = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "float", 2);
upcalls->OfDouble = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "double", 3);
upcalls->OfVoid = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "void", 0);
upcalls->OfByte = UPCALL_PRIMITIVE_CLASS(this, "byte", 0);
// Create the primitive arrays.
upcalls->ArrayOfChar = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[C"),
upcalls->ArrayOfByte = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[B"),
upcalls->ArrayOfInt = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[I"),
upcalls->ArrayOfBool = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[Z"),
upcalls->ArrayOfLong = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[J"),
upcalls->ArrayOfFloat = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[F"),
upcalls->ArrayOfDouble = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[D"),
upcalls->ArrayOfShort = constructArray(asciizConstructUTF8("[S"),
// Fill the maps.
primitiveMap[I_VOID] = upcalls->OfVoid;
primitiveMap[I_BOOL] = upcalls->OfBool;
primitiveMap[I_BYTE] = upcalls->OfByte;
primitiveMap[I_CHAR] = upcalls->OfChar;
primitiveMap[I_SHORT] = upcalls->OfShort;
primitiveMap[I_INT] = upcalls->OfInt;
primitiveMap[I_FLOAT] = upcalls->OfFloat;
primitiveMap[I_LONG] = upcalls->OfLong;
primitiveMap[I_DOUBLE] = upcalls->OfDouble;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_BOOLEAN - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfBool;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_BYTE - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfByte;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_CHAR - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfChar;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_SHORT - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfShort;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_INT - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfInt;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_FLOAT - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfFloat;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_LONG - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfLong;
arrayTable[JavaArray::T_DOUBLE - 4] = upcalls->ArrayOfDouble;
Attribut::annotationsAttribut =
Attribut::codeAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("Code");
Attribut::exceptionsAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("Exceptions");
Attribut::constantAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("ConstantValue");
Attribut::lineNumberTableAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("LineNumberTable");
Attribut::innerClassesAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("InnerClasses");
Attribut::sourceFileAttribut = asciizConstructUTF8("SourceFile");
JavaCompiler::InlinePragma =
JavaCompiler::NoInlinePragma =
initName = asciizConstructUTF8("<init>");
initExceptionSig = asciizConstructUTF8("(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
clinitName = asciizConstructUTF8("<clinit>");
clinitType = asciizConstructUTF8("()V");
runName = asciizConstructUTF8("run");
prelib = asciizConstructUTF8("lib");
#if defined(__MACH__)
postlib = asciizConstructUTF8(".dylib");
postlib = asciizConstructUTF8(".so");
mathName = asciizConstructUTF8("java/lang/Math");
stackWalkerName = asciizConstructUTF8("gnu/classpath/VMStackWalker");
NoClassDefFoundError = asciizConstructUTF8("java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError");
#define DEF_UTF8(var) \
var = asciizConstructUTF8(#var)
#undef DEF_UTF8
JnjvmClassLoader::JnjvmClassLoader(mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& Alloc,
JnjvmClassLoader& JCL, JavaObject* loader,
Jnjvm* I) : allocator(Alloc) {
llvm_gcroot(loader, 0);
bootstrapLoader = JCL.bootstrapLoader;
TheCompiler = bootstrapLoader->getCompiler()->Create("Applicative loader");
hashUTF8 = new(allocator, "UTF8Map") UTF8Map(allocator);
classes = new(allocator, "ClassMap") ClassMap();
javaTypes = new(allocator, "TypeMap") TypeMap();
javaSignatures = new(allocator, "SignMap") SignMap();
strings = new(allocator, "StringList") StringList();
javaLoader = loader;
isolate = I;
JavaMethod* meth = bootstrapLoader->upcalls->loadInClassLoader;
loadClassMethod =
meth->name, meth->type, false, true, &loadClass);
assert(loadClass && "Loader does not have a loadClass function");
#if defined(SERVICE)
/// If the appClassLoader is already set in the isolate, then we need
/// a new one each time a class loader is allocated.
if (isolate->appClassLoader) {
isolate = new Jnjvm(allocator, bootstrapLoader);
isolate->memoryLimit = 4000000;
isolate->threadLimit = 10;
isolate->parent = I->parent;
isolate->CU = this;
mvm::Thread* th = mvm::Thread::get();
mvm::VirtualMachine* OldVM = th->MyVM;
th->MyVM = isolate;
th->IsolateID = isolate->IsolateID;
th->MyVM = OldVM;
th->IsolateID = OldVM->IsolateID;
void JnjvmClassLoader::setCompiler(JavaCompiler* Comp) {
// Set the new compiler.
