blob: 757ee3e07d2cd71e56586e89ae8035b7e752a283 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Mutagen.h - Interface header for the mutagen -------------*- C++ -* ===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Define the interface between libMutagen and its consumers.
#include "FuzzerPlatform.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
#define MAX_WORD_SIZE 64
typedef struct {
// PRNG seed.
unsigned int Seed;
// If non-zero, use CMP traces to guide mutations. Ignored if any of
// |FromTORC4|, |FromTORC8|, or |FromTORCW| are null.
int UseCmp;
void (*FromTORC4)(size_t Idx, uint32_t *Arg1, uint32_t *Arg2);
void (*FromTORC8)(size_t Idx, uint64_t *Arg1, uint64_t *Arg2);
void (*FromTORCW)(size_t Idx, const uint8_t **Data1, size_t *Size1,
const uint8_t **Data2, size_t *Size2);
// If non-zero, use hints from intercepting memmem, strstr, etc. Ignored if
// |UseCmp| is zero or if |FromMMT| is null.
int UseMemmem;
void (*FromMMT)(size_t Idx, const uint8_t **Data, size_t *Size);
// If non-zero, generate only ASCII (isprint+isspace) inputs.
int OnlyASCII;
// Optional user-provided custom mutator.
size_t (*CustomMutator)(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize,
unsigned int Seed);
// Optional user-provided custom cross-over function.
size_t (*CustomCrossOver)(const uint8_t *Data1, size_t Size1,
const uint8_t *Data2, size_t Size2, uint8_t *Out,
size_t MaxOutSize, unsigned int Seed);
// Optional MemorySanitizer callbacks.
void (*MSanUnpoison)(const volatile void *, size_t size);
void (*MSanUnpoisonParam)(size_t n);
} LLVMMutagenConfiguration;
// Re-seeds the PRNG and sets mutator-related options.
LLVMMutagenConfigure(const LLVMMutagenConfiguration *config);
// Writes the mutation sequence to |Out|, and returns the number of
// characters it wrote, or would have written given a large enough buffer,
// excluding the null terminator. Thus, a return value of |Max| or greater
// indicates the sequence was truncated (like snprintf). May truncate the
// sequence unless |Verbose| is non-zero. Sets |OutNumItems| to the number of
// items in the untruncated sequence.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE size_t LLVMMutagenGetMutationSequence(int Verbose,
char *Out, size_t Max,
size_t *OutNumItems);
// Writes the dictionary entry sequence to |Out|, and returns the number of
// characters it wrote, or would have written given a large enough buffer,
// excluding a null terminator. Thus, a return value of |Max| or greater
// indicates the sequence was truncated (like snprintf). May truncate the
// sequence unless |Verbose| is non-zero. Sets |OutNumItems| to the number of
// items in the untruncated sequence.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE size_t LLVMMutagenGetDictionaryEntrySequence(
int Verbose, char *Out, size_t Max, size_t *OutNumItems);
// Instructs the library to record the current mutation sequence as successful
// at increasing coverage.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE void LLVMMutagenRecordSequence();
// Clears the mutation and dictionary entry sequences.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE void LLVMMutagenResetSequence();
// Adds data used by various mutators to produce new inputs.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE void LLVMMutagenSetCrossOverWith(const uint8_t *Data,
size_t Size);
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE void LLVMMutagenAddWordToDictionary(const uint8_t *Word,
size_t Size);
// Mutates the contents of |Data| and returns the new size.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE size_t LLVMMutagenMutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
size_t Max);
// Like |LLVMMutagenMutate|, but never selects the custom mutators and is
// therefore suitable to be called from them.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE size_t LLVMMutagenDefaultMutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
size_t Max);
// Creates a recommended dictionary and returns its number of entries. The
// entries can be retrieved by subsequent calls to
// |LLVMMutagenRecommendDictionaryEntry|.
ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE size_t LLVMMutagenRecommendDictionary();
// Returns the ASCII representation of the next recommended dictionary entry,
// or null if no entries remain (or |LLVMMutagenRecommendDictionary| wasn't
// called). If non-null, the return pointer is valid until the next call to this
// method, and if provided, |OutUseCount| is set to the entry's use count.
LLVMMutagenRecommendDictionaryEntry(size_t *OutUseCount);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus