blob: 19901723405d0aaa5365b36a8e8b39097926c012 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolHandles.cpp - Passes for finding pointer attributes for SAFECode --//
// The SAFECode Compiler
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements several passes which ease the use of the automatic pool
// allocation transform.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "poolhandle"
#include "safecode/Config/config.h"
#include "safecode/PoolHandles.h"
#include "safecode/SAFECodeConfig.h"
#include "safecode/Support/AllocatorInfo.h"
// Pass ID variables
char PoolMDPass::ID = 0;
char QueryPoolPass::ID = 0;
char RemovePoolMDPass::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<PoolMDPass>
X ("pool-md", "Insert meta-data about pool allocation");
static RegisterPass<QueryPoolPass>
Y ("querypool", "Query pool meta-data");
static RegisterPass<RemovePoolMDPass>
Z ("remove-poolmd", "Remove meta-data about pool allocation");
// Method: createPoolMetaData()
// Description:
// This method locates the pool for the specified value and creates a metadata
// node that links the value with its pool.
// Inputs:
// GV - The global variable for which a pool metadata node should be created.
// Side effects:
// This method will add the metata node to a container that is global to class
// member methods.
PoolMDPass::createPoolMetaData (GlobalVariable * GV) {
// Get the DSNode information associated with the value.
DSNode * Node = dsnPass->getDSNodeForGlobalVariable (GV);
assert (Node && "No DSNode for global!\n");
// Get the pool associated with the value.
Value * PH = dsnPass->paPass->getGlobalPool (Node);
assert (PH && "No pool handle for the global variable!\n");
// Create LLVM values representing the pointer's type, DSNode Flags, etc.
LLVMContext & Context = GV->getContext();
const Type * Int1Type = Type::getInt1Ty (Context);
const Type * Int32Type = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
Value * IsFolded = ConstantInt::get(Int1Type, Node->isNodeCompletelyFolded());
Value * DSFlags = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, Node->getNodeFlags());
// Create a new metadata node that contains the pool handle and the value.
Value * PoolMap[4] = {GV, PH, IsFolded, DSFlags};
MDNode * MD = MDNode::get (Context, PoolMap, 4);
// Add the value to pool mapping to the set of mappings we've created so far.
ValueToPoolNodes.push_back (MD);
// Method: createPoolMetaData()
// Description:
// This method locates the pool for the specified value and creates a metadata
// node that links the value with its pool.
// Inputs:
// V - The value for which a pool metadata node should be created.
// F - The function in which the pool should be found.
// Side effects:
// This method will add the metata node to a container that is global to class
// member methods.
PoolMDPass::createPoolMetaData (Value * V, Function * F) {
// Get the pool associated with the value.
V = V->stripPointerCasts();
PA::FuncInfo *FI = dsnPass->paPass->getFuncInfoOrClone(*F);
Value * PH = dsnPass->getPoolHandle (V, F, *FI);
assert (PH && "No pool handle for the specified value!\n");
// Get the DSNode information associated with the value.
DSNode* Node = dsnPass->getDSNode(V, F);
assert (Node && "Value has no DSNode!\n");
// Create LLVM values representing the pointer's type, DSNode Flags, etc.
const Type * Int1Type = Type::getInt1Ty (F->getParent()->getContext());
const Type * Int32Type = Type::getInt32Ty(F->getParent()->getContext());
Value * IsFolded = ConstantInt::get(Int1Type, Node->isNodeCompletelyFolded());
Value * DSFlags = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, Node->getNodeFlags());
// Create a new metadata node that contains the pool handle and the value.
Value * PoolMap[4] = {V, PH, IsFolded, DSFlags};
MDNode * MD = MDNode::get (F->getParent()->getContext(), PoolMap, 4);
// Add the value to pool mapping to the set of mappings we've created so far.
ValueToPoolNodes.push_back (MD);
// Method: createOffsetMetaData()
// Description:
// This method generates meta-data that describes the offset into an object
// from which the result of a load is taken.
PoolMDPass::createOffsetMetaData (LoadInst & LI) {
// Get the DSNode information for both the result of the load instruction
// and its pointer operand. If the result of the load has no DSNode, then
// nothing needs to be done.
Function * F = LI.getParent()->getParent();
DSNode* ResultNode = dsnPass->getDSNode (&LI, F);
DSNode* PtrNode = dsnPass->getDSNode (LI.getPointerOperand(), F);
if (!ResultNode) return;
assert (PtrNode && "Load operand has no DSNode!\n");
// Scan through the links of the DSNode of the load's pointer operand; we
// need to determine the offset into the memory object from which the result
// of the load is loaded.
