blob: 2a2344bb8284dadf421ff9e3cbca2b22bb1768b9 [file] [log] [blame]
r639: 2006-05-26 14:31 ljp
* PR#334 - Labels shown behind the bars instead of upfront
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r637: 2006-05-26 13:21 ljp
* FR#358 - Add support for greek character conversion
Modified files:, jpgraph.php
r635: 2006-05-26 09:34 ljp
* PR#275 - CSIM Cache Ignores URL parameters
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r633: 2006-05-26 00:51 ljp
* PR#342 - XHTML Clean up
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_bar.php,, lang/, lang/
r632: 2006-05-26 00:23 ljp
* PR#349 - Legend::Stroke casting problem
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r631: 2006-05-26 00:09 ljp
* PR335 - Fix to to/from ordering in GRAD_DIAG
Modified files: jpgraph_gradient.php
r627: 2006-05-08 19:37 ljp
* Added CSIM table examples
Modified files: table_examples/tablebarex1_csim.php,
r625: 2006-05-08 19:00 ljp
* FR#354 - Add support for CSIM in canvas graphs
Modified files: jpgraph_canvas.php
r624: 2006-05-07 10:47 ljp
* Make sure image class is passed as reference to adjust for SVG version of image class. Optimize SVG ath generation
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_bar.php, jpgraph_pie.php,
r623: 2006-05-07 10:03 ljp
* Updated svg_image class to force locale to always use a dot as decimal separator regardless of locale used
Modified files:
r622: 2006-05-07 09:59 ljp
* Removed local setting in example
Modified files: Examples/example23.php
r621: 2006-05-07 02:09 ljp
* Update for new version of DateScaleUtils which cannot be called statically
Modified files: Examples/combgraphex1.php,
r620: 2006-05-07 02:08 ljp
* Make sure gd is used by defaylt and not SVG
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r619: 2006-05-07 01:56 ljp
* Moved class Image to its own file
Modified files:
r618: 2006-05-07 01:54 ljp
* Added first experiemental version of SVG output for Image class with new file
Modified files: Examples/example26.1.php,,
jpgraph.php,, tests/test_antispam.php,
tests/test_bkgimage.php, tests/test_linesimple.php,
tests/test_linetable.php, tests/test_pie3d.php,
tests/test_pielegend.php, tests/test_piesimple.php,
r613: 2006-04-19 19:35 ljp
* FS#346 - Bezier interpolation broken for attraction_factor != 1
Modified files: jpgraph_regstat.php
r611: 2006-04-03 19:30 ljp
* FS#341 - Take daylight savings into account for date scale
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r609: 2006-03-29 19:15 ljp
* FS#339 - Make sure there are no error messages when cliesnts forget to set Alt texts in conjunction with CSIM
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r607: 2006-03-26 10:47 ljp
* Add small 'w' to differentiate weeks in the scale as compared to dates. Don't encode entire <img> CSIM script tag with htmlentities
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r605: 2006-03-23 18:37 ljp
* FR#336 - Make it possible to use auto-tcks on a manually specified radar scale
Modified files: jpgraph_radar.php
r603: 2006-03-21 19:40 ljp
* FR#331 - Add new diagonal gradient type
Modified files: jpgraph_gradient.php
r601: 2006-03-21 17:34 ljp
* Set ID property of new German language file
Modified files: lang/
r600: 2006-03-21 17:32 ljp
* Added German translation of error messages
Modified files: lang/
r598: 2006-03-13 19:56 ljp
* Add possibility to create semi-auto scaled date ticks in DateScaleUtils
Modified files:
r596: 2006-03-12 19:15 ljp
* FR#328 - Auto detect cyrillic conversion
Modified files:, jpgraph.php
r594: 2006-03-12 09:55 ljp
* FR#329 - Add additional date tick intervals in DateScaleUtils
Modified files:
r592: 2006-03-12 09:49 ljp
* Removed un-neccesary exit() callse
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r590: 2006-03-11 09:50 ljp
* Additional error checking for client trying to pass strings as X-coordinates
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r588: 2006-03-11 09:44 ljp
* PR#327 - Duplicate internal error numbers for tables and utils
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php, lang/,
r586: 2006-03-04 18:55 ljp
* FS#314 - Graph width incompatible with additional columns in Gantt chart
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php, tests/test_bug314.php
r584: 2006-03-04 15:18 ljp
* FS235 - SetWidth() does not work for GroupBarPlot.
