blob: c705e3cb93b4e30f75bffae1aa279073d806eb71 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Python -*-
import os
import lit.formats
from lit.llvm import llvm_config
# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
# name: The name of this test suite. = 'Clang-Concepts-TS-Unsupported'
# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
# For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and
# the test runner updated.
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell)
# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.cppm', '.m', '.mm', '.cu',
'.ll', '.cl', '.s', '.S', '.modulemap', '.test', '.rs']
config.unsupported = True
# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)