DSNode::LinkMapTy::iterator linki = PtrNode->edge_begin();
for (; linki != PtrNode->edge_end(); ++linki) {
DSNodeHandle & LinkNode = linki->second;
if (LinkNode.getNode() == ResultNode) {
// Get the offset from the DSNodeHandle.
unsigned offset = LinkNode.getOffset();
// Create meta-data describing the offset of the pointer loaded by the
// load instruction.
const Type * Int32Type = Type::getInt32Ty(F->getParent()->getContext());
Value * Alignment = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, offset);
Value * AlignData[2] = {&LI, Alignment};
MDNode * MD = MDNode::get (F->getParent()->getContext(), AlignData, 2);
// Add the alignment metadata to the set of alignment metadata notdes.
AlignmentNodes.push_back (MD);
PoolMDPass::visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst & AI) {
// Create meta-data linking the allocated pointer with its pool.
Function * F = AI.getParent()->getParent();
createPoolMetaData (&AI, F);
PoolMDPass::visitLoadInst (LoadInst & LI) {
// Create meta-data linking the dereferenced pointer with its pool.
Function * F = LI.getParent()->getParent();
createPoolMetaData (LI.getPointerOperand(), F);
PoolMDPass::visitStoreInst (StoreInst & SI) {
// Create meta-data linking the dereferenced pointer with its pool.
Function * F = SI.getParent()->getParent();
createPoolMetaData (SI.getPointerOperand(), F);
PoolMDPass::visitGetElementPtrInst (GetElementPtrInst & GEP) {
// Create meta-data linking the dereferenced pointer with its pool.
Function * F = GEP.getParent()->getParent();
createPoolMetaData (&GEP, F);
PoolMDPass::visitICmpInst (ICmpInst & CI) {
// Create meta-data for the operands of the compare instruction if they are
// pointers. The RewriteOOB pass may look up their pools.
Function * F = CI.getParent()->getParent();
if (isa<PointerType>(CI.getOperand(0)->getType()))
if (!isa<ConstantPointerNull>(CI.getOperand(0)))
createPoolMetaData (CI.getOperand(0), F);
if (isa<PointerType>(CI.getOperand(1)->getType()))
if (!isa<ConstantPointerNull>(CI.getOperand(1)))
createPoolMetaData (CI.getOperand(1), F);
PoolMDPass::visitPtrToIntInst(PtrToIntInst &I) {
// Create meta-data linking the casted pointer with its pool.
Function * F = I.getParent()->getParent();
if (isa<PointerType>(I.getOperand(0)->getType()))
createPoolMetaData (I.getOperand(0), F);
PoolMDPass::visitCallInst (CallInst &CI) {
// Get the called function. If this is an indirect call, then ignore it.
Function * CalledFunc = CI.getCalledFunction();
if (!CalledFunc) return;
// Determine whether this is a call to an allocator or deallocator. If it is,
// then record the pool information for the allocated or deallocated pointer.
SAFECodeConfiguration::alloc_iterator it = SCConfig.alloc_begin(),
end = SCConfig.alloc_end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
// Handle a call to an allocator
AllocatorInfo * AllocInfo = *it;
if (AllocInfo->getAllocCallName() == CalledFunc->getNameStr()) {
createPoolMetaData (&CI, CI.getParent()->getParent());
// Handle a call to a deallocator
if (AllocInfo->getFreeCallName() == CalledFunc->getNameStr()) {
Value * Pointer = AllocInfo->getFreedPointer (&CI);
createPoolMetaData (Pointer, CI.getParent()->getParent());
// Create meta-data linking the dereferenced pointer with its pool.
// Method: createGlobalMetaData()
// Description:
// This method scans over all global variables in the program and creates pool
// metadata for those globals that interest the SAFECode passes.
PoolMDPass::createGlobalMetaData (Module & M) {
// Scan through all global variables and get their pool handles.
Module::global_iterator GI = M.global_begin(), GE = M.global_end();
for ( ; GI != GE; ++GI) {
// Skip anything that is not a global variable (e.g., functions).
GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(GI);
if (!GV) continue;
// Skip pool descriptors.
if (GV->getType()->getContainedType(0) == dsnPass->getPoolType()) continue;
// Skip debug metadata and other LLVM metadata.
std::string name = GV->getName();
if ((GV->getSection()) == "llvm.metadata") continue;
if (strncmp(name.c_str(), "llvm.", 5) == 0) continue;
// Create metadata for the global.
createPoolMetaData (GV);
// Method: createByValMetaData()
// Description:
// Scan through all functions in the specified module and create metadata for
// all of the byval arguments of each function.
// Inputs:
// M - The module to modify.
// Outputs:
// M - The modified module with metadata mapping byval arguments to their
// pools and their DSNode information.
PoolMDPass::createByValMetaData (Module & M) {
// Scan through each function looking for byval arguments.
