blob: ebe7e321addbe3610a8c6b00ada19eef9cf05bfa [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------------------- JavaRuntimeJIT.cpp ------------------------------===//
//=== ---- Runtime functions called by code compiled by the JIT -----------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ClasspathReflect.h"
#include "JavaArray.h"
#include "JavaClass.h"
#include "JavaConstantPool.h"
#include "JavaString.h"
#include "JavaThread.h"
#include "JavaTypes.h"
#include "Jnjvm.h"
#include "j3/OpcodeNames.def"
#include <cstdarg>
using namespace j3;
extern "C" void* j3InterfaceLookup(UserClass* caller, uint32 index) {
void* res = 0;
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->getConstantPool();
if (ctpInfo->ctpRes[index]) {
res = ctpInfo->ctpRes[index];
} else {
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveMethod(index, cl, utf8, sign);
assert(cl->isClass() && isInterface(cl->access) && "Wrong type of method");
res = cl->asClass()->lookupInterfaceMethod(utf8, sign->keyName);
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = (void*)res;
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (JavaMethod*)obj;
return res;
// Throws if the field is not found.
extern "C" void* j3VirtualFieldLookup(UserClass* caller, uint32 index) {
void* res = 0;
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->getConstantPool();
if (ctpInfo->ctpRes[index]) {
res = ctpInfo->ctpRes[index];
} else {
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Typedef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveField(index, cl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* lookup = cl->isArray() ? cl->super : cl->asClass();
JavaField* field = lookup->lookupField(utf8, sign->keyName, false, true, 0);
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = (void*)field->ptrOffset;
res = (void*)field->ptrOffset;
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (void*)obj;
return res;
// Throws if the field or its class is not found.
extern "C" void* j3StaticFieldLookup(UserClass* caller, uint32 index) {
void* res = 0;
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->getConstantPool();
if (ctpInfo->ctpRes[index]) {
res = ctpInfo->ctpRes[index];
} else {
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
UserClass* fieldCl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Typedef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveField(index, cl, utf8, sign);
assert(cl->asClass() && "Lookup a field of something not an array");
JavaField* field = cl->asClass()->lookupField(utf8, sign->keyName, true,
true, &fieldCl);
void* obj = ((UserClass*)fieldCl)->getStaticInstance();
assert(obj && "No static instance in static field lookup");
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + field->ptrOffset);
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = ptr;
res = ptr;
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (void*)obj;
return res;
// Throws if the method is not found.
extern "C" uint32 j3VirtualTableLookup(UserClass* caller, uint32 index,
uint32* offset, JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
uint32 res = 0;
UserCommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
caller->getConstantPool()->resolveMethod(index, cl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* lookup = cl->isArray() ? cl->super : cl->asClass();
JavaMethod* dmeth = lookup->lookupMethodDontThrow(utf8, sign->keyName, false,
true, 0);
if (!dmeth) {
assert((JavaObject::getClass(obj)->isClass() &&
JavaObject::getClass(obj)->asClass()->isInitializing()) &&
"Class not ready in a virtual lookup.");
// Arg, the bytecode is buggy! Perform the lookup on the object class
// and do not update offset.
lookup = JavaObject::getClass(obj)->isArray() ?
JavaObject::getClass(obj)->super :
dmeth = lookup->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, false, true, 0);
} else {
*offset = dmeth->offset;
#if !defined(ISOLATE_SHARING) && !defined(SERVICE)
assert(dmeth->classDef->isInitializing() &&
"Class not ready in a virtual lookup.");
res = dmeth->offset;
return res;
// Throws if the class is not found.
extern "C" void* j3ClassLookup(UserClass* caller, uint32 index) {
void* res = 0;
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->getConstantPool();
UserCommonClass* cl = ctpInfo->loadClass(index);
// We can not initialize here, because bytecodes such as CHECKCAST
// or classes used in catch clauses do not trigger class initialization.
// This is really sad, because we need to insert class initialization checks
// in the LLVM code.
assert(cl && "No cl after class lookup");
res = (void*)cl;
// Create the array class, in case we come from a ANEWARRAY.
if (cl->isClass() && !cl->virtualVT->baseClassVT) {
const UTF8* arrayName =
cl->classLoader->constructArrayName(1, cl->getName());
cl->virtualVT->baseClassVT =
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (void*)obj;
return res;
// Calls Java code.
