blob: 82dbed4dd9ee3ff7460e0268c59a3512ec6d4ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DSCallGraph.cpp - Implement the Call Graph Support class -----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the Call Graph
#include "dsa/DSCallGraph.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include <algorithm>
static bool _hasPointers(const llvm::FunctionType* T) {
if (T->isVarArg()) return true;
if (T->getReturnType()->isPointerTy()) return true;
for (unsigned x = 0; x < T->getNumParams(); ++x)
if (T->getParamType(x)->isPointerTy())
return true;
return false;
bool DSCallGraph::hasPointers(const llvm::Function* F) {
return _hasPointers(F->getFunctionType());
bool DSCallGraph::hasPointers(llvm::CallSite& CS) {
if (CS.getCalledFunction())
return hasPointers(CS.getCalledFunction());
const llvm::Value* Callee = CS.getCalledValue();
const llvm::Type* T = Callee->getType();
if (const llvm::PointerType* PT = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(T))
T = PT->getElementType();
return _hasPointers(llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionType>(T));
unsigned DSCallGraph::tarjan_rec(const llvm::Function* F, TFStack& Stack,
unsigned &NextID, TFMap& ValMap) {
assert(!ValMap.count(F) && "Shouldn't revisit functions!");
unsigned Min = NextID++, MyID = Min;
ValMap[F] = Min;
// The edges out of the current node are the call site targets...
for (flat_iterator ii = flat_callee_begin(F),
ee = flat_callee_end(F); ii != ee; ++ii) {
unsigned M = Min;
// Have we visited the destination function yet?
TFMap::iterator It = ValMap.find(*ii);
if (It == ValMap.end()) // No, visit it now.
M = tarjan_rec(*ii, Stack, NextID, ValMap);
else if (std::find(Stack.begin(), Stack.end(), *ii) != Stack.end())
M = It->second;
if (M < Min) Min = M;
assert(ValMap[F] == MyID && "SCC construction assumption wrong!");
if (Min != MyID)
return Min; // This is part of a larger SCC!
// If this is a new SCC, process it now.
if (F == Stack.back()) {
// single node case
} else {
// Take care that the leader is not an external function
std::vector<const llvm::Function*> microSCC;
const llvm::Function* NF = 0;
const llvm::Function* Leader = 0;
do {
NF = Stack.back();
if (!Leader && !NF->isDeclaration()) Leader = NF;
} while (NF != F);
//Leader is not an extern function
//No multi-function SCC can not have a defined function, as all externs
//are treated as having no callees
assert(Leader && "No Leader?");
Leader = SCCs.getLeaderValue(Leader);
assert(!Leader->isDeclaration() && "extern leader");
for (std::vector<const llvm::Function*>::iterator ii = microSCC.begin(),
ee = microSCC.end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
const llvm::Function* Temp = SCCs.getLeaderValue(*ii);
//Order Matters
SCCs.unionSets(Leader, Temp);
assert (SCCs.getLeaderValue(Leader) == Leader && "SCC construction wrong");
assert (SCCs.getLeaderValue(Temp) == Leader && "SCC construction wrong");
return MyID;
void DSCallGraph::buildSCCs() {
TFStack Stack;
TFMap ValMap;
unsigned NextID = 1;
for (flat_key_iterator ii = flat_key_begin(), ee = flat_key_end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
if (!ValMap.count(*ii))
tarjan_rec(*ii, Stack, NextID, ValMap);
static void removeECs(DSCallGraph::FuncSet& F,
llvm::EquivalenceClasses<const llvm::Function*>& ECs) {
DSCallGraph::FuncSet result;
for (DSCallGraph::FuncSet::const_iterator ii = F.begin(), ee = F.end();
ii != ee; ++ii)
void DSCallGraph::removeECFunctions() {
//First the callers
for (SimpleCalleesTy::iterator ii = SimpleCallees.begin(),
ee = SimpleCallees.end(); ii != ee;) {
const llvm::Function* Leader = SCCs.getLeaderValue(ii->first);
if (Leader == ii->first) {
// This is the leader, leave it alone
} else {
//This is not the leader, merge into the leader
SimpleCallees[Leader].insert(ii->second.begin(), ii->second.end());
SimpleCalleesTy::iterator tmpii = ii;
// then the callees
for (SimpleCalleesTy::iterator ii = SimpleCallees.begin(),
ee = SimpleCallees.end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
removeECs(ii->second, SCCs);
//and apparent self loops inside an SCC
for (ActualCalleesTy::iterator ii = ActualCallees.begin(),
ee = ActualCallees.end(); ii != ee; ++ii)
removeECs(ii->second, SCCs);
void DSCallGraph::buildRoots() {
FuncSet knownCallees;
FuncSet knownCallers;
for (SimpleCalleesTy::iterator ii = SimpleCallees.begin(),
ee = SimpleCallees.end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
knownCallees.insert(ii->second.begin(), ii->second.end());
std::set_difference(knownCallers.begin(), knownCallers.end(),
knownCallees.begin(), knownCallees.end(),
std::inserter(knownRoots, knownRoots.begin()));
template <class T>
void printNameOrPtr(T& Out, const llvm::Function* F) {
if (F->hasName())
Out << F->getName();
Out << F;
void DSCallGraph::dump() {
//function map
//CallGraph map
for (SimpleCalleesTy::iterator ii = SimpleCallees.begin(),
ee = SimpleCallees.end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
llvm::errs() << "CallGraph[";
printNameOrPtr(llvm::errs(), ii->first);
llvm::errs() << "]";
for (FuncSet::iterator i = ii->second.begin(),
e = ii->second.end(); i != e; ++i) {
llvm::errs() << " ";
printNameOrPtr(llvm::errs(), *i);
llvm::errs() << "\n";
//Functions we know about that aren't called
llvm::errs() << "Roots:";
for (FuncSet::iterator ii = knownRoots.begin(), ee = knownRoots.end();
ii != ee; ++ii) {
llvm::errs() << " ";
printNameOrPtr(llvm::errs(), *ii);
llvm::errs() << "\n";
//Filter all call edges. We only want pointer edges.
void DSCallGraph::insert(llvm::CallSite CS, const llvm::Function* F) {
//Create an empty set for the callee, hence all called functions get to be
// in the call graph also. This simplifies SCC formation
if (F) {
void DSCallGraph::insureEntry(const llvm::Function* F) {