blob: d14aaa0280fe249d1ae071ad3dcd74dce2e1918f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DataStructure.cpp - Implement the core data structure analysis -----===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the core data structure functionality.
#include "dsa/DSGraphTraits.h"
#include "dsa/DataStructure.h"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "dsa/DSSupport.h"
#include "dsa/DSNode.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
STATISTIC (NumFolds, "Number of nodes completely folded");
STATISTIC (NumNodeAllocated , "Number of nodes allocated");
/// isForwarding - Return true if this NodeHandle is forwarding to another
/// one.
bool DSNodeHandle::isForwarding() const {
return N && N->isForwarding();
DSNode *DSNodeHandle::HandleForwarding() const {
assert(N->isForwarding() && "Can only be invoked if forwarding!");
{ //assert not looping
DSNode* NH = N;
svset<DSNode*> seen;
while(NH && NH->isForwarding()) {
assert(seen.find(NH) == seen.end() && "Loop detected");
NH = NH->ForwardNH.N;
// Handle node forwarding here!
DSNode *Next = N->ForwardNH.getNode(); // Cause recursive shrinkage
Offset += N->ForwardNH.getOffset();
if (--N->NumReferrers == 0) {
// Removing the last referrer to the node, sever the forwarding link
N = Next;
if (N->getSize() <= Offset) {
assert(N->getSize() <= 1 && "Forwarded to shrunk but not collapsed node?");
Offset = 0;
return N;
// DSScalarMap Implementation
DSNodeHandle &DSScalarMap::AddGlobal(const GlobalValue *GV) {
assert(ValueMap.count(GV) == 0 && "GV already exists!");
// If the node doesn't exist, check to see if it's a global that is
// equated to another global in the program.
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*>::iterator ECI = GlobalECs.findValue(GV);
if (ECI != GlobalECs.end()) {
const GlobalValue *Leader = *GlobalECs.findLeader(ECI);
if (Leader != GV) {
GV = Leader;
iterator I = ValueMap.find(GV);
if (I != ValueMap.end())
return I->second;
// Okay, this is either not an equivalenced global or it is the leader, it
// will be inserted into the scalar map now.
return ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(GV, DSNodeHandle())).first->second;
/// spliceFrom - Copy all entries from RHS, then clear RHS.
void DSScalarMap::spliceFrom(DSScalarMap &RHS) {
// Special case if this is empty.
if (ValueMap.empty()) {
} else {
GlobalSet.insert(RHS.GlobalSet.begin(), RHS.GlobalSet.end());
for (ValueMapTy::iterator I = RHS.ValueMap.begin(), E = RHS.ValueMap.end();
I != E; ++I)
// DSNode Implementation
DSNode::DSNode(DSGraph *G)
: NumReferrers(0), Size(0), ParentGraph(G), NodeType(0) {
// Add the type entry if it is specified...
if (G) G->addNode(this);
// DSNode copy constructor... do not copy over the referrers list!
DSNode::DSNode(const DSNode &N, DSGraph *G, bool NullLinks)
: NumReferrers(0), Size(N.Size), ParentGraph(G), TyMap(N.TyMap),
Globals(N.Globals), NodeType(N.NodeType) {
if (!NullLinks) Links = N.Links;
DSNode::~DSNode() {
assert(hasNoReferrers() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
void DSNode::assertOK() const {
// assert(((Ty && Ty->getTypeID() != Type::VoidTyID) ||
// ((!Ty || Ty->getTypeID() == Type::VoidTyID) && (Size == 0 ||
// (NodeType & DSNode::ArrayNode)))) &&
// "Node not OK!");
assert(ParentGraph && "Node has no parent?");
const DSScalarMap &SM = ParentGraph->getScalarMap();
for (globals_iterator ii = globals_begin(), ee = globals_end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
assert(SM.find(*ii)->second.getNode() == this);
/// forwardNode - Mark this node as being obsolete, and all references to it
/// should be forwarded to the specified node and offset.
void DSNode::forwardNode(DSNode *To, unsigned Offset) {
assert(this != To && "Cannot forward a node to itself!");
assert(ForwardNH.isNull() && "Already forwarding from this node!");
if (To->Size <= 1) Offset = 0;
assert((Offset < To->Size || (Offset == To->Size && Offset == 0)) &&
"Forwarded offset is wrong!");
ForwardNH.setTo(To, Offset);
NodeType = DeadNode;
Size = 0;
DSNodeHandle ToNH(To,Offset);
//Move the Links
for (LinkMapTy::iterator ii = Links.begin(), ee = Links.end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
if (!ii->second.isNull()) {
// Compute the offset into the current node at which to
// merge this link. In the common case, this is a linear
// relation to the offset in the original node (with
// wrapping), but if the current node gets collapsed due to
// recursive merging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining
// links at offset zero.
unsigned MergeOffset = 0;
if (ToNH.getNode()->getSize() != 1)
MergeOffset = (ii->first + Offset) % ToNH.getNode()->getSize();
ToNH.getNode()->addEdgeTo(MergeOffset, ii->second);
// Remove this node from the parent graph's Nodes list.
ParentGraph = 0;
// addGlobal - Add an entry for a global value to the Globals list. This also
// marks the node with the 'G' flag if it does not already have it.
void DSNode::addGlobal(const GlobalValue *GV) {
// First, check to make sure this is the leader if the global is in an
// equivalence class.
GV = getParentGraph()->getScalarMap().getLeaderForGlobal(GV);
void DSNode::addFunction(const Function* F) {
// removeGlobal - Remove the specified global that is explicitly in the globals
// list.
void DSNode::removeGlobal(const GlobalValue *GV) {
assert (Globals.count(GV) && "Global not in Node!");
/// foldNodeCompletely - If we determine that this node has some funny
/// behavior happening to it that we cannot represent, we fold it down to a
/// single, completely pessimistic, node. This node is represented as a
/// single byte with a single TypeEntry of "void".
void DSNode::foldNodeCompletely() {
if (isNodeCompletelyFolded()) return; // If this node is already folded...
// assert(0 && "Folding is happening");
//Collapsed nodes don't really need a type
// If this node has a size that is <= 1, we don't need to create a forwarding
// node.
if (getSize() <= 1) {
Size = 1;
assert(Links.size() <= 1 && "Size is 1, but has more links?");
} else {
// Create the node we are going to forward to. This is required because
// some referrers may have an offset that is > 0. By forcing them to
// forward, the forwarder has the opportunity to correct the offset.
DSNode *DestNode = new DSNode(ParentGraph);
DestNode->NodeType = NodeType;
DestNode->Size = 1;
// Start forwarding to the destination node...
forwardNode(DestNode, 0);
/// isNodeCompletelyFolded - Return true if this node has been completely
/// folded down to something that can never be expanded, effectively losing
/// all of the field sensitivity that may be present in the node.
bool DSNode::isNodeCompletelyFolded() const {
return isCollapsedNode();
/// addFullGlobalsList - Compute the full set of global values that are
/// represented by this node. Unlike getGlobalsList(), this requires fair
/// amount of work to compute, so don't treat this method call as free.
void DSNode::addFullGlobalsList(std::vector<const GlobalValue*> &List) const {
if (globals_begin() == globals_end()) return;
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*> &EC = getParentGraph()->getGlobalECs();
for (globals_iterator I = globals_begin(), E = globals_end(); I != E; ++I) {
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*>::iterator ECI = EC.findValue(*I);
if (ECI == EC.end())
List.insert(List.end(), EC.member_begin(ECI), EC.member_end());
/// addFullFunctionList - Identical to addFullGlobalsList, but only return the
/// functions in the full list.
void DSNode::addFullFunctionList(std::vector<const Function*> &List) const {
if (globals_begin() == globals_end()) return;
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*> &EC = getParentGraph()->getGlobalECs();
for (globals_iterator I = globals_begin(), E = globals_end(); I != E; ++I) {
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*>::iterator ECI = EC.findValue(*I);
if (ECI == EC.end()) {
if (const Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(*I))
} else {
for (EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*>::member_iterator MI =
EC.member_begin(ECI), E = EC.member_end(); MI != E; ++MI)
if (const Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(*MI))
/// mergeTypeInfo - This method merges the specified type into the current node
/// at the specified offset. This may update the current node's type record if
/// this gives more information to the node, it may do nothing to the node if
/// this information is already known, or it may merge the node completely (and
/// return true) if the information is incompatible with what is already known.
/// This method returns true if the node is completely folded, otherwise false.
void DSNode::mergeTypeInfo(const Type *NewTy, unsigned Offset) {
if (!NewTy || NewTy->isVoidTy()) return;
if (isCollapsedNode()) return;
if (isArrayNode()) Offset %= getSize();
if (Offset >= getSize()) growSize(Offset+1);
TyMap[Offset] = getParentGraph()->getTypeSS().getOrCreate(TyMap[Offset], NewTy);
void DSNode::mergeTypeInfo(const TyMapTy::mapped_type TyIt, unsigned Offset) {
if (isCollapsedNode()) return;
if (isArrayNode()) Offset %= getSize();
if (Offset >= getSize())
growSize(Offset + 1);
if (!TyMap[Offset])
TyMap[Offset] = TyIt;
if (TyIt) {
svset<const Type*> S(*TyMap[Offset]);
S.insert(TyIt->begin(), TyIt->end());
TyMap[Offset] = getParentGraph()->getTypeSS().getOrCreate(S);
void DSNode::mergeTypeInfo(const DSNode* DN, unsigned Offset) {
if (isCollapsedNode()) return;
for (TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = DN->TyMap.begin(), ee = DN->TyMap.end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
mergeTypeInfo(ii->second, ii->first + Offset);
/// addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node. This
/// can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
void DSNode::addEdgeTo(unsigned Offset, const DSNodeHandle &NH) {
if (NH.isNull()) return; // Nothing to do
if (isNodeCompletelyFolded())
Offset = 0;
DSNodeHandle &ExistingEdge = getLink(Offset);
if (!ExistingEdge.isNull()) {
// Merge the two nodes...