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php, tests/test_bug235.php
r581: 2006-03-04 14:36 ljp
* Make default error locale customizable
Modified files:, jpgraph.php
r579: 2006-03-04 13:48 ljp
* FS#323 - Add automatic EUC-JP to UTF8 Japanes encoding
Modified files:, jpgraph.php, lang/,
r576: 2006-03-04 12:13 ljp
* Bar Enhancement: Interpret a width > 1 in SetWidth() as absolute pixel width
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r574: 2006-03-04 11:04 ljp
* FS#297 - Wrong positioning of icon using antialiasing and pieplot
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php, tests/test_bug297.php
r572: 2006-03-04 10:41 ljp
* FS#316 - Manually scaled x-date-scale doesn't use date format
Modified files: jpgraph_date.php
r570: 2006-03-04 10:26 ljp
* CR#293 - Add label adjustments to 3D Pie
Modified files: jpgraph_pie3d.php, tests/test_bug293.php
r567: 2006-03-01 21:34 ljp
* CR#318 - Add check for minimum required PHP version
Modified files: jpgraph.php, lang/, lang/
r559: 2006-02-19 10:49 ljp
* FR#305 - Handling of endpoints for DateScaleUtils
Modified files:
r558: 2006-02-19 10:33 ljp
* Make sure locale is marked as GLOBAL
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r557: 2006-02-19 10:33 ljp
* Set property Id for locale file
Modified files: lang/
r555: 2006-02-19 09:02 ljp
* Added prod error locale and method to control locale
Modified files: jpgraph.php, lang/, lang/
r554: 2006-02-18 07:45 ljp
* Bumped version string to 1.20.3
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r552: 2006-02-18 07:37 ljp
* Moved table examples to its own directory
Modified files: Examples/combgraphex1.php, Examples/tableex00.php,
Examples/tableex01.php, Examples/tableex02.php,
Examples/tableex03.php, table_examples,
table_examples/tablebarex1.php, table_examples/tableex00.php,
table_examples/tableex01.php, table_examples/tableex02.php,
table_examples/tableex03.php, table_examples/tableex04.php,
r549: 2006-02-18 07:31 ljp
* Added some more test cases
Modified files: tests/test_0bar.php, tests/test_accbartable.php,
tests/test_accbartable_csim.php, tests/test_barlinecenter.php,
tests/test_dateinty2.php, tests/test_flag.php,
tests/test_linefillnull.php, tests/test_linelargeval.php,
tests/test_linesimple.php, tests/test_linetable.php,
tests/test_php5date.php, tests/test_radaraxistitle.php,
tests/test_table1.php, tests/test_table2.php,
tests/test_table3.php, tests/test_table_flagex1.php,
tests/test_table_howto1.php, tests/test_table_howto2.php,
tests/test_table_howto3.php, tests/test_table_howto4.php,
tests/test_table_howto5.php, tests/test_table_howto6.php,
tests/test_table_howto7.php, tests/test_table_howto8.php,
tests/test_table_howto9.php, tests/test_table_iconex1.php,
tests/test_table_mex0.php, tests/test_table_mex00.php,
tests/test_table_mex1.php, tests/test_table_mex2.php,
tests/test_table_mex3.php, tests/test_y2grouobar.php,
tests/test_y2groupbar.php, tests/test_y2synch.php,
r543: 2006-02-14 20:10 ljp
* FS#308 - Make JpGraph classes extendable by using is_a() instead of get_class()
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r542: 2006-02-14 20:10 ljp
* FS#308 - Make JpGraph classes extendable by using is_a() instead of get_class()
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_bar.php, jpgraph_pie.php,
r540: 2006-02-14 17:27 ljp
* Some minor code layout changes
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r538: 2006-02-14 06:51 ljp
* Added error check for number of data points in each in AccBar
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php, lang/
r536: 2006-02-13 06:42 ljp
* Removed HTML formatting in error message
Modified files: lang/
r534: 2006-02-12 08:56 ljp
* Added new error message for GTextTable constrains
Modified files: lang/
r532: 2006-02-12 08:27 ljp
* Added SetScalePos(), SetAnchorPos() and CSIM capabilities to tables
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_table.php
r531: 2006-02-11 10:32 ljp
* Fixed buffer overflow for long lines, prper mysql escaping of strings
Modified files: utils/jpdocgen/de_utils.php,
utils/jpdocgen/jpgendb.php, utils/jpdocgen/jplintphp.php
r529: 2006-02-11 08:33 ljp
* Updated table image API to follow the table setting pattern
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r527: 2006-02-11 08:07 ljp
* Added possibility to use current scale to position GTextTable
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r525: 2006-02-09 16:34 ljp
* Make sure padding API follow the general API design for GTextTable
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r523: 2006-02-08 21:29 ljp
* Height and width calculation whould use max of value and image for table cell size
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r521: 2006-02-08 21:22 ljp
* Added background images in individual cells for GTextTable
Modified files: jpgraph_iconplot.php, jpgraph_table.php
r519: 2006-02-06 06:21 ljp
* Some more error checking for GTextTable and generalization of the SetNumberFormat() method to follow the practice of range setting
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php, lang/
r517: 2006-02-05 20:48 ljp
* Added additional error check and default values for Tables
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php, lang/
r515: 2006-02-05 16:46 ljp
* Update GTextTable SetAlign with new error message. Added check for invalid error message index.
