blob: df39b535eb3e118dd77e1cedf982475956f5bed1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ExprObjC.h - Classes for representing ObjC expressions -*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the ExprObjC interface and subclasses.
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
namespace clang {
class IdentifierInfo;
class ASTContext;
class ObjCMethodDecl;
class ObjCPropertyDecl;
/// ObjCStringLiteral, used for Objective-C string literals
/// i.e. @"foo".
class ObjCStringLiteral : public Expr {
Stmt *String;
SourceLocation AtLoc;
ObjCStringLiteral(StringLiteral *SL, QualType T, SourceLocation L)
: Expr(ObjCStringLiteralClass, T, false, false), String(SL), AtLoc(L) {}
explicit ObjCStringLiteral(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCStringLiteralClass, Empty) {}
StringLiteral *getString() { return cast<StringLiteral>(String); }
const StringLiteral *getString() const { return cast<StringLiteral>(String); }
void setString(StringLiteral *S) { String = S; }
SourceLocation getAtLoc() const { return AtLoc; }
void setAtLoc(SourceLocation L) { AtLoc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtLoc, String->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCStringLiteralClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCStringLiteral *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCEncodeExpr, used for @encode in Objective-C. @encode has the same type
/// and behavior as StringLiteral except that the string initializer is obtained
/// from ASTContext with the encoding type as an argument.
class ObjCEncodeExpr : public Expr {
QualType EncType;
SourceLocation AtLoc, RParenLoc;
ObjCEncodeExpr(QualType T, QualType ET,
SourceLocation at, SourceLocation rp)
: Expr(ObjCEncodeExprClass, T, ET->isDependentType(),
ET->isDependentType()), EncType(ET), AtLoc(at), RParenLoc(rp) {}
explicit ObjCEncodeExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(ObjCEncodeExprClass, Empty){}
SourceLocation getAtLoc() const { return AtLoc; }
void setAtLoc(SourceLocation L) { AtLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
QualType getEncodedType() const { return EncType; }
void setEncodedType(QualType T) { EncType = T; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtLoc, RParenLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCEncodeExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCEncodeExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCSelectorExpr used for @selector in Objective-C.
class ObjCSelectorExpr : public Expr {
Selector SelName;
SourceLocation AtLoc, RParenLoc;
ObjCSelectorExpr(QualType T, Selector selInfo,
SourceLocation at, SourceLocation rp)
: Expr(ObjCSelectorExprClass, T, false, false), SelName(selInfo), AtLoc(at),
explicit ObjCSelectorExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCSelectorExprClass, Empty) {}
Selector getSelector() const { return SelName; }
void setSelector(Selector S) { SelName = S; }
SourceLocation getAtLoc() const { return AtLoc; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setAtLoc(SourceLocation L) { AtLoc = L; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtLoc, RParenLoc);
/// getNumArgs - Return the number of actual arguments to this call.
unsigned getNumArgs() const { return SelName.getNumArgs(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCSelectorExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCSelectorExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCProtocolExpr used for protocol expression in Objective-C. This is used
/// as: @protocol(foo), as in:
/// obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(foo)]
/// The return type is "Protocol*".
class ObjCProtocolExpr : public Expr {
ObjCProtocolDecl *TheProtocol;
SourceLocation AtLoc, RParenLoc;
ObjCProtocolExpr(QualType T, ObjCProtocolDecl *protocol,
SourceLocation at, SourceLocation rp)
: Expr(ObjCProtocolExprClass, T, false, false), TheProtocol(protocol),
AtLoc(at), RParenLoc(rp) {}
explicit ObjCProtocolExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCProtocolExprClass, Empty) {}
ObjCProtocolDecl *getProtocol() const { return TheProtocol; }
void setProtocol(ObjCProtocolDecl *P) { TheProtocol = P; }
SourceLocation getAtLoc() const { return AtLoc; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setAtLoc(SourceLocation L) { AtLoc = L; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtLoc, RParenLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCProtocolExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCProtocolExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCIvarRefExpr - A reference to an ObjC instance variable.
class ObjCIvarRefExpr : public Expr {
class ObjCIvarDecl *D;
SourceLocation Loc;
Stmt *Base;
bool IsArrow:1; // True if this is "X->F", false if this is "X.F".
bool IsFreeIvar:1; // True if ivar reference has no base (self assumed).