} else { // No merging to perform...
setLink(Offset, NH); // Just force a link in there...
void DSNode::mergeGlobals(const DSNode &RHS) {
Globals.insert(RHS.Globals.begin(), RHS.Globals.end());
static unsigned gcd(unsigned m, unsigned n) {
if (m < n) return gcd(n,m);
unsigned r = m % n;
if (r == 0) {
return n;
} else {
return gcd(n, r);
// MergeNodes - Helper function for DSNode::mergeWith().
// This function does the hard work of merging two nodes, CurNodeH
// and NH after filtering out trivial cases and making sure that
// CurNodeH.offset >= NH.offset.
// ***WARNING***
// Since merging may cause either node to go away, we must always
// use the node-handles to refer to the nodes. These node handles are
// automatically updated during merging, so will always provide access
// to the correct node after a merge.
void DSNode::MergeNodes(DSNodeHandle& CurNodeH, DSNodeHandle& NH) {
assert(CurNodeH.getOffset() >= NH.getOffset() &&
"This should have been enforced in the caller.");
assert(CurNodeH.getNode()->getParentGraph()==NH.getNode()->getParentGraph() &&
"Cannot merge two nodes that are not in the same graph!");
// Now we know that Offset >= NH.Offset, so convert it so our "Offset" (with
// respect to NH.Offset) is now zero. NOffset is the distance from the base
// of our object that N starts from.
unsigned NOffset = CurNodeH.getOffset()-NH.getOffset();
unsigned NSize = NH.getNode()->getSize();
// If the two nodes are of different size, and the smaller node has the array
// bit set, collapse!
if (NSize != CurNodeH.getNode()->getSize()) {
if (NSize < CurNodeH.getNode()->getSize()) {
if (NH.getNode()->isArray())
} else if (CurNodeH.getNode()->isArray()) {
// If we are merging a node with a completely folded node, then both nodes are
// now completely folded.
if (CurNodeH.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
if (!NH.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
assert(NH.getNode() && NH.getOffset() == 0 &&
"folding did not make offset 0?");
NOffset = NH.getOffset();
NSize = NH.getNode()->getSize();
assert(NOffset == 0 && NSize == 1);
} else if (NH.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
assert(CurNodeH.getNode() && CurNodeH.getOffset() == 0 &&
"folding did not make offset 0?");
NSize = NH.getNode()->getSize();
NOffset = NH.getOffset();
assert(NOffset == 0 && NSize == 1);
DSNode *N = NH.getNode();
if (CurNodeH.getNode() == N || N == 0) return;
// Merge the type entries of the two nodes together...
CurNodeH.getNode()->mergeTypeInfo(NH.getNode(), NOffset);
if (NH.getNode()->getSize() + NOffset > CurNodeH.getNode()->getSize())
CurNodeH.getNode()->growSize(NH.getNode()->getSize() + NOffset);
// Merge the NodeType information.
CurNodeH.getNode()->NodeType |= N->NodeType;
// Start forwarding to the new node!
N->forwardNode(CurNodeH.getNode(), NOffset);
// Make all of the outgoing links of N now be outgoing links of CurNodeH.
for (LinkMapTy::iterator ii = N->Links.begin(), ee = N->Links.end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
if (ii->second.getNode()) {
// Compute the offset into the current node at which to
// merge this link. In the common case, this is a linear
// relation to the offset in the original node (with
// wrapping), but if the current node gets collapsed due to
// recursive merging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining
// links at offset zero.
unsigned MergeOffset = 0;
DSNode *CN = CurNodeH.getNode();
if (CN->Size != 1)
MergeOffset = (ii->first + NOffset) % CN->getSize();
CN->addEdgeTo(MergeOffset, ii->second);
// Now that there are no outgoing edges, all of the Links are dead.
// Merge the globals list...
// Delete the globals from the old node...
/// mergeWith - Merge this node and the specified node, moving all links to and
/// from the argument node into the current node, deleting the node argument.
/// Offset indicates what offset the specified node is to be merged into the
/// current node.
/// The specified node may be a null pointer (in which case, we update it to
/// point to this node).
void DSNode::mergeWith(const DSNodeHandle &NH, unsigned Offset) {
//DOUT << "mergeWith: " << this << " becomes " << NH.getNode() << "\n";
DSNode *N = NH.getNode();
if (N == this && NH.getOffset() == Offset)
return; // Noop
// If the RHS is a null node, make it point to this node!
if (N == 0) {
NH.mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(this, Offset));
assert(!N->isDeadNode() && !isDeadNode());
assert(!hasNoReferrers() && "Should not try to fold a useless node!");
if (N == this) {
// We cannot merge two pieces of the same node together, collapse the node
// completely.
DEBUG(errs() << "Attempting to merge two chunks of the same node together!\n");
// If both nodes are not at offset 0, make sure that we are merging the node
// at an later offset into the node with the zero offset.
if (Offset < NH.getOffset()) {
N->mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(this, Offset), NH.getOffset());
} else if (Offset == NH.getOffset() && getSize() < N->getSize()) {
// If the offsets are the same, merge the smaller node into the bigger node
N->mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(this, Offset), NH.getOffset());
// Ok, now we can merge the two nodes. Use a static helper that works with
// two node handles, since "this" may get merged away at intermediate steps.