TheCompiler = Comp;
ArrayUInt8* JnjvmBootstrapLoader::openName(const UTF8* utf8) {
ArrayUInt8* res = 0;
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
char* asciiz = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(utf8->size + 1);
for (sint32 i = 0; i < utf8->size; ++i)
asciiz[i] = utf8->elements[i];
asciiz[utf8->size] = 0;
uint32 alen = utf8->size;
for (std::vector<const char*>::iterator i = bootClasspath.begin(),
e = bootClasspath.end(); i != e; ++i) {
const char* str = *i;
unsigned int strLen = strlen(str);
char* buf = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(strLen + alen + 7);
sprintf(buf, "%s%s.class", str, asciiz);
res = Reader::openFile(this, buf);
if (res) return res;
for (std::vector<ZipArchive*>::iterator i = bootArchives.begin(),
e = bootArchives.end(); i != e; ++i) {
ZipArchive* archive = *i;
char* buf = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(alen + 7);
sprintf(buf, "%s.class", asciiz);
res = Reader::openZip(this, archive, buf);
if (res) return res;
return 0;
UserClass* JnjvmBootstrapLoader::internalLoad(const UTF8* name,
bool doResolve,
JavaString* strName) {
ArrayUInt8* bytes = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(bytes, 0);
llvm_gcroot(strName, 0);
UserCommonClass* cl = lookupClass(name);
if (!cl) {
bytes = openName(name);
if (bytes != NULL) {
cl = constructClass(name, bytes);
if (cl) {
if (doResolve) cl->asClass()->resolveClass();
return (UserClass*)cl;
UserClass* JnjvmClassLoader::internalLoad(const UTF8* name, bool doResolve,
JavaString* strName) {
JavaObject* obj = 0;
llvm_gcroot(strName, 0);
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
UserCommonClass* cl = lookupClass(name);
if (!cl) {
UserClass* forCtp = loadClass;
if (strName == NULL) {
strName = JavaString::internalToJava(name, isolate);
obj = loadClassMethod->invokeJavaObjectVirtual(isolate, forCtp, javaLoader,
&strName, doResolve);
cl = JavaObjectClass::getClass(((JavaObjectClass*)obj));
if (cl) {
if (doResolve) cl->asClass()->resolveClass();
return (UserClass*)cl;
UserClass* JnjvmClassLoader::loadName(const UTF8* name, bool doResolve,
bool doThrow, JavaString* strName) {
llvm_gcroot(strName, 0);
UserClass* cl = internalLoad(name, doResolve, strName);
if (!cl && doThrow) {
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->getJVM();
if (name->equals(bootstrapLoader->NoClassDefFoundError)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load NoClassDefFoundError");
if (TheCompiler->isStaticCompiling()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find %s, needed for static compiling\n",
if (cl && cl->classLoader != this) {
ClassMap::iterator End = classes->map.end();
ClassMap::iterator I = classes->map.find(cl->name);
if (I == End)
classes->map.insert(std::make_pair(cl->name, cl));
return cl;
const UTF8* JnjvmClassLoader::lookupComponentName(const UTF8* name,
UTF8* holder,
bool& prim) {
uint32 len = name->size;
uint32 start = 0;
uint32 origLen = len;
while (true) {
if (len == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
if (name->elements[start] != I_TAB) {
if (name->elements[start] == I_REF) {
uint32 size = (uint32)name->size;
if ((size == (start + 1)) || (size == (start + 2)) ||
(name->elements[start + 1] == I_TAB) ||
(name->elements[origLen - 1] != I_END_REF)) {
return 0;
} else {
const uint16* buf = &(name->elements[start + 1]);
uint32 bufLen = len - 2;
const UTF8* componentName = hashUTF8->lookupReader(buf, bufLen);
if (!componentName && holder) {
holder->size = len - 2;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < len - 2; ++i) {
