blob: a933f62a3061a7adff1f5915b6c7c132117dd9e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++1z %s
// expected-no-diagnostics
template<typename T> int &f0(T*, int);
float &f0(void*, int);
void test_f0(int* ip, void *vp) {
// One argument is better...
int &ir = f0(ip, 0);
// Prefer non-templates to templates
float &fr = f0(vp, 0);
namespace deduction_guide_example {
template<typename T> struct A {
A(T, int*);
A(A<T>&, int*);
enum { value };
template<typename T> struct remove_ref_impl;
template<typename T> struct remove_ref_impl<T&> { using type = T; };
template<typename T> using remove_ref = typename remove_ref_impl<T>::type;
// FIXME: The standard's example is wrong; we add a remove_ref<...> here to
// fix it.
template<typename T, int N = remove_ref<T>::value> A(T&&, int*) -> A<T**>;
A a{1, 0};
extern A<int> a;
A b{a, 0}; // uses the implicit ctor that is more specialized
A<int> *pa = &a;
A<int> *pb = &b;
// Partial ordering of function template specializations will be tested
// elsewhere
// FIXME: Initialization by user-defined conversion is tested elsewhere