blob: a723854b3c91788e94b3de622d3eae6b60c0707a [file] [log] [blame]
//===- lld/Core/LinkingContext.h - Linker Target Info Interface -----------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/Core/Error.h"
#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h"
#include "lld/Core/Node.h"
#include "lld/Core/Parallel.h"
#include "lld/Core/Reference.h"
#include "lld/Core/range.h"
#include "lld/Core/Reader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace lld {
class PassManager;
class File;
class Writer;
class Node;
class SharedLibraryFile;
/// \brief The LinkingContext class encapsulates "what and how" to link.
/// The base class LinkingContext contains the options needed by core linking.
/// Subclasses of LinkingContext have additional options needed by specific
/// Writers. For example, ELFLinkingContext has methods that supplies
/// options to the ELF Writer and ELF Passes.
class LinkingContext {
/// \brief The types of output file that the linker creates.
enum class OutputFileType : uint8_t {
Default, // The default output type for this target
YAML, // The output type is set to YAML
virtual ~LinkingContext();
/// \name Methods needed by core linking
/// @{
/// Name of symbol linker should use as "entry point" to program,
/// usually "main" or "start".
virtual StringRef entrySymbolName() const { return _entrySymbolName; }
/// Whether core linking should remove Atoms not reachable by following
/// References from the entry point Atom or from all global scope Atoms
/// if globalsAreDeadStripRoots() is true.
bool deadStrip() const { return _deadStrip; }
/// Only used if deadStrip() returns true. Means all global scope Atoms
/// should be marked live (along with all Atoms they reference). Usually
/// this method returns false for main executables, but true for dynamic
/// shared libraries.
bool globalsAreDeadStripRoots() const { return _globalsAreDeadStripRoots; }
/// Only used if deadStrip() returns true. This method returns the names
/// of DefinedAtoms that should be marked live (along with all Atoms they
/// reference). Only Atoms with scope scopeLinkageUnit or scopeGlobal can
/// be kept live using this method.
const std::vector<StringRef> &deadStripRoots() const {
return _deadStripRoots;
/// Add the given symbol name to the dead strip root set. Only used if
/// deadStrip() returns true.
void addDeadStripRoot(StringRef symbolName) {
assert(!symbolName.empty() && "Empty symbol cannot be a dead strip root");
/// Archive files (aka static libraries) are normally lazily loaded. That is,
/// object files within an archive are only loaded and linked in, if the
/// object file contains a DefinedAtom which will replace an existing
/// UndefinedAtom. If this method returns true, core linking will also look
/// for archive members to replace existing tentative definitions in addition
/// to replacing undefines. Note: a "tentative definition" (also called a
/// "common" symbols) is a C (but not C++) concept. They are modeled in lld
/// as a DefinedAtom with merge() of mergeAsTentative.
bool searchArchivesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions() const {
return _searchArchivesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions;
/// Normally core linking will turn a tentative definition into a real
/// definition if not replaced by a real DefinedAtom from some object file.
/// If this method returns true, core linking will search all supplied
/// dynamic shared libraries for symbol names that match remaining tentative
/// definitions. If any are found, the corresponding tentative definition
/// atom is replaced with SharedLibraryAtom.
bool searchSharedLibrariesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions() const {
return _searchSharedLibrariesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions;
/// Normally, every UndefinedAtom must be replaced by a DefinedAtom or a
/// SharedLibraryAtom for the link to be successful. This method controls
/// whether core linking prints out a list of remaining UndefinedAtoms.
/// \todo This should be a method core linking calls with a list of the
/// UndefinedAtoms so that different drivers can format the error message
/// as needed.
bool printRemainingUndefines() const { return _printRemainingUndefines; }
/// Normally, every UndefinedAtom must be replaced by a DefinedAtom or a
/// SharedLibraryAtom for the link to be successful. This method controls
/// whether core linking considers remaining undefines to be an error.
bool allowRemainingUndefines() const { return _allowRemainingUndefines; }
/// In the lld model, a SharedLibraryAtom is a proxy atom for something
/// that will be found in a dynamic shared library when the program runs.
/// A SharedLibraryAtom optionally contains the name of the shared library
/// in which to find the symbol name at runtime. Core linking may merge
/// two SharedLibraryAtom with the same name. If this method returns true,
/// when merging core linking will also verify that they both have the same
/// loadName() and if not print a warning.
