blob: 77eb96dc4dc4c3ab542b3faf931f52d1e110181f [file] [log] [blame]
##===- clang/lib/Headers/Makefile --------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
LEVEL = ../../../..
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
# FIXME: Get version from a common place.
HeaderDir := $(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)/$(BuildMode)/lib/clang/1.0/include
HEADERS := $(notdir $(wildcard $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/*.h))
OBJHEADERS := $(addprefix $(HeaderDir)/, $(HEADERS))
$(OBJHEADERS): $(HeaderDir)/%.h: $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/%.h $(HeaderDir)/.dir
$(Verb) cp $< $@
$(Echo) Copying $(notdir $<) to build dir
# Hook into the standard Makefile rules.
all-local:: $(OBJHEADERS)
PROJ_headers := $(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_prefix)/lib/clang/1.0/include
INSTHEADERS := $(addprefix $(PROJ_headers)/, $(HEADERS))
$(Verb) $(MKDIR) $@
$(INSTHEADERS): $(PROJ_headers)/%.h: $(HeaderDir)/%.h | $(PROJ_headers)
$(Verb) $(DataInstall) $< $(PROJ_headers)
$(Echo) Installing compiler include file: $(notdir $<)
install-local:: $(INSTHEADERS)