holder->elements[i] = name->elements[start + 1 + i];
componentName = holder;
return componentName;
} else {
uint16 cur = name->elements[start];
if ((cur == I_BOOL || cur == I_BYTE ||
cur == I_CHAR || cur == I_SHORT ||
cur == I_INT || cur == I_FLOAT ||
cur == I_DOUBLE || cur == I_LONG)
&& ((uint32)name->size) == start + 1) {
prim = true;
return 0;
return 0;
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::lookupClassOrArray(const UTF8* name) {
UserCommonClass* temp = lookupClass(name);
if (temp) return temp;
if (this != bootstrapLoader) {
temp = bootstrapLoader->lookupClassOrArray(name);
if (temp) return temp;
if (name->elements[0] == I_TAB) {
bool prim = false;
const UTF8* componentName = lookupComponentName(name, 0, prim);
if (prim) return constructArray(name);
if (componentName) {
UserCommonClass* temp = lookupClass(componentName);
if (temp) return constructArray(name);
return 0;
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::loadClassFromUserUTF8(const UTF8* name,
bool doResolve,
bool doThrow,
JavaString* strName) {
llvm_gcroot(strName, 0);
if (name->size == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (name->elements[0] == I_TAB) {
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
bool prim = false;
UTF8* holder = (UTF8*)threadAllocator.Allocate(
sizeof(UTF8) + name->size * sizeof(uint16));
if (!holder) return 0;
const UTF8* componentName = lookupComponentName(name, holder, prim);
if (prim) return constructArray(name);
if (componentName) {
UserCommonClass* temp = loadName(componentName, doResolve, doThrow, NULL);
if (temp) return constructArray(name);
} else {
return loadName(name, doResolve, doThrow, strName);
return 0;
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::loadClassFromAsciiz(const char* asciiz,
bool doResolve,
bool doThrow) {
const UTF8* name = hashUTF8->lookupAsciiz(asciiz);
if (!name) name = bootstrapLoader->hashUTF8->lookupAsciiz(asciiz);
if (!name) {
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
uint32 size = strlen(asciiz);
UTF8* temp = (UTF8*)threadAllocator.Allocate(
sizeof(UTF8) + size * sizeof(uint16));
temp->size = size;
if (!temp) return 0;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
temp->elements[i] = asciiz[i];
name = temp;
UserCommonClass* temp = lookupClass(name);
if (temp) return temp;
if (this != bootstrapLoader) {
temp = bootstrapLoader->lookupClassOrArray(name);
if (temp) return temp;
return loadClassFromUserUTF8(name, doResolve, doThrow, NULL);
JnjvmClassLoader::loadClassFromJavaString(JavaString* str, bool doResolve,
bool doThrow) {
llvm_gcroot(str, 0);
mvm::ThreadAllocator allocator;
UTF8* name = (UTF8*)allocator.Allocate(sizeof(UTF8) + str->count * sizeof(uint16));
name->size = str->count;
if (ArrayUInt16::getElement(JavaString::getValue(str), str->offset) != I_TAB) {
for (sint32 i = 0; i < str->count; ++i) {
uint16 cur = ArrayUInt16::getElement(JavaString::getValue(str), str->offset + i);
if (cur == '.') name->elements[i] = '/';
else if (cur == '/') {
return 0;
else name->elements[i] = cur;
} else {
for (sint32 i = 0; i < str->count; ++i) {
uint16 cur = ArrayUInt16::getElement(JavaString::getValue(str), str->offset + i);
if (cur == '.') {
name->elements[i] = '/';
} else if (cur == '/') {
return 0;
} else {
name->elements[i] = cur;
UserCommonClass* cls = loadClassFromUserUTF8(name, doResolve, doThrow, str);
return cls;
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::lookupClassFromJavaString(JavaString* str) {
const ArrayUInt16* value = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(str, 0);