// Throws if initializing the class throws an exception.
extern "C" UserCommonClass* j3RuntimeInitialiseClass(UserClass* cl) {
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (UserCommonClass*)obj;
return cl;
// Calls Java code.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3RuntimeDelegatee(UserCommonClass* cl) {
JavaObject* res = 0;
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->getJVM();
res = cl->getClassDelegatee(vm);
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return obj;
return res;
// Throws if one of the dimension is negative.
static JavaObject* multiCallNewIntern(UserClassArray* cl, uint32 len,
sint32* dims, Jnjvm* vm) {
assert(len > 0 && "Negative size given by VMKit");
JavaObject* _res = cl->doNew(dims[0], vm);
ArrayObject* res = NULL;
JavaObject* temp = NULL;
llvm_gcroot(_res, 0);
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
llvm_gcroot(temp, 0);
if (len > 1) {
res = (ArrayObject*)_res;
UserCommonClass* _base = cl->baseClass();
assert(_base->isArray() && "Base class not an array");
UserClassArray* base = (UserClassArray*)_base;
if (dims[0] > 0) {
for (sint32 i = 0; i < dims[0]; ++i) {
temp = multiCallNewIntern(base, (len - 1), &dims[1], vm);
ArrayObject::setElement(res, temp, i);
} else {
for (uint32 i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
sint32 p = dims[i];
if (p < 0) {
return _res;
// Throws if one of the dimension is negative.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3MultiCallNew(UserClassArray* cl, uint32 len, ...) {
JavaObject* res = 0;
llvm_gcroot(res, 0);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, len);
mvm::ThreadAllocator allocator;
sint32* dims = (sint32*)allocator.Allocate(sizeof(sint32) * len);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i){
dims[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->getJVM();
res = multiCallNewIntern(cl, len, dims, vm);
return res;
// Throws if the class can not be resolved.
extern "C" JavaVirtualTable* j3GetArrayClass(UserClass* caller,
uint32 index,
JavaVirtualTable** VT) {
JavaVirtualTable* res = 0;
assert(VT && "Incorrect call to j3GetArrayClass");
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->getConstantPool();
UserCommonClass* cl = ctpInfo->loadClass(index);
JnjvmClassLoader* JCL = cl->classLoader;
if (cl->asClass()) cl->asClass()->resolveClass();
const UTF8* arrayName = JCL->constructArrayName(1, cl->getName());
res = JCL->constructArray(arrayName)->virtualVT;
*VT = res;
// Since the function is marked readnone, LLVM may move it after the
// exception check. Therefore, we trick LLVM to check the return value of the
// function.
JavaObject* obj = JavaThread::get()->pendingException;
if (obj) return (JavaVirtualTable*)obj;
return res;
// Does not call Java code. Can not yield a GC.
extern "C" void j3EndJNI(uint32** oldLRN) {
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
// We're going back to Java
// Update the number of references.
th->currentAddedReferences = *oldLRN;
extern "C" void* j3StartJNI(uint32* localReferencesNumber,
uint32** oldLocalReferencesNumber,
mvm::KnownFrame* Frame)
// Never throws. Does not call Java code. Can not yied a GC.
extern "C" void* j3StartJNI(uint32* localReferencesNumber,
uint32** oldLocalReferencesNumber,
mvm::KnownFrame* Frame) {
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
*oldLocalReferencesNumber = th->currentAddedReferences;
th->currentAddedReferences = localReferencesNumber;
return Frame->currentFP;
// Never throws.
extern "C" void j3JavaObjectAquire(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
// Never throws.
extern "C" void j3JavaObjectRelease(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
// Does not call any Java code. Can not yield a GC.
extern "C" void j3ThrowException(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
return JavaThread::get()->throwException(obj);
// Never throws.
