1. c782104 compiler-rt: Rename .cc file in lib/sanitizer_common to .cpp by Nico Weber · 4 years, 9 months ago
  2. f150f51 [libFuzzer] Fix __sanitizer_print_memory_profile return type in ExtFunctions.def by Max Moroz · 4 years, 9 months ago
  3. fc24900 [libFuzzer] Include FuzzedDataProvider.h in the test without "utils" subdir. by Max Moroz · 4 years, 10 months ago
  4. 5d08c1c [libFuzzer] Migrate to the new exception syscalls on Fuchsia by Petr Hosek · 4 years, 10 months ago
  5. 65ac930 [libFuzzer] split DataFlow.cpp into two .cpp files, one of which can be compiled w/o dfsan to speed things up (~25% speedup) by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 10 months ago
  6. 00a850f [libFuzzer] ensure that DFT and autofocus works for C++ (mangled) functions by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 10 months ago
  7. c454e6b [libFuzzer] Remove too aggressive static_assert in FuzzedDataProvider. by Max Moroz · 4 years, 10 months ago
  8. ca72964 [libFuzzer] Improve FuzzedDataProvider helper. by Max Moroz · 4 years, 10 months ago
  9. c4c84c7 [libFuzzer] in autofocus mode, give more weight to functions with DFT by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 11 months ago
  10. 90a52bd [libFuzzer] implement a better queue for the fork mode. Add an internal flag -stop_file to allow graceful shutdown of fuzzing. Enhance the logging in the fork mode by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 11 months ago
  11. 0d6dd02 [libFuzzer] fix -Werror build by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 11 months ago
  12. 14c39a6 [libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels. Second attempt. This time with a fix for windows (putenv instead of setenv)) by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 11 months ago
  13. cd00742 [libFuzzer] Disable len_control by default if LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator is used. by Max Moroz · 4 years, 11 months ago
  14. 7d0a6f4 Revert r363326 "[libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels." by Hans Wennborg · 4 years, 11 months ago
  15. 7a1adb6 [libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels. by Kostya Serebryany · 4 years, 11 months ago
  16. bbf0bf3 Add FuzzedDataProvider helper class / single header library. by Max Moroz · 4 years, 11 months ago
  17. 32da977 [libFuzzer] when using data-flow-trace (DFT) only load the DFT for the files present in the corpus by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  18. dfa5393 [libFuzzer] remove the data-flow-trace (DFT) python scripts; their functionality is now part of libFuzzer proper; also write functions.txt to the disk only if this file doesn't exist yet by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  19. a86ea5c [libFuzzer] automatically collect the data flow trace (DFT) in the fork mode if -collect_data_flow= is given by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  20. 56045a5 [libFuzzer] Ignore synthetic exceptions on Fuchsia by Petr Hosek · 5 years ago
  21. 85f7f4f [libFuzzer] replace string_view with string to fix the bots. This is NFC, just slower. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  22. c78e244 [libFuzzer] #include <string_view>, hopefully should fix the windows build by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  23. 8d31339 [libFuzzer] reimplement DFT's collect_data_flow inside libFuzzer so that we don't need external python scripts by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  24. 7e8a710 [libFuzzer] code refactoring; NFC by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  25. 4293b5c [libFuzzer] small refactoring in the driver; dummy implementation of collect_data_flow; attempt to fix the windows bot by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  26. 56d39e7 [libFuzzer] Unpoison parameters before calling user callback. by Matt Morehouse · 5 years ago
  27. 44e0d16 [libFuzzer] perform more agressive value profiling in memcmp by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  28. 3844189 [libFuzzer] implement -focus_function=auto, to be used with Data Flow Traces by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  29. f85e456 [libFuzzer] DFT: when dumping coverage, also dump the total number of instrumented blocks in a function; update merge_data_flow.py to merge coverage by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  30. 13aef37 [libFuzzer] extend the data flow tracer to also produce basic block coverage for every input. An extended test coming in a separte change. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  31. 6fbe3ac [libFuzzer] Replace -seed_corpus to better support fork mode on Win by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  32. fe9268e [libFuzzer] Disable MSan interceptors in SIGINT handler. by Matt Morehouse · 5 years ago
  33. ca13db5 [libFuzzer] in fork mode, make sure the child stats are always collected. This should fix the flakiness in fork-ubsan.test by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  34. cdfb35e Summary: Add close_fd_mask functionality to AFL driver. by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  35. d3d2392 [libFuzzer] Remove tautological compare. by Matt Morehouse · 5 years ago
  36. e00923c [libFuzzer] speedup the merge step in the fork mode by merging only the files that have unique features. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  37. 99abd8a [libFuzzer] add -features_dir= flag to dump unique input features on disk by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  38. 3b3f492 [libFuzzer] Fix DataFlow.cpp logic when tracing long inputs. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  39. e842073 [libFuzzer] support -runs=N in the fork mode. Make sure we see one-line reports from ubsan in the fork mode. Test both by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  40. 8d0ea51 [libFuzzer] Make MutateWithMask work when the Mask is shorter than the input. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  41. 952f286 [libFuzzer] Fallback to default Mutate when MutateWithMask fails. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  42. 29832ba Use binary write mode in WriteToFile function to avoid appended \r characters on Windows by Vitaly Buka · 5 years ago
  43. ad682a8 [libFuzzer] Another follow up fix for Data Flow scripts in Py3. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  44. 4a018ce [libFuzzer] Fix output format in data flow merge script after Py3 change. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  45. b3fb51b [libFuzzer] Make DataFlow scripts Python3 compatible. by Max Moroz · 5 years ago
  46. 56f8921 [libFuzzer][Windows] Port fork mode to Windows by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  47. f20c345 [libFuzzer] fix missing close on opened file by Vitaly Buka · 5 years ago
  48. 0d21711 [libFuzzer] Remove extra semicolons by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  49. 8bb19a9 [libFuzzer] make len_control less agressive: set the initial max len to the length of the largest seed. This was the original intent, but... Now, with a test, to ensure it stays this way by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  50. 5af95f4 [libFuzzer] fork mode: try harder to cleanup after itself by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  51. ffe79cd [libFuzzer] form mode: add -ignore_crashes flag, honor the max_total_time flag, print the number of ooms/timeouts/crashes, fix a typo by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  52. 80efa82 [libFuzzer] print new functions as they are discovered in the fork mode by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  53. 8ea447d [libFuzzer] fix the unit tests by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  54. 8b758ca [libFuzzer] when doing the merge, keep track of the coveraged edges, not just features by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  55. 1024ccc [libFuzzer] when doing the merge, keep track of the coveraged edges, not just features by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  56. 8e150a5 [libFuzzer] better stats for the fork mode by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  57. 0712f07 [libFuzzer] trying to fix the bot (can't reproduce the build failure locally) by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  58. 0452b43 [libFuzzer] add threads to the fork mode: now you can pass -fork=N to run N concurrent workers. Fork mode is still work-in-progress. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  59. 3c1277e [libFuzzer] a bit of refactoring of the fork mode by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  60. 75035a3 [libFuzzer] move the implementation of the fork mode into a separate file by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  61. a2a5982 [libFuzzer] make the fork mode less verbose by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  62. 5312b00 [libFuzzer] teach the fork mode to ignore OOMs and timeouts by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  63. 0e18855 [libFuzzer] replace slow std::mt19937 with a much faster std::minstd_rand; second attempt after failed r352732, this time with a fix for cmake by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  64. 89b1b32 [libFuzzer] simplify the code for print_coverage=1 so that it doesn't fail on broken debug info by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  65. 5c6dd42 [libFuzzer] extend the -fork=1 functionality. Still not fully usable, but good enough for the first unit test by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  66. a7077b7 [Fuzzer] Fix function prototype in fuzzer::ExternalFunctions. [NFC] by David L. Jones · 5 years ago
  67. 9eefe0a [libFuzzer] more refactoring; change some of the exit codes (timeout, OOM, interrupt) so that the parent process can distinguish those by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  68. 63cde90 [libFuzzer] refactor the merging code, NFC by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  69. fa55f43 [libFuzzer] remove two unused experimental flags by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  70. 8c09d8e [libFuzzer] introduce an experimental mode -fork=1, where fuzzing happens in a subprocess (still running multiple inputs per process), thus making the fuzzing more resilient to timeouts and OOMs. This is just a skeleton of the code, and some associated refactoring, not a fully working feature yet. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  71. ba38f10 [libFuzzer] refactor the way we choose the element to cross-over with, NFC (expected1); add a flag -seed_inputs= to pass extra seed inputs as file paths, not dirs by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  72. 9f59a6c [libFuzzer][Windows] Clean up RawPrint by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  73. f0432bd [fuzzer] Use RawPrint instead of Printf for instrumentation warning by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  74. c363a4f Revert r352732: [libFuzzer] replace slow std::mt19937 with a much faster std::minstd_rand by Jeremy Morse · 5 years ago
  75. 8c3aef6 [libFuzzer] replace slow std::mt19937 with a much faster std::minstd_rand by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  76. 348f770 [libFuzzer] set libFuzzer's own SEGV handler even one is already present, but call that handler from ours (unless we are unprotecting lazy counters). Call ProtectLazyCounters later, so that it runs after the initialization code in the target. by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  77. 50e7a4b [libFuzzer] Set default sanitizer options in fuzzer tests by Julian Lettner · 5 years ago
  78. 827d9c1 [libFuzzer] experimental performance optimization -lazy_counters, off by default. Posix-only for now, tested on Linux by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  79. f3f3f3b [libFuzzer] remove stale code, NFC by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  80. 6b67118 [libFuzzer] refactor the handling of instrumentation counters so that they are grouped in regions one full page each. Needed for future optimization. NFC by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  81. 3e72c5e [libFuzzer] remove stale code by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  82. 338ef1d [libFuzzer] revert an accidental commit by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  83. d3d271c [libFuzzer] remove deprecated support for -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc[-guard] by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  84. 9362b46 [libFuzzer] remove deprecated support for -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc[-guard] by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  85. 7d39e08 [libFuzzer][Windows] Use dllexport for all declarations in FuzzerInterface.h by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  86. 50e6eab [fuzzer][afl] Remove AFL_DRIVER_EXTRA_STATS_FILENAME by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  87. dcec12e [libFuzzer] print uncovered functions when doing -print_coverage=1 by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  88. af67a68 [libFuzzer] more agressive value profiling and CMP tracing for switch statements by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  89. 20a3695 [libFuzzer][MSVC] Enable building libFuzzer with MSVC by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  90. c062f90 Fix typos throughout the license files that somehow I and my reviewers by Chandler Carruth · 5 years ago
  91. a291af6 Update the file headers across all of the LLVM projects in the monorepo by Chandler Carruth · 5 years ago
  92. e0bb673 Install new LLVM license structure and new developer policy. by Chandler Carruth · 5 years ago
  93. b671177 [libFuzzer][MSVC] Make attribute-use compatible with MSVC by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  94. ebdfd31 [libFuzzer] Remove unstable edge handling by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  95. 27af43d Update year in license files by Hans Wennborg · 5 years ago
  96. b5a1117 [libFuzzer][MSVC] Use alternatename for ext functions by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  97. a729a98 [libfuzzer][MSVC] Make calls to builtin functions work with MSVC by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  98. 75988c6 [libFuzzer] make len_control less aggressive by Kostya Serebryany · 5 years ago
  99. d719cb0 [fuzzer] Read files as binary by Jonathan Metzman · 5 years ago
  100. d8f18de Follow Windows' approach for NetBSD in AlarmCallback() by Kamil Rytarowski · 5 years ago