/// \todo This should be a method core linking calls so that drivers can
/// format the warning as needed.
bool warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentLoadName() const {
return _warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentLoadName;
/// In C/C++ you can mark a function's prototype with
/// __attribute__((weak_import)) or __attribute__((weak)) to say the function
/// may not be available at runtime and/or build time and in which case its
/// address will evaluate to NULL. In lld this is modeled using the
/// UndefinedAtom::canBeNull() method. During core linking, UndefinedAtom
/// with the same name are automatically merged. If this method returns
/// true, core link also verfies that the canBeNull() value for merged
/// UndefinedAtoms are the same and warns if not.
/// \todo This should be a method core linking calls so that drivers can
/// format the warning as needed.
bool warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentCanBeNull() const {
return _warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentCanBeNull;
/// Normally, every UndefinedAtom must be replaced by a DefinedAtom or a
/// SharedLibraryAtom for the link to be successful. This method controls
/// whether core linking considers remaining undefines from the shared library
/// to be an error.
bool allowShlibUndefines() const { return _allowShlibUndefines; }
/// If true, core linking will write the path to each input file to stdout
/// (i.e. llvm::outs()) as it is used. This is used to implement the -t
/// linker option.
/// \todo This should be a method core linking calls so that drivers can
/// format the line as needed.
bool logInputFiles() const { return _logInputFiles; }
/// Parts of LLVM use global variables which are bound to command line
/// options (see llvm::cl::Options). This method returns "command line"
/// options which are used to configure LLVM's command line settings.
/// For instance the -debug-only XXX option can be used to dynamically
/// trace different parts of LLVM and lld.
const std::vector<const char *> &llvmOptions() const { return _llvmOptions; }
/// \name Methods used by Drivers to configure TargetInfo
/// @{
void setOutputPath(StringRef str) { _outputPath = str; }
// Set the entry symbol name. You may also need to call addDeadStripRoot() for
// the symbol if your platform supports dead-stripping, so that the symbol
// will not be removed from the output.
void setEntrySymbolName(StringRef name) {
_entrySymbolName = name;
void setDeadStripping(bool enable) { _deadStrip = enable; }
void setAllowDuplicates(bool enable) { _allowDuplicates = enable; }
void setGlobalsAreDeadStripRoots(bool v) { _globalsAreDeadStripRoots = v; }
void setSearchArchivesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions(bool search) {
_searchArchivesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions = search;
void setSearchSharedLibrariesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions(bool search) {
_searchSharedLibrariesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions = search;
void setWarnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentCanBeNull(bool warn) {
_warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentCanBeNull = warn;
void setWarnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentLoadName(bool warn) {
_warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentLoadName = warn;
void setPrintRemainingUndefines(bool print) {
_printRemainingUndefines = print;
void setAllowRemainingUndefines(bool allow) {
_allowRemainingUndefines = allow;
void setAllowShlibUndefines(bool allow) { _allowShlibUndefines = allow; }
void setLogInputFiles(bool log) { _logInputFiles = log; }
// Returns true if multiple definitions should not be treated as a
// fatal error.
bool getAllowDuplicates() const { return _allowDuplicates; }
void appendLLVMOption(const char *opt) { _llvmOptions.push_back(opt); }
void addAlias(StringRef from, StringRef to) { _aliasSymbols[from] = to; }
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &getAliases() const {
return _aliasSymbols;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> &getNodes() { return _nodes; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> &getNodes() const { return _nodes; }
/// Notify the LinkingContext when the symbol table found a name collision.
/// The useNew parameter specifies which the symbol table plans to keep,
/// but that can be changed by the LinkingContext. This is also an
/// opportunity for flavor specific processing.
virtual void notifySymbolTableCoalesce(const Atom *existingAtom,
const Atom *newAtom, bool &useNew) {}
/// This method adds undefined symbols specified by the -u option to the to
/// the list of undefined symbols known to the linker. This option essentially
/// forces an undefined symbol to be created. You may also need to call
/// addDeadStripRoot() for the symbol if your platform supports dead
/// stripping, so that the symbol will not be removed from the output.
void addInitialUndefinedSymbol(StringRef symbolName) {
/// Iterators for symbols that appear on the command line.