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_table.php, lang/
r514: 2006-02-05 10:00 ljp
* Updated table example
Modified files: Examples/tableex03.php
r512: 2006-02-05 09:53 ljp
* Make sure comparison is type safe for handling of parameterized error messages
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r510: 2006-02-05 09:48 ljp
* Updated localized error messages for table
Modified files: lang/
r509: 2006-02-05 09:44 ljp
* Added NumberFormat option for table formatting,
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r505: 2006-02-04 15:53 ljp
* Directory cleanup
Modified files: tests/.xvpics
r504: 2006-02-04 15:51 ljp
* Propset Id
Modified files: jpgraph_mgraph.php, jpgraph_pdf417.php,
r503: 2006-02-04 12:46 ljp
* Removed extra exit()
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r501: 2006-02-04 12:45 ljp
* Localized jpgraph_gradient
Modified files: jpgraph_gradient.php
r499: 2006-02-04 12:44 ljp
* Localized Linear Barcode error messages
Modified files: jpgraph_barcode.php
r497: 2006-02-04 12:33 ljp
* Localized PDF417
Modified files: jpgraph_pdf417.php,,,,
r495: 2006-02-04 12:31 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_utils.php
Modified files:
r493: 2006-02-04 12:29 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_stock.php
Modified files: jpgraph_stock.php
r491: 2006-02-04 12:28 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_scatter.php
Modified files: jpgraph_scatter.php
r489: 2006-02-04 12:26 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_radar.php
Modified files: jpgraph_radar.php
r487: 2006-02-04 12:25 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_polar.php
Modified files: jpgraph_polar.php
r485: 2006-02-04 12:20 ljp
* Localized error messages in
Modified files:
r483: 2006-02-04 12:19 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_plotband.php
Modified files: jpgraph_plotband.php
r481: 2006-02-04 12:18 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_mgraph.php
Modified files: jpgraph_mgraph.php
r479: 2006-02-04 12:17 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_log.php
Modified files: jpgraph_log.php
r477: 2006-02-04 12:16 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_imgtrans.php
Modified files: jpgraph_imgtrans.php
r475: 2006-02-04 12:15 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_iconplot.php
Modified files: jpgraph_iconplot.php
r473: 2006-02-04 12:14 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_gantt.php
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r471: 2006-02-04 12:12 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_flags.php
Modified files: jpgraph_flags.php
r469: 2006-02-04 12:11 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_date.php
Modified files: jpgraph_date.php
r467: 2006-02-04 12:10 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_windrose.php
Modified files: jpgraph_windrose.php
r465: 2006-02-04 12:09 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_odo.php
Modified files: jpgraph_odo.php
r463: 2006-02-04 12:07 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_regstat.php
Modified files: jpgraph_regstat.php
r461: 2006-02-04 12:06 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_error.php
Modified files: jpgraph_error.php
r459: 2006-02-04 12:05 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_pie3d.php
Modified files: jpgraph_pie3d.php
r457: 2006-02-04 12:04 ljp
* Localized error messages in jpgraph_pie.php
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r455: 2006-02-04 12:01 ljp
* Localized error messages in main jpgraph_line.php
Modified files: jpgraph_line.php
r453: 2006-02-04 11:40 ljp
* Localized error messages in main jpgraph.php
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r451: 2006-02-04 11:31 ljp
* Further english resource file update
Modified files: lang/
r450: 2006-02-04 10:06 ljp
* Added localized error messages to jpgraph_bar.php
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r448: 2006-02-04 10:03 ljp
* Updated english resource file
Modified files: lang/
r447: 2006-02-04 10:03 ljp
* Added localized error messages to jpgraph_table.php
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r445: 2006-02-04 09:29 ljp
* Removed backup versions of english language resource files
Modified files: lang/, lang/
r444: 2006-02-04 09:28 ljp
* Added language resource files
Modified files: lang, lang/, lang/,
r442: 2006-02-02 18:03 ljp
* Added align arguments for Merge() methods
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r440: 2006-02-02 06:35 ljp
* Added error checking when merging table cells
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r439: 2006-01-30 22:35 ljp
* Fix spelling error in error message
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r437: 2006-01-30 21:52 ljp
* API restructuring in the GTextTable to make it easier to use ranges
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r436: 2006-01-29 21:36 ljp
* Added examples on the use of GTextTable
Modified files: Examples/tableex00.php, Examples/tableex01.php,
Examples/tableex02.php, Examples/tableex03.php
r435: 2006-01-29 21:26 ljp
* PR#306 - Icons are not added as references
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r433: 2006-01-29 20:42 ljp
* Fixed typos and a problem with the width calculation of merged cells
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r431: 2006-01-29 19:17 ljp
* Adjusted vertical position calculation to avoid issue with baselining of TTF fonts
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r429: 2006-01-29 16:10 ljp
* Added API in table handling so that all major settings now has the same structure, entire table, specific row, specific column or specific cell
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r427: 2006-01-29 12:26 ljp
* GTextTable: Added API for table row and column font color setting
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r425: 2006-01-29 09:10 ljp
* Major ovehaul of GTextTable. Added possibility to merge cells, Added range error check for all methods, Major refactoring of grid line drawing for tables (this is now the responsibility of the individual cells)
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r422: 2006-01-26 21:45 ljp
* Changed column width/height handling so that the specification is interpretated as a min height/width
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r420: 2006-01-26 21:22 ljp
* Added possibility to use different grid styles on graphic tables
Modified files: jpgraph_table.php
r418: 2006-01-26 07:44 ljp
* CR#160 - Data tables on the graphs. Added jpgraph_table.php that implements GTextTable class that will allow text tables to be created as graphical objects and added to teh graphs. The tables have basic formatting capabilities as well as auto-sizing depending on the data in each cell.
