blob: 2525a289b6b26bf41f9f23ddbc03bf94c190936e [file] [log] [blame]
#===- ./Makefile -------------------------------------------*- Makefile -*--===#
# The High Level Virtual Machine
# This file was developed by Reid Spencer and is distributed under the
# University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
# This makefile simply converts standard make targets into the equivalent
# scons invocation in order to retain compatibility for those who wish to use
# make.
# Select the name of the build mode you want to build by default.
MYMODE := Debug
# Specify a path for where the 3rd party software is installed
MYPATH := :/proj/llvm/hlvm/installed:/proj/install:
# Specify where you want HLVM to be installed
MYPREFIX := /proj/llvm/hlvm/installed
# Specify where the llvm-gcc tools are located
MYLLVMGCC := /proj/llvm/hlvm/installed/bin
SCONSOPTS := -Q -j 2
SUITES := normal
.PHONY: all debug Debug optimized Optimized release Release check clean \
install hlvm tools
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=$(MYMODE)
debug Debug:
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=Debug debug=1 assertions=1 optimized=0 \
inline=0 small=0 \
confpath=$(CONFPATH) prefix=$(MYPREFIX) \
with_llvmgcc=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-gcc with_llvmgxx=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-g++
optimized Optimized:
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=Optimized debug=0 assertions=1 optimized=1 \
inline=1 small=0 strip=0 \
confpath=$(CONFPATH) prefix=$(MYPREFIX) \
with_llvmgcc=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-gcc with_llvmgxx=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-g++
release Release:
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=Release debug=0 assertions=0 optimized=1 \
inline=1 small=1 strip=1 \
confpath=$(CONFPATH) prefix=$(MYPREFIX) \
with_llvmgcc=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-gcc with_llvmgxx=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-g++
profile Profile:
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=Profile debug=0 assertions=0 optimized=1 \
inline=1 small=0 strip=0 profile=1 \
confpath=$(CONFPATH) prefix=$(MYPREFIX) \
with_llvmgcc=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-gcc with_llvmgxx=$(MYLLVMGCC)/llvm-g++
scons -Q check mode=$(MYMODE) suites=$(SUITES)
scons $(SCONSOPTS) --clean mode=$(MYMODE)
scons $(SCONSOPTS) install mode=$(MYMODE)
scons $(SCONSOPTS) docs mode=$(MYMODE)
cd hlvm ; scons $(SCONSOPTS) -u mode=$(MYMODE)
cd tools ; scons $(SCONSOPTS) -u mode=$(MYMODE)
cd hlvm/Runtime ; scons $(SCONSOPTS) -u mode=$(MYMODE)
cd hlvm/CodeGen ; scons $(SCONSOPTS) -u mode=$(MYMODE)
dist: exclusions
tar jcf hlvm-0.1-tar.bz2 -C .. --exclude-from exclusions hlvm
exclusions: Makefile
echo exclusions > exclusions
echo .svn >> exclusions
echo '.*_options' >> exclusions
echo '*.pyc' >> exclusions
echo '*.tmp' >> exclusions
echo Debug >> exclusions
echo Optimized >> exclusions
echo Release >> exclusions
echo Profile >> exclusions
echo default >> exclusions
echo Library >> exclusions
echo hlvm-0.1-tar.bz2 >> exclusions
echo '*.swp' >> exclusions
echo 'config.log' >> exclusions
scons $(SCONSOPTS) mode=Debug debug=1 assertions=1 optimized=0 \
inline=0 small=0 confpath=$(LLVM_TOP)/installed:$$PATH \
prefix=$(LLVM_TOP)/install \