blob: e1cb24b78d203a481419abf3d9014f28ce493223 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- JavaConstantPool.h - Java constant pool definition ---------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "UTF8.h"
namespace j3 {
class Class;
class CommonClass;
class JavaField;
class JavaMethod;
class JavaString;
class Reader;
class Signdef;
class Typedef;
/// JavaConstantPool - This class represents a Java constant pool, a place where
/// a Java class makes external references such as classes and methods and
/// stores constants such as integers or UTF8s.
class JavaConstantPool : public mvm::PermanentObject {
/// classDef - The owning class of this constant pool.
Class* classDef;
/// ctpSize - The number of entries in the constant pool.
uint32 ctpSize;
/// ctpType - The types of the constant pool entries.
uint8* ctpType;
/// ctpDef - The values of the constant pool entries: may be constants or
/// references to other entries.
sint32* ctpDef;
/// ctpRes - Objects resolved dynamically, e.g. UTF8s, classes, methods,
/// fields, string pointers.
void** ctpRes;
/// operator new - Redefine the operator to allocate the arrays of a
/// constant pool inline.
void* operator new(size_t sz, mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& allocator,
uint32 ctpSize);
/// CtpReaderClass - Reads a class entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderClass(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderInteger - Reads an integer entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderInteger(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderFloat - Reads a float entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderFloat(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderClass - Reads an UTF8 entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderUTF8(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderNameAndType - Reads a name/signature entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderNameAndType(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderFieldref - Reads a field entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderFieldref(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderString - Reads a string entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderString(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderMethodref - Reads a method entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderMethodref(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderInterfaceMethodref - Reads a method of an interface entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderInterfaceMethodref(JavaConstantPool* ctp,
Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderLong - Reads a long entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderLong(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
/// CtpReaderClass - Reads a double entry.
static uint32 CtpReaderDouble(JavaConstantPool* ctp, Reader& reader,
uint32 index);
static const uint32 ConstantUTF8;
static const uint32 ConstantInteger;
static const uint32 ConstantFloat;
static const uint32 ConstantLong;
static const uint32 ConstantDouble;
static const uint32 ConstantClass;
static const uint32 ConstantString;
static const uint32 ConstantFieldref;
static const uint32 ConstantMethodref;
static const uint32 ConstantInterfaceMethodref;
static const uint32 ConstantNameAndType;
typedef uint32 (*ctpReader)(JavaConstantPool*, Reader&, uint32);
/// funcsReader - Array of CtpReader* functions.
static ctpReader funcsReader[16];
/// isAStaticCall - Is the name/type at the given entry a reference to a
/// static method?
bool isAStaticCall(uint32 index) {
return (ctpType[index] & 0x80) != 0;
/// markAsStaticCall - Set the name/type entry as a reference to a static
/// method.
void markAsStaticCall(uint32 index) {
ctpType[index] |= 0x80;
/// typeAt - Get the constant pool type of the given entry.
uint8 typeAt(uint32 index) {
return ctpType[index] & 0x7F;
/// UTF8At - Get the UTF8 at the given entry.
const UTF8* UTF8At(uint32 entry);
/// UTF8At - Get the UTF8 referenced from this string entry.
const UTF8* UTF8AtForString(uint32 entry) {
return UTF8At(ctpDef[entry]);
/// FloatAt - Get the float at the given entry.
float FloatAt(uint32 entry);
/// IntegerAt - Get the int at the given entry.
sint32 IntegerAt(uint32 entry);
/// LongAt - Get the long at the given entry.
sint64 LongAt(uint32 entry);
/// DoubleAt - Get the double at the given entry.
double DoubleAt(uint32 entry);
/// isClassLoaded - Is the class at the given entry already loaded?
CommonClass* isClassLoaded(uint32 index);
/// resolveClassName - Get the name of the class referenced and returns
/// it.
const UTF8* resolveClassName(uint32 index);
/// resolveNameAndType - Resolve the name/type at the given index,
/// and returns the type.
Typedef* resolveNameAndType(uint32 index);
/// resolveNameAndSign - Resolve the name/sign at the given index,
/// and returns the signature.
Signdef* resolveNameAndSign(uint32 index);
/// infoOfInterfaceOrVirtualMethod - Get the signature of the method
/// referenced at the given entry.
Signdef* infoOfInterfaceOrVirtualMethod(uint32 index, const UTF8*& name);
/// infoOfStaticOrSpecialMethod - Get the JavaMethod of a non-virtual
/// method. Return null if not loaded yet.
JavaMethod* infoOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(uint32 index, uint32 access,
Signdef* sign);
/// nameOfStaticOrSpecialMethod - Get the name and the signature
/// of a non-virtual method.
void nameOfStaticOrSpecialMethod(uint32 index, const UTF8*& cl,
const UTF8*& name, Signdef*& sign);
/// getClassIndexFromMethod - Get the entry of the class that owns
/// the referenced method.
uint32 getClassIndexFromMethod(uint32 index);
/// getMethodClassIfLoaded - Returns the class of the given method if
/// loaded, null if not.
CommonClass* getMethodClassIfLoaded(uint32 index);
/// infoOfField - Get the Typedef representation of the field referenced
/// at the given entry. This does not involve any class loading.
Typedef* infoOfField(uint32 index);
/// infoOfMethod - Get the signature of the method referenced at the given
/// entry and try to find the method. This does not involve any class
/// loading.
void infoOfMethod(uint32 index, uint32 access, CommonClass*& cl,
JavaMethod*& meth);
/// lookupField - Lookup the field at the given entry.
JavaField* lookupField(uint32 index, bool stat);
/// resolveString - Get the string referenced at the given
/// index from the UTF8.
JavaString* resolveString(const UTF8* utf8, uint16 index);
/// resolveMethod - Resolve the class and the signature of the method. May
/// perform class loading. This function is called just in time, ie when
/// the method call is actually made and not yet resolved.
void resolveMethod(uint32 index, CommonClass*& cl,
const UTF8*& utf8, Signdef*& sign);
/// resolveField - Resolve the class and signature of the field. May
/// perform class loading. This function is called just in time, ie when
/// the field is accessed and not yet resolved.
void resolveField(uint32 index, CommonClass*& cl, const UTF8*& utf8,
Typedef*& sign);
/// loadClass - Loads the class and returns it. This is called just in time,
/// ie when the class will be used and not yet resolved, and also for
/// loading exceptions when JITting catch clauses.
CommonClass* loadClass(uint32 index, bool resolve = true);
/// JavaConstantPool - Reads the bytecode of the class to get
/// the initial types and constants definitions.
JavaConstantPool(Class*, Reader& reader, uint32 ctpSize);
/// ~JavaConstantPool - Delete the constant pool.
~JavaConstantPool() {}
} // end namespace j3