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_canvas.php,
jpgraph_table.php, tests/test_flag.php, tests/test_ttf.php
r404: 2006-01-21 17:34 ljp
* Adjust date format to comply with newer versions of PHP
Modified files: Examples/gantthourex1.php,
r397: 2006-01-18 19:06 ljp
* Fix PR#304 - Flag index for Replublic of Peru missing
Modified files: jpgraph_flags.php
r396: 2006-01-18 18:42 ljp
* Fix PR#303 - E_STRICT not available in PHP4
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r391: 2006-01-15 20:25 ljp
* Small modification to error checking when streaming image to a file
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r390: 2006-01-15 20:24 ljp
* Removed a number of backup files that was acidentely comitted
Modified files: tests/data.csv~, tests/test_automin.php~,
tests/test_barcode128.php~, tests/test_bargrad.php~,
tests/test_bargrad2.php~, tests/test_barpattern.php~,
tests/test_barsimple2.php~, tests/test_barsimple3.php~,
tests/test_barsimple4.php~, tests/test_bug123.php~,
tests/test_bug130.php~, tests/test_bug168.php~,
tests/test_bug208.php~, tests/test_bug210.php~,
tests/test_bug214.php~, tests/test_bug229.php~,
tests/test_bug231.php~, tests/test_bug233.php~,
tests/test_bug238.php~, tests/test_bug239.php~,
tests/test_bug246.php~, tests/test_bug252.php~,
tests/test_bug253.php~, tests/test_bug254.php~,
tests/test_bug261.php~, tests/test_bug270.php~,
tests/test_bug272.php~, tests/test_bug275.php~,
tests/test_bug279.php~, tests/test_bug283.php~,
tests/test_bug287.php~, tests/test_bug289.php~,
tests/test_bug298.php~, tests/test_bug68.php~,
tests/test_datetickposbug.php~, tests/test_dateweight.php~,
tests/test_ganttpro.php~, tests/test_ganttweekbug.php~,
tests/test_line.php~, tests/test_lineiconstring.php~,
tests/test_logscale.php~, tests/test_manualticks5.php~,
tests/test_markcsim.php~, tests/test_mgraph.php~,
tests/test_mgraph2.php~, tests/test_mgraph3.php~,
tests/test_mulyaxis.php~, tests/test_mulycsim.php~,
tests/test_odo2.php~, tests/test_pie3d.php~,
tests/test_pie3d_1.php~, tests/test_radarbug248.php~,
tests/test_radarticks3.php~, tests/test_readcsv.php~,
tests/test_symchar.php~, tests/test_text90.php~,
r389: 2006-01-15 20:23 ljp
* Comitted a number of test scripts to make a cleaner status message
Modified files: tests/bigredtigerfront.jpg, tests/csimcache,
tests/csimcache/test_bug261_csim_.html, tests/data.csv,
tests/data.csv~, tests/dataforbug253.txt, tests/test_automin.php,
tests/test_automin.php~, tests/test_barcode128.php,
tests/test_barcode128.php~, tests/test_bargrad.php,
tests/test_bargrad.php~, tests/test_bargrad2.php,
tests/test_bargrad2.php~, tests/test_barpattern.php,
tests/test_barpattern.php~, tests/test_barsimple2.php,
tests/test_barsimple2.php~, tests/test_barsimple3.php,
tests/test_barsimple3.php~, tests/test_barsimple4.php,
tests/test_barsimple4.php~, tests/test_bug123.php,
tests/test_bug123.php~, tests/test_bug130.php,
tests/test_bug130.php~, tests/test_bug168.php,
tests/test_bug168.php~, tests/test_bug208.php,
tests/test_bug208.php~, tests/test_bug210.php,
tests/test_bug210.php~, tests/test_bug214.php,
tests/test_bug214.php~, tests/test_bug229.php,
tests/test_bug229.php~, tests/test_bug231.php,
tests/test_bug231.php~, tests/test_bug233.php,
tests/test_bug233.php~, tests/test_bug238.php,
tests/test_bug238.php~, tests/test_bug238b.php,
tests/test_bug239.php, tests/test_bug239.php~,
tests/test_bug246.php, tests/test_bug246.php~,
tests/test_bug252.php, tests/test_bug252.php~,
tests/test_bug253.php, tests/test_bug253.php~,
tests/test_bug254.php, tests/test_bug254.php~,
tests/test_bug261.php, tests/test_bug261.php~,
tests/test_bug270.php, tests/test_bug270.php~,
tests/test_bug272.php, tests/test_bug272.php~,
tests/test_bug275.php, tests/test_bug275.php~,
tests/test_bug279.php, tests/test_bug279.php~,
tests/test_bug283.php, tests/test_bug283.php~,
tests/test_bug287.php, tests/test_bug287.php~,
tests/test_bug289.php, tests/test_bug289.php~,
tests/test_bug298.php, tests/test_bug298.php~,
tests/test_bug68.php, tests/test_bug68.php~,
tests/test_datetickposbug.php, tests/test_datetickposbug.php~,
tests/test_dateweight.php, tests/test_dateweight.php~,
tests/test_ganttpro.php, tests/test_ganttpro.php~,
tests/test_ganttweekbug.php, tests/test_ganttweekbug.php~,
tests/test_line.php, tests/test_line.php~,
tests/test_lineiconstring.php~, tests/test_logscale.php,
tests/test_logscale.php~, tests/test_manualticks.php,
tests/test_manualticks2.php, tests/test_manualticks3.php,
tests/test_manualticks4.php, tests/test_manualticks5.php,
tests/test_manualticks5.php~, tests/test_markcsim.php,
tests/test_markcsim.php~, tests/test_mgraph.php,
tests/test_mgraph.php~, tests/test_mgraph2.php,