Module::iterator FI = M.begin(), FE = M.end();
for ( ; FI != FE; ++FI) {
Function::arg_iterator Arg = FI->arg_begin();
for (; Arg != FI->arg_end(); ++Arg) {
if (Arg->hasByValAttr()) {
createPoolMetaData (Arg, FI);
// Method: runOnModule()
// Description:
// The LLVM pass manager will call this method when this pass is to be run on
// a Module.
// Return value:
// true - The module was modified.
// false - The module was not modified.
PoolMDPass::runOnModule (Module &M) {
// Get a handle to the pool allocation pass and other passes which we
// require.
dsnPass = &getAnalysis<DSNodePass>();
// Create metadata for global varibles.
createGlobalMetaData (M);
// Create metadata for function byval arguments.
createByValMetaData (M);
// Visit all instructions within the module to find all of the pool handles
// we need.
visit (M);
// Create a global meta-data node that links to all the other meta-data.
Twine name ("SCValueMap");
NamedMDNode * MD = NamedMDNode::Create (M.getContext(), name, 0, 0, &M);
for (unsigned index = 0; index < ValueToPoolNodes.size(); ++index)
MD->addOperand (ValueToPoolNodes[index]);
// Create a global meta-data node that links to all the alignment meta-data.
Twine name2 ("SCAlignData");
NamedMDNode * AMD = NamedMDNode::Create (M.getContext(), name2, 0, 0, &M);
for (unsigned index = 0; index < AlignmentNodes.size(); ++index)
AMD->addOperand (AlignmentNodes[index]);
// Assume that we modified something
return true;
QueryPoolPass::runOnModule (Module & M) {
// Get the pool mapping metadata, scan through all of the metadata, and add
// the information in it into our internal data structures.
if (const NamedMDNode * MD = M.getNamedMetadata ("SCValueMap")) {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < MD->getNumOperands(); ++index) {
// Get one entry of meta-data.
MDNode * Node = dyn_cast<MDNode>(MD->getOperand (index));
assert (Node && "Wrong type of meta data!\n");
// Extract the information about this value from the metadata.
Value * V = dyn_cast<Value>(Node->getOperand (0));
Value * PH = dyn_cast<Value>(Node->getOperand (1));
ConstantInt * IsFolded = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Node->getOperand (2));
ConstantInt * DSFlags = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Node->getOperand (3));
// Do some assertions to make sure that everything is sane.
assert (V && "MDNode first element is not a Value!\n");
assert (PH && "MDNode second element is not a Pool Handle!\n");
assert (IsFolded && "MDNode third element is not a constant integer!\n");
assert (DSFlags && "MDNode fourth element is not a constant integer!\n");
// Add the values into the maps.
PoolMap[V] = PH;
FoldedMap[V] = !(IsFolded->isZero());
FlagMap[V] = DSFlags->getZExtValue();
// Get the alignment metadata, scan through all of the metadata, and add
// the information in it into our internal data structures.
if (const NamedMDNode * MD = M.getNamedMetadata ("SCAlignData")) {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < MD->getNumOperands(); ++index) {
// Get one entry of meta-data.
MDNode * Node = dyn_cast<MDNode>(MD->getOperand (index));
assert (Node && "Wrong type of meta data!\n");
// Extract the information about this value from the metadata.
LoadInst * LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(Node->getOperand (0));
ConstantInt * Alignment = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Node->getOperand (1));
// Do some assertions to make sure that everything is sane.
assert (LI && "MDNode first element is not a load instruction!\n");
assert (Alignment && "MDNode second element is not an integer!\n");
// Add the values into the maps.
AlignMap[LI] = Alignment;
return false;
// Method: getPool()
// Description:
// Given an LLVM value, attempt to find the pool associated with that value.
Value *
QueryPoolPass::getPool (const Value * V) {
return PoolMap[V->stripPointerCasts()];
// Method: getPoolType()
// Description:
// Return the type of a pool.
const Type *
QueryPoolPass::getPoolType (void) {
return PoolMap.begin()->second->getType();
// Method: runOnModule()
// Description:
// This is the entry point for our pass. It removes the metadata created by
// PoolMDPass.
// Return value:
// true - Metadata was removed from the Module.
// false - No modifications were made to the Module.
RemovePoolMDPass::runOnModule (Module & M) {
// Get the pool metadata. If there isn't any metadata, then nothing needs to
// be done.
NamedMDNode * MD = M.getNamedMetadata ("SCValueMap");
NamedMDNode * AMD = M.getNamedMetadata ("SCAlignData");
// Remove the metadata.
if (MD) MD->eraseFromParent();
if (AMD) AMD->eraseFromParent();
// Assume we always modify the module.
return true;