ObjCIvarRefExpr(ObjCIvarDecl *d,
QualType t, SourceLocation l, Expr *base=0,
bool arrow = false, bool freeIvar = false) :
Expr(ObjCIvarRefExprClass, t, false, false), D(d),
Loc(l), Base(base), IsArrow(arrow),
IsFreeIvar(freeIvar) {}
explicit ObjCIvarRefExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCIvarRefExprClass, Empty) {}
ObjCIvarDecl *getDecl() { return D; }
const ObjCIvarDecl *getDecl() const { return D; }
void setDecl(ObjCIvarDecl *d) { D = d; }
const Expr *getBase() const { return cast<Expr>(Base); }
Expr *getBase() { return cast<Expr>(Base); }
void setBase(Expr * base) { Base = base; }
bool isArrow() const { return IsArrow; }
bool isFreeIvar() const { return IsFreeIvar; }
void setIsArrow(bool A) { IsArrow = A; }
void setIsFreeIvar(bool A) { IsFreeIvar = A; }
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return Loc; }
void setLocation(SourceLocation L) { Loc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return isFreeIvar() ? SourceRange(Loc)
: SourceRange(getBase()->getLocStart(), Loc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCIvarRefExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCIvarRefExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCPropertyRefExpr - A dot-syntax expression to access an ObjC
/// property.
class ObjCPropertyRefExpr : public Expr {
ObjCPropertyDecl *AsProperty;
SourceLocation IdLoc;
Stmt *Base;
ObjCPropertyRefExpr(ObjCPropertyDecl *PD, QualType t,
SourceLocation l, Expr *base)
: Expr(ObjCPropertyRefExprClass, t, false, false), AsProperty(PD),
IdLoc(l), Base(base) {
explicit ObjCPropertyRefExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCPropertyRefExprClass, Empty) {}
ObjCPropertyDecl *getProperty() const { return AsProperty; }
void setProperty(ObjCPropertyDecl *D) { AsProperty = D; }
const Expr *getBase() const { return cast<Expr>(Base); }
Expr *getBase() { return cast<Expr>(Base); }
void setBase(Expr *base) { Base = base; }
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return IdLoc; }
void setLocation(SourceLocation L) { IdLoc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(getBase()->getLocStart(), IdLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCPropertyRefExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr - A dot-syntax expression to access two
/// methods; one to set a value to an 'ivar' (Setter) and the other to access
/// an 'ivar' (Setter).
/// An example for use of this AST is:
/// @code
/// @interface Test { }
/// - (Test *)crash;
/// - (void)setCrash: (Test*)value;
/// @end
/// void foo(Test *p1, Test *p2)
/// {
/// p2.crash = p1.crash; // Uses ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr AST
/// }
/// @endcode
class ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr : public Expr {
/// Setter - Setter method user declared for setting its 'ivar' to a value
ObjCMethodDecl *Setter;
/// Getter - Getter method user declared for accessing 'ivar' it controls.
ObjCMethodDecl *Getter;
/// Location of the member in the dot syntax notation. This is location
/// of the getter method.
SourceLocation MemberLoc;
// FIXME: Swizzle these into a single pointer.
Stmt *Base;
ObjCInterfaceDecl *InterfaceDecl;
/// Location of the receiver class in the dot syntax notation
/// used to call a class method setter/getter.