tests/test_mgraph2.php~, tests/test_mgraph3.php,
tests/test_mgraph3.php~, tests/test_mulyaxis.php,
tests/test_mulyaxis.php~, tests/test_mulycsim.php,
tests/test_mulycsim.php~, tests/test_odo2.php,
tests/test_odo2.php~, tests/test_pie3d.php, tests/test_pie3d.php~,
tests/test_pie3d_1.php, tests/test_pie3d_1.php~,
tests/test_radarbug248.php, tests/test_radarbug248.php~,
tests/test_radarticks3.php, tests/test_radarticks3.php~,
tests/test_readcsv.php, tests/test_readcsv.php~,
tests/test_symchar.php, tests/test_symchar.php~,
tests/test_text90.php, tests/test_text90.php~,
tests/test_texttick.php, tests/test_texttick.php~,
r388: 2006-01-15 20:21 ljp
* Moved MGraph from utils to it's own file. Added Utility class to read CSV file of data
Modified files: jpgraph_mgraph.php,
r379: 2006-01-14 11:26 ljp
* Fix PR#302 - Individual colors for labels and axis on radar plots
Modified files: jpgraph_radar.php
r377: 2006-01-13 18:29 ljp
* Fix PR#298 - Multiple plots for polar graphs
Modified files: jpgraph_polar.php
r374: 2006-01-13 18:20 ljp
* Add CR#299 - File and line number information for headers sent error
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r370: 2006-01-09 18:19 ljp
* Fix PR#296 - Wrong stop character for I25
Modified files: jpgraph_barcode.php
r369: 2006-01-06 03:54 ljp
* Fix PR#294- Function name misspelled in startup php_errormsg check
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r366: 2006-01-05 07:03 ljp
* Copy and paste mistake in fix for #292
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r365: 2006-01-05 07:00 ljp
* Fix PR#292 - Incorrect calculation of Min value for AccBarPlot in some cases
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r364: 2005-12-31 10:08 ljp
* Added filledlineex03.php - Example with filled line and NULL values
Modified files: Examples/filledlineex03.php,
r361: 2005-12-31 10:00 ljp
* Fix CR#283 - Gaps should be displayed for NULL values in filled line graphs
Modified files: jpgraph_line.php
r359: 2005-12-30 20:59 ljp
* Fix CR#290 - Make it possible to use StrokeCSIM() without argument
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r358: 2005-12-30 18:08 ljp
* Properly Fix PR#123 - Background gradient for rotated bar plots
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r355: 2005-12-30 17:36 ljp
* Fix PR#123 - Background gradient for rotated bar plots
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r353: 2005-12-30 17:22 ljp
* Fix CR#130 - Add option to use background gradient to Pie plots
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r351: 2005-12-30 16:26 ljp
* Fix PR#68 - Setting title side for X-axis title was not implemented
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r350: 2005-12-30 14:31 ljp
* Fix PR#289 and improve performance by reducing the number of internal copies of class Image by using more references
Modified files: jpgraph.php,
r349: 2005-12-30 14:31 ljp
* Fix PR#289 and improve performance by reducing the number of internal copies of class Image by using more references
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php, jpgraph_gradient.php,
jpgraph_iconplot.php, jpgraph_odo.php, jpgraph_polar.php,
jpgraph_scatter.php, jpgraph_stock.php, jpgraph_windrose.php
r346: 2005-12-29 09:32 ljp
* Renamed odo_examples odometer_examples
Modified files: odo_examples, odometer_examples
r344: 2005-12-29 06:56 ljp
* Make ShowBorder() show a deprecated function error for 3D Pies
Modified files: jpgraph_pie3d.php
r340: 2005-12-29 06:51 ljp
* Added additional error check to spline and bezier interpolation
Modified files: jpgraph_regstat.php
r339: 2005-12-29 06:44 ljp
* Comitted multiple y-axis and combined graph examples
Modified files: Examples/combgraphex1.php,
Examples/mulyaxiscsimex1.php, Examples/mulyaxisex1.php
r338: 2005-12-29 06:43 ljp
* Added bezier example
Modified files: Examples/bezierex1.php
r336: 2005-12-28 11:05 ljp
* PR #288. Dateline scale is not properly formatted
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r334: 2005-12-15 22:34 ljp
* Remove HTML entitites encoding in CSIM targets for barplots
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r332: 2005-12-14 18:21 ljp
* Fix PR#280 - Wrong legends in some cases for 3D Pies
Modified files: jpgraph_pie3d.php
r330: 2005-12-10 08:28 ljp
* Merged 328:329. Add possibility to use CSIM on multi Y-axes. Made it possibly to use 'auto' as special filename for CSIM to avoid having to supply file name.
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r327: 2005-12-10 08:24 ljp
* Added Bezier interpolation class
Modified files: jpgraph_regstat.php
r325: 2005-12-07 18:43 ljp
* Removed extra check for UPC-A barcodes. Allow 10 number systems (0-9) as the first specification.
