blob: aadf2d690a17ff3d6fbd4d3d69998821fe9aceae [file] [log] [blame]
//===- lld/ReaderWriter/PECOFFLinkingContext.h ----------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/Core/LinkingContext.h"
#include "lld/Core/Reader.h"
#include "lld/Core/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using llvm::COFF::MachineTypes;
using llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem;
static const uint8_t DEFAULT_DOS_STUB[128] = {'M', 'Z'};
namespace lld {
class PECOFFLinkingContext : public LinkingContext {
PECOFFLinkingContext() { setDeadStripping(true); }
struct Version {
Version(int v1, int v2) : majorVersion(v1), minorVersion(v2) {}
int majorVersion;
int minorVersion;
struct ExportDesc {
: ordinal(-1), noname(false), isData(false), isPrivate(false) {}
bool operator<(const ExportDesc &other) const {
return getExternalName().compare(other.getExternalName()) < 0;
StringRef getRealName() const {
return mangledName.empty() ? name : mangledName;
StringRef getExternalName() const {
return externalName.empty() ? name : externalName;
std::string name;
std::string externalName;
std::string mangledName;
int ordinal;
bool noname;
bool isData;
bool isPrivate;
typedef bool (*ParseDirectives)(int, const char **, PECOFFLinkingContext &,
raw_ostream &);
/// \brief Casting support
static bool classof(const LinkingContext *info) { return true; }
Writer &writer() const override;
bool validateImpl(raw_ostream &diagnostics) override;
void addPasses(PassManager &pm) override;
void createImplicitFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> &result) override;
bool is64Bit() const {
return _machineType == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64;
// Returns a set of all defined symbols in input files.
const std::set<std::string> &definedSymbols();
/// Page size of x86 processor. Some data needs to be aligned at page boundary
/// when loaded into memory.
uint64_t getPageSize() const {
return 0x1000;
void appendInputSearchPath(StringRef dirPath) {
const std::vector<StringRef> getInputSearchPaths() {
return _inputSearchPaths;
void registerTemporaryFile(StringRef path) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileRemover> fileRemover(
new llvm::FileRemover(Twine(allocate(path))));
StringRef searchLibraryFile(StringRef path) const;
StringRef decorateSymbol(StringRef name) const;
StringRef undecorateSymbol(StringRef name) const;
void setEntrySymbolName(StringRef name) { _entry = name; }
StringRef getEntrySymbolName() const { return _entry; }
void setHasEntry(bool val) { _hasEntry = val; }
bool hasEntry() const { return _hasEntry; }
void setBaseAddress(uint64_t addr) { _baseAddress = addr; }
uint64_t getBaseAddress() const;
void setStackReserve(uint64_t size) { _stackReserve = size; }
void setStackCommit(uint64_t size) { _stackCommit = size; }
uint64_t getStackReserve() const { return _stackReserve; }
uint64_t getStackCommit() const { return _stackCommit; }
void setHeapReserve(uint64_t size) { _heapReserve = size; }
void setHeapCommit(uint64_t size) { _heapCommit = size; }
uint64_t getHeapReserve() const { return _heapReserve; }
uint64_t getHeapCommit() const { return _heapCommit; }
void setSectionDefaultAlignment(uint32_t val) {
_sectionDefaultAlignment = val;
uint32_t getSectionDefaultAlignment() const {
return _sectionDefaultAlignment;
void setSubsystem(WindowsSubsystem ss) { _subsystem = ss; }
WindowsSubsystem getSubsystem() const { return _subsystem; }
void setMachineType(MachineTypes type) { _machineType = type; }
MachineTypes getMachineType() const { return _machineType; }
void setImageVersion(const Version &version) { _imageVersion = version; }
Version getImageVersion() const { return _imageVersion; }
void setMinOSVersion(const Version &version) { _minOSVersion = version; }
Version getMinOSVersion() const { return _minOSVersion; }
void setNxCompat(bool nxCompat) { _nxCompat = nxCompat; }
bool isNxCompat() const { return _nxCompat; }
void setLargeAddressAware(bool val) { _largeAddressAware = val; }
bool getLargeAddressAware() const { return _largeAddressAware; }
void setAllowBind(bool val) { _allowBind = val; }
bool getAllowBind() const { return _allowBind; }
void setAllowIsolation(bool val) { _allowIsolation = val; }
bool getAllowIsolation() const { return _allowIsolation; }
void setSwapRunFromCD(bool val) { _swapRunFromCD = val; }
bool getSwapRunFromCD() const { return _swapRunFromCD; }
void setSwapRunFromNet(bool val) { _swapRunFromNet = val; }
bool getSwapRunFromNet() const { return _swapRunFromNet; }
void setBaseRelocationEnabled(bool val) { _baseRelocationEnabled = val; }
bool getBaseRelocationEnabled() const { return _baseRelocationEnabled; }
void setTerminalServerAware(bool val) { _terminalServerAware = val; }