typedef std::vector<StringRef> StringRefVector;
typedef StringRefVector::iterator StringRefVectorIter;
typedef StringRefVector::const_iterator StringRefVectorConstIter;
/// Create linker internal files containing atoms for the linker to include
/// during link. Flavors can override this function in their LinkingContext
/// to add more internal files. These internal files are positioned before
/// the actual input files.
virtual void createInternalFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File> > &) const;
/// Return the list of undefined symbols that are specified in the
/// linker command line, using the -u option.
range<const StringRef *> initialUndefinedSymbols() const {
return _initialUndefinedSymbols;
/// After all set* methods are called, the Driver calls this method
/// to validate that there are no missing options or invalid combinations
/// of options. If there is a problem, a description of the problem
/// is written to the supplied stream.
/// \returns true if there is an error with the current settings.
bool validate(raw_ostream &diagnostics);
/// Formats symbol name for use in error messages.
virtual std::string demangle(StringRef symbolName) const {
return symbolName;
/// @}
/// \name Methods used by Driver::link()
/// @{
/// Returns the file system path to which the linked output should be written.
/// \todo To support in-memory linking, we need an abstraction that allows
/// the linker to write to an in-memory buffer.
StringRef outputPath() const { return _outputPath; }
/// Set the various output file types that the linker would
/// create
bool setOutputFileType(StringRef outputFileType) {
if (outputFileType.equals_lower("yaml")) {
_outputFileType = OutputFileType::YAML;
return true;
return false;
/// Returns the output file type that that the linker needs to create.
OutputFileType outputFileType() const { return _outputFileType; }
/// Accessor for Register object embedded in LinkingContext.
const Registry &registry() const { return _registry; }
Registry &registry() { return _registry; }
/// This method is called by core linking to give the Writer a chance
/// to add file format specific "files" to set of files to be linked. This is
/// how file format specific atoms can be added to the link.
virtual void createImplicitFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> &);
/// This method is called by core linking to build the list of Passes to be
/// run on the merged/linked graph of all input files.
virtual void addPasses(PassManager &pm);
/// Calls through to the writeFile() method on the specified Writer.
/// \param linkedFile This is the merged/linked graph of all input file Atoms.
virtual std::error_code writeFile(const File &linkedFile) const;
/// Return the next ordinal and Increment it.
virtual uint64_t getNextOrdinalAndIncrement() const { return _nextOrdinal++; }
// This function is called just before the Resolver kicks in.
// Derived classes may use it to change the list of input files.
virtual void finalizeInputFiles() {}
TaskGroup &getTaskGroup() { return _taskGroup; }
/// @}
LinkingContext(); // Must be subclassed
/// Abstract method to lazily instantiate the Writer.
virtual Writer &writer() const = 0;
/// Method to create an internal file for the entry symbol
virtual std::unique_ptr<File> createEntrySymbolFile() const;
std::unique_ptr<File> createEntrySymbolFile(StringRef filename) const;
/// Method to create an internal file for an undefined symbol
virtual std::unique_ptr<File> createUndefinedSymbolFile() const;
std::unique_ptr<File> createUndefinedSymbolFile(StringRef filename) const;
/// Method to create an internal file for alias symbols
std::unique_ptr<File> createAliasSymbolFile() const;
StringRef _outputPath;
StringRef _entrySymbolName;
bool _deadStrip;
bool _allowDuplicates;
bool _globalsAreDeadStripRoots;
bool _searchArchivesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions;
bool _searchSharedLibrariesToOverrideTentativeDefinitions;
bool _warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentCanBeNull;
bool _warnIfCoalesableAtomsHaveDifferentLoadName;
bool _printRemainingUndefines;
bool _allowRemainingUndefines;
bool _logInputFiles;
bool _allowShlibUndefines;
OutputFileType _outputFileType;
std::vector<StringRef> _deadStripRoots;
std::map<std::string, std::string> _aliasSymbols;
std::vector<const char *> _llvmOptions;
StringRefVector _initialUndefinedSymbols;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> _nodes;
mutable llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _allocator;
mutable uint64_t _nextOrdinal;
Registry _registry;
/// Validate the subclass bits. Only called by validate.
virtual bool validateImpl(raw_ostream &diagnostics) = 0;
TaskGroup _taskGroup;
} // end namespace lld