Modified files: jpgraph_barcode.php
r324: 2005-12-06 19:13 ljp
* Really Fixded PR #271. SetDateFormat()
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r322: 2005-12-06 19:09 ljp
* Fixded PR #271. Problem with SetDateFormat()
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r320: 2005-12-05 10:54 ljp
* Added error check for empty plots when client constructs group or acc bars
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r303: 2005-12-03 08:56 ljp
* Fixed lost startyear variable in DateScaleUtils
Modified files:
r297: 2005-11-30 22:12 ljp
* Rounding problem fixing. It turns out that according to PHP (a < b)==TRUE assuming a:INT and b:float. This could cause the last tick on an axis to not be shown in some rare cases
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r296: 2005-11-30 19:55 ljp
* Fix PR #269. Make sure that the title of the axis is only stroken once
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r287: 2005-11-28 22:12 ljp
* Fixed gantthourminex1.php example to be compatible with PHP 5.1.0
Modified files: Examples/gantthourminex1.php
r286: 2005-11-28 22:09 ljp
* Added error check for too large width caused by a faulty input date
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r282: 2005-11-27 20:34 ljp
* Updated math function examples to include
Modified files: Examples/dupyaxisex1.php, Examples/funcex1.php,
Examples/funcex2.php, Examples/funcex3.php, Examples/funcex4.php
r279: 2005-11-27 11:13 ljp
* Added option to put the background image for MGraph at a specific x,y location
Modified files:
r278: 2005-11-27 11:12 ljp
* Updated and added manual tick examples
Modified files: Examples/manualtickex1.php,
r276: 2005-11-26 15:42 ljp
* Moved class FuncGenerator from jpgraph.php to
Modified files: jpgraph.php,
r274: 2005-11-26 14:42 ljp
* Simplified DateScaleUtils interface
Modified files:
r272: 2005-11-26 14:26 ljp
* Various minor adjustments in jpgraph.php * Added maj_tick_label as instance variable. That had always been missing !! * Adjusted the default margin fox X-axis labels slightly, slightly larger * Adjusted the left/right default graph margin (They were unecessarily large). * Added error checking when client specifies to few manual major ticks
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r267: 2005-11-25 16:35 ljp
* Added option to use background images in MGraph (combined graphs)
Modified files:
r265: 2005-11-25 16:23 ljp
* Added Graph proxy method for Image::SetImgFormat()
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r262: 2005-11-25 11:00 ljp
* Modified the MGraph::Add() method to accept Graph argument instead of just an image handler. Much more elegant and user friendly. Allso added the possibility for the MGraph::Stroke() method to return an image handler as well. This will allow MGraph to have MGraph as objects.
Modified files:
r261: 2005-11-24 06:51 ljp
* Borrowed some methods from class Graph to class MGraph in ordedr to avoid having to instantiate class Graph when using the MGraph functionality to save some memory. Added Class DateScaleUtils to to make it easy to manually work with month scale where the tick positions are manually set
Modified files:
r260: 2005-11-23 19:52 ljp
* Added CR#266 "Add option to set a background fill for Axis labels" by adding a new method Graph::SetAxisLabelBackground() which will allow a client to specify a number of different variants of background for the labels on the primary X and Y axis.
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r259: 2005-11-23 16:25 ljp
* Added Class MGraph in This is a utility class that can be used to easily combine several graphs into one image
Modified files:
r258: 2005-11-23 16:04 ljp
* Updated manual tick example to show X-grid as well to better illustrate the differenc between major and minor tick marks
Modified files: Examples/manualtickex1.php
r256: 2005-11-23 05:38 ljp
* Updated the manual tick example to also make use of minor tick marks (without a label)
Modified files: Examples/manualtickex1.php
r255: 2005-11-22 19:49 ljp
* Extended the manual tick positioning Axis::SetTickPosition() to also include the setting of the minor tick marks, i.e. tick marks without labels.
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r253: 2005-11-21 19:35 ljp
* Added example for how to set manual tick positions
Modified files: Examples/manualtickex1.php
r251: 2005-11-21 19:33 ljp
* Removed double entry in code table for greek characters
Modified files:
r246: 2005-11-20 12:11 ljp
* Adapted for use in v1.x branch (for PHP4)
Modified files:
r245: 2005-11-20 12:07 ljp
* Copied jpgraph_utils to v1.x branch
Modified files:
r243: 2005-11-20 11:41 ljp
* Added CR#263. Possibility to have completely manual tick positions. One new method Axis::SetTickPositions($aTickPos,$aTickLabel) can be used to manually specify the exact positions for the ticks as well as an optional specified label. If no label array is specified then the labels will be determined by the scale value and any set formatting strings.
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r242: 2005-11-20 11:34 ljp
* Removed newline at end of file since some Windows setups have problems with newlines
Modified files:
r225: 2005-11-04 04:37 ljp
* Added parameter to SetTextLabelInterval()
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r222: 2005-11-04 04:31 ljp
* Fix #253 Gradient in legends. Micro speeed improvement in min/max methods
Modified files: jpgraph_line.php
