blob: c5c43d5c346fe7139d5569915b199fcf7e665dd3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MutagenDispatcher.h - Internal header for the mutagen ----*- C++ -* ===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// mutagen::MutationDispatcher
#include "FuzzerRandom.h"
#include "Mutagen.h"
#include "MutagenDictionary.h"
#include "MutagenSequence.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace mutagen {
namespace {
using fuzzer::Random;
using fuzzer::Unit;
using fuzzer::Vector;
using fuzzer::Word;
} // namespace
class MutationDispatcher final {
struct Mutator {
size_t (MutationDispatcher::*Fn)(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t Max);
const char *Name;
explicit MutationDispatcher(const LLVMMutagenConfiguration *Config);
~MutationDispatcher() = default;
/// Indicate that we are about to start a new sequence of mutations.
void StartMutationSequence();
/// Returns the current sequence of mutations. May truncate the sequence
/// unless Verbose is true. Sets |OutSize| to the length of the untrancated
/// sequence, if provided.
const Sequence<Mutator> &MutationSequence();
/// Returns the current sequence of dictionary entries. May truncate the
/// sequence unless Verbose is true. Sets |OutSize| to the length of the
/// untrancated sequence, if provided.
const Sequence<DictionaryEntry *> &DictionaryEntrySequence();
/// Indicate that the current sequence of mutations was successful.
void RecordSuccessfulMutationSequence();
/// Mutates data by invoking user-provided mutator.
size_t Mutate_Custom(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by invoking user-provided crossover.
size_t Mutate_CustomCrossOver(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by shuffling bytes.
size_t Mutate_ShuffleBytes(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by erasing bytes.
size_t Mutate_EraseBytes(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by inserting a byte.
size_t Mutate_InsertByte(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by inserting several repeated bytes.
size_t Mutate_InsertRepeatedBytes(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by changing one byte.
size_t Mutate_ChangeByte(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by changing one bit.
size_t Mutate_ChangeBit(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by copying/inserting a part of data into a different place.
size_t Mutate_CopyPart(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by adding a word from the manual dictionary.
size_t Mutate_AddWordFromManualDictionary(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by adding a word from the TORC.
size_t Mutate_AddWordFromTORC(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Mutates data by adding a word from the persistent automatic dictionary.
size_t Mutate_AddWordFromPersistentAutoDictionary(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
size_t MaxSize);
/// Tries to find an ASCII integer in Data, changes it to another ASCII int.
size_t Mutate_ChangeASCIIInteger(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Change a 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-byte integer in interesting ways.
size_t Mutate_ChangeBinaryInteger(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// CrossOver Data with CrossOverWith.
size_t Mutate_CrossOver(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
size_t AddWordFromDictionary(Dictionary &D, uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
size_t MaxSize);
size_t MutateImpl(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize,
Vector<Mutator> &Mutators);
size_t InsertPartOf(const uint8_t *From, size_t FromSize, uint8_t *To,
size_t ToSize, size_t MaxToSize);
size_t CopyPartOf(const uint8_t *From, size_t FromSize, uint8_t *To,
size_t ToSize);
size_t ApplyDictionaryEntry(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize,
DictionaryEntry &DE);
template <class T>
DictionaryEntry MakeDictionaryEntryFromCMP(T Arg1, T Arg2,
const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);
DictionaryEntry MakeDictionaryEntryFromCMP(const Word &Arg1, const Word &Arg2,
const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);
DictionaryEntry MakeDictionaryEntryFromCMP(const void *Arg1, const void *Arg2,
const void *Arg1Mutation,
const void *Arg2Mutation,
size_t ArgSize,
const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);
/// Applies one of the configured mutations.
/// Returns the new size of data which could be up to MaxSize.
size_t Mutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Applies one of the configured mutations to the bytes of Data
/// that have '1' in Mask.
/// Mask.size() should be >= Size.
size_t MutateWithMask(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize,
const Vector<uint8_t> &Mask);
/// Applies one of the default mutations. Provided as a service
/// to mutation authors.
size_t DefaultMutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
/// Creates a cross-over of two pieces of Data, returns its size.
size_t CrossOver(const uint8_t *Data1, size_t Size1, const uint8_t *Data2,
size_t Size2, uint8_t *Out, size_t MaxOutSize);
void AddWordToManualDictionary(const Word &W);
// Creates a recommended dictionary and returns its number of entries. The
// entries can be retrieved by subsequent calls to
// |LLVMMutagenRecommendDictionaryEntry|.
const Dictionary &RecommendDictionary();
// Returns the ASCII representation of the next recommended dictionary entry,
// and sets |OutUseCount| to its use count. The return pointer is valid until
// the next call to this method.
const char *RecommendDictionaryEntry(size_t *OutUseCount);
void SetCrossOverWith(const Unit *U) { CrossOverWith = U; }
Random &GetRand() { return Rand; }
// Imports and validates the disptacher's configuration.
void SetConfig(const LLVMMutagenConfiguration *Config);
Random Rand;
LLVMMutagenConfiguration Config;
// Dictionary provided by the user via -dict=DICT_FILE.
Dictionary ManualDictionary;
// Persistent dictionary modified by the fuzzer, consists of
// entries that led to successful discoveries in the past mutations.
Dictionary PersistentAutoDictionary;
// Recommended dictionary buolt by |RecommendDictionary|.
Dictionary RecommendedDictionary;
size_t NextRecommendedDictionaryEntry = 0;
std::string DictionaryEntryWord;
Sequence<DictionaryEntry *> CurrentDictionaryEntrySequence;
static const size_t kCmpDictionaryEntriesDequeSize = 16;
DictionaryEntry CmpDictionaryEntriesDeque[kCmpDictionaryEntriesDequeSize];
size_t CmpDictionaryEntriesDequeIdx = 0;
const Unit *CrossOverWith = nullptr;
Vector<uint8_t> MutateInPlaceHere;
Vector<uint8_t> MutateWithMaskTemp;
// CustomCrossOver needs its own buffer as a custom implementation may call
// LLVMFuzzerMutate, which in turn may resize MutateInPlaceHere.
Vector<uint8_t> CustomCrossOverInPlaceHere;
Vector<Mutator> Mutators;
Vector<Mutator> DefaultMutators;
Sequence<Mutator> CurrentMutatorSequence;
// Returns a pointer to the MutationDispatcher is use by MutagenInterface.
// This should only be used for testing.
MutationDispatcher *GetMutationDispatcherForTest();
} // namespace mutagen