DSNodeHandle CurNodeH(this, Offset);
DSNodeHandle NHCopy(NH);
if (CurNodeH.getOffset() >= NHCopy.getOffset())
DSNode::MergeNodes(CurNodeH, NHCopy);
DSNode::MergeNodes(NHCopy, CurNodeH);
void DSNode::cleanEdges() {
//get rid of any type edge pointing to the null type
for (type_iterator ii = type_begin(); ii != type_end(); ) {
if (ii->second)
else {
type_iterator backup = ii;
ii = backup;
//get rid of any node edge pointing to nothing
for (edge_iterator ii = edge_begin(); ii != edge_end(); ) {
if (ii->second.isNull()) {
edge_iterator backup = ii;
ii = backup;
} else
// ReachabilityCloner Implementation
DSNodeHandle ReachabilityCloner::getClonedNH(const DSNodeHandle &SrcNH) {
if (SrcNH.isNull()) return DSNodeHandle();
const DSNode *SN = SrcNH.getNode();
DSNodeHandle &NH = NodeMap[SN];
if (!NH.isNull()) { // Node already mapped?
DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();
return DSNodeHandle(NHN, NH.getOffset() + SrcNH.getOffset());
// If SrcNH has globals and the destination graph has one of the same globals,
// merge this node with the destination node, which is much more efficient.
if (SN->globals_begin() != SN->globals_end()) {
DSScalarMap &DestSM = Dest->getScalarMap();
for (DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),E = SN->globals_end();
I != E; ++I) {
const GlobalValue *GV = *I;
DSScalarMap::iterator GI = DestSM.find(GV);
if (GI != DestSM.end() && !GI->second.isNull()) {
// We found one, use merge instead!
merge(GI->second, Src->getNodeForValue(GV));
assert(!NH.isNull() && "Didn't merge node!");
DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();
return DSNodeHandle(NHN, NH.getOffset()+SrcNH.getOffset());
if (!createDest) return DSNodeHandle(0,0);
DSNode *DN = new DSNode(*SN, Dest, true /* Null out all links */);
NH = DN;
//DOUT << "getClonedNH: " << SN << " becomes " << DN << "\n";
// Next, recursively clone all outgoing links as necessary. Note that
// adding these links can cause the node to collapse itself at any time, and
// the current node may be merged with arbitrary other nodes. For this
// reason, we must always go through NH.
DN = 0;
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator ii = SN->edge_begin(), ee = SN->edge_end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
const DSNodeHandle &SrcEdge = ii->second;
if (!SrcEdge.isNull()) {
const DSNodeHandle &DestEdge = getClonedNH(SrcEdge);
// Compute the offset into the current node at which to
// merge this link. In the common case, this is a linear
// relation to the offset in the original node (with
// wrapping), but if the current node gets collapsed due to
// recursive merging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining
// links at offset zero.
unsigned MergeOffset = 0;
DSNode *CN = NH.getNode();
if (CN->getSize() != 1)
MergeOffset = (ii->first + NH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();
CN->addEdgeTo(MergeOffset, DestEdge);
// If this node contains any globals, make sure they end up in the scalar
// map with the correct offset.
for (DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(), E = SN->globals_end();
I != E; ++I) {
const GlobalValue *GV = *I;
const DSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);
DSNodeHandle &DestGNH = NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];
assert(DestGNH.getNode() == NH.getNode() &&"Global mapping inconsistent");
return DSNodeHandle(NH.getNode(), NH.getOffset()+SrcNH.getOffset());
void ReachabilityCloner::merge(const DSNodeHandle &NH,
const DSNodeHandle &SrcNH) {
if (SrcNH.isNull()) return; // Noop
if (NH.isNull()) {
// If there is no destination node, just clone the source and assign the
// destination node to be it.
// Okay, at this point, we know that we have both a destination and a source
// node that need to be merged. Check to see if the source node has already
// been cloned.
const DSNode *SN = SrcNH.getNode();
DSNodeHandle &SCNH = NodeMap[SN]; // SourceClonedNodeHandle
if (!SCNH.isNull()) { // Node already cloned?
DSNode *SCNHN = SCNH.getNode();
return; // Nothing to do!
// Okay, so the source node has not already been cloned. Instead of creating
// a new DSNode, only to merge it into the one we already have, try to perform
// the merge in-place. The only case we cannot handle here is when the offset
// into the existing node is less than the offset into the virtual node we are
// merging in. In this case, we have to extend the existing node, which
// requires an allocation anyway.
DSNode *DN = NH.getNode(); // Make sure the Offset is up-to-date
if (NH.getOffset() >= SrcNH.getOffset()) {
if (!DN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
// Make sure the destination node is folded if the source node is folded.
if (SN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
DN = NH.getNode();
} else if (SN->getSize() != DN->getSize()) {
// If the two nodes are of different size, and the smaller node has the
// array bit set, collapse!
if (SN->getSize() < DN->getSize()) {
if (SN->isArray()) {
DN = NH.getNode();
} else if (DN->isArray()) {
DN = NH.getNode();
if (DN->getSize() < SN->getSize())
// Merge the type entries of the two nodes together...
if (!DN->isNodeCompletelyFolded())
DN->mergeTypeInfo(SN, NH.getOffset() - SrcNH.getOffset());
// Merge the NodeType information.