llvm_gcroot(value, 0);
value = JavaString::getValue(str);
mvm::ThreadAllocator allocator;
UTF8* name = (UTF8*)allocator.Allocate(sizeof(UTF8) + str->count * sizeof(uint16));
name->size = str->count;
for (sint32 i = 0; i < str->count; ++i) {
uint16 cur = ArrayUInt16::getElement(value, str->offset + i);
if (cur == '.') name->elements[i] = '/';
else name->elements[i] = cur;
UserCommonClass* cls = lookupClass(name);
return cls;
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::lookupClass(const UTF8* utf8) {
return classes->lookup(utf8);
UserCommonClass* JnjvmClassLoader::loadBaseClass(const UTF8* name,
uint32 start, uint32 len) {
if (name->elements[start] == I_TAB) {
UserCommonClass* baseClass = loadBaseClass(name, start + 1, len - 1);
JnjvmClassLoader* loader = baseClass->classLoader;
const UTF8* arrayName = name->extract(loader->hashUTF8, start, start + len);
return loader->constructArray(arrayName, baseClass);
} else if (name->elements[start] == I_REF) {
const UTF8* componentName = name->extract(hashUTF8,
start + 1, start + len - 1);
UserCommonClass* cl = loadName(componentName, false, true, NULL);
return cl;
} else {
Classpath* upcalls = bootstrapLoader->upcalls;
UserClassPrimitive* prim =
UserClassPrimitive::byteIdToPrimitive(name->elements[start], upcalls);
assert(prim && "No primitive found");
return prim;
UserClassArray* JnjvmClassLoader::constructArray(const UTF8* name) {
ClassArray* res = (ClassArray*)lookupClass(name);
if (res) return res;
UserCommonClass* cl = loadBaseClass(name, 1, name->size - 1);
assert(cl && "no base class for an array");
JnjvmClassLoader* ld = cl->classLoader;
res = ld->constructArray(name, cl);
if (res && res->classLoader != this) {
ClassMap::iterator End = classes->map.end();
ClassMap::iterator I = classes->map.find(res->name);
if (I == End)
classes->map.insert(std::make_pair(res->name, res));
return res;
UserClass* JnjvmClassLoader::constructClass(const UTF8* name,
ArrayUInt8* bytes) {
llvm_gcroot(bytes, 0);
assert(bytes && "constructing a class without bytes");
ClassMap::iterator End = classes->map.end();
ClassMap::iterator I = classes->map.find(name);
UserClass* res = 0;
if (I == End) {
const UTF8* internalName = readerConstructUTF8(name->elements, name->size);
res = new(allocator, "Class") UserClass(this, internalName, bytes);
bool success = classes->map.insert(std::make_pair(internalName, res)).second;
assert(success && "Could not add class in map");
} else {
res = ((UserClass*)(I->second));
return res;
UserClassArray* JnjvmClassLoader::constructArray(const UTF8* name,
UserCommonClass* baseClass) {
assert(baseClass && "constructing an array class without a base class");
assert(baseClass->classLoader == this &&
"constructing an array with wrong loader");
ClassMap::iterator End = classes->map.end();
ClassMap::iterator I = classes->map.find(name);
UserClassArray* res = 0;
if (I == End) {
const UTF8* internalName = readerConstructUTF8(name->elements, name->size);
res = new(allocator, "Array class") UserClassArray(this, internalName,
classes->map.insert(std::make_pair(internalName, res));
} else {
res = ((UserClassArray*)(I->second));
return res;
Typedef* JnjvmClassLoader::internalConstructType(const UTF8* name) {
short int cur = name->elements[0];
Typedef* res = 0;
switch (cur) {
case I_TAB :
res = new(allocator, "ArrayTypedef") ArrayTypedef(name);
case I_REF :
res = new(allocator, "ObjectTypedef") ObjectTypedef(name, hashUTF8);
default :
UserClassPrimitive* cl =
assert(cl && "No primitive");
bool unsign = (cl == bootstrapLoader->upcalls->OfChar ||