r220: 2005-10-15 16:53 ljp
* Fix for issue #229. Special case when only having a single data point in date scale
Modified files: jpgraph_date.php
r218: 2005-10-15 10:52 ljp
* Fix for issue #247 boundary check in while loop
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r217: 2005-10-15 10:29 ljp
* Fix for feature request #243. Allow 1.x branch to be used in compatibility mode in PHP5
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r215: 2005-10-14 17:39 ljp
* Fix for #251 where the ID attribute in the MAP tag makes it hard to save an CSIM image
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r213: 2005-10-11 18:22 ljp
* Fix axis title positioning issue #248
Modified files: jpgraph_radar.php
r211: 2005-10-06 16:29 ljp
* Fix for #244. Missing ALT value for CSIM for Bars
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r209: 2005-09-26 17:23 ljp
* Fix #231. Image markers are not rotated
Modified files:
r207: 2005-09-04 15:25 ljp
* PHP Bug workaround (#226)
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r201: 2005-09-03 09:39 ljp
* Moved old directories up to dust
Modified files: barcode, jpgraph_gantt.php, pdf417, windrose
r196: 2005-09-01 05:03 ljp
* Fixed #222 Gantt day header too small in some circumstances
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r193: 2005-08-31 19:23 ljp
* Moved windrose word-doc to docs main directory
Modified files: windrose/windrose.doc
r192: 2005-08-31 19:22 ljp
* Removed html dir in windrose
Modified files: windrose/html
r191: 2005-08-31 19:21 ljp
* UTF8 directory from windrose and moved it to asian_lang instead
Modified files: windrose/utf8
r190: 2005-08-31 19:19 ljp
* Moved Example in UTF8 windrose to asian_lang
Modified files: windrose/utf8/Examples, windrose/utf8/jpgraph.php,
r186: 2005-08-31 19:06 ljp
* Moved windrose img to main docs directory
Modified files: windrose/img
r185: 2005-08-31 19:06 ljp
* Moved windrose docs to main docs directory
Modified files: windrose/, windrose/,
windrose/polar_function_3.gif, windrose/windrose.png,
windrose/windrose_html_manual, windrose/windrose_manual.php
r184: 2005-08-31 16:17 ljp
* Added possibility to create icons and backgrounds from strings
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_iconplot.php,
r176: 2005-08-29 23:25 ljp
* Cleaned up windrose directory
Modified files: windrose/contour.gif, windrose/contour.png,
windrose/dust, windrose/dust/contour.gif,
windrose/dust/contour.png, windrose/dust/jpgraph_windrose-1.0.php,
windrose/dust/mockup_ex1.png, windrose/dust/windchart_3.gif,
windrose/jpgraph_windrose-1.0beta.php, windrose/mockup_ex1.png,
windrose/windchart_3.gif, windrose/windrose-1.0.tar.gz,
windrose/windrose-1.1, windrose/windrose-1.1.tar.gz,
r175: 2005-08-29 23:18 ljp
* Removed wrong jpgtutlib link
Modified files: windrose/
r174: 2005-08-29 23:13 ljp
* Removed old sym links to jpgraph.php etc
Modified files: barcode/jpgraph.php, barcode/jpgraph_canvas.php
r173: 2005-08-29 23:12 ljp
* Removed wrong barcode demoapp directory
Modified files: barcode/barcode_demoapp
r172: 2005-08-29 23:12 ljp
* Removed barcode examples from it's old location
Modified files: barcode/barcode_ex0.php, barcode/barcode_ex1.php,
barcode/barcode_ex2.php, barcode/barcode_ex3.php,
r171: 2005-08-29 23:08 ljp
* Changed path for windrose examples
Modified files: windrose_examples/windrose_ex0.php,
r170: 2005-08-29 23:05 ljp
* Changed path for all PDF417 examples
Modified files: pdf417_examples/pdf417_ex1.php,
pdf417_examples/pdf417_ex2.php, pdf417_examples/pdf417_ex3.php,
pdf417_examples/pdf417_ex4.php, pdf417_examples/pdf417_ex5.php,
r169: 2005-08-29 22:50 ljp
* Removed .directory
Modified files: windrose_examples/.directory
r168: 2005-08-29 22:46 ljp
* Updated directory structure to match release structure
Modified files: barcode/barcode_demoapp,
barcode/barcode_image.php, barcode/barcode_menu.php,
barcode/index.html, barcode/jpgraph_barcode.php, barcode_demoapp,
barcode_demoapp/barcode_menu.php, barcode_demoapp/index.html,
barcode_examples, barcode_examples/barcode_ex0.php,
barcode_examples/barcode_ex4.php, jpgraph_barcode.php,
jpgraph_pdf417.php, odo_examples, odoexamples, pdf417/Examples,
pdf417/demoapp, pdf417/jpgraph_pdf417.php,
pdf417/, pdf417/,
pdf417/, pdf417/,,,,
pdf417_demoapp, pdf417_demoapp/pdf417_demo_image.php,, pdf417_examples, windrose/examples,
r167: 2005-08-29 22:41 ljp
* Made Y2 axis default always at the right end of X
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r166: 2005-08-29 22:35 ljp
* Changed include path for pdf417 demo app
Modified files: pdf417/demoapp/pdf417_demo_image.php
r91: 2005-08-27 23:03 ljp
* Updted jpdocgen to skip returning object with &
Modified files: utils/jpdocgen/jpgendb.php
r90: 2005-08-27 23:02 ljp
* Added more test scripts
Modified files: tests/bug_axisy2title.php, tests/gdtest.php,
tests/test_axisy2.php, tests/test_baraccint.php,
tests/test_baraccnull.php, tests/test_bb2671.php,
tests/test_bug144.php, tests/test_bug148.php,
tests/test_bug189.php, tests/test_bug190.php,
tests/test_bug191.php, tests/test_bug197.php,
tests/test_bug203.php, tests/test_bug3.php, tests/test_bug58.php,
tests/test_bug9.php, tests/test_dateaxis3.php,
tests/test_dateaxisy2.php, tests/test_datesparse.php,
tests/test_datesparsebug.php, tests/test_datprobug.php,
tests/test_fieldrot.php, tests/test_gantt.php,
tests/test_ganttcsim.php, tests/test_horizbarcsim.php,
tests/test_legendbox.php, tests/test_line.php,