bool isTerminalServerAware() const { return _terminalServerAware; }
void setDynamicBaseEnabled(bool val) { _dynamicBaseEnabled = val; }
bool getDynamicBaseEnabled() const { return _dynamicBaseEnabled; }
void setCreateManifest(bool val) { _createManifest = val; }
bool getCreateManifest() const { return _createManifest; }
void setManifestOutputPath(std::string val) { _manifestOutputPath = val; }
const std::string &getManifestOutputPath() const {
return _manifestOutputPath;
void setEmbedManifest(bool val) { _embedManifest = val; }
bool getEmbedManifest() const { return _embedManifest; }
void setManifestId(int val) { _manifestId = val; }
int getManifestId() const { return _manifestId; }
void setManifestUAC(bool val) { _manifestUAC = val; }
bool getManifestUAC() const { return _manifestUAC; }
void setManifestLevel(std::string val) { _manifestLevel = std::move(val); }
const std::string &getManifestLevel() const { return _manifestLevel; }
void setManifestUiAccess(std::string val) { _manifestUiAccess = val; }
const std::string &getManifestUiAccess() const { return _manifestUiAccess; }
void setManifestDependency(std::string val) { _manifestDependency = val; }
const std::string &getManifestDependency() const {
return _manifestDependency;
void setIsDll(bool val) { _isDll = val; }
bool isDll() const { return _isDll; }
void setSafeSEH(bool val) {
if (val)
_requireSEH = true;
_noSEH = true;
bool requireSEH() const { return _requireSEH; }
bool noSEH() const { return _noSEH; }
void setHighEntropyVA(bool val) { _highEntropyVA = val; }
bool getHighEntropyVA() const { return _highEntropyVA; }
void setOutputImportLibraryPath(const std::string &val) { _implib = val; }
std::string getOutputImportLibraryPath() const;
void setDebug(bool val) { _debug = val; }
bool getDebug() { return _debug; }
void setPDBFilePath(StringRef str) { _pdbFilePath = str; }
std::string getPDBFilePath() const;
void addDelayLoadDLL(StringRef dll) {
bool isDelayLoadDLL(StringRef dll) const {
return _delayLoadDLLs.count(dll.lower()) == 1;
StringRef getOutputSectionName(StringRef sectionName) const;
bool addSectionRenaming(raw_ostream &diagnostics,
StringRef from, StringRef to);
const std::set<std::string> &getAlternateNames(StringRef name) {
return _alternateNames[name];
void addAlternateName(StringRef weak, StringRef def) {
void addNoDefaultLib(StringRef path) {
if (path.endswith_lower(".lib"))
bool hasNoDefaultLib(StringRef path) const {
if (path.endswith_lower(".lib"))
return _noDefaultLibs.count(path.drop_back(4).lower()) > 0;
return _noDefaultLibs.count(path.lower()) > 0;
void setNoDefaultLibAll(bool val) { _noDefaultLibAll = val; }
bool getNoDefaultLibAll() const { return _noDefaultLibAll; }
void setSectionSetMask(StringRef sectionName, uint32_t flags);
void setSectionClearMask(StringRef sectionName, uint32_t flags);
uint32_t getSectionAttributes(StringRef sectionName, uint32_t flags) const;
void setDosStub(ArrayRef<uint8_t> data) { _dosStub = data; }
ArrayRef<uint8_t> getDosStub() const { return _dosStub; }
void addDllExport(ExportDesc &desc);
std::vector<ExportDesc> &getDllExports() { return _dllExports; }
const std::vector<ExportDesc> &getDllExports() const { return _dllExports; }
StringRef getDelayLoadHelperName() const {
return is64Bit() ? "__delayLoadHelper2" : "___delayLoadHelper2@8";
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &getAllocator() { return _allocator; }
StringRef allocate(StringRef ref) const {
char *x = _allocator.Allocate<char>(ref.size() + 1);
memcpy(x,, ref.size());
x[ref.size()] = '\0';
return x;
ArrayRef<uint8_t> allocate(ArrayRef<uint8_t> array) const {
size_t size = array.size();
uint8_t *p = _allocator.Allocate<uint8_t>(size);
memcpy(p,, size);
return ArrayRef<uint8_t>(p, p + array.size());
template <typename T> T &allocateCopy(const T &x) const {
T *r = new (_allocator) T(x);
return *r;
void addLibraryFile(std::unique_ptr<FileNode> file);
void setModuleDefinitionFile(const std::string val) {
_moduleDefinitionFile = val;
std::string getModuleDefinitionFile() const {
return _moduleDefinitionFile;
std::recursive_mutex &getMutex() { return _mutex; }
void setParseDirectives(ParseDirectives parseDirectives) {
_parseDirectives = parseDirectives;
ParseDirectives getParseDirectives() {
return _parseDirectives;
/// Method to create a internal file for the entry symbol
std::unique_ptr<File> createEntrySymbolFile() const override;
/// Method to create a internal file for an undefined symbol
std::unique_ptr<File> createUndefinedSymbolFile() const override;
enum : uint64_t {
invalidBaseAddress = UINT64_MAX,
pe32DefaultBaseAddress = 0x400000U,
pe32PlusDefaultBaseAddress = 0x140000000U
std::recursive_mutex _mutex;
mutable std::mutex _allocMutex;
std::string _entry;
// False if /noentry option is given.