cl == bootstrapLoader->upcalls->OfBool);
res = new(allocator, "PrimitiveTypedef") PrimitiveTypedef(name, cl,
unsign, cur);
return res;
Typedef* JnjvmClassLoader::constructType(const UTF8* name) {
Typedef* res = javaTypes->lookup(name);
if (res == 0) {
res = internalConstructType(name);
javaTypes->hash(name, res);
return res;
static void typeError(const UTF8* name, short int l) {
if (l != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "wrong type %d in %s", l, UTF8Buffer(name).cString());
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "wrong type %s", UTF8Buffer(name).cString());
static bool analyseIntern(const UTF8* name, uint32 pos, uint32 meth,
uint32& ret) {
short int cur = name->elements[pos];
switch (cur) {
case I_PARD :
ret = pos + 1;
return true;
case I_BOOL :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_BYTE :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_CHAR :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_SHORT :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_INT :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_FLOAT :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_DOUBLE :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_LONG :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_VOID :
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
case I_TAB :
if (meth == 1) {
} else {
while (name->elements[++pos] == I_TAB) {}
analyseIntern(name, pos, 1, pos);
ret = pos;
return false;
case I_REF :
if (meth != 2) {
while (name->elements[++pos] != I_END_REF) {}
ret = pos + 1;
return false;
default :
typeError(name, cur);
return false;
Signdef* JnjvmClassLoader::constructSign(const UTF8* name) {
Signdef* res = javaSignatures->lookup(name);
if (res == 0) {
std::vector<Typedef*> buf;
uint32 len = (uint32)name->size;
uint32 pos = 1;
uint32 pred = 0;
while (pos < len) {
pred = pos;
bool end = analyseIntern(name, pos, 0, pos);
if (end) break;
else {
buf.push_back(constructType(name->extract(hashUTF8, pred, pos)));
if (pos == len) {
typeError(name, 0);
analyseIntern(name, pos, 0, pred);
if (pred != len) {
typeError(name, 0);
Typedef* ret = constructType(name->extract(hashUTF8, pos, pred));
res = new(allocator, buf.size()) Signdef(name, this, buf, ret);
javaSignatures->hash(name, res);
return res;
JnjvmClassLoader::getJnjvmLoaderFromJavaObject(JavaObject* loader, Jnjvm* vm) {
VMClassLoader* vmdata = 0;
llvm_gcroot(loader, 0);
llvm_gcroot(vmdata, 0);
if (loader == NULL) return vm->bootstrapLoader;
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = 0;
Classpath* upcalls = vm->bootstrapLoader->upcalls;
vmdata =
if (vmdata == NULL) {
vmdata =
if (!vmdata) {
mvm::BumpPtrAllocator* A = new mvm::BumpPtrAllocator();
JCL = new(*A, "Class loader") JnjvmClassLoader(*A, *vm->bootstrapLoader,
loader, vm);
vmdata = VMClassLoader::allocate(JCL);
upcalls->vmdataClassLoader->setInstanceObjectField(loader, (JavaObject*)vmdata);
} else {
JCL = vmdata->getClassLoader();
return JCL;
const UTF8* JnjvmClassLoader::asciizConstructUTF8(const char* asciiz) {
return hashUTF8->lookupOrCreateAsciiz(asciiz);
const UTF8* JnjvmClassLoader::readerConstructUTF8(const uint16* buf,
uint32 size) {
return hashUTF8->lookupOrCreateReader(buf, size);
JnjvmClassLoader::~JnjvmClassLoader() {
if (isolate)
if (classes) {
if (hashUTF8) {
if (javaTypes) {
if (javaSignatures) {
for (std::vector<void*>::iterator i = nativeLibs.begin();
i < nativeLibs.end(); ++i) {
delete TheCompiler;
// Don't delete the allocator. The caller of this method must
// delete it after the current object is deleted.