extern "C" void j3OverflowThinLock(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3NullPointerException() {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateNullPointerException();
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3NegativeArraySizeException(sint32 val) {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateNegativeArraySizeException();
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3OutOfMemoryError(sint32 val) {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateOutOfMemoryError();
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3StackOverflowError() {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateStackOverflowError();
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3ArithmeticException() {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateArithmeticException();
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3ClassCastException(JavaObject* obj,
UserCommonClass* cl) {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateClassCastException(obj, cl);
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3IndexOutOfBoundsException(JavaObject* obj,
sint32 index) {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Creates a Java object and then throws it.
extern "C" JavaObject* j3ArrayStoreException(JavaVirtualTable* VT,
JavaVirtualTable* VT2) {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateArrayStoreException(VT);
th->pendingException = exc;
return exc;
// Create an exception then throws it.
extern "C" void j3ThrowExceptionFromJIT() {
JavaObject *exc = 0;
llvm_gcroot(exc, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
JavaMethod* meth = th->getCallingMethodLevel(0);
exc = th->getJVM()->CreateUnsatisfiedLinkError(meth);
th->pendingException = exc;
extern "C" void* j3StringLookup(UserClass* cl, uint32 index) {
JavaString** str = 0;
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = cl->getConstantPool();
const UTF8* utf8 = ctpInfo->UTF8At(ctpInfo->ctpDef[index]);
str = cl->classLoader->UTF8ToStr(utf8);
#if defined(ISOLATE_SHARING) || !defined(ISOLATE)
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = str;
return (void*)str;
extern "C" void* j3ResolveVirtualStub(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
UserCommonClass* cl = JavaObject::getClass(obj);
void* result = NULL;
// Lookup the caller of this class.
mvm::StackWalker Walker(th);
while (Walker.get()->MethodType != 1) ++Walker;
mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get();
JavaMethod* meth = (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
void* ip = *Walker;
// Lookup the method info in the constant pool of the caller.
CodeLineInfo* CLInfo =
uint16 ctpIndex = CLInfo->ctpIndex;
assert(ctpIndex && "No constant pool index");
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = meth->classDef->getConstantPool();
CommonClass* ctpCl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
JavaMethod* origMeth = 0;
ctpInfo->infoOfMethod(ctpIndex, ACC_VIRTUAL, ctpCl, origMeth);
ctpInfo->resolveMethod(ctpIndex, ctpCl, utf8, sign);
assert(cl->isAssignableFrom(ctpCl) && "Wrong call object");
UserClass* lookup = cl->isArray() ? cl->super : cl->asClass();
JavaMethod* Virt = lookup->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, false, true, 0);
// Compile the found method.
result = Virt->compiledPtr();
// Update the virtual table.
assert(lookup->isResolved() && "Class not resolved");
#if !defined(ISOLATE_SHARING) && !defined(SERVICE)
assert(lookup->isInitializing() && "Class not ready");
assert(lookup->virtualVT && "Class has no VT");
assert(lookup->virtualTableSize > Virt->offset &&
"The method's offset is greater than the virtual table size");
((void**)obj->getVirtualTable())[Virt->offset] = result;
if (isInterface(origMeth->classDef->access)) {
InterfaceMethodTable* IMT = cl->virtualVT->IMT;
uint32_t index = InterfaceMethodTable::getIndex(Virt->name, Virt->type);
if ((IMT->contents[index] & 1) == 0) {
IMT->contents[index] = (uintptr_t)result;
} else {
JavaMethod* Imeth =
ctpCl->asClass()->lookupInterfaceMethodDontThrow(utf8, sign->keyName);
assert(Imeth && "Method not in hierarchy?");
uintptr_t* table = (uintptr_t*)(IMT->contents[index] & ~1);
uint32 i = 0;
while (table[i] != (uintptr_t)Imeth) { i += 2; }
table[i + 1] = (uintptr_t)result;
return result;
extern "C" void* j3ResolveStaticStub() {
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
void* result = NULL;
// Lookup the caller of this class.
mvm::StackWalker Walker(th);
while (Walker.get()->MethodType != 1) ++Walker;
mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get();
assert(MI->MethodType == 1 && "Wrong call to stub");
JavaMethod* caller = (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
void* ip = *Walker;
// Lookup the method info in the constant pool of the caller.