bool _hasEntry = true;
// The start address for the program. The default value for the executable is
// 0x400000, but can be altered using /base command line option.
uint64_t _baseAddress = invalidBaseAddress;
uint64_t _stackReserve = 1024 * 1024;
uint64_t _stackCommit = 4096;
uint64_t _heapReserve = 1024 * 1024;
uint64_t _heapCommit = 4096;
bool _noDefaultLibAll = false;
uint32_t _sectionDefaultAlignment = 4096;
WindowsSubsystem _subsystem = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN;
MachineTypes _machineType = llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386;
Version _imageVersion = {0, 0};
Version _minOSVersion = {6, 0};
bool _nxCompat = true;
bool _largeAddressAware = false;
bool _allowBind = true;
bool _allowIsolation = true;
bool _swapRunFromCD = false;
bool _swapRunFromNet = false;
bool _baseRelocationEnabled = true;
bool _terminalServerAware = true;
bool _dynamicBaseEnabled = true;
bool _createManifest = true;
std::string _manifestOutputPath;
bool _embedManifest = false;
int _manifestId = 1;
bool _manifestUAC = true;
std::string _manifestLevel = "'asInvoker'";
std::string _manifestUiAccess = "'false'";
std::string _manifestDependency;
bool _isDll = false;
bool _highEntropyVA = true;
// True if /SAFESEH option is specified. Valid only for x86. If true, LLD will
// produce an image with SEH table. If any modules were not compatible with
// SEH, LLD will exit with an error.
bool _requireSEH = false;
// True if /SAFESEH:no option is specified. Valid only for x86. If true, LLD
// will not produce an image with SEH table even if all input object files are
// compatible with SEH.
bool _noSEH = false;
// /IMPLIB command line option.
std::string _implib = "";
// True if /DEBUG is given.
bool _debug = false;
// PDB file output path. NB: this is dummy -- LLD just creates the empty file.
std::string _pdbFilePath = "";
// /DELAYLOAD option.
std::set<std::string> _delayLoadDLLs;
// The set to store /nodefaultlib arguments.
std::set<std::string> _noDefaultLibs;
std::vector<StringRef> _inputSearchPaths;
std::unique_ptr<Writer> _writer;
// A map for weak aliases.
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> _alternateNames;
// A map for section renaming. For example, if there is an entry in the map
// whose value is .rdata -> .text, the section contens of .rdata will be
// merged to .text in the resulting executable.
std::map<std::string, std::string> _renamedSections;
// Section attributes specified by /section option.
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> _sectionSetMask;
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> _sectionClearMask;
// DLLExport'ed symbols.
std::vector<ExportDesc> _dllExports;
// List of files that will be removed on destruction.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileRemover> > _tempFiles;
// DOS Stub. DOS stub is data located at the beginning of PE/COFF file.
// Windows loader do not really care about DOS stub contents, but it's usually
// a small DOS program that prints out a message "This program requires
// Microsoft Windows." This feature was somewhat useful before Windows 95.
ArrayRef<uint8_t> _dosStub = llvm::makeArrayRef(DEFAULT_DOS_STUB);
// Name of the temporary file for lib.exe subcommand. For debugging
// only.
std::string _moduleDefinitionFile;
std::set<std::string> _definedSyms;
std::set<Node *> _seen;
ParseDirectives _parseDirectives = nullptr;
} // end namespace lld