tests/test_linebug-104.php, tests/test_linesimple.php,
tests/test_logline.php, tests/test_multiline.php,
tests/test_patternbug.php, tests/test_piecsim.php,
tests/test_pietheme.php, tests/test_scattermark.php,
tests/test_scatternulls.php, tests/test_textalign.php,
tests/test_ttf.php, tests/test_ttfread.php
r88: 2005-08-07 17:18 ljp
* Chnaged some count() in for loop to a variable instead. Minor formatting change to date class
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_date.php, jpgraph_error.php,
jpgraph_gantt.php, jpgraph_pie.php, jpgraph_radar.php
r86: 2005-07-12 17:55 ljp
* Feature #208. Added WindrosePlot::SetRangeStyle()
Modified files: jpgraph_windrose.php,
r84: 2005-07-10 18:22 ljp
* Added debug lines in legend and fine-tuned calculation of legend height
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r82: 2005-07-09 21:23 ljp
* Fixed #196 - Better layout for legend box
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r76: 2005-06-25 21:59 ljp
* Final fix for bug #191 by commenting out some strange adjustment Stroke() for accbar plot
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r75: 2005-06-25 21:59 ljp
* Fix for possible undefined CSIM alt tag. Bumbped version number to 1.19dev
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r73: 2005-06-25 11:16 ljp
* Make sure pie csim center coordinates are integers
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r72: 2005-06-22 21:28 ljp
* Added zero option to line interpolation
Modified files: jpgraph_line.php
r69: 2005-06-17 19:46 ljp
* Added linear interpolation for acc lines (#189)
Modified files: jpgraph_line.php
r68: 2005-06-16 21:29 ljp
* Propset Id
Modified files: barcode/jpgraph_barcode.php
r67: 2005-06-16 21:24 ljp
* Added Id tag
Modified files: barcode/jpgraph_barcode.php
r65: 2005-06-16 21:18 ljp
* Implemented multipe data chunks for EAN128
Modified files: barcode/jpgraph_barcode.php
r63: 2005-06-10 04:55 ljp
* Added individual legend mark size for horiz/vert (#144)
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r60: 2005-06-08 11:04 ljp
* Better handling of bars with an Absolute Width (#190)
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_bar.php
r58: 2005-06-08 09:21 ljp
* Compensation for handling of barcenter number of data points (#190)
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r56: 2005-06-06 20:14 ljp
* Fixed HideTicks for log scale (#90)
Modified files: jpgraph_log.php
r53: 2005-06-06 18:12 ljp
* Fix so that 'x' and '-' are interpretated as null in ScatterPlot
Modified files: jpgraph_scatter.php
r51: 2005-06-06 16:08 ljp
* Fix for #188 CSIM for Titles in PieGraphs
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r49: 2005-06-06 14:46 ljp
* Fixed wrong parameter to imagefilledarc() in CakeSlice() #66
Modified files: jpgraph.php
r46: 2005-06-06 13:59 ljp
* Fixed rounding problem #164
Modified files: jpgraph_windrose.php
r45: 2005-06-06 13:48 ljp
* Fixed problem with AccBar PreStrokeAdjust #103
Modified files: jpgraph_bar.php
r42: 2005-06-06 13:08 ljp
* Fixed remaining problem with single slice Pie and CSIM (#107)
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r41: 2005-06-06 10:46 ljp
* Better (X)HTML compliance for generated CSIM HTML
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_bar.php, jpgraph_gantt.php,
jpgraph_pie.php, jpgraph_pie3d.php,,
r38: 2005-06-06 10:12 ljp
* Added formatting callback #172
Modified files: jpgraph_radar.php
r36: 2005-06-06 10:03 ljp
* Fixed anti-alias pie problem #71
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r35: 2005-06-05 23:05 ljp
* Test scale positioned icon
Modified files: tests/test_barscaleicon.php
r28: 2005-06-05 16:36 ljp
* More example for guide-lines and date axis
Modified files: Examples/dateaxisex2.php,
Examples/dateaxisex3.php, Examples/dateaxisex4.php,
Examples/pielabelsex1.php, Examples/pielabelsex4.php,
jpgraph_date.php, tests/test_barpattern.php,
tests/test_ganttsimple.php, tests/test_pienewlabels.php
r26: 2005-06-05 15:33 ljp
* Added SetTimeAlign() and adjusted constants
Modified files: jpgraph_date.php
r24: 2005-06-05 11:51 ljp
* Some small backporting from v2 branch to handle arrays in Add()
Modified files: jpgraph_pie.php
r23: 2005-06-05 11:31 ljp
* Added pie guide line examples
Modified files: Examples/pielabelsex1.php,
Examples/pielabelsex2.php, Examples/pielabelsex3.php
r21: 2005-05-30 20:35 ljp
* Added Id keyword property
Modified files: Todo,,,,,,,,,
jpgraph.php, jpgraph_antispam-digits.php, jpgraph_antispam.php,
jpgraph_bar.php, jpgraph_canvas.php, jpgraph_canvtools.php,
jpgraph_date.php, jpgraph_error.php, jpgraph_flags.php,
jpgraph_gantt.php, jpgraph_gb2312.php, jpgraph_gradient.php,
jpgraph_iconplot.php, jpgraph_imgtrans.php, jpgraph_line.php,
jpgraph_log.php, jpgraph_odo.php, jpgraph_pie.php,
jpgraph_pie3d.php, jpgraph_plotband.php,,
jpgraph_polar.php, jpgraph_radar.php, jpgraph_regstat.php,
jpgraph_scatter.php, jpgraph_stock.php, jpgraph_windrose.php
r18: 2005-05-29 18:16 ljp
* Adaption for icon plot new behaviour in jpgraph.php
Modified files: jpgraph_gantt.php
r17: 2005-05-29 15:30 ljp
* Fix icon positioning
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_iconplot.php
r13: 2005-05-29 10:40 ljp
* Added test_barsmallicon test_radarticks2
Modified files: tests/test_barsmallicon.php,
r10: 2005-05-29 10:11 ljp
* Fixed #181, #182 Scale positions for icon plots and also add rotation of icons
Modified files: jpgraph.php, jpgraph_iconplot.php