Spelling Error Fix in SAFECode configure script comment.

Fixed spelling error in comment in the SAFECode configure script.
This does not change the resulting configure script generated from configure.ac.
No functionality changes.

llvm-svn: 247517
diff --git a/safecode/autoconf/configure.ac b/safecode/autoconf/configure.ac
index 04daba8..d6df86b 100755
--- a/safecode/autoconf/configure.ac
+++ b/safecode/autoconf/configure.ac
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Configure any susidiary projects that are included in SAFECode.
+dnl * Configure any projects that are included in SAFECode.
 dnl * At present, only Clang falls into this catagory.
 dnl **************************************************************************