DN->mergeNodeFlags(SN->getNodeFlags() & BitsToKeep);
// Before we start merging outgoing links and updating the scalar map, make
// sure it is known that this is the representative node for the src node.
SCNH = DSNodeHandle(DN, NH.getOffset()-SrcNH.getOffset());
// If the source node contains any globals, make sure they end up in the
// scalar map with the correct offset.
if (SN->globals_begin() != SN->globals_end()) {
// Update the globals in the destination node itself.
// Update the scalar map for the graph we are merging the source node
// into.
for (DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),
E = SN->globals_end(); I != E; ++I) {
const GlobalValue *GV = *I;
const DSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);
DSNodeHandle &DestGNH = NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];
assert(DestGNH.getNode()==NH.getNode() &&"Global mapping inconsistent");
} else {
// We cannot handle this case without allocating a temporary node. Fall
// back on being simple.
DSNode *NewDN = new DSNode(*SN, Dest, true /* Null out all links */);
unsigned NHOffset = NH.getOffset();
NH.mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(NewDN, SrcNH.getOffset()));
assert(NH.getNode() &&
(NH.getOffset() > NHOffset ||
(NH.getOffset() == 0 && NH.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded())) &&
"Merging did not adjust the offset!");
// Before we start merging outgoing links and updating the scalar map, make
// sure it is known that this is the representative node for the src node.
SCNH = DSNodeHandle(NH.getNode(), NH.getOffset()-SrcNH.getOffset());
// If the source node contained any globals, make sure to create entries
// in the scalar map for them!
for (DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),
E = SN->globals_end(); I != E; ++I) {
const GlobalValue *GV = *I;
const DSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);
DSNodeHandle &DestGNH = NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];
assert(DestGNH.getNode()==NH.getNode() &&"Global mapping inconsistent");
assert(SrcGNH.getNode() == SN && "Global mapping inconsistent");
// DOUT << "LLVA: mergeWith: " << SN << " becomes " << DN << "\n";
// Next, recursively merge all outgoing links as necessary. Note that
// adding these links can cause the destination node to collapse itself at
// any time, and the current node may be merged with arbitrary other nodes.
// For this reason, we must always go through NH.
DN = 0;
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator ii = SN->edge_begin(), ee = SN->edge_end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
const DSNodeHandle &SrcEdge = ii->second;
if (!SrcEdge.isNull()) {
// Compute the offset into the current node at which to
// merge this link. In the common case, this is a linear
// relation to the offset in the original node (with
// wrapping), but if the current node gets collapsed due to
// recursive merging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining
// links at offset zero.
DSNode *CN = SCNH.getNode();
unsigned MergeOffset = (ii->first+SCNH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();
DSNodeHandle Tmp = CN->getLink(MergeOffset);
if (!Tmp.isNull()) {
// Perform the recursive merging. Make sure to create a temporary NH,
// because the Link can disappear in the process of recursive merging.
merge(Tmp, SrcEdge);
} else {
// Merging this could cause all kinds of recursive things to happen,
// culminating in the current node being eliminated. Since this is
// possible, make sure to reaquire the link from 'CN'.
unsigned MergeOffset = 0;
CN = SCNH.getNode();
MergeOffset = (ii->first + SCNH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();
/// mergeCallSite - Merge the nodes reachable from the specified src call
/// site into the nodes reachable from DestCS.
void ReachabilityCloner::mergeCallSite(DSCallSite &DestCS,
const DSCallSite &SrcCS) {
merge(DestCS.getRetVal(), SrcCS.getRetVal());
merge(DestCS.getVAVal(), SrcCS.getVAVal());
unsigned MinArgs = DestCS.getNumPtrArgs();
if (SrcCS.getNumPtrArgs() < MinArgs) MinArgs = SrcCS.getNumPtrArgs();
for (unsigned a = 0; a != MinArgs; ++a)
merge(DestCS.getPtrArg(a), SrcCS.getPtrArg(a));
for (unsigned a = MinArgs, e = SrcCS.getNumPtrArgs(); a != e; ++a)
DSCallSite ReachabilityCloner::cloneCallSite(const DSCallSite& SrcCS) {
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < SrcCS.getNumPtrArgs(); ++x)
if (SrcCS.isDirectCall())
return DSCallSite(SrcCS.getCallSite(),
return DSCallSite(SrcCS.getCallSite(),
// DSCallSite Implementation
// Define here to avoid including iOther.h and BasicBlock.h in DSGraph.h
const Function &DSCallSite::getCaller() const {
return *Site.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent();
void DSCallSite::InitNH(DSNodeHandle &NH, const DSNodeHandle &Src,
ReachabilityCloner &RC) {
NH = RC.getClonedNH(Src);
/// FunctionTypeOfCallSite - Helper method to extract the signature of a function
/// that is called a given CallSite
const FunctionType *DSCallSite::FunctionTypeOfCallSite(const CallSite & Site) {
Value *Callee = Site.getCalledValue();
// Direct call, simple
if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(Callee))
return F->getFunctionType();
// Indirect call, extract the type
const FunctionType *CalleeFuncType = NULL;
const PointerType *CalleeType = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Callee->getType());
if (!CalleeType) {
assert(0 && "Call through a non-pointer type?");
} else {
CalleeFuncType = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(CalleeType->getElementType());
assert(CalleeFuncType &&
"Call through pointer to non-function?");
return CalleeFuncType;
/// isVarArg - Determines if the call this represents is to a variable argument
/// function
bool DSCallSite::isVarArg() const {
const FunctionType *FT = FunctionTypeOfCallSite(Site);
return FT->isVarArg();
/// remapLinks - Change all of the Links in the current node according to the
/// specified mapping.