uint16 ctpIndex = caller->lookupCtpIndex(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ip));
assert(ctpIndex && "No constant pool index");
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->classDef->getConstantPool();
CommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveMethod(ctpIndex, cl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* lookup = cl->isArray() ? cl->super : cl->asClass();
assert(lookup->isInitializing() && "Class not ready");
JavaMethod* callee = lookup->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, true, true, 0);
// Compile the found method.
result = callee->compiledPtr();
// Update the entry in the constant pool.
ctpInfo->ctpRes[ctpIndex] = result;
return result;
extern "C" void* j3ResolveSpecialStub() {
JavaThread *th = JavaThread::get();
void* result = NULL;
// Lookup the caller of this class.
mvm::StackWalker Walker(th);
while (Walker.get()->MethodType != 1) ++Walker;
mvm::MethodInfo* MI = Walker.get();
assert(MI->MethodType == 1 && "Wrong call to stub");
JavaMethod* caller = (JavaMethod*)MI->getMetaInfo();
void* ip = *Walker;
// Lookup the method info in the constant pool of the caller.
uint16 ctpIndex = caller->lookupCtpIndex(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ip));
assert(ctpIndex && "No constant pool index");
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo = caller->classDef->getConstantPool();
CommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveMethod(ctpIndex, cl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* lookup = cl->isArray() ? cl->super : cl->asClass();
assert(lookup->isInitializing() && "Class not ready");
JavaMethod* callee =
lookup->lookupSpecialMethodDontThrow(utf8, sign->keyName, caller->classDef);
if (!callee) {
th->getJVM()->noSuchMethodError(lookup, utf8);
// Compile the found method.
result = callee->compiledPtr();
// Update the entry in the constant pool.
ctpInfo->ctpRes[ctpIndex] = result;
return result;
extern "C" void j3PrintMethodStart(JavaMethod* meth) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%p] executing %s.%s\n", (void*)mvm::Thread::get(),
extern "C" void j3PrintMethodEnd(JavaMethod* meth) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%p] return from %s.%s\n", (void*)mvm::Thread::get(),
extern "C" void j3PrintExecution(uint32 opcode, uint32 index,
JavaMethod* meth) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%p] executing %s.%s %s at %d\n", (void*)mvm::Thread::get(),
OpcodeNames[opcode], index);
#ifdef SERVICE
extern "C" void j3ServiceCallStart(Jnjvm* OldService,
Jnjvm* NewService) {
fprintf(stderr, "I have switched from %d to %d\n", OldService->IsolateID,
fprintf(stderr, "Now the thread id is %d\n", mvm::Thread::get()->IsolateID);
extern "C" void j3ServiceCallStop(Jnjvm* OldService,
Jnjvm* NewService) {
fprintf(stderr, "End service call\n");
extern "C" void* j3StaticCtpLookup(UserClass* cl, uint32 index) {
UserConstantPool* ctpInfo = cl->getConstantPool();
JavaConstantPool* shared = ctpInfo->getSharedPool();
uint32 clIndex = shared->getClassIndexFromMethod(index);
UserClass* refCl = (UserClass*)ctpInfo->loadClass(clIndex);
CommonClass* baseCl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
shared->resolveMethod(index, baseCl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* methodCl = 0;
refCl->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, true, true, &methodCl);
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = methodCl->getConstantPool();
shared->ctpRes[clIndex] = refCl->classDef;
return (void*)methodCl->getConstantPool();
extern "C" UserConstantPool* j3SpecialCtpLookup(UserConstantPool* ctpInfo,
uint32 index,
UserConstantPool** res) {
JavaConstantPool* shared = ctpInfo->getSharedPool();
uint32 clIndex = shared->getClassIndexFromMethod(index);
UserClass* refCl = (UserClass*)ctpInfo->loadClass(clIndex);
CommonClass* baseCl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
shared->resolveMethod(index, baseCl, utf8, sign);
UserClass* methodCl = 0;
refCl->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, false, true, &methodCl);
shared->ctpRes[clIndex] = refCl->classDef;
*res = methodCl->getConstantPool();
return methodCl->getConstantPool();