SourceLocation ClassLoc;
ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr(ObjCMethodDecl *getter,
QualType t,
ObjCMethodDecl *setter,
SourceLocation l, Expr *base)
: Expr(ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExprClass, t, false, false),
Setter(setter), Getter(getter), MemberLoc(l), Base(base),
InterfaceDecl(0), ClassLoc(SourceLocation()) {
ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr(ObjCMethodDecl *getter,
QualType t,
ObjCMethodDecl *setter,
SourceLocation l, ObjCInterfaceDecl *C, SourceLocation CL)
: Expr(ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExprClass, t, false, false),
Setter(setter), Getter(getter), MemberLoc(l), Base(0), InterfaceDecl(C),
ClassLoc(CL) {
explicit ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExprClass, Empty){}
ObjCMethodDecl *getGetterMethod() const { return Getter; }
ObjCMethodDecl *getSetterMethod() const { return Setter; }
ObjCInterfaceDecl *getInterfaceDecl() const { return InterfaceDecl; }
void setGetterMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *D) { Getter = D; }
void setSetterMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *D) { Setter = D; }
void setInterfaceDecl(ObjCInterfaceDecl *D) { InterfaceDecl = D; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
if (Base)
return SourceRange(getBase()->getLocStart(), MemberLoc);
return SourceRange(ClassLoc, MemberLoc);
const Expr *getBase() const { return cast_or_null<Expr>(Base); }
Expr *getBase() { return cast_or_null<Expr>(Base); }
void setBase(Expr *base) { Base = base; }
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return MemberLoc; }
void setLocation(SourceLocation L) { MemberLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getClassLoc() const { return ClassLoc; }
void setClassLoc(SourceLocation L) { ClassLoc = L; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
class ObjCMessageExpr : public Expr {
// SubExprs - The receiver and arguments of the message expression.
Stmt **SubExprs;
// NumArgs - The number of arguments (not including the receiver) to the
// message expression.
unsigned NumArgs;
// A unigue name for this message.
Selector SelName;
// A method prototype for this message (optional).
// FIXME: Since method decls contain the selector, and most messages have a
// prototype, consider devising a scheme for unifying SelName/MethodProto.
ObjCMethodDecl *MethodProto;
SourceLocation LBracloc, RBracloc;
// Constants for indexing into SubExprs.
enum { RECEIVER=0, ARGS_START=1 };
// Bit-swizzling flags.
enum { IsInstMeth=0, IsClsMethDeclUnknown, IsClsMethDeclKnown, Flags=0x3 };
unsigned getFlag() const { return (uintptr_t) SubExprs[RECEIVER] & Flags; }
/// This constructor is used to represent class messages where the
/// ObjCInterfaceDecl* of the receiver is not known.
ObjCMessageExpr(ASTContext &C, IdentifierInfo *clsName, Selector selInfo,
QualType retType, ObjCMethodDecl *methDecl,
SourceLocation LBrac, SourceLocation RBrac,
Expr **ArgExprs, unsigned NumArgs);
/// This constructor is used to represent class messages where the
/// ObjCInterfaceDecl* of the receiver is known.
// FIXME: clsName should be typed to ObjCInterfaceType
ObjCMessageExpr(ASTContext &C, ObjCInterfaceDecl *cls, Selector selInfo,
QualType retType, ObjCMethodDecl *methDecl,
SourceLocation LBrac, SourceLocation RBrac,
Expr **ArgExprs, unsigned NumArgs);
// constructor for instance messages.
ObjCMessageExpr(ASTContext &C, Expr *receiver, Selector selInfo,
QualType retType, ObjCMethodDecl *methDecl,
SourceLocation LBrac, SourceLocation RBrac,
Expr **ArgExprs, unsigned NumArgs);
explicit ObjCMessageExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
: Expr(ObjCMessageExprClass, Empty), SubExprs(0), NumArgs(0) {}
virtual void DoDestroy(ASTContext &C);
/// getReceiver - Returns the receiver of the message expression.
/// This can be NULL if the message is for class methods. For
/// class methods, use getClassName.
/// FIXME: need to handle/detect 'super' usage within a class method.
Expr *getReceiver() {
uintptr_t x = (uintptr_t) SubExprs[RECEIVER];
return (x & Flags) == IsInstMeth ? (Expr*) x : 0;
const Expr *getReceiver() const {
return const_cast<ObjCMessageExpr*>(this)->getReceiver();
// FIXME: need setters for different receiver types.
void setReceiver(Expr *rec) { SubExprs[RECEIVER] = rec; }
Selector getSelector() const { return SelName; }
void setSelector(Selector S) { SelName = S; }
const ObjCMethodDecl *getMethodDecl() const { return MethodProto; }
ObjCMethodDecl *getMethodDecl() { return MethodProto; }
void setMethodDecl(ObjCMethodDecl *MD) { MethodProto = MD; }
typedef std::pair<ObjCInterfaceDecl*, IdentifierInfo*> ClassInfo;
/// getClassInfo - For class methods, this returns both the ObjCInterfaceDecl*
/// and IdentifierInfo* of the invoked class. Both can be NULL if this
/// is an instance message, and the ObjCInterfaceDecl* can be NULL if none
/// was available when this ObjCMessageExpr object was constructed.