void DSNode::remapLinks(DSGraph::NodeMapTy &OldNodeMap) {
for (LinkMapTy::iterator ii = edge_begin(), ee = edge_end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
if (DSNode *N = ii->second.getNode()) {
DSGraph::NodeMapTy::const_iterator ONMI = OldNodeMap.find(N);
if (ONMI != OldNodeMap.end()) {
DSNode *ONMIN = ONMI->second.getNode();
ii->second.setTo(ONMIN, ii->second.getOffset()+ONMI->second.getOffset());
namespace {
// HackedGraphSCCFinder - This is used to find nodes that have a path from the
// node to a node cloned by the ReachabilityCloner object contained. To be
// extra obnoxious it ignores edges from nodes that are globals, and truncates
// search at RC marked nodes. This is designed as an object so that
// intermediate results can be memoized across invocations of
// PathExistsToClonedNode.
struct HackedGraphSCCFinder {
ReachabilityCloner &RC;
unsigned CurNodeId;
std::vector<const DSNode*> SCCStack;
std::map<const DSNode*, std::pair<unsigned, bool> > NodeInfo;
HackedGraphSCCFinder(ReachabilityCloner &rc) : RC(rc), CurNodeId(1) {
// Remove null pointer as a special case.
NodeInfo[0] = std::make_pair(0, false);
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &VisitForSCCs(const DSNode *N);
bool PathExistsToClonedNode(const DSNode *N) {
return VisitForSCCs(N).second;
bool PathExistsToClonedNode(const DSCallSite &CS) {
if (PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getRetVal().getNode()))
return true;
if (CS.isDirectCall() || PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getCalleeNode()))
return true;
if (PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getVAVal().getNode()))
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS.getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i)
if (PathExistsToClonedNode(CS.getPtrArg(i).getNode()))
return true;
return false;
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &HackedGraphSCCFinder::
VisitForSCCs(const DSNode *N) {
std::map<const DSNode*, std::pair<unsigned, bool> >::iterator
NodeInfoIt = NodeInfo.lower_bound(N);
if (NodeInfoIt != NodeInfo.end() && NodeInfoIt->first == N)
return NodeInfoIt->second;
unsigned Min = CurNodeId++;
unsigned MyId = Min;
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &ThisNodeInfo =
std::make_pair(N, std::make_pair(MyId, false)))->second;
// Base case: if we find a global, this doesn't reach the cloned graph
// portion.
if (N->isGlobalNode()) {
ThisNodeInfo.second = false;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Base case: if this does reach the cloned graph portion... it does. :)
if (RC.hasClonedNode(N)) {
ThisNodeInfo.second = true;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Otherwise, check all successors.
bool AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes = false;
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator EI = N->edge_begin(), EE = N->edge_end();
EI != EE; ++EI)
if (DSNode * Succ = EI->second.getNode()) {
std::pair<unsigned, bool> &SuccInfo = VisitForSCCs(Succ);
if (SuccInfo.first < Min) Min = SuccInfo.first;
AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes |= SuccInfo.second;
if (Min != MyId)
return ThisNodeInfo; // Part of a large SCC. Leave self on stack.
if (SCCStack.back() == N) { // Special case single node SCC.
ThisNodeInfo.second = AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes;
return ThisNodeInfo;
// Find out if any direct successors of any node reach cloned nodes.
if (!AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes)
for (unsigned i = SCCStack.size() - 1; SCCStack[i] != N; --i)
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator EI = N->edge_begin(), EE = N->edge_end();
EI != EE; ++EI)
if (DSNode * N = EI->second.getNode())
if (NodeInfo[N].second) {
AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes = true;
goto OutOfLoop;
// If any successor reaches a cloned node, mark all nodes in this SCC as
// reaching the cloned node.
if (AnyDirectSuccessorsReachClonedNodes)
while (SCCStack.back() != N) {
NodeInfo[SCCStack.back()].second = true;
ThisNodeInfo.second = true;
return ThisNodeInfo;
/// markReachableNodes - This method recursively traverses the specified
/// DSNodes, marking any nodes which are reachable. All reachable nodes it adds
/// to the set, which allows it to only traverse visited nodes once.
void DSNode::markReachableNodes(DenseSet<const DSNode*> &ReachableNodes) const {
if (this == 0) return;
assert(!isForwarding() && "Cannot mark a forwarded node!");
if (ReachableNodes.insert(this).second) // Is newly reachable?
for (DSNode::const_edge_iterator I = edge_begin(), E = edge_end();
I != E; ++I)
void DSCallSite::markReachableNodes(DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Nodes) const {
if (isIndirectCall()) getCalleeNode()->markReachableNodes(Nodes);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i)
// CanReachAliveNodes - Simple graph walker that recursively traverses the graph
// looking for a node that is marked alive. If an alive node is found, return
// true, otherwise return false. If an alive node is reachable, this node is
// marked as alive...
static bool CanReachAliveNodes(DSNode *N, DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Alive,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &Visited,
bool IgnoreGlobals) {
if (N == 0) return false;
assert(N->isForwarding() == 0 && "Cannot mark a forwarded node!");
// If this is a global node, it will end up in the globals graph anyway, so we
// don't need to worry about it.
if (IgnoreGlobals && N->isGlobalNode()) return false;
// If we know that this node is alive, return so!
if (Alive.count(N)) return true;
// Otherwise, we don't think the node is alive yet, check for infinite
// recursion.
if (Visited.count(N)) return false; // Found a cycle
Visited.insert(N); // No recursion, insert into Visited...
for (DSNode::edge_iterator I = N->edge_begin(),E = N->edge_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (CanReachAliveNodes(I->second.getNode(), Alive, Visited, IgnoreGlobals)) {
return true;
return false;
//Base DataStructures impl:
static const Function *getFnForValue(const Value *V) {
if (const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))
return I->getParent()->getParent();
else if (const Argument *A = dyn_cast<Argument>(V))
return A->getParent();
else if (const BasicBlock *BB = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>(V))
return BB->getParent();
return 0;
/// deleteValue/copyValue - Interfaces to update the DSGraphs in the program.
/// These correspond to the interfaces defined in the AliasAnalysis class.
/// FIXME: Do these update all the datastructures needed?
/// FIXME: What exactly does it mean to tell DSA to 'copy' a value? or delete it? (particularly a function)
void DataStructures::deleteValue(Value *V) {
if (const Function *F = getFnForValue(V)) { // Function local value?
// If this is a function local value, just delete it from the scalar map!
if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
DSGraph *G = getDSGraph(*F);
if (G->getReturnNodes().size() == 1) {
// If this is function is part of its own SCC, just delete the graph for it
delete G;
} else {
// SCC case
// Remove some of the graph's information about this function since it's no longer needed
// Remove entry for the function, but don't delete the graph since others need it
// FIXME: Can more be done here? Is there a good way to remove from the SCC's graph more
// of the information this function contributed?
assert(!isa<GlobalVariable>(V) && "Do not know how to delete GV's yet!");
assert(0 && "Unrecognized value!");
void DataStructures::copyValue(Value *From, Value *To) {
if (From == To) return;
if (const Function *F = getFnForValue(From)) { // Function local value?
// If this is a function local value, just delete it from the scalar map!
getDSGraph(*F)->getScalarMap().copyScalarIfExists(From, To);
if (Function *FromF = dyn_cast<Function>(From)) {
Function *ToF = cast<Function>(To);
assert(!DSInfo.count(ToF) && "New Function already exists!");
DSGraph *G = getDSGraph(*FromF);
if (G->getReturnNodes().size() == 1) {
// Copy a single function by duplicating its dsgraph
DSGraph *NG = new DSGraph(getDSGraph(*FromF), GlobalECs, *TypeSS);
DSInfo[ToF] = NG;
// Change the Function* is the returnnodes map to the ToF.
DSNodeHandle Ret = NG->retnodes_begin()->second;
NG->getReturnNodes()[ToF] = Ret;
// Change the Function* in the vanodes map to the ToF
DSNodeHandle VA = NG->vanodes_begin()->second;
NG->getVANodes()[ToF] = VA;
} else {
// A copy request on a function that's part of an SCC, we just map the new function to the same information
// G is the graph for ToF as well (add it to the SCC)
// Map ToF to the same return/va nodes as FromF
G->getReturnNodes()[ToF] = G->getReturnNodes()[FromF];
G->getVANodes()[ToF] = G->getVANodes()[FromF];
if (const Function *F = getFnForValue(To)) {
getDSGraph(*F)->getScalarMap().copyScalarIfExists(From, To);
errs() << *From;
errs() << *To;
assert(0 && "Do not know how to copy this yet!");
DSGraph* DataStructures::getOrCreateGraph(const Function* F) {
assert(F && "No function");
DSGraph *&G = DSInfo[F];
if (!G) {
//Clone or Steal the Source Graph
DSGraph* BaseGraph = GraphSource->getDSGraph(*F);
if (Clone) {
G = new DSGraph(BaseGraph, GlobalECs, *TypeSS, DSGraph::DontCloneAuxCallNodes);
} else {
G = new DSGraph(GlobalECs, GraphSource->getTargetData(), *TypeSS);
if (resetAuxCalls)
G->getAuxFunctionCalls() = G->getFunctionCalls();
// Note that this graph is the graph for ALL of the function in the SCC, not
// just F.
for (DSGraph::retnodes_iterator RI = G->retnodes_begin(),
E = G->retnodes_end(); RI != E; ++RI)
if (RI->first != F)
DSInfo[RI->first] = G;
return G;
void DataStructures::formGlobalECs() {
// Grow the equivalence classes for the globals to include anything that we
// now know to be aliased.