JnjvmBootstrapLoader::~JnjvmBootstrapLoader() {
JavaString** JnjvmClassLoader::UTF8ToStr(const UTF8* val) {
JavaString* res = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
res = isolate->internalUTF8ToStr(val);
return strings->addString(this, res);
JavaString** JnjvmBootstrapLoader::UTF8ToStr(const UTF8* val) {
JavaString* res = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->getJVM();
res = vm->internalUTF8ToStr(val);
return strings->addString(this, res);
void JnjvmBootstrapLoader::analyseClasspathEnv(const char* str) {
ArrayUInt8* bytes = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(bytes, 0);
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
if (str != 0) {
unsigned int len = strlen(str);
char* buf = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate((len + 1) * sizeof(char));
const char* cur = str;
int top = 0;
char c = 1;
while (c != 0) {
while (((c = cur[top]) != 0) && c != Jnjvm::envSeparator[0]) {
if (top != 0) {
memcpy(buf, cur, top);
buf[top] = 0;
char* rp = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(PATH_MAX);
memset(rp, 0, PATH_MAX);
rp = realpath(buf, rp);
if (rp && rp[PATH_MAX - 1] == 0 && strlen(rp) != 0) {
struct stat st;
stat(rp, &st);
if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
unsigned int len = strlen(rp);
char* temp = (char*)allocator.Allocate(len + 2, "Boot classpath");
memcpy(temp, rp, len);
temp[len] = Jnjvm::dirSeparator[0];
temp[len + 1] = 0;
} else {
bytes = Reader::openFile(this, rp);
if (bytes) {
ZipArchive *archive = new(allocator, "ZipArchive")
ZipArchive(bytes, allocator);
if (archive) {
cur = cur + top + 1;
top = 0;
// constructArrayName can allocate the UTF8 directly in the classloader
// memory because it is called by safe places, ie only valid names are
// created.
const UTF8* JnjvmClassLoader::constructArrayName(uint32 steps,
const UTF8* className) {
uint32 len = className->size;
uint32 pos = steps;
bool isTab = (className->elements[0] == I_TAB ? true : false);
uint32 n = steps + len + (isTab ? 0 : 2);
mvm::ThreadAllocator allocator;
uint16* buf = (uint16*)allocator.Allocate(n * sizeof(uint16));
for (uint32 i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
buf[i] = I_TAB;
if (!isTab) {
buf[steps] = I_REF;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buf[pos + i] = className->elements[i];
if (!isTab) {
buf[n - 1] = I_END_REF;
const UTF8* res = readerConstructUTF8(buf, n);
return res;
intptr_t JnjvmClassLoader::loadInLib(const char* buf, bool& j3) {
uintptr_t res = (uintptr_t)TheCompiler->loadMethod(SELF_HANDLE, buf);
if (!res) {
for (std::vector<void*>::iterator i = nativeLibs.begin(),
e = nativeLibs.end(); i!= e; ++i) {
res = (uintptr_t)TheCompiler->loadMethod((*i), buf);
if (res) break;
} else {
j3 = true;
if (!res && this != bootstrapLoader)
res = bootstrapLoader->loadInLib(buf, j3);
return (intptr_t)res;
void* JnjvmClassLoader::loadLib(const char* buf) {
void* handle = dlopen(buf, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (handle) nativeLibs.push_back(handle);
return handle;
intptr_t JnjvmClassLoader::loadInLib(const char* name, void* handle) {
return (intptr_t)TheCompiler->loadMethod(handle, name);
intptr_t JnjvmClassLoader::nativeLookup(JavaMethod* meth, bool& j3,
char* buf) {
intptr_t res = loadInLib(buf, j3);
if (!res) {
res = loadInLib(buf, j3);
return res;
void JnjvmClassLoader::insertAllMethodsInVM(Jnjvm* vm) {
JavaCompiler* M = getCompiler();
for (ClassMap::iterator i = classes->map.begin(), e = classes->map.end();
i != e; ++i) {
CommonClass* cl = i->second;
if (cl->isClass()) {
Class* C = cl->asClass();
for (uint32 i = 0; i < C->nbVirtualMethods; ++i) {
JavaMethod& meth = C->virtualMethods[i];
if (!isAbstract(meth.access) && meth.code) {
JavaStaticMethodInfo* MI = new (allocator, "JavaStaticMethodInfo")
JavaStaticMethodInfo(0, meth.code, &meth);
vm->StaticFunctions.addMethodInfo(MI, meth.code);
M->setMethod(&meth, meth.code, "");
for (uint32 i = 0; i < C->nbStaticMethods; ++i) {
JavaMethod& meth = C->staticMethods[i];
if (!isAbstract(meth.access) && meth.code) {
JavaStaticMethodInfo* MI = new (allocator, "JavaStaticMethodInfo")
JavaStaticMethodInfo(0, meth.code, &meth);
vm->StaticFunctions.addMethodInfo(MI, meth.code);
M->setMethod(&meth, meth.code, "");
void JnjvmClassLoader::loadLibFromJar(Jnjvm* vm, const char* name,
const char* file) {
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
char* soName = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(
strlen(name) + strlen(DYLD_EXTENSION));
const char* ptr = strrchr(name, '/');
sprintf(soName, "%s%s", ptr ? ptr + 1 : name, DYLD_EXTENSION);
void* handle = dlopen(soName, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (handle) {
Class* cl = (Class*)dlsym(handle, file);
if (cl) {
static_init_t init = (static_init_t)(uintptr_t)cl->classLoader;
assert(init && "Loaded the wrong library");
void JnjvmClassLoader::loadLibFromFile(Jnjvm* vm, const char* name) {
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
assert(classes->map.size() == 0);
char* soName = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(
strlen(name) + strlen(DYLD_EXTENSION));
sprintf(soName, "%s%s", name, DYLD_EXTENSION);
void* handle = dlopen(soName, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (handle) {
Class* cl = (Class*)dlsym(handle, name);
if (cl) {
static_init_t init = (static_init_t)(uintptr_t)cl->classLoader;
Class* JnjvmClassLoader::loadClassFromSelf(Jnjvm* vm, const char* name) {
assert(classes->map.size() == 0);
Class* cl = (Class*)dlsym(SELF_HANDLE, name);
if (cl) {
static_init_t init = (static_init_t)(uintptr_t)cl->classLoader;
return cl;
// Extern "C" functions called by the vmjc static intializer.
extern "C" void vmjcAddPreCompiledClass(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL,
CommonClass* cl) {
cl->classLoader = JCL;
if (cl->isClass()) {
Class* realCl = cl->asClass();
// To avoid data alignment in the llvm assembly emitter, we set the
// staticMethods and staticFields fields here.
realCl->staticMethods = realCl->virtualMethods + realCl->nbVirtualMethods;
realCl->staticFields = realCl->virtualFields + realCl->nbVirtualFields;
cl->virtualVT->setNativeTracer(cl->virtualVT->tracer, "");
for (uint32 i = 0; i< realCl->nbStaticMethods; ++i) {
JavaMethod& meth = realCl->staticMethods[i];
for (uint32 i = 0; i< realCl->nbVirtualMethods; ++i) {
JavaMethod& meth = realCl->virtualMethods[i];
for (uint32 i = 0; i< realCl->nbStaticFields; ++i) {
JavaField& field = realCl->staticFields[i];
for (uint32 i = 0; i< realCl->nbVirtualFields; ++i) {
JavaField& field = realCl->virtualFields[i];
if (!cl->isPrimitive())
JCL->getClasses()->map.insert(std::make_pair(cl->name, cl));
extern "C" void vmjcGetClassArray(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, ClassArray** ptr,
const UTF8* name) {
*ptr = JCL->constructArray(name);
extern "C" void vmjcAddUTF8(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, const UTF8* val) {
extern "C" void vmjcAddString(JnjvmClassLoader* JCL, JavaString* val) {
JCL->strings->addString(JCL, val);
extern "C" intptr_t vmjcNativeLoader(JavaMethod* meth) {
bool j3 = false;
const UTF8* jniConsClName = meth->classDef->name;
const UTF8* jniConsName = meth->name;
const UTF8* jniConsType = meth->type;
sint32 clen = jniConsClName->size;
sint32 mnlen = jniConsName->size;
sint32 mtlen = jniConsType->size;
mvm::ThreadAllocator threadAllocator;
char* buf = (char*)threadAllocator.Allocate(
3 + JNI_NAME_PRE_LEN + 1 + ((mnlen + clen + mtlen) << 3));
intptr_t res = meth->classDef->classLoader->nativeLookup(meth, j3, buf);
assert(res && "Could not find required native method");
return res;
extern "C" void staticCallback() {
fprintf(stderr, "Implement me");