ClassInfo getClassInfo() const;
void setClassInfo(const ClassInfo &C);
/// getClassName - For class methods, this returns the invoked class,
/// and returns NULL otherwise. For instance methods, use getReceiver.
IdentifierInfo *getClassName() const {
return getClassInfo().second;
/// getNumArgs - Return the number of actual arguments to this call.
unsigned getNumArgs() const { return NumArgs; }
void setNumArgs(unsigned nArgs) {
NumArgs = nArgs;
// FIXME: should always allocate SubExprs via the ASTContext's
// allocator.
if (!SubExprs)
SubExprs = new Stmt* [NumArgs + 1];
/// getArg - Return the specified argument.
Expr *getArg(unsigned Arg) {
assert(Arg < NumArgs && "Arg access out of range!");
return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[Arg+ARGS_START]);
const Expr *getArg(unsigned Arg) const {
assert(Arg < NumArgs && "Arg access out of range!");
return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[Arg+ARGS_START]);
/// setArg - Set the specified argument.
void setArg(unsigned Arg, Expr *ArgExpr) {
assert(Arg < NumArgs && "Arg access out of range!");
SubExprs[Arg+ARGS_START] = ArgExpr;
SourceLocation getLeftLoc() const { return LBracloc; }
SourceLocation getRightLoc() const { return RBracloc; }
void setLeftLoc(SourceLocation L) { LBracloc = L; }
void setRightLoc(SourceLocation L) { RBracloc = L; }
void setSourceRange(SourceRange R) {
LBracloc = R.getBegin();
RBracloc = R.getEnd();
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(LBracloc, RBracloc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCMessageExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCMessageExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
typedef ExprIterator arg_iterator;
typedef ConstExprIterator const_arg_iterator;
arg_iterator arg_begin() { return &SubExprs[ARGS_START]; }
arg_iterator arg_end() { return &SubExprs[ARGS_START] + NumArgs; }
const_arg_iterator arg_begin() const { return &SubExprs[ARGS_START]; }
const_arg_iterator arg_end() const { return &SubExprs[ARGS_START] + NumArgs; }
/// ObjCSuperExpr - Represents the "super" expression in Objective-C,
/// which refers to the object on which the current method is executing.
class ObjCSuperExpr : public Expr {
SourceLocation Loc;
ObjCSuperExpr(SourceLocation L, QualType Type)
: Expr(ObjCSuperExprClass, Type, false, false), Loc(L) { }
explicit ObjCSuperExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(ObjCSuperExprClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getLoc() const { return Loc; }
void setLoc(SourceLocation L) { Loc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(Loc); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCSuperExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCSuperExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjCIsaExpr - Represent X->isa and X.isa when X is an ObjC 'id' type.
/// (similiar in spirit to MemberExpr).
class ObjCIsaExpr : public Expr {
/// Base - the expression for the base object pointer.
Stmt *Base;
/// IsaMemberLoc - This is the location of the 'isa'.
SourceLocation IsaMemberLoc;
/// IsArrow - True if this is "X->F", false if this is "X.F".
bool IsArrow;
ObjCIsaExpr(Expr *base, bool isarrow, SourceLocation l, QualType ty)
: Expr(ObjCIsaExprClass, ty, false, false),
Base(base), IsaMemberLoc(l), IsArrow(isarrow) {}
/// \brief Build an empty expression.
explicit ObjCIsaExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(ObjCIsaExprClass, Empty) { }
void setBase(Expr *E) { Base = E; }
Expr *getBase() const { return cast<Expr>(Base); }
bool isArrow() const { return IsArrow; }
void setArrow(bool A) { IsArrow = A; }
/// getMemberLoc - Return the location of the "member", in X->F, it is the
/// location of 'F'.
SourceLocation getIsaMemberLoc() const { return IsaMemberLoc; }
void setIsaMemberLoc(SourceLocation L) { IsaMemberLoc = L; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(getBase()->getLocStart(), IsaMemberLoc);
virtual SourceLocation getExprLoc() const { return IsaMemberLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjCIsaExprClass;
static bool classof(const ObjCIsaExpr *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
} // end namespace clang