svset<const GlobalValue*> ECGlobals;
if (!ECGlobals.empty()) {
DEBUG(errs() << "Eliminating " << ECGlobals.size() << " EC Globals!\n");
for (DSInfoTy::iterator I = DSInfo.begin(),
E = DSInfo.end(); I != E; ++I)
eliminateUsesOfECGlobals(*I->second, ECGlobals);
/// BuildGlobalECs - Look at all of the nodes in the globals graph. If any node
/// contains multiple globals, DSA will never, ever, be able to tell the globals
/// apart. Instead of maintaining this information in all of the graphs
/// throughout the entire program, store only a single global (the "leader") in
/// the graphs, and build equivalence classes for the rest of the globals.
void DataStructures::buildGlobalECs(svset<const GlobalValue*> &ECGlobals) {
DSScalarMap &SM = GlobalsGraph->getScalarMap();
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*> &GlobalECs = SM.getGlobalECs();
for (DSGraph::node_iterator I = GlobalsGraph->node_begin(),
E = GlobalsGraph->node_end();
I != E; ++I) {
if (I->numGlobals() <= 1) continue;
// First, build up the equivalence set for this block of globals.
DSNode::globals_iterator i = I->globals_begin();
const GlobalValue *First = *i;
if (GlobalECs.findValue(*i) != GlobalECs.end())
First = GlobalECs.getLeaderValue(*i);
if (*i == First) ++i;
for( ; i != I->globals_end(); ++i) {
GlobalECs.unionSets(First, *i);
if (SM.find(*i) != SM.end())
errs() << "Global missing in scalar map " << (*i)->getName() << "\n";
// Next, get the leader element.
assert(First == GlobalECs.getLeaderValue(First) &&
"First did not end up being the leader?");
// Finally, change the global node to only contain the leader.
/// EliminateUsesOfECGlobals - Once we have determined that some globals are in
/// really just equivalent to some other globals, remove the globals from the
/// specified DSGraph (if present), and merge any nodes with their leader nodes.
void DataStructures::eliminateUsesOfECGlobals(DSGraph &G,
const svset<const GlobalValue*> &ECGlobals) {
DSScalarMap &SM = G.getScalarMap();
EquivalenceClasses<const GlobalValue*> &GlobalECs = SM.getGlobalECs();
bool MadeChange = false;
std::vector<const GlobalValue*> SMGVV(SM.global_begin(), SM.global_end());
for (std::vector<const GlobalValue*>::iterator GI = SMGVV.begin(),
E = SMGVV.end(); GI != E; ) {
const GlobalValue *GV = *GI; ++GI;
if (!ECGlobals.count(GV)) continue;
const DSNodeHandle &GVNH = SM[GV];
assert(!GVNH.isNull() && "Global has null NH!?");
// Okay, this global is in some equivalence class. Start by finding the
// leader of the class.
const GlobalValue *Leader = GlobalECs.getLeaderValue(GV);
// If the leader isn't already in the graph, insert it into the node
// corresponding to GV.
if (!SM.global_count(Leader)) {
SM[Leader] = GVNH;
} else {
// Otherwise, the leader is in the graph, make sure the nodes are the
// merged in the specified graph.
const DSNodeHandle &LNH = SM[Leader];
if (LNH.getNode() != GVNH.getNode())
// Next step, remove the global from the DSNode.
// Finally, remove the global from the ScalarMap.
MadeChange = true;
DEBUG(if(MadeChange) G.AssertGraphOK());
void DataStructures::init(DataStructures* D, bool clone, bool printAuxCalls,
bool copyGlobalAuxCalls, bool resetAux) {
assert (!GraphSource && "Already init");
GraphSource = D;
Clone = clone;
resetAuxCalls = resetAux;
TD = D->TD;
TypeSS = D->TypeSS;
callgraph = D->callgraph;
GlobalECs = D->getGlobalECs();
GlobalsGraph = new DSGraph(D->getGlobalsGraph(), GlobalECs, *TypeSS,
if (printAuxCalls) GlobalsGraph->setPrintAuxCalls();
// Tell the other DSA pass if we're stealing its graph.
if (!clone) D->DSGraphsStolen = true;
void DataStructures::init(TargetData* T) {
assert (!TD && "Already init");
GraphSource = 0;
Clone = false;
TD = T;
TypeSS = new SuperSet<const Type*>();
GlobalsGraph = new DSGraph(GlobalECs, *T, *TypeSS);
void DataStructures::releaseMemory() {
// If the DSGraphs were stolen by another pass, free nothing.
if (DSGraphsStolen) return;
std::set<DSGraph*> toDelete;
for (DSInfoTy::iterator I = DSInfo.begin(), E = DSInfo.end(); I != E; ++I) {
for (std::set<DSGraph*>::iterator I = toDelete.begin(), E = toDelete.end(); I != E; ++I)
delete *I;
// Empty map so next time memory is released, data structures are not
// re-deleted.
// callgraph.clear();
delete GlobalsGraph;
